What If Republican and Democrat States Were Separate Countries?

Democrats would have a much richer, far higher living standards, first rate infrastructure, first rate education and our healthcare system wouldn't be shit.

Republicans would be quite poor, low living standards, third world infrastructure, 50th in the world for education and healthcare.

Would suck. People would be told to die on the street within republican land.

And what would your wonderful liberal world look like after you quickly drive your state into bankruptcy? Do you think "free" is really free? No, other people have to pay for all those goodies.
Meh! Blue Country America without conservative interference-ideology will simply "Reboot The American Dream!" While Red Country America will continue the failed Reaganomics.

Basically, the two country's will put they're Ideology's to the Test. It would be Blue country America will take the Demand Side economy vs Red Country's Supply Side economic policies which have been in place the last 37 years!!
Democrats would have a much richer, far higher living standards, first rate infrastructure, first rate education and our healthcare system wouldn't be shit.

Republicans would be quite poor, low living standards, third world infrastructure, 50th in the world for education and healthcare.

Would suck. People would be told to die on the street within republican land.

And what would your wonderful liberal world look like after you quickly drive your state into bankruptcy? Do you think "free" is really free? No, other people have to pay for all those goodies.
Meh! Blue Country America without conservative interference-ideology will simply "Reboot The American Dream!" While Red Country America will continue the failed Reaganomics.

Basically, the two country's will put they're Ideology's to the Test. It would be Blue country America will take the Demand Side economy vs Red Country's Supply Side economic policies which have been in place the last 37 years!!

And just what does the American dream mean to a Cradle-to-Graver?

I would love to put it to a test. Small government, low taxation, low crime rate, minimum social goodies, vs huge government, high taxation, high crime rates and maximum social services. Gee, how do you think that race would turn out?
Jeepers! I must not be very patriotic! I don't love America as much as these secessionists seem to. They love America so much that they would welcome a permanent division of her based on their inability to craft a political compromise, just as the founding fathers did as they crafted the constitution.

The arguments of Conservatives have always been baffling to me. They must have a personal armory to ward off a devious government. But they cite the constitution as a means to keep them free. They have to pack a gun on their person at all times to protect themselves. But they also call for support of the police they think are ineffective and slow to respond. They call for free speech, but they condemn those who actually participate in free speech.

No, I'm not in favor of severing the union. I guess that makes me unAmerican.

No, it actually makes you smart. Liberals could never survive without us conservatives and they know it.
And without Liberals you Conservatives would soon be siting along side a ditch picking thorns from your feet and wondering how it all went so wrong.

A land of nothing but Conservative policies would ignore civil rights, minority rights, worker's rights and environmental protection. Each and every time people call on their government to protect them from any form of exploitation, it has been Conservatives blocking the way. And, therefore, each and every time such exploitation has been blunted, the Conservative have wound up on the wrong side of history.

Tell us here and now, when have Conservatives ever been right?

We're always right.

We told you overpowering unions would eliminate jobs, and they did.

We told you over taxation would cause companies to relocate elsewhere, and they did.

We told you when you reward irresponsibility, don't be surprised when you create more irresponsible people, and you did.

We told you bussing would chase taxpaying people out of cities into the burbs and country, leaving only the poor behind that can't support cities, and they did.

We told you Commie Care would drastically increase medical care costs and still not have everybody covered, and we were correct.

Yeah, all these rights you speak of. In our Republican states, we won't halt progress because somebody found a tit mouse where a new school is to be built or stop a company from expanding because their property was labeled wet lands. And BTW, a higher percentage of Republicans voted for civil rights than the Democrats. The EPA was created under Richard Nixon.
Overpowering unions? Every labor contract has two sets of signatures. The labor union and management. With automation, tax incentives to outsource or move off shore and trade agreements that pit American workers against slave labor have shown corporations the light, and gave them the go ahead to strip jobs from Americans.

You idea of irresponsibility extends to cultural parameters. Are we to legislate morality?

An equal shot at a quality education for the poorest Americans just sticks in your craw. I suppose you would be happy with first class, and then second class citizens here in a land that touts opportunity.

And ask Houston after Harvey about the importance of wetlands. Had they had sensible zoning and planning, perhaps the five feet of rain would have dissipated easier.

