What human cost is acceptable in controling illegal immigration?

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Except Americans don't really want to do those jobs... that's the point.

Again, told you the wonderful story about how we used to have undocumented day laborers at a previous company. Then they insisted that they stop using them, and they could only find white trash methheads that got high and left after they got their first and only paychecks.

There is a real easy answer to this that seems to evade the minute Liberal minds, enter our country legally...
Just like obeying Ten simple Commandments from a God, seems to evade the right wing, to lower the cost of Government.
So because we have people getting killed in DUI accidents, illegals should be allowed to have them too? You people on the left have such a warped sense of thinking. No wonder the country is turning against you.

Nope.. illegals should get the same punishment citizens get for DUI.

That seems fair and reasonable.

That's exactly what happened. We have people that do that all the time in this country; find a stolen gun, and have it accidentally go off just happening to be aimed at somebody.

Except he didn't aim it at her.. It hit the ground and ricocheted. This was born out by the forensic evidence, which is why the jury acquitted.
Except Americans don't really want to do those jobs... that's the point.

Again, told you the wonderful story about how we used to have undocumented day laborers at a previous company. Then they insisted that they stop using them, and they could only find white trash methheads that got high and left after they got their first and only paychecks.

There is a real easy answer to this that seems to evade the minute Liberal minds, enter our country legally...
That has been suggest over and over. Why don't they just apply and get in line? And the answer is there is no line for most unauthorized immigrants.

Immigration to the United States on a temporary or permanent basis is generally limited to three different routes: employment, family reunification, or humanitarian protection. Most unauthorized immigrants do not have the necessary family or employment relationships and often cannot access humanitarian protection, such as refugee or asylum status.
Another idiot piece of silly propaganda "writing" from the illiterate far left! Feds Force Immigrants Into Parking Garage for ‘Assembly-Line Justice’

Apparently, that's as opposed to the nurturing, individualized justice provided, complete with teddy bears and hugs, by the courts on a daily basis.

I don't know if we have to go that far, but we should have a law that anybody caught here illegally will face a minimum of five years in prison. Not only would that keep most of the intruders out, the intruders that are here will head for the border so fast it would make your head spin. Problem solved.
5 years in a US prison would be cakewalk compared to a Central American prison.

Currently the average cost of deportation is about $10,000. Add 5 years in a federal prison and you add $160,000 plus you have to build more prisons and provide childcare for the kids. I think you need to rethink this idea.

Nope. Kids get sent back, and very few would risk freedom (no matter where that was at) to be locked up in prison in the USA. When Arizona created their own immigration laws, they scattered like rats. Schools reporting only 2/3 of the class showing up. Construction sites saying half their crew was gone. A good enough deterrent works every time it's tried.

Plus if we had such a law you wouldn't have to worry about a 38 billion dollar wall. People would be afraid to come here.
I don't worry about a 38 billion dollar wall, because it will never be built. Trump will probably complete a piece of wall and put the Trump logo on and claim a great victory like he did with NATO and North Korean.

However, spending an addition $160,000 to incarcerate people crossing the border is just nuts. Assuming Trump matches Obama deportations, we would be spending about 32 billion dollars incarcerating people who would go back home telling every body how well you get treated in American prisons. And you think this will stem the tide? Fat chance.

No, you can't send kids back home without parents. The receiving country will not accept them.

Then we hold the kids until the adult gets out and kick them out altogether. But then again, the left would be crying we are separating kids from their parents because as far as the left is concerned, it's never the parents fault.

But hey, I would be willing to try it out for a couple of years to see the results, would you? Of course not, because like the wall, you know it would work.
If you say so. We imprison about 200,000 adults for 5 years for a total 32 billion and we put the kids in foster care for millions or billions more; no need to ask for asylum just cross the boarder illegally and the family gets free room and board and an a free education for the kids, what a deal.

Amazing how nothing on Earth can make a leftist frugal or penurious . . . except for the possibility that US interests MIGHT actually be served.
5 years in a US prison would be cakewalk compared to a Central American prison.

Currently the average cost of deportation is about $10,000. Add 5 years in a federal prison and you add $160,000 plus you have to build more prisons and provide childcare for the kids. I think you need to rethink this idea.

Nope. Kids get sent back, and very few would risk freedom (no matter where that was at) to be locked up in prison in the USA. When Arizona created their own immigration laws, they scattered like rats. Schools reporting only 2/3 of the class showing up. Construction sites saying half their crew was gone. A good enough deterrent works every time it's tried.

