What human cost is acceptable in controling illegal immigration?

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No. The city has a clear policy of only holding violent felons for ICE. Otherwise ICE would leave people in local jails for years and the local jails just don't have the room.

You see, ugly secret, and why ICE is so upset about santuary cities. ICE doesn't have facilities to hold all these people, they expect local people to do it on the local dime. More and more cities are just saying, "no".

What a bunch of bull. ICE picks them up in a couple days every time they are called. The real problem is CommieFornia wants all those illegals in their state criminal or not.

Actually, the weapon in question had been recalled due to a high percentage of misfires.. this is part of why he was acquitted by a jury of his peers.

There is only one reason he isn't in prison today.

33,000 Americans die every year because of gun violence, and you clowns oppose even the most common sense gun laws.

Yes, it's sad this lady died in an accident, but we have 800 accidental gun deaths every year, and most of them aren't criminally prosecuted.

Accident my ass. If you are stupid enough to believe it was any kind of accident, you must also think the moon is made of green cheese. The lowlife stole a gun and used it to kill an American. He was here because there was no wall to keep him out. You embellish his freedom and the idea that the Democrats are fighting to stop the wall so more like him can come into this country.
What human cost? Depends how many it takes until the invaders realize those huge signs we erected mean business.

I’d imagine they’d get the message inside a couple of dozen or so.

I don't know if we have to go that far, but we should have a law that anybody caught here illegally will face a minimum of five years in prison. Not only would that keep most of the intruders out, the intruders that are here will head for the border so fast it would make your head spin. Problem solved.
5 years in a US prison would be cakewalk compared to a Central American prison.

Currently the average cost of deportation is about $10,000. Add 5 years in a federal prison and you add $160,000 plus you have to build more prisons and provide childcare for the kids. I think you need to rethink this idea.

Nope. Kids get sent back, and very few would risk freedom (no matter where that was at) to be locked up in prison in the USA. When Arizona created their own immigration laws, they scattered like rats. Schools reporting only 2/3 of the class showing up. Construction sites saying half their crew was gone. A good enough deterrent works every time it's tried.

Plus if we had such a law you wouldn't have to worry about a 38 billion dollar wall. People would be afraid to come here.
What human cost? Depends how many it takes until the invaders realize those huge signs we erected mean business.

I’d imagine they’d get the message inside a couple of dozen or so.

I don't know if we have to go that far, but we should have a law that anybody caught here illegally will face a minimum of five years in prison. Not only would that keep most of the intruders out, the intruders that are here will head for the border so fast it would make your head spin. Problem solved.
5 years in a US prison would be cakewalk compared to a Central American prison.

Currently the average cost of deportation is about $10,000. Add 5 years in a federal prison and you add $160,000 plus you have to build more prisons and provide childcare for the kids. I think you need to rethink this idea.

Nope. Kids get sent back, and very few would risk freedom (no matter where that was at) to be locked up in prison in the USA. When Arizona created their own immigration laws, they scattered like rats. Schools reporting only 2/3 of the class showing up. Construction sites saying half their crew was gone. A good enough deterrent works every time it's tried.

Plus if we had such a law you wouldn't have to worry about a 38 billion dollar wall. People would be afraid to come here.
They are not allowed to be made afraid. That is emotionally unacceptable
Another idiot piece of silly propaganda "writing" from the illiterate far left! Feds Force Immigrants Into Parking Garage for ‘Assembly-Line Justice’
What human cost? Depends how many it takes until the invaders realize those huge signs we erected mean business.

I’d imagine they’d get the message inside a couple of dozen or so.

I don't know if we have to go that far, but we should have a law that anybody caught here illegally will face a minimum of five years in prison. Not only would that keep most of the intruders out, the intruders that are here will head for the border so fast it would make your head spin. Problem solved.
5 years in a US prison would be cakewalk compared to a Central American prison.

Currently the average cost of deportation is about $10,000. Add 5 years in a federal prison and you add $160,000 plus you have to build more prisons and provide childcare for the kids. I think you need to rethink this idea.