And you seem to conflate Republican and Democrat with Conservative and Liberal. As your Republican Party has been busy in a political purge, you have forgotten that party ideology has not always been a static thing.

It is a static thing in generality.

Yes, every union contract was between union and the management. Just like when you get robbed on the street, the agreement was between the robber with the gun and the victim. Not really much of a choice, is there?

There is no tax incentive for anybody to move overseas. Never was and never will be. Liberal urban legend. The only tax write-off companies ever got was moving expenses, and it doesn't matter if you're moving from Michigan to Florida or from New York to Vietnam. And no, that write- off has nothing to do with a decision of a company to move. It's peanuts really.

Irresponsibility is what government promotes when they reward people for not working and having children they can't afford. The more kids you have, the larger the welfare check, the larger the food stamps, the larger the HUD home in the suburbs. If you do have any inclination to get off of social programs, you are penalized by the government so it's almost like working for free.
It will come down to Rebooting the American Dream.
Democrats would have a much richer, far higher living standards, first rate infrastructure, first rate education and our healthcare system wouldn't be shit.

Republicans would be quite poor, low living standards, third world infrastructure, 50th in the world for education and healthcare.

Would suck. People would be told to die on the street within republican land.

And what would your wonderful liberal world look like after you quickly drive your state into bankruptcy? Do you think "free" is really free? No, other people have to pay for all those goodies.
Meh! Blue Country America without conservative interference-ideology will simply "Reboot The American Dream!" While Red Country America will continue the failed Reaganomics.

Basically, the two country's will put they're Ideology's to the Test. It would be Blue country America will take the Demand Side economy vs Red Country's Supply Side economic policies which have been in place the last 37 years!!

It was FDR's and TR's policies of Anti-trust, unions and job programs that built our middle class into the beast it was in the early to mid 20th century. Ever since Reagan our economy and middle class has been turning to shit.

Our infrastructure to shit
Our educational system to shit
on and on

History proves and in fact states like Oregon, Washington, Califorina, and the northeastern states prove that the blue united states would be very much richer...The red one would be like Kansas and Mississippi.
Jeepers! I must not be very patriotic! I don't love America as much as these secessionists seem to. They love America so much that they would welcome a permanent division of her based on their inability to craft a political compromise, just as the founding fathers did as they crafted the constitution.

The arguments of Conservatives have always been baffling to me. They must have a personal armory to ward off a devious government. But they cite the constitution as a means to keep them free. They have to pack a gun on their person at all times to protect themselves. But they also call for support of the police they think are ineffective and slow to respond. They call for free speech, but they condemn those who actually participate in free speech.

No, I'm not in favor of severing the union. I guess that makes me unAmerican.

No, it actually makes you smart. Liberals could never survive without us conservatives and they know it.
And without Liberals you Conservatives would soon be siting along side a ditch picking thorns from your feet and wondering how it all went so wrong.

A land of nothing but Conservative policies would ignore civil rights, minority rights, worker's rights and environmental protection. Each and every time people call on their government to protect them from any form of exploitation, it has been Conservatives blocking the way. And, therefore, each and every time such exploitation has been blunted, the Conservative have wound up on the wrong side of history.

Tell us here and now, when have Conservatives ever been right?

the US constitution is a conservative document. It provides protections for all citizens and guarantees equal opportunity (not equal results).

The government is not your momma, it is not obligated to protect you from your own stupidity.

Who in 2017 do you think is being exploited? NFL players? entertainers? drug dealers? Who do you think is being exploited?
Each country will have the opportunity to re-write the current constitution.
No, it actually makes you smart. Liberals could never survive without us conservatives and they know it.
And without Liberals you Conservatives would soon be siting along side a ditch picking thorns from your feet and wondering how it all went so wrong.

A land of nothing but Conservative policies would ignore civil rights, minority rights, worker's rights and environmental protection. Each and every time people call on their government to protect them from any form of exploitation, it has been Conservatives blocking the way. And, therefore, each and every time such exploitation has been blunted, the Conservative have wound up on the wrong side of history.

Tell us here and now, when have Conservatives ever been right?

We're always right.

We told you overpowering unions would eliminate jobs, and they did.

We told you over taxation would cause companies to relocate elsewhere, and they did.

We told you when you reward irresponsibility, don't be surprised when you create more irresponsible people, and you did.