Plus if we had such a law you wouldn't have to worry about a 38 billion dollar wall. People would be afraid to come here.
I don't worry about a 38 billion dollar wall, because it will never be built. Trump will probably complete a piece of wall and put the Trump logo on and claim a great victory like he did with NATO and North Korean.

However, spending an addition $160,000 to incarcerate people crossing the border is just nuts. Assuming Trump matches Obama deportations, we would be spending about 32 billion dollars incarcerating people who would go back home telling every body how well you get treated in American prisons. And you think this will stem the tide? Fat chance.

No, you can't send kids back home without parents. The receiving country will not accept them.

Then we hold the kids until the adult gets out and kick them out altogether. But then again, the left would be crying we are separating kids from their parents because as far as the left is concerned, it's never the parents fault.

But hey, I would be willing to try it out for a couple of years to see the results, would you? Of course not, because like the wall, you know it would work.
If you say so. We imprison about 200,000 adults for 5 years for a total 32 billion and we put the kids in foster care for millions or billions more; no need to ask for asylum just cross the boarder illegally and the family gets free room and board and an a free education for the kids, what a deal.

Amazing how nothing on Earth can make a leftist frugal or penurious . . . except for the possibility that US interests MIGHT actually be served.
How are US interests being served? are we making a profit? if not, why do You, claim to capitally care, right winger.
Nope.. illegals should get the same punishment citizens get for DUI.

That seems fair and reasonable.

Is that what you think? Okay.

This guy was a seven time felon in the US, and God knows what criminal activity he had in Mexico.

He was deported five times and at one time spent five years in prison in which he once again came back after deportation.

He fled the scene of a crime.

He threw the gun in the water, and divers had to retrieve it. Destroying evidence.

The gun was stolen from a federal agent where the car window was shattered. This seven time drug offender also claimed he took sleeping pills (which of course he found) before the shooting.

Now you tell me any American would have gotten away with what he did.

Except he didn't aim it at her.. It hit the ground and ricocheted. This was born out by the forensic evidence, which is why the jury acquitted.

After being arrested, he claimed he was aiming at sea lions when he shot the gun--later changing his story that it accidentally went off, of course after talking to his Hispanic lawyer.
One bullet does not bounce up off dirt and still deliver a lethal blow
He was not judged by a jury of his peers but rather a hand picked lot inclined to let him go
One bullet does not bounce up off dirt and still deliver a lethal blow
He was not judged by a jury of his peers but rather a hand picked lot inclined to let him go

It's CommieFornia. Anyplace else would have had this guy in prison for the rest of his life where he belongs. But the people in CommieFornia want as many illegals as they can pack into the state criminal or not.
One bullet does not bounce up off dirt and still deliver a lethal blow
He was not judged by a jury of his peers but rather a hand picked lot inclined to let him go

It's CommieFornia. Anyplace else would have had this guy in prison for the rest of his life where he belongs. But the people in CommieFornia want as many illegals as they can pack into the state criminal or not.
no need to believe right wingers, or their right wing "intelligence".
Statue of Liberty is not for illegals
It’s on an island for people traveling across thousands of miles of ocean to legally enter the USA. We welcome you
It’s not on the USA/Mexico border welcoming illegals who travel a few feet of dirt to commit their crime
Statue of Liberty is not for illegals
It’s on an island for people traveling across thousands of miles of ocean to legally enter the USA. We welcome you
It’s not on the USA/Mexico border welcoming illegals who travel a few feet of dirt to commit their crime
Only lousy Capitalists Lose money on public policies instead of Make money, like Good capitalists.
Is that what you think? Okay.

This guy was a seven time felon in the US, and God knows what criminal activity he had in Mexico.

He was deported five times and at one time spent five years in prison in which he once again came back after deportation.

Okay, so he served his time for those crimes...

He threw the gun in the water, and divers had to retrieve it. Destroying evidence.

The gun was stolen from a federal agent where the car window was shattered. This seven time drug offender also claimed he took sleeping pills (which of course he found) before the shooting.

Now you tell me any American would have gotten away with what he did.

There was no evidence he was the one who broke into the car... no evidence the sleeping pills he took were illegal. Hey, maybe you can charge his with jaywalking why you are at it.

After being arrested, he claimed he was aiming at sea lions when he shot the gun--later changing his story that it accidentally went off, of course after talking to his Hispanic lawyer.

Were the officers who questioned him without reading him his rights fluent in Spanish?