Nope. Kids get sent back, and very few would risk freedom (no matter where that was at) to be locked up in prison in the USA. When Arizona created their own immigration laws, they scattered like rats. Schools reporting only 2/3 of the class showing up. Construction sites saying half their crew was gone. A good enough deterrent works every time it's tried.

Plus if we had such a law you wouldn't have to worry about a 38 billion dollar wall. People would be afraid to come here.
I don't worry about a 38 billion dollar wall, because it will never be built. Trump will probably complete a piece of wall and put the Trump logo on and claim a great victory like he did with NATO and North Korean.

However, spending an addition $160,000 to incarcerate people crossing the border is just nuts. Assuming Trump matches Obama deportations, we would be spending about 32 billion dollars incarcerating people who would go back home telling every body how well you get treated in American prisons. And you think this will stem the tide? Fat chance.

No, you can't send kids back home without parents. The receiving country will not accept them. On the deportation order, there is line where the receiving country accepts the deportees. No country is going to accept deported minors when their parents are in US prisons. If you imprison the parents, you got to take care of the kids.
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What human cost? Depends how many it takes until the invaders realize those huge signs we erected mean business.

I’d imagine they’d get the message inside a couple of dozen or so.

I don't know if we have to go that far, but we should have a law that anybody caught here illegally will face a minimum of five years in prison. Not only would that keep most of the intruders out, the intruders that are here will head for the border so fast it would make your head spin. Problem solved.
5 years in a US prison would be cakewalk compared to a Central American prison.

Currently the average cost of deportation is about $10,000. Add 5 years in a federal prison and you add $160,000 plus you have to build more prisons and provide childcare for the kids. I think you need to rethink this idea.

Nope. Kids get sent back, and very few would risk freedom (no matter where that was at) to be locked up in prison in the USA. When Arizona created their own immigration laws, they scattered like rats. Schools reporting only 2/3 of the class showing up. Construction sites saying half their crew was gone. A good enough deterrent works every time it's tried.

Plus if we had such a law you wouldn't have to worry about a 38 billion dollar wall. People would be afraid to come here.
I don't worry about a 38 billion dollar wall, because it will never be built. Trump will probably complete a piece of wall and put the Trump logo on and claim a great victory like he did with NATO and North Korean.

However, spending an addition $160,000 to incarcerate people crossing the border is just nuts. Assuming Trump matches Obama deportations, we would be spending about 32 billion dollars incarcerating people who would go back home telling every body how well you get treated in American prisons. And you think this will stem the tide? Fat chance.

No, you can't send kids back home without parents. The receiving country will not accept them.

Then we hold the kids until the adult gets out and kick them out altogether. But then again, the left would be crying we are separating kids from their parents because as far as the left is concerned, it's never the parents fault.

But hey, I would be willing to try it out for a couple of years to see the results, would you? Of course not, because like the wall, you know it would work.
What human cost? Depends how many it takes until the invaders realize those huge signs we erected mean business.

I’d imagine they’d get the message inside a couple of dozen or so.

I don't know if we have to go that far, but we should have a law that anybody caught here illegally will face a minimum of five years in prison. Not only would that keep most of the intruders out, the intruders that are here will head for the border so fast it would make your head spin. Problem solved.
5 years in a US prison would be cakewalk compared to a Central American prison.

Currently the average cost of deportation is about $10,000. Add 5 years in a federal prison and you add $160,000 plus you have to build more prisons and provide childcare for the kids. I think you need to rethink this idea.

Nope. Kids get sent back, and very few would risk freedom (no matter where that was at) to be locked up in prison in the USA. When Arizona created their own immigration laws, they scattered like rats. Schools reporting only 2/3 of the class showing up. Construction sites saying half their crew was gone. A good enough deterrent works every time it's tried.

Plus if we had such a law you wouldn't have to worry about a 38 billion dollar wall. People would be afraid to come here.
I don't worry about a 38 billion dollar wall, because it will never be built. Trump will probably complete a piece of wall and put the Trump logo on and claim a great victory like he did with NATO and North Korean.