We told you bussing would chase taxpaying people out of cities into the burbs and country, leaving only the poor behind that can't support cities, and they did.

We told you Commie Care would drastically increase medical care costs and still not have everybody covered, and we were correct.

Yeah, all these rights you speak of. In our Republican states, we won't halt progress because somebody found a tit mouse where a new school is to be built or stop a company from expanding because their property was labeled wet lands. And BTW, a higher percentage of Republicans voted for civil rights than the Democrats. The EPA was created under Richard Nixon.
Overpowering unions? Every labor contract has two sets of signatures. The labor union and management. With automation, tax incentives to outsource or move off shore and trade agreements that pit American workers against slave labor have shown corporations the light, and gave them the go ahead to strip jobs from Americans.

You idea of irresponsibility extends to cultural parameters. Are we to legislate morality?

An equal shot at a quality education for the poorest Americans just sticks in your craw. I suppose you would be happy with first class, and then second class citizens here in a land that touts opportunity.

And ask Houston after Harvey about the importance of wetlands. Had they had sensible zoning and planning, perhaps the five feet of rain would have dissipated easier.

And you seem to conflate Republican and Democrat with Conservative and Liberal. As your Republican Party has been busy in a political purge, you have forgotten that party ideology has not always been a static thing.

It is a static thing in generality.

Yes, every union contract was between union and the management. Just like when you get robbed on the street, the agreement was between the robber with the gun and the victim. Not really much of a choice, is there?

There is no tax incentive for anybody to move overseas. Never was and never will be. Liberal urban legend. The only tax write-off companies ever got was moving expenses, and it doesn't matter if you're moving from Michigan to Florida or from New York to Vietnam. And no, that write- off has nothing to do with a decision of a company to move. It's peanuts really.

Irresponsibility is what government promotes when they reward people for not working and having children they can't afford. The more kids you have, the larger the welfare check, the larger the food stamps, the larger the HUD home in the suburbs. If you do have any inclination to get off of social programs, you are penalized by the government so it's almost like working for free.
It will come down to Rebooting the American Dream.

The American dream is already here; always has been. But it's not going to come knocking on your door looking for you. You have to go out and get it for yourself. You have to work for it, perhaps study for it, sacrifice for it, but most of all, desire it.

The real question one must ask is how do people from other countries come here with little money, barely knowing enough of our language to get by, yet are able to find the American dream natives cannot seem to find?
And without Liberals you Conservatives would soon be siting along side a ditch picking thorns from your feet and wondering how it all went so wrong.

A land of nothing but Conservative policies would ignore civil rights, minority rights, worker's rights and environmental protection. Each and every time people call on their government to protect them from any form of exploitation, it has been Conservatives blocking the way. And, therefore, each and every time such exploitation has been blunted, the Conservative have wound up on the wrong side of history.

Tell us here and now, when have Conservatives ever been right?
Bill Clinton reversed Reagan's Supply Side policies, raising taxes on the wealthy and lowering them on the working and middle class. This Demand Side formula was fiercely resisted by Republican leaders in Congress who predicted a stock market crash and another Great Depression. Indeed, every single Republican member of Congress voted against it. It took a tie-breaking vote by Al Gore in the Senate to get the bill passed. What happened?

The economy produced the longest sustained expansion in U.S. history. It created more than 22 million new jobs, the highest level of job creation ever recorded. Unemployment fell to its lowest level in over 30 years. Inflation fell to 2.5% per year compared to the 4.7% average over the prior 12 years. And overall economic growth averaged 4.0% per year compared to 2.8% average growth over the 12 years of the Reagan/Bush administrations.

It wasn't even close. The economy performed dramatically better in almost every way once Supply Side policies were replaced with Demand Side policies.

The most dramatic outcome was the reversal of the Reagan-era Supply Side deficits. Clinton's Demand Side policies not only paid down the Reagan/Bush deficits, they produced the first budgetary surpluses since 1969. By the time Clinton left office, the government was running surpluses of almost $140 billion per year. This is what he turned over to George W. Bush in January of 2001.

We're always right.

We told you overpowering unions would eliminate jobs, and they did.

We told you over taxation would cause companies to relocate elsewhere, and they did.

We told you when you reward irresponsibility, don't be surprised when you create more irresponsible people, and you did.

