What human cost is acceptable in controling illegal immigration?

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Overall, costs associated with illegal immigrants is much higher for state and local governments than the federal government. States pay $89 billion, Uncle Sam $46 billion.

The states paying the most to care for illegals:

1. California - $23,038,125,353

2. Texas - $10,994,614,550

3. New York - $7,489,141,357

4. Florida - $6,290,429,108

5. New Jersey - $4,466,838,574

6. Illinois - $3,220,767,517

7. Georgia - $2,487,719,503

8. North Carolina - $2,437,965,113

9. Maryland - $2,378,996,947
California screwed: average gas prices there 50 cents to a dollar more than the rest of the country! :cry:
as of PM 07/11

$3.658 /gal
Kate Steinle criminal: 90.jpg
Overall, costs associated with illegal immigrants is much higher for state and local governments than the federal government. States pay $89 billion, Uncle Sam $46 billion.

The states paying the most to care for illegals:

1. California - $23,038,125,353

2. Texas - $10,994,614,550

3. New York - $7,489,141,357

4. Florida - $6,290,429,108

5. New Jersey - $4,466,838,574

6. Illinois - $3,220,767,517

7. Georgia - $2,487,719,503

8. North Carolina - $2,437,965,113

9. Maryland - $2,378,996,947
We need Labor to pay more in Taxes and create more in Demand; a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!
Again, Trump wants to build a wall that won't work while not addressing the issues like the 11 million who are already here and part of this society.

He is addressing those issues, and once again, you leftists are crying about it. ICE is working night and day to target businesses and illegals and boot them out of here. Trump has opened up many more deportation courts to speed up the process.

The problem with you people is that Democrat politicians tell you what to think--not why you should think it. A wall will work because it's provided results everywhere it's tried. If Democrats really believed the crap they tell you, they would welcome the Republicans blowing 28 billion on a wall just to use it against them for many elections to come. But the REAL reason they don't want the wall is because it will work.
A reinforce fence is just as effective and a hell of lot cheaper.

Fine. Whatever works as far as I'm concerned. But I'll leave what kind of structure is needed to the experts instead of my opinion. However, since USMB is a place for opinion, mine is the wall is for more than just illegals, it's to keep drugs out as well. A fence is something you can sneak drugs through in small amounts.
Proponents of a border wall often claim that it would help the United States solve its opioid addiction problem by blocking heroin smugglers from Mexico. This reveals a misunderstanding of how cross-border smuggling works.

The vast majority of the drugs that enters from Mexico goes through ports of entry through which millions of people, vehicles, and cargo pass every day.

However, half of our drug problem is prescription drugs which comes from your local pharmacy.

It's been estimated that less than 2% of illicit drugs would be stopped by either fencing are a wall across our southern border simple because it is not a primary route for bringing drugs into the country.

Four Common Misconceptions about U.S.-bound Drug Flows through Mexico and Central America - WOLA
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He is addressing those issues, and once again, you leftists are crying about it. ICE is working night and day to target businesses and illegals and boot them out of here. Trump has opened up many more deportation courts to speed up the process.

actually, your Fuhrer isn't targeting businesses at all. In fact, he gave a pardon to that Jew who was hiring illegals at his Kosher packing plant.

Harrassing people for being brown isn't "dealing with it".

The problem with you people is that Democrat politicians tell you what to think--not why you should think it. A wall will work because it's provided results everywhere it's tried. If Democrats really believed the crap they tell you, they would welcome the Republicans blowing 28 billion on a wall just to use it against them for many elections to come. But the REAL reason they don't want the wall is because it will work.

No, the reason we don't want a wall because it's mean, it's stupid and it's a waste of money.

They'll just find other ways around it.

No one has ever built a 2000 mile wall.. The only "example' you guys give is of the Zionists building walls to keep Palestinians out of their own country. Frankly, I don't want to live in a religious police state like that. Maybe you do.

You mean the guy who was involved in an accident because an American left his defective gun in his unlocked car?

No, the illegal who was deported several times and just kept coming back because we didn't have a wall to stop him. He was let off the hook even though most American felons who used a gun (for any reason) would have faced at least a couple years in prison. Burt you know how CommieFornia is. Keep them illegals and criminals coming in. They will vote Democrat someday.
What human cost? Depends how many it takes until the invaders realize those huge signs we erected mean business.

I’d imagine they’d get the message inside a couple of dozen or so.
actually, your Fuhrer isn't targeting businesses at all. In fact, he gave a pardon to that Jew who was hiring illegals at his Kosher packing plant.

Harrassing people for being brown isn't "dealing with it".

ICE busted two businesses here in a two month period nabbing hundreds of illegals. But of course over here, we don't have any liberal Mayors warning the illegals they are coming.

Nobody is harassing anybody because of race. That's your weird obsession. ICE is going after ILLEGALS who are in the country which is what you were just complaining about.