However, spending an addition $160,000 to incarcerate people crossing the border is just nuts. Assuming Trump matches Obama deportations, we would be spending about 32 billion dollars incarcerating people who would go back home telling every body how well you get treated in American prisons. And you think this will stem the tide? Fat chance.

No, you can't send kids back home without parents. The receiving country will not accept them.

Then we hold the kids until the adult gets out and kick them out altogether. But then again, the left would be crying we are separating kids from their parents because as far as the left is concerned, it's never the parents fault.

But hey, I would be willing to try it out for a couple of years to see the results, would you? Of course not, because like the wall, you know it would work.
If you say so. We imprison about 200,000 adults for 5 years for a total 32 billion and we put the kids in foster care for millions or billions more; no need to ask for asylum just cross the boarder illegally and the family gets free room and board and an a free education for the kids, what a deal.
Of those 33,000, 21,000 was suicides, let's make that perfectly clear for all.

So what? Those 21,000 suicides still had people who cared about them and are going to miss them. Just like Jill Steinele's family. It's just that if they complain about it, the NRA shouts them down, unlike Steinele's family, who are put on a pedastal because their daughter was caught in an unfortunate accident.

Why not put a little perspective to this,
approximately 893,000 abortions took place in the United States in 2016—down from approximately 914,000 abortions in 2015.

Fetuses aren't people... Next lame argument.

Actually, the man didn't have the gun legally in the first place and probably would have been convicted in any other state other than Ca.

He was convicted of illegal gun possession, which is the only crime he was guilty of.

Here's the thing. The guy had a public defender, and a jury still wouldn't nail him on murder. Now maybe that Jury was sending a message. But more than likely, they found that it was an accident, that he found this gun and it just went off, and a bullet ricocheted and hit Steinele.

Here is what an alternate juror said.

I Saw the Kate Steinle Murder Trial Up Close. The Jury Didn’t Botch It.

Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, the undocumented immigrant who was accused of killing Steinle, was charged with first degree murder and the lesser included offenses of second degree murder and involuntary manslaughter. When the prosecution rested its case, it seemed clear to me that the evidence didn’t support the requirements of premeditation or malice aforethought (intentional recklessness or killing) for the murder charges. After having heard the evidence, I agreed with the defense’s opinion that the murder charges should not have been brought. The evidence didn't show that Garcia Zarate intended to kill anyone.

These are some of the facts that were laid out to us: Zarate had no motive and no recorded history of violence. The shot he fired from his chair hit the ground 12 feet in front of him before ricocheting a further 78 feet to hit Steinle. The damage to the bullet indicated a glancing impact during the ricochet, so it seems to have been shot from a low height. The gun, a Sig Sauer P239 pistol, is a backup emergency weapon used by law enforcement that has a light trigger mode and no safety. (The jury members asked to feel the trigger pull of the gun during deliberation, but the judge wouldn’t allow it, for reasons that aren’t clear to us.) The pixelated video footage of the incident that we were shown, taken from the adjacent pier, shows a group of six people spending half an hour at that same chair setting down and picking up objects a mere 30 minutes before Garcia Zarate arrived there.
What a bunch of bull. ICE picks them up in a couple days every time they are called. The real problem is CommieFornia wants all those illegals in their state criminal or not.

No, they don't. In fact, the biggest problem ICE has is that they keep their inmates in local prisons for months, and they have to be segregated from the real crooks... this is a huge expense for a lot of local jurisdictions.
Of those 33,000, 21,000 was suicides, let's make that perfectly clear for all.

So what? Those 21,000 suicides still had people who cared about them and are going to miss them. Just like Jill Steinele's family. It's just that if they complain about it, the NRA shouts them down, unlike Steinele's family, who are put on a pedastal because their daughter was caught in an unfortunate accident.

Why not put a little perspective to this,
approximately 893,000 abortions took place in the United States in 2016—down from approximately 914,000 abortions in 2015.

