What human cost is acceptable in controling illegal immigration?

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Joe, you are so correct to point out that the pictures of all the unaccompanied minors who surged the borders in 2014 and overwhelmed the system are a disgrace. Most of the pictures being circulated by the phony media are from 2014. You may have posted a 2014 picture along with all the other incompetent media who are using Obama era pictures to unwittingly blame the present administration. Such fools!

Okay, keep telling that story, bud.
It doesn't take much brain power to realize that there is a tremendous financial strain that has been placed and continues to be placed on the average working class citizen of the United States by all this illegal immigration. It hits the nations working people in the pocketbook. That cost burden is placed on them/us without approval or consideration. What are we as a nation paying for in the amounts of millions and billions of dollars in order to accommodate illegal aliens?: WE in the USA are paying for: food, housing, utilities, transportation, workers at adult and child holding centers, teachers, lawyers, judges, border patrol, ICE, military and other airline flights to return people, border vehicles and gasoline, government agencies, communications with religious organizations that provide help and housing here, international efforts to help these people in their own countries, medical, etc, etc. There is a staggering cost to the Average citizen and the nation is recovering economically and has a debt. Blame the drug trade and weak ineffective governments.

Actually, we get more of a benefit out of undocumented immigrants than costs... We get the value of their labor.
Accepted for asylum from Singapore for pertinent issues... Amos-Yee.jpg
The Refugee Act of 1980 created The Federal Refugee Resettlement Program to provide for the effective resettlement of refugees and to assist them to achieve economic self-sufficiency as quickly as possible after arrival in the United States.
It doesn't take much brain power to realize that there is a tremendous financial strain that has been placed and continues to be placed on the average working class citizen of the United States by all this illegal immigration. It hits the nations working people in the pocketbook. That cost burden is placed on them/us without approval or consideration. What are we as a nation paying for in the amounts of millions and billions of dollars in order to accommodate illegal aliens?: WE in the USA are paying for: food, housing, utilities, transportation, workers at adult and child holding centers, teachers, lawyers, judges, border patrol, ICE, military and other airline flights to return people, border vehicles and gasoline, government agencies, communications with religious organizations that provide help and housing here, international efforts to help these people in their own countries, medical, etc, etc. There is a staggering cost to the Average citizen and the nation is recovering economically and has a debt. Blame the drug trade and weak ineffective governments.

Actually, we get more of a benefit out of undocumented immigrants than costs... We get the value of their labor.

You can get labor value from any American. More straw men.
A top 5 myth is that Americans won’t do the work. Who did the work before the illegal flood began?
Lots of 12 year olds cutting grass and shoveling snow again. Good for America and good for them and those of you who say”they won’t do it”-it’s Your lazy government dependent America hating ass that won’t do it.
A top 5 myth is that Americans won’t do the work. Who did the work before the illegal flood began?
Lots of 12 year olds cutting grass and shoveling snow again. Good for America and good for them and those of you who say”they won’t do it”-it’s Your lazy government dependent America hating ass that won’t do it.

In the US, you can find Americans to do any job provided the pay is rewarding enough for the work. If you own a company and need clean toilets, and offer $20.00 an hour to clean them, you will have the cleanest toilets in the city.

When I see Iron workers walking on beams 20 stories in the air, I ask myself WTF would make people want that job? Or in the middle of a snowstorm up north where the winds are gusting 40 mph and some electric company worker is on a ladder 20 feet on a pole trying to restore electric power. Or Ice Truckers who risk death to drive across ice that is breaking under their tires as they drive to make a delivery. WTF would want that kind of work?

Money is the answer to all of them.

I knew a fellow driver who was offered 120K a year to drive in Iraq after the war. He didn't accept the offer even though the 120K was tax free. But he got the offer from his cousin who was in Iraq, who said he's dedicating five years to the project and coming home with over a half mil.

Money can get an American to do any job. We don't need foreigners.
It doesn't take much brain power to realize that there is a tremendous financial strain that has been placed and continues to be placed on the average working class citizen of the United States by all this illegal immigration. It hits the nations working people in the pocketbook. That cost burden is placed on them/us without approval or consideration. What are we as a nation paying for in the amounts of millions and billions of dollars in order to accommodate illegal aliens?: WE in the USA are paying for: food, housing, utilities, transportation, workers at adult and child holding centers, teachers, lawyers, judges, border patrol, ICE, military and other airline flights to return people, border vehicles and gasoline, government agencies, communications with religious organizations that provide help and housing here, international efforts to help these people in their own countries, medical, etc, etc. There is a staggering cost to the Average citizen and the nation is recovering economically and has a debt. Blame the drug trade and weak ineffective governments.
You presented an excellent argument for immigration reform with realistic quotas, reasonable requirements for work permits, real punishment for hiring undocumented immigrants, and a system to monitor visa holders in the US to eliminate visa overstays.
The Refugee Act of 1980 created The Federal Refugee Resettlement Program to provide for the effective resettlement of refugees and to assist them to achieve economic self-sufficiency as quickly as possible after arrival in the United States.
There are a lot of difference between applying as a refugee and seeking asylum. You can apply as a refugee without leaving your home country. Asylum seekers must come to the US to submit their petition.

If you granted asylum, you are allowed to enter the refugee programs.

Another difference is most refugees return to their home country eventually. Asylum seekers don't.
A top 5 myth is that Americans won’t do the work. Who did the work before the illegal flood began?
Lots of 12 year olds cutting grass and shoveling snow again. Good for America and good for them and those of you who say”they won’t do it”-it’s Your lazy government dependent America hating ass that won’t do it.

In the US, you can find Americans to do any job provided the pay is rewarding enough for the work. If you own a company and need clean toilets, and offer $20.00 an hour to clean them, you will have the cleanest toilets in the city.

