What if Paul Ryan

What if Paul Ryan actually cared as much about US Sovereignty and US taxpayers as he does about Illegals?

Primary the guy out of fucking office! He's worse that the Democrats
Paul Ryan cares about the economy, and Trump's dream of kicking them all out will HURT us. Capiche?
I do agree that many illegals provide tremendous benefits to the American economy. However, many are a drag on the economy.

That said, Paul Asshole Ryan is a congressman who is required by law to uphold the Constitution and laws of the land. Either we are a nation of laws or not. Ryan MUST follow the law. Sadly, I am but dreaming...the ruling class will do what the Oligarchy tell them.
What if Paul Ryan actually cared as much about US Sovereignty and US taxpayers as he does about Illegals?

Primary the guy out of fucking office! He's worse that the Democrats
Paul Ryan cares about the economy, and Trump's dream of kicking them all out will HURT us. Capiche?
I do agree that many illegals provide tremendous benefits to the American economy. However, many are a drag on the economy.

That said, Paul Asshole Ryan is a congressman who is required by law to uphold the Constitution and laws of the land. Either we are a nation of laws or not. Ryan MUST follow the law. Sadly, I am but dreaming...the ruling class will do what the Oligarchy tell them.
I know. I was pretty stunned the first time I heard that congressman from western New York explain that his constituency DEPENDS on illegals for their economic viability. Enough that he was saying so OUT LOUD. Ryan might not go that far, but I'd bet you anything that is a big piece of the puzzle why he's coming down on the side he is
Most of the people here under DACA are not low skilled. Many of them are going to college. What you are spouting is lies.
Trump would have a hard time deporting highly skilled DACA's. Like the paramedic down in Texas saving people in Houston. The only thing left is deporting those DACA's who haven't made something of themselves, aka the unskilled workers.

I don't know what the skilled/unskilled ratio is.
If You Don't Pay Students, You Get What You Pay For

The illegal-foreigner paramedic could have been replaced by an American if students were paid during training, which the military are. Americans better wake up to the economic and social costs of unpaid education. I'm sick of hearing that we should do what the Establishment tells us to do, as it tells its own sons the opposite. Until this changes, Americans should be proud of quitting school, which is for Mamas' Boys who are afraid to grow up.
What if Paul Ryan actually cared as much about US Sovereignty and US taxpayers as he does about Illegals?

Primary the guy out of fucking office! He's worse that the Democrats
Paul Ryan cares about the economy, and Trump's dream of kicking them all out will HURT us. Capiche?

But it won't. What it will do is open up jobs to low skilled native born Americans, and because the low skilled employers will need the workers they will actually have to pay them a reasonable amount. Everyone wins except the asshole employers who are exploiting illegals. And, it eliminates the two tier wage system that exists, and which allows the employers to keep the wages low throughout the country.

This too has been explained in detail.

Most of the people here under DACA are not low skilled. Many of them are going to college. What you are spouting is lies.

Many of them are IT techs and sucessful business people. Saw an interview today of a school teacher on the DACA program.

They are not keeping any American from working if the American wants a job. They will need the unskilled and skilled to rebuild Houston, you're not going to get contractors and workers from all over the U.S. like Katrina because they are already short workers in their respective states. We already have a contractor's in my state begging for workers.
Please explain
NO. Look it up yourself. It's been explained to death.
Ok, so i will just assume you are parroting someone elses words with no basis in reality. Thanks.
We've been here before so I know your tricks. If I were to go to the trouble to bring you some information, you would ignore it anyway. Paul Ryan and a lot of other people who actually want to see our economy keep functioning know that the illegals are serving a function and there will be hell to pay if they all leave. Give them a path to citizenship. Let them pay taxes and become Americans if they want to live here. Or they can choose to go home.
i dont ignore fact OL.
Kicking out the illegals wont hurt our economy. How would that happen? Cheap food? If they become legal, wont they have to get paid a higher wage? Do what would be the difference.
If anything, we would SAVE a shitload of money. Not just federal, but local and state as well.
Dirty low paying jobs wont be filled? Thats easy to fix. A welfare work requirement for the able bodied.
What else could possibly be hurt?
Oh, your optimism is rosy, TN, but a welfare work requirement is not going to work. If they were employable, they'd be working already. The illegals pay sales tax, rent, buy goods and services in their local communities. Taking away entire chunks of communities (like L.A. County which has an incredible # of illegals) is going to hurt those places as bad as a hurricane. The vast majority of illegal immigrants are quietly working and NOT collecting welfare.
Ryan has taken his stance because he is looking at the economy. And because Wisconsin has a lot of dairy farms and no doubt hires MANY illegals. New York State does, too. The Republicans will come right out and tell ya--give them a path to citizenship. Do NOT deport them.
What makes you think any of that is reality? Honest question
NO. Look it up yourself. It's been explained to death.
Ok, so i will just assume you are parroting someone elses words with no basis in reality. Thanks.
We've been here before so I know your tricks. If I were to go to the trouble to bring you some information, you would ignore it anyway. Paul Ryan and a lot of other people who actually want to see our economy keep functioning know that the illegals are serving a function and there will be hell to pay if they all leave. Give them a path to citizenship. Let them pay taxes and become Americans if they want to live here. Or they can choose to go home.
i dont ignore fact OL.
Kicking out the illegals wont hurt our economy. How would that happen? Cheap food? If they become legal, wont they have to get paid a higher wage? Do what would be the difference.
If anything, we would SAVE a shitload of money. Not just federal, but local and state as well.
Dirty low paying jobs wont be filled? Thats easy to fix. A welfare work requirement for the able bodied.
What else could possibly be hurt?
Oh, your optimism is rosy, TN, but a welfare work requirement is not going to work. If they were employable, they'd be working already. The illegals pay sales tax, rent, buy goods and services in their local communities. Taking away entire chunks of communities (like L.A. County which has an incredible # of illegals) is going to hurt those places as bad as a hurricane. The vast majority of illegal immigrants are quietly working and NOT collecting welfare.
Ryan has taken his stance because he is looking at the economy. And because Wisconsin has a lot of dairy farms and no doubt hires MANY illegals. New York State does, too. The Republicans will come right out and tell ya--give them a path to citizenship. Do NOT deport them.
What makes you think any of that is reality? Honest question
Dude. Afraid on black people much? It's no secret that trump energized the Nazis but this is ridiculous!

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