What If Republican and Democrat States Were Separate Countries?

First of if you are a native American you are foreign. 2nd when I said foreigners who happen to come here to finish their PhD some do stay legally because the US needs them they are highly educated and skilled unlike most of the racists. 3rd and last anchor babies is with accordance of immigration law and this country was founded on it.

Ignorance noted.

Anchor babies was not a foundation of this country. Babies being considered citizens was developed for the recently liberated blacks who were once slaves and not really considered Americans. It had nothing to do with foreigners, and in fact, arguments of the amendment were made in the debates.

A foreinger is somebody that was not born in this country--not somebody who did not have blood lines to the original natives.

the definition of foreigner
To me you are a foreigner, you can keep that definition to yourself and if you have ancestors that go as far as the first settlers, you have blood on your hands.
The new foreigners like myself, we recognize the natives, the African Americans, the Latinos and we embrace their cultures you don't....therefore you are a true foreigner.

I didn't make up the definition. In this country, we have dictionaries and encyclopedias for that. You are a foreigner--I am not. I was born here by American parents--you were not. The definition of foreigner has nothing to do with acceptance of anybody else.
You and your family are settlers and not natives to this land, foreigners that settle by force, I didn't. I came here and stayed, and embraced all, and you didn't.

WTF are foreigners that settle by force?

It doesn't matter when my family came here; to be honest, I really don't know when that was myself. But I'm an American because I was born in America to American parents. You are whatever you are because of where you came from.
I'm American too. But to me the real Americans are the natives, you are just a settler just like me and a foreigner....the only difference is that i came here peacefully willing to embrace the diversity in