No, the reason we don't want a wall because it's mean, it's stupid and it's a waste of money.

They'll just find other ways around it.

No one has ever built a 2000 mile wall.. The only "example' you guys give is of the Zionists building walls to keep Palestinians out of their own country. Frankly, I don't want to live in a religious police state like that. Maybe you do.

Well you see Joe, maybe if you read the links we provide to prove you are wrong, you would remember that I posted one here. But as always, you refused to read it and you have a very bad memory to begin with.
No, the illegal who was deported several times and just kept coming back because we didn't have a wall to stop him. He was let off the hook even though most American felons who used a gun (for any reason) would have faced at least a couple years in prison. Burt you know how CommieFornia is. Keep them illegals and criminals coming in. They will vote Democrat someday.

He was let off because the charges against him were kind of ridiculous... He picked up a gun that discharged. Just like most racists in the trailer park who shoot their cousins accidently are let off.
What human cost? Depends how many it takes until the invaders realize those huge signs we erected mean business.

I’d imagine they’d get the message inside a couple of dozen or so.

I'd imagine that shit would stop the first time a Border Patrol Jackboot accidentally shot a kid.

Here's the problem. These people are running away from gun violence every day because the Gun Industry floods their country with guns.

ICE busted two businesses here in a two month period nabbing hundreds of illegals. But of course over here, we don't have any liberal Mayors warning the illegals they are coming.

1) Link? oh, wait, no never mind, I don't read your links. You only provide links to racist websites.

2) The "Warning" that the Oakland Mayor gave had no effect. ICE rounded up more people than they expected to catch.

Nobody is harassing anybody because of race. That's your weird obsession. ICE is going after ILLEGALS who are in the country which is what you were just complaining about.

Funny, they never seem to want to chase down the white illegals from Europe, though.

Well you see Joe, maybe if you read the links we provide to prove you are wrong, you would remember that I posted one here. But as always, you refused to read it and you have a very bad memory to begin with.

Meh, no, you posted some racist shit or the other that I ignored. I think about how some Eastern European Hellhole no one wanted to go to start with put put up a fence to keep people out that wanted to actually go to Germany.
What human cost? Depends how many it takes until the invaders realize those huge signs we erected mean business.

I’d imagine they’d get the message inside a couple of dozen or so.
Yeah, that will really help your cause if it happens to be open borders. Nothing seems to alarm people of various races and both sides of the political divide than law enforcement shooting down unarmed women and children.
At this point many of the separated children have been reunited with their parents. Sometimes someone claims to be the parent but they are not. The judge has allowed more time in some of the reunification processes. None of these children were abused.
I'd imagine that shit would stop the first time a Border Patrol Jackboot accidentally shot a kid.

Here's the problem. These people are running away from gun violence every day because the Gun Industry floods their country with guns.

Correct, what person is stupid enough to think it was the people there?

1) Link? oh, wait, no never mind, I don't read your links. You only provide links to racist websites.

2) The "Warning" that the Oakland Mayor gave had no effect. ICE rounded up more people than they expected to catch.

Bull. They would have caught a lot more if she kept her yap shut. She should be in prison today.

Funny, they never seem to want to chase down the white illegals from Europe, though.

That's because most of them are from Central America. If there is any place a large group of Europeans are working, they will be next.

Meh, no, you posted some racist shit or the other that I ignored. I think about how some Eastern European Hellhole no one wanted to go to start with put put up a fence to keep people out that wanted to actually go to Germany.

That's because anything you disagree with is racist in your mind. Like I said, only therapy can help.
No, the illegal who was deported several times and just kept coming back because we didn't have a wall to stop him. He was let off the hook even though most American felons who used a gun (for any reason) would have faced at least a couple years in prison. Burt you know how CommieFornia is. Keep them illegals and criminals coming in. They will vote Democrat someday.

He was let off because the charges against him were kind of ridiculous... He picked up a gun that discharged. Just like most racists in the trailer park who shoot their cousins accidently are let off.

Yeah, like the robbery victim ran into the bat that beat him and his wallet fell out.

I guess it wasn't his fault he kept returning after deportation.......he didn't have a map to know he was in the US.
I guess it wasn't his fault he was illegally handling a firearm as a felon. He thought it was a baby bird.
I guess it wasn't the cities fault for not holding him until ICE got there........phone problems I'm assuming.
I guess it wasn't his fault for shooting the gun since there is only one way to discharge a weapon in hand.

Now an innocent person is dead, and the commies let the criminal off the hook, and what's worse than that is you and your ilk protect him.


Talk about blaming the woman who got raped.........
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What human cost? Depends how many it takes until the invaders realize those huge signs we erected mean business.

I’d imagine they’d get the message inside a couple of dozen or so.

I don't know if we have to go that far, but we should have a law that anybody caught here illegally will face a minimum of five years in prison. Not only would that keep most of the intruders out, the intruders that are here will head for the border so fast it would make your head spin. Problem solved.
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