Fetuses aren't people... Next lame argument.

Actually, the man didn't have the gun legally in the first place and probably would have been convicted in any other state other than Ca.

He was convicted of illegal gun possession, which is the only crime he was guilty of.

Here's the thing. The guy had a public defender, and a jury still wouldn't nail him on murder. Now maybe that Jury was sending a message. But more than likely, they found that it was an accident, that he found this gun and it just went off, and a bullet ricocheted and hit Steinele.

Here is what an alternate juror said.

I Saw the Kate Steinle Murder Trial Up Close. The Jury Didn’t Botch It.

Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, the undocumented immigrant who was accused of killing Steinle, was charged with first degree murder and the lesser included offenses of second degree murder and involuntary manslaughter. When the prosecution rested its case, it seemed clear to me that the evidence didn’t support the requirements of premeditation or malice aforethought (intentional recklessness or killing) for the murder charges. After having heard the evidence, I agreed with the defense’s opinion that the murder charges should not have been brought. The evidence didn't show that Garcia Zarate intended to kill anyone.

These are some of the facts that were laid out to us: Zarate had no motive and no recorded history of violence. The shot he fired from his chair hit the ground 12 feet in front of him before ricocheting a further 78 feet to hit Steinle. The damage to the bullet indicated a glancing impact during the ricochet, so it seems to have been shot from a low height. The gun, a Sig Sauer P239 pistol, is a backup emergency weapon used by law enforcement that has a light trigger mode and no safety. (The jury members asked to feel the trigger pull of the gun during deliberation, but the judge wouldn’t allow it, for reasons that aren’t clear to us.) The pixelated video footage of the incident that we were shown, taken from the adjacent pier, shows a group of six people spending half an hour at that same chair setting down and picking up objects a mere 30 minutes before Garcia Zarate arrived there.
Suicide is a suicide, they end up dead regardless of the method, but, you spin the facts of the matter. I get that.
The illegal with the gun had been busted several times....a felon. Guns just don't go off. FYI And, in nearly every other state he would
have been found guilty.....if nothing else manslaughter. He can thank Ca. for such lenient sentence. He should be doing hard time.
Your disregard to an unborn child is just appalling. They have all the genetic make-up as a human being. So go pound some sand.
The illegal with the gun had been busted several times....a felon.

For non-violent offenses, most of them being "not being here legally".

Guns just don't go off.

We have 800 accidental gun deaths a year.. um, yeah, they do.

FYI And, in nearly every other state he would
have been found guilty.....if nothing else manslaughter.

Not sure if that would be the case in every other state. Every other state would have tried the same facts.

Here's the thing, every other state we still have persumption of innocence. His story he picked up a gun wrapped in a bundle of rags that went off is supported by the fact they found minimal GSR on his hands.

He can thank Ca. for such lenient sentence. He should be doing hard time.

Um, no, California locks up 331 people out of every 100,000, ranking 18th in the number of people incarcerated.

Your disregard to an unborn child is just appalling. They have all the genetic make-up as a human being. So go pound some sand.

So does my toenail, and I'm not about to grant it civil rights before I clip it.
The illegal with the gun had been busted several times....a felon.

For non-violent offenses, most of them being "not being here legally".

Guns just don't go off.

We have 800 accidental gun deaths a year.. um, yeah, they do.

FYI And, in nearly every other state he would
have been found guilty.....if nothing else manslaughter.

Not sure if that would be the case in every other state. Every other state would have tried the same facts.

Here's the thing, every other state we still have persumption of innocence. His story he picked up a gun wrapped in a bundle of rags that went off is supported by the fact they found minimal GSR on his hands.

He can thank Ca. for such lenient sentence. He should be doing hard time.

Um, no, California locks up 331 people out of every 100,000, ranking 18th in the number of people incarcerated.

Your disregard to an unborn child is just appalling. They have all the genetic make-up as a human being. So go pound some sand.