We told you bussing would chase taxpaying people out of cities into the burbs and country, leaving only the poor behind that can't support cities, and they did.

We told you Commie Care would drastically increase medical care costs and still not have everybody covered, and we were correct.

Yeah, all these rights you speak of. In our Republican states, we won't halt progress because somebody found a tit mouse where a new school is to be built or stop a company from expanding because their property was labeled wet lands. And BTW, a higher percentage of Republicans voted for civil rights than the Democrats. The EPA was created under Richard Nixon.
Overpowering unions? Every labor contract has two sets of signatures. The labor union and management. With automation, tax incentives to outsource or move off shore and trade agreements that pit American workers against slave labor have shown corporations the light, and gave them the go ahead to strip jobs from Americans.

You idea of irresponsibility extends to cultural parameters. Are we to legislate morality?

An equal shot at a quality education for the poorest Americans just sticks in your craw. I suppose you would be happy with first class, and then second class citizens here in a land that touts opportunity.

And ask Houston after Harvey about the importance of wetlands. Had they had sensible zoning and planning, perhaps the five feet of rain would have dissipated easier.

And you seem to conflate Republican and Democrat with Conservative and Liberal. As your Republican Party has been busy in a political purge, you have forgotten that party ideology has not always been a static thing.

It is a static thing in generality.

Yes, every union contract was between union and the management. Just like when you get robbed on the street, the agreement was between the robber with the gun and the victim. Not really much of a choice, is there?

There is no tax incentive for anybody to move overseas. Never was and never will be. Liberal urban legend. The only tax write-off companies ever got was moving expenses, and it doesn't matter if you're moving from Michigan to Florida or from New York to Vietnam. And no, that write- off has nothing to do with a decision of a company to move. It's peanuts really.

Irresponsibility is what government promotes when they reward people for not working and having children they can't afford. The more kids you have, the larger the welfare check, the larger the food stamps, the larger the HUD home in the suburbs. If you do have any inclination to get off of social programs, you are penalized by the government so it's almost like working for free.
It will come down to Rebooting the American Dream.

The American dream is already here; always has been. But it's not going to come knocking on your door looking for you. You have to go out and get it for yourself. You have to work for it, perhaps study for it, sacrifice for it, but most of all, desire it.

The real question one must ask is how do people from other countries come here with little money, barely knowing enough of our language to get by, yet are able to find the American dream natives cannot seem to find?
History proves and in fact states like Oregon, Washington, Califorina, and the northeastern states prove that the blue united states would be very much richer...The red one would be like Kansas and Mississippi.

That's what inflation does. What you can buy in NY for a million dollars you can buy for a third of that in those other red states.

Global warming is almost over so I'll be spending a lot more time with my television set. I like to watch The Property Brothers because I find it fascinating what they are able to do. What I find more fascinating is the cost of their projects.

I see homes that go for over 700K there that you can easily buy for around 250K or less here. I see those downtown houses that have a backyard the size of my front yard. My front yard is one tenth of what my backyard is, and their price is about five times of what my properties are worth.
History proves and in fact states like Oregon, Washington, Califorina, and the northeastern states prove that the blue united states would be very much richer...The red one would be like Kansas and Mississippi.

That's what inflation does. What you can buy in NY for a million dollars you can buy for a third of that in those other red states.

Global warming is almost over so I'll be spending a lot more time with my television set. I like to watch The Property Brothers because I find it fascinating what they are able to do. What I find more fascinating is the cost of their projects.

I see homes that go for over 700K there that you can easily buy for around 250K or less here. I see those downtown houses that have a backyard the size of my front yard. My front yard is one tenth of what my backyard is, and their price is about five times of what my properties are worth.
The Story of Your Enslavement

You low lifes believe in the mythical American dream...what a load of unadulterated BS that is. Load of crap. Those who espouse this garbage should be fined.
Democrats would have a much richer, far higher living standards, first rate infrastructure, first rate education and our healthcare system wouldn't be shit.

Republicans would be quite poor, low living standards, third world infrastructure, 50th in the world for education and healthcare.

Would suck. People would be told to die on the street within republican land.

And what would your wonderful liberal world look like after you quickly drive your state into bankruptcy? Do you think "free" is really free? No, other people have to pay for all those goodies.
Meh! Blue Country America without conservative interference-ideology will simply "Reboot The American Dream!" While Red Country America will continue the failed Reaganomics.

