What I'd like to see from a candidate


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
I've been thinking about the issues I'd like to see a candidate for President take on and once I would be pushing for if i were that candidate. I figured I'd post and see what you guys are think.

1) Let's encourage the free market to make us energy independent. With the Middle East the way it is we need to be able to produce our own energy cheaply if we intend to maintain our current pace of living.

2) Foreign policy - we need to stop interfering in the rest of the world. We are entering a time of unrest, and we need to make sure our ducks are in order at home. Before we even think of sending our troops out again we need to fix the VA as much as possible. Cut the bureaucracy and make things more efficiently. How can we ask our troops to defend our interests abroad if treat them like crap when they come home?

3) Immigration - we need to essentially start from scratch on the immigration system. We need to stop the flow of illegals over the border and encourage legal immigration. The system of illegal immigration we have going on is creating a people who are easily exploited and abused. This has to stop. We have borders, we need to enforce them.

4) Balance the budget and pay our debts. We need to pay off our debts and free ourselves from bondage to other nations. We need to encourage individuals to honor their debts as well. End baseline budgeting and the highly misnamed "Mandatory" spending. As long as Congress can blame spending on previous congresses they cannot be made accountable. Best way to do this is to cut spending and cut taxes.

5)Restore power to the States - We need to end unfunded mandates and return power to the States. Any area the Federal government is currently usurping State power in, should be returned. Particularly in education. We can do this a piece at a time with prudence and wisdom.

6) End illegal spying - nuff said.

7) Have a truly transparent government. a government that isn't afraid to shine a light on failures of the past and present. A government not afraid to fix mistakes. And a Presidency who actually acts as if the Buck stops at him/her.

I think those would be the top themes to run on. We fix those things, we will be in a much better position than we are today.

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