So does my toenail, and I'm not about to grant it civil rights before I clip it.
How silly can you be. He's a felon, dude. I like how you danced with MOST OF THEM, he's here illegally. What about the others.? Lol

Gun just don't just go off. Someone has placed their finger on the trigger with the safety off. Maybe dropped with the safety off. But,
the gun just didn't go off.

I didn't say he would have been convicted in every other state. I said in nearly every other state. A person died as a result of this illegal
with a gun. The man shouldn't have even been in the US. Nice to see that you think more about his welfare than the woman who HE killed.
Someone should have to pay for that.

Your toenail? That is one of the lamest arguments I've heard. Good one. You should have used the standby that the unborn child is a parasite.
How silly can you be. He's a felon, dude. I like how you danced with MOST OF THEM, he's here illegally. What about the others.? Lol

What about them? Most of the others were drug charges. Since I think the "War on Drugs" is the height of human stupidity, I just can't get worked up he was selling drugs.

Gun just don't just go off. Someone has placed their finger on the trigger with the safety off. Maybe dropped with the safety off. But,
the gun just didn't go off.

Except in this case, it did...

Experts question decision that kept Steinle jurors from handling gun

I didn't say he would have been convicted in every other state. I said in nearly every other state. A person died as a result of this illegal
with a gun. The man shouldn't have even been in the US. Nice to see that you think more about his welfare than the woman who HE killed.
Someone should have to pay for that.

We have 33,000 gun deaths in this country every year... an no one gets all that upset about it or even tries to enact common sense gun control. I just can't get that worked up about an accident.

I guess I'm about as sad as I can be about a person that I don't know, never heard of when she was alive and frankly don't care about.

But I do care about rights. Because if they can take away the rights of Mr. Zarate, they can take away mine.

Your toenail? That is one of the lamest arguments I've heard. Good one. You should have used the standby that the unborn child is a parasite.

You are the one arguing genetics as a reason why spooge should have rights...
We have 33,000 gun deaths in this country every year... an no one gets all that upset about it or even tries to enact common sense gun control. I just can't get that worked up about an accident.

So because we have people getting killed in DUI accidents, illegals should be allowed to have them too? You people on the left have such a warped sense of thinking. No wonder the country is turning against you.

I guess I'm about as sad as I can be about a person that I don't know, never heard of when she was alive and frankly don't care about.

Is that how it works? How well did you know the shooter since you seem to care about him so much?

But I do care about rights. Because if they can take away the rights of Mr. Zarate, they can take away mine.

Yes, I'm sure that's your concern.........your rights, and yet you vote Democrat.
Of those 33,000, 21,000 was suicides, let's make that perfectly clear for all.

So what? Those 21,000 suicides still had people who cared about them and are going to miss them. Just like Jill Steinele's family. It's just that if they complain about it, the NRA shouts them down, unlike Steinele's family, who are put on a pedastal because their daughter was caught in an unfortunate accident.

Why not put a little perspective to this,
approximately 893,000 abortions took place in the United States in 2016—down from approximately 914,000 abortions in 2015.

Fetuses aren't people... Next lame argument.

Actually, the man didn't have the gun legally in the first place and probably would have been convicted in any other state other than Ca.

He was convicted of illegal gun possession, which is the only crime he was guilty of.

Here's the thing. The guy had a public defender, and a jury still wouldn't nail him on murder. Now maybe that Jury was sending a message. But more than likely, they found that it was an accident, that he found this gun and it just went off, and a bullet ricocheted and hit Steinele.

Here is what an alternate juror said.

I Saw the Kate Steinle Murder Trial Up Close. The Jury Didn’t Botch It.

Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, the undocumented immigrant who was accused of killing Steinle, was charged with first degree murder and the lesser included offenses of second degree murder and involuntary manslaughter. When the prosecution rested its case, it seemed clear to me that the evidence didn’t support the requirements of premeditation or malice aforethought (intentional recklessness or killing) for the murder charges. After having heard the evidence, I agreed with the defense’s opinion that the murder charges should not have been brought. The evidence didn't show that Garcia Zarate intended to kill anyone.