Basically, the two country's will put they're Ideology's to the Test. It would be Blue country America will take the Demand Side economy vs Red Country's Supply Side economic policies which have been in place the last 37 years!!

It was FDR's and TR's policies of Anti-trust, unions and job programs that built our middle class into the beast it was in the early to mid 20th century. Ever since Reagan our economy and middle class has been turning to shit.

Our infrastructure to shit
Our educational system to shit
on and on

History proves and in fact states like Oregon, Washington, Califorina, and the northeastern states prove that the blue united states would be very much richer...The red one would be like Kansas and Mississippi.

Nope it was WWII

Democrats would have a much richer, far higher living standards, first rate infrastructure, first rate education and our healthcare system wouldn't be shit.

Republicans would be quite poor, low living standards, third world infrastructure, 50th in the world for education and healthcare.

Would suck. People would be told to die on the street within republican land.

And what would your wonderful liberal world look like after you quickly drive your state into bankruptcy? Do you think "free" is really free? No, other people have to pay for all those goodies.
Meh! Blue Country America without conservative interference-ideology will simply "Reboot The American Dream!" While Red Country America will continue the failed Reaganomics.

Basically, the two country's will put they're Ideology's to the Test. It would be Blue country America will take the Demand Side economy vs Red Country's Supply Side economic policies which have been in place the last 37 years!!

It was FDR's and TR's policies of Anti-trust, unions and job programs that built our middle class into the beast it was in the early to mid 20th century. Ever since Reagan our economy and middle class has been turning to shit.

Our infrastructure to shit
Our educational system to shit
on and on

History proves and in fact states like Oregon, Washington, Califorina, and the northeastern states prove that the blue united states would be very much richer...The red one would be like Kansas and Mississippi.

Nope it was WWII


Btw wouldnt all the blacks in Mississippi and Kansas then move to blue states?
Democrats would have a much richer, far higher living standards, first rate infrastructure, first rate education and our healthcare system wouldn't be shit.

Republicans would be quite poor, low living standards, third world infrastructure, 50th in the world for education and healthcare.

Would suck. People would be told to die on the street within republican land.

And what would your wonderful liberal world look like after you quickly drive your state into bankruptcy? Do you think "free" is really free? No, other people have to pay for all those goodies.
Meh! Blue Country America without conservative interference-ideology will simply "Reboot The American Dream!" While Red Country America will continue the failed Reaganomics.

Basically, the two country's will put they're Ideology's to the Test. It would be Blue country America will take the Demand Side economy vs Red Country's Supply Side economic policies which have been in place the last 37 years!!

It was FDR's and TR's policies of Anti-trust, unions and job programs that built our middle class into the beast it was in the early to mid 20th century. Ever since Reagan our economy and middle class has been turning to shit.

Our infrastructure to shit
Our educational system to shit
on and on

History proves and in fact states like Oregon, Washington, Califorina, and the northeastern states prove that the blue united states would be very much richer...The red one would be like Kansas and Mississippi.

Nope it was WWII


Btw wouldnt all the blacks in Mississippi and Kansas then move to blue states?
And without Liberals you Conservatives would soon be siting along side a ditch picking thorns from your feet and wondering how it all went so wrong.

A land of nothing but Conservative policies would ignore civil rights, minority rights, worker's rights and environmental protection. Each and every time people call on their government to protect them from any form of exploitation, it has been Conservatives blocking the way. And, therefore, each and every time such exploitation has been blunted, the Conservative have wound up on the wrong side of history.

Tell us here and now, when have Conservatives ever been right?

We're always right.

We told you overpowering unions would eliminate jobs, and they did.

We told you over taxation would cause companies to relocate elsewhere, and they did.

We told you when you reward irresponsibility, don't be surprised when you create more irresponsible people, and you did.

We told you bussing would chase taxpaying people out of cities into the burbs and country, leaving only the poor behind that can't support cities, and they did.

We told you Commie Care would drastically increase medical care costs and still not have everybody covered, and we were correct.

Yeah, all these rights you speak of. In our Republican states, we won't halt progress because somebody found a tit mouse where a new school is to be built or stop a company from expanding because their property was labeled wet lands. And BTW, a higher percentage of Republicans voted for civil rights than the Democrats. The EPA was created under Richard Nixon.
Overpowering unions? Every labor contract has two sets of signatures. The labor union and management. With automation, tax incentives to outsource or move off shore and trade agreements that pit American workers against slave labor have shown corporations the light, and gave them the go ahead to strip jobs from Americans.