When I see Iron workers walking on beams 20 stories in the air, I ask myself WTF would make people want that job? Or in the middle of a snowstorm up north where the winds are gusting 40 mph and some electric company worker is on a ladder 20 feet on a pole trying to restore electric power. Or Ice Truckers who risk death to drive across ice that is breaking under their tires as they drive to make a delivery. WTF would want that kind of work?

Money is the answer to all of them.

I knew a fellow driver who was offered 120K a year to drive in Iraq after the war. He didn't accept the offer even though the 120K was tax free. But he got the offer from his cousin who was in Iraq, who said he's dedicating five years to the project and coming home with over a half mil.

Money can get an American to do any job. We don't need foreigners.
Money is a huge incentive except when it isn't.

I wouldn't pick fruits in summer in the southwest for $100/hr because I would probably drop dead before I finished the first day. When you get to an unemployment rate as low as it is now, you are exhausting the pool of job seekers and dealing with the structural employed, people physically or mentally unsuitable for any type of work, and people who just don't need to work.

Most people who think they would pick to earn a living have no idea how difficult it is. In fact most farmers won't hire you unless you have experience picking because they don't want to deal with heat stroke or worse.

Most migrant workers are signed up by recruiters that contract with farms. They provide transportation and usually some type of logging if farmer doesn't provide it. They take about half the pay and living conditions are about what you expect for labor quarters in a 3rd world country.

Considering most of the work is temp work out in the middle of nowhere in horrible weather, it's surprising the farmers can get their fields picked at all.
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You can get labor value from any American. More straw men.

Except Americans don't really want to do those jobs... that's the point.

Again, told you the wonderful story about how we used to have undocumented day laborers at a previous company. Then they insisted that they stop using them, and they could only find white trash methheads that got high and left after they got their first and only paychecks.
You can get labor value from any American. More straw men.

Except Americans don't really want to do those jobs... that's the point.

Again, told you the wonderful story about how we used to have undocumented day laborers at a previous company. Then they insisted that they stop using them, and they could only find white trash methheads that got high and left after they got their first and only paychecks.

Correct, because they don't want to pay anything. But the solution is not to bring in foreigners, the solution is to starve the market until businesses increase their offers. We are blowing a perfect opportunity with that given our booming economy.
A top 5 myth is that Americans won’t do the work. Who did the work before the illegal flood began?
Lots of 12 year olds cutting grass and shoveling snow again. Good for America and good for them and those of you who say”they won’t do it”-it’s Your lazy government dependent America hating ass that won’t do it.

In the US, you can find Americans to do any job provided the pay is rewarding enough for the work. If you own a company and need clean toilets, and offer $20.00 an hour to clean them, you will have the cleanest toilets in the city.

When I see Iron workers walking on beams 20 stories in the air, I ask myself WTF would make people want that job? Or in the middle of a snowstorm up north where the winds are gusting 40 mph and some electric company worker is on a ladder 20 feet on a pole trying to restore electric power. Or Ice Truckers who risk death to drive across ice that is breaking under their tires as they drive to make a delivery. WTF would want that kind of work?

Money is the answer to all of them.

I knew a fellow driver who was offered 120K a year to drive in Iraq after the war. He didn't accept the offer even though the 120K was tax free. But he got the offer from his cousin who was in Iraq, who said he's dedicating five years to the project and coming home with over a half mil.

Money can get an American to do any job. We don't need foreigners.
Money is a huge incentive except when it isn't.

I wouldn't pick fruits in summer in the southwest for $100/hr because I would probably drop dead before I finished the first day. When you get to an unemployment rate as low as it is now, you are exhausting the pool of job seekers and dealing with the structural employed, people physically or mentally unsuitable for any type of work, and people who just don't need to work.

Most people who think they would pick to earn a living have no idea how difficult it is. In fact most farmers won't hire you unless you have experience picking because they don't want to deal with heat stroke or worse.

Most migrant workers are signed up by recruiters that contract with farms. They provide transportation and usually some type of logging if farmer doesn't provide it. They take about half the pay and living conditions are about what you expect for labor quarters in a 3rd world country.

Considering most of the work is temp work out in the middle of nowhere in horrible weather, it's surprising the farmers can get their fields picked at all.

So what are you saying, Americans are more prone to illness due to the weather than foreigners? Let me tell you when I was younger I worked with my father, and there was no worse boss to have. The heat is one thing here in the summer, but the humidity is another. I would have to carry clamps of bricks to the area my father was working in, mix cement by hand, carry 8" block, and the bags of cement weigh 75 lbs. I would have to set up scaffolding and level it off. There isn't much harder work than that let me assure you.

Nobody died, and you poured sweat all day long. Pop never got his AC fixed so even during lunch, you sat outside under a tree if the job site had one. Trust me, back then I would have jumped on a job picking grapes compared to that. Ever load a wheelbarrow full of cement and push that thing 100 feet and then unload it by hand?
A top 5 myth is that Americans won’t do the work. Who did the work before the illegal flood began?
Lots of 12 year olds cutting grass and shoveling snow again. Good for America and good for them and those of you who say”they won’t do it”-it’s Your lazy government dependent America hating ass that won’t do it.

Are those 12 year olds cutting grass 40 hours a week?

are they doing it for slave wages, or are they doing it for an hour, getting paid $10.00 for an hour's work and given a pat on the head like that's adorable?

Correct, because they don't want to pay anything. But the solution is not to bring in foreigners, the solution is to starve the market until businesses increase their offers. We are blowing a perfect opportunity with that given our booming economy.

Obviously, you forgot what hyperinflation looks like.


He didn't.
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