It's CommieFornia. Anyplace else would have had this guy in prison for the rest of his life where he belongs. But the people in CommieFornia want as many illegals as they can pack into the state criminal or not.

or they just weren't going to find a guy guilty of a crime he didn't commit because the Orange Buffoon said so.
There was no evidence he was the one who broke into the car... no evidence the sleeping pills he took were illegal. Hey, maybe you can charge his with jaywalking why you are at it.

If you are pulled over driving a stolen car, the cops can't prove you stole it either. That's why they charge you with receiving stolen property, because it carries the same kind of penalty.

Were the officers who questioned him without reading him his rights fluent in Spanish?

That had nothing to do with it. The guy just changed his lie.

or they just weren't going to find a guy guilty of a crime he didn't commit because the Orange Buffoon said so.

He admitted to the shooting. He admitted he was taking drugs before handling the weapon. Yes, he did commit the crime. Nobody else could of. Witnesses pointed him out in court.
If you are pulled over driving a stolen car, the cops can't prove you stole it either. That's why they charge you with receiving stolen property, because it carries the same kind of penalty.

and he was found guilty of having a firearm... so what's your point? What has you guys upset is a jury wouldn't call an accident a murder because your Cheetoh Jesus said so.

He admitted to the shooting. He admitted he was taking drugs before handling the weapon. Yes, he did commit the crime. Nobody else could of. Witnesses pointed him out in court.

The shooting wasn't a crime, it's an accident. Just like we don't charge the NRA gun nuts who shoot their friends accidently after having a beer or two.
and he was found guilty of having a firearm... so what's your point? What has you guys upset is a jury wouldn't call an accident a murder because your Cheetoh Jesus said so.

He was a felon who had a gun and used it. He was under disability. He had a weapon stolen from an officer. And that's all he got? You have to be kidding me.

The shooting wasn't a crime, it's an accident. Just like we don't charge the NRA gun nuts who shoot their friends accidently after having a beer or two.

The shooting was a crime because he was not allowed near a firearm under OUR LAWS! He tried to destroy evidence. He ran away from the scene of a crime.

Your head is too blocked up, so let me give you a scenario that will strike a nerve with people like you: Let's say that this was a white guy from Europe and he shot a black college educated girl. Bet you would be screaming to the high heavens how he got away with it because he was white.
He was a felon who had a gun and used it. He was under disability. He had a weapon stolen from an officer. And that's all he got? You have to be kidding me.

That's all he was guilty of.. that's why that's all he got.

The shooting was a crime because he was not allowed near a firearm under OUR LAWS! He tried to destroy evidence. He ran away from the scene of a crime.

Yawn, guy, you can try all day, but this was still an accident. He didn't do what the prosecutors said he did. The prosecutors couldn't even make their case against a public defender! Do you know how inept public defenders are?

Your head is too blocked up, so let me give you a scenario that will strike a nerve with people like you: Let's say that this was a white guy from Europe and he shot a black college educated girl. Bet you would be screaming to the high heavens how he got away with it because he was white.

Um, no, if the evidence showed the gun went off accidentally and the bullet ricocheted, I'd have the same opinion... whoops, tragic accident.
That's all he was guilty of.. that's why that's all he got.

Bullshit. A person returning to the US after deportation can get five years in prison just for that. In fact he already served five years in prison for returning years before the shooting.

Yawn, guy, you can try all day, but this was still an accident. He didn't do what the prosecutors said he did. The prosecutors couldn't even make their case against a public defender! Do you know how inept public defenders are?

But the jury had the option to find him guilty of a lesser charge like manslaughter. They didn't. It's CommieFornia where liberals welcome intruders with open arms.

Um, no, if the evidence showed the gun went off accidentally and the bullet ricocheted, I'd have the same opinion... whoops, tragic accident.

Yes, an accident if it was his own gun and he was legally allowed to have it. Not an accident when you take a stolen gun, aim at the direction of a victim and shoot it.
Bullshit. A person returning to the US after deportation can get five years in prison just for that. In fact he already served five years in prison for returning years before the shooting.

and if he's found guilty of that again, I have no problem locking him up for five years...

But he didn't murder that woman, that was the point, it was an accident.

But the jury had the option to find him guilty of a lesser charge like manslaughter. They didn't. It's CommieFornia where liberals welcome intruders with open arms.

They had that option, they chose not to because the facts didn't support it.

Yes, an accident if it was his own gun and he was legally allowed to have it. Not an accident when you take a stolen gun, aim at the direction of a victim and shoot it.

Wait a minute, you gun nuts claim guns are a God Given Right!

Try to keep your story straight.
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