You idea of irresponsibility extends to cultural parameters. Are we to legislate morality?

An equal shot at a quality education for the poorest Americans just sticks in your craw. I suppose you would be happy with first class, and then second class citizens here in a land that touts opportunity.

And ask Houston after Harvey about the importance of wetlands. Had they had sensible zoning and planning, perhaps the five feet of rain would have dissipated easier.

And you seem to conflate Republican and Democrat with Conservative and Liberal. As your Republican Party has been busy in a political purge, you have forgotten that party ideology has not always been a static thing.

It is a static thing in generality.

Yes, every union contract was between union and the management. Just like when you get robbed on the street, the agreement was between the robber with the gun and the victim. Not really much of a choice, is there?

There is no tax incentive for anybody to move overseas. Never was and never will be. Liberal urban legend. The only tax write-off companies ever got was moving expenses, and it doesn't matter if you're moving from Michigan to Florida or from New York to Vietnam. And no, that write- off has nothing to do with a decision of a company to move. It's peanuts really.

Irresponsibility is what government promotes when they reward people for not working and having children they can't afford. The more kids you have, the larger the welfare check, the larger the food stamps, the larger the HUD home in the suburbs. If you do have any inclination to get off of social programs, you are penalized by the government so it's almost like working for free.
It will come down to Rebooting the American Dream.

The American dream is already here; always has been. But it's not going to come knocking on your door looking for you. You have to go out and get it for yourself. You have to work for it, perhaps study for it, sacrifice for it, but most of all, desire it.

The real question one must ask is how do people from other countries come here with little money, barely knowing enough of our language to get by, yet are able to find the American dream natives cannot seem to find?
Of course. How would Red country Republicans run their country???
Simply look at the States balance of payments... The Red states are mainly takers and Blue mainly givers....

As for commodities, do you remember globalisation... The Blue states can buy oil & food from anywhere...

This is a major problem for the red states because without the Blue States money they would severely go down hill...

We are in the information age and the Blue States have a major upper hand on that... Tarrifs would be imposed on Red States to keep Companies from moving the major businesses...

Without the power of cheap interest on borrowing, I say the Red states would descend into pretty low levels...

But it is not all doom and gloom... Eventually the red states will drop so far the Blue states will just buy up their resources like Land and Oil... So the Red States will have Blue Landlords...

This is based on actual numbers...

Speaking as one of the red staters, we can hardly wait. In fact, can't happen fast enough as far as I'm concerned. As for the phony giver-taker thing, once blue people move out of our red states, we won't need blue state money any longer. In fact you'll probably need us to borrow some of it to you.
Dude you can't survive without liberals. Let alone blue states...and I'm a conservative who hates conservatives in this country because they are regressive.

So you are a conservative that hates your own kind? Why is it I can't take you seriously? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

My life without liberals would be the greatest thing in the world. No more political correctness, no more idiotic regulations on businesses and personal life, no more social engineering, no more idiotic environmental regulations that don't do crap, no more rewarding failure and penalizing success, no more supporting criminals and demeaning victims, no more class warfare or wealth envy.

Such a perfect country this would be without liberals. I only wish it were true.
You know Ohio is a historically Blue State. Your sorry conservative ass must find a Red State.
Simply look at the States balance of payments... The Red states are mainly takers and Blue mainly givers....

As for commodities, do you remember globalisation... The Blue states can buy oil & food from anywhere...

This is a major problem for the red states because without the Blue States money they would severely go down hill...

We are in the information age and the Blue States have a major upper hand on that... Tarrifs would be imposed on Red States to keep Companies from moving the major businesses...

Without the power of cheap interest on borrowing, I say the Red states would descend into pretty low levels...

But it is not all doom and gloom... Eventually the red states will drop so far the Blue states will just buy up their resources like Land and Oil... So the Red States will have Blue Landlords...

This is based on actual numbers...

Speaking as one of the red staters, we can hardly wait. In fact, can't happen fast enough as far as I'm concerned. As for the phony giver-taker thing, once blue people move out of our red states, we won't need blue state money any longer. In fact you'll probably need us to borrow some of it to you.
Dude you can't survive without liberals. Let alone blue states...and I'm a conservative who hates conservatives in this country because they are regressive.