These are some of the facts that were laid out to us: Zarate had no motive and no recorded history of violence. The shot he fired from his chair hit the ground 12 feet in front of him before ricocheting a further 78 feet to hit Steinle. The damage to the bullet indicated a glancing impact during the ricochet, so it seems to have been shot from a low height. The gun, a Sig Sauer P239 pistol, is a backup emergency weapon used by law enforcement that has a light trigger mode and no safety. (The jury members asked to feel the trigger pull of the gun during deliberation, but the judge wouldn’t allow it, for reasons that aren’t clear to us.) The pixelated video footage of the incident that we were shown, taken from the adjacent pier, shows a group of six people spending half an hour at that same chair setting down and picking up objects a mere 30 minutes before Garcia Zarate arrived there.
Suicide is a suicide, they end up dead regardless of the method, but, you spin the facts of the matter. I get that.
The illegal with the gun had been busted several times....a felon. Guns just don't go off. FYI And, in nearly every other state he would
have been found guilty.....if nothing else manslaughter. He can thank Ca. for such lenient sentence. He should be doing hard time.
Your disregard to an unborn child is just appalling. They have all the genetic make-up as a human being. So go pound some sand.

Exactly. If you were found in a car that was reported stolen and were driving it, you would have been arrested and prosecuted for receiving stolen property, that's on top of being a convicted felon under disability, in the US illegally and in possession of a firearm. A real American would be spending at least five years in prison even if found not guilty of murder.
Now maybe that Jury was sending a message. But more than likely, they found that it was an accident, that he found this gun and it just went off, and a bullet ricocheted and hit Steinele.

That's exactly what happened. We have people that do that all the time in this country; find a stolen gun, and have it accidentally go off just happening to be aimed at somebody.
I don't know if we have to go that far, but we should have a law that anybody caught here illegally will face a minimum of five years in prison. Not only would that keep most of the intruders out, the intruders that are here will head for the border so fast it would make your head spin. Problem solved.
5 years in a US prison would be cakewalk compared to a Central American prison.

Currently the average cost of deportation is about $10,000. Add 5 years in a federal prison and you add $160,000 plus you have to build more prisons and provide childcare for the kids. I think you need to rethink this idea.

Nope. Kids get sent back, and very few would risk freedom (no matter where that was at) to be locked up in prison in the USA. When Arizona created their own immigration laws, they scattered like rats. Schools reporting only 2/3 of the class showing up. Construction sites saying half their crew was gone. A good enough deterrent works every time it's tried.

Plus if we had such a law you wouldn't have to worry about a 38 billion dollar wall. People would be afraid to come here.
I don't worry about a 38 billion dollar wall, because it will never be built. Trump will probably complete a piece of wall and put the Trump logo on and claim a great victory like he did with NATO and North Korean.

However, spending an addition $160,000 to incarcerate people crossing the border is just nuts. Assuming Trump matches Obama deportations, we would be spending about 32 billion dollars incarcerating people who would go back home telling every body how well you get treated in American prisons. And you think this will stem the tide? Fat chance.

No, you can't send kids back home without parents. The receiving country will not accept them.

Then we hold the kids until the adult gets out and kick them out altogether. But then again, the left would be crying we are separating kids from their parents because as far as the left is concerned, it's never the parents fault.

But hey, I would be willing to try it out for a couple of years to see the results, would you? Of course not, because like the wall, you know it would work.
If you say so. We imprison about 200,000 adults for 5 years for a total 32 billion and we put the kids in foster care for millions or billions more; no need to ask for asylum just cross the boarder illegally and the family gets free room and board and an a free education for the kids, what a deal.

Like I said, let's try it out for five years and examine the results. I'm game, the question is are you???
Except Americans don't really want to do those jobs... that's the point.

Again, told you the wonderful story about how we used to have undocumented day laborers at a previous company. Then they insisted that they stop using them, and they could only find white trash methheads that got high and left after they got their first and only paychecks.

There is a real easy answer to this that seems to evade the minute Liberal minds, enter our country legally...
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