So you are a conservative that hates your own kind? Why is it I can't take you seriously? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

My life without liberals would be the greatest thing in the world. No more political correctness, no more idiotic regulations on businesses and personal life, no more social engineering, no more idiotic environmental regulations that don't do crap, no more rewarding failure and penalizing success, no more supporting criminals and demeaning victims, no more class warfare or wealth envy.

Such a perfect country this would be without liberals. I only wish it were true.
You know Ohio is a historically Blue State. Your sorry conservative ass must find a Red State.

Nope, Republican led from the governorship through the legislature. But if they decided we were a blue state for some reason, it would be worth leaving to go to another red state just to get away from liberals.
We're always right.

We told you overpowering unions would eliminate jobs, and they did.

We told you over taxation would cause companies to relocate elsewhere, and they did.

We told you when you reward irresponsibility, don't be surprised when you create more irresponsible people, and you did.

We told you bussing would chase taxpaying people out of cities into the burbs and country, leaving only the poor behind that can't support cities, and they did.

We told you Commie Care would drastically increase medical care costs and still not have everybody covered, and we were correct.

Yeah, all these rights you speak of. In our Republican states, we won't halt progress because somebody found a tit mouse where a new school is to be built or stop a company from expanding because their property was labeled wet lands. And BTW, a higher percentage of Republicans voted for civil rights than the Democrats. The EPA was created under Richard Nixon.
Overpowering unions? Every labor contract has two sets of signatures. The labor union and management. With automation, tax incentives to outsource or move off shore and trade agreements that pit American workers against slave labor have shown corporations the light, and gave them the go ahead to strip jobs from Americans.

You idea of irresponsibility extends to cultural parameters. Are we to legislate morality?

An equal shot at a quality education for the poorest Americans just sticks in your craw. I suppose you would be happy with first class, and then second class citizens here in a land that touts opportunity.

And ask Houston after Harvey about the importance of wetlands. Had they had sensible zoning and planning, perhaps the five feet of rain would have dissipated easier.

And you seem to conflate Republican and Democrat with Conservative and Liberal. As your Republican Party has been busy in a political purge, you have forgotten that party ideology has not always been a static thing.

It is a static thing in generality.

Yes, every union contract was between union and the management. Just like when you get robbed on the street, the agreement was between the robber with the gun and the victim. Not really much of a choice, is there?

There is no tax incentive for anybody to move overseas. Never was and never will be. Liberal urban legend. The only tax write-off companies ever got was moving expenses, and it doesn't matter if you're moving from Michigan to Florida or from New York to Vietnam. And no, that write- off has nothing to do with a decision of a company to move. It's peanuts really.

Irresponsibility is what government promotes when they reward people for not working and having children they can't afford. The more kids you have, the larger the welfare check, the larger the food stamps, the larger the HUD home in the suburbs. If you do have any inclination to get off of social programs, you are penalized by the government so it's almost like working for free.
It will come down to Rebooting the American Dream.

The American dream is already here; always has been. But it's not going to come knocking on your door looking for you. You have to go out and get it for yourself. You have to work for it, perhaps study for it, sacrifice for it, but most of all, desire it.

The real question one must ask is how do people from other countries come here with little money, barely knowing enough of our language to get by, yet are able to find the American dream natives cannot seem to find?
Of course. How would Red country Republicans run their country???

I guess you don't read all the posts in a forum, do you?
Always fascinated to watch how the contards endlessly foam at the mouth at the idea of splitting up the United States and/or killing other Americans.

Trump voters......

Can you blame us? Imagine how great of a country this would be with no more liberals.

Heck, I see my state is red. So if Democrats had to move out of my state, my property value would double overnight. We could layoff half of our police officers and fire department personnel. We could empty most of our prisons.

Most businesses would move to lower taxed Republican states so our unemployment would be almost nothing. Then we could institute Loser Pays All for lawsuits. Welfare would only be for people that absolutely had no choice but to be on it, and we would all be safe because besides the huge reduction of crime, most everybody would own a gun.

Man it would be so good never to deal with liberals ever again.

I would love to have a trial split just to watch the Red States start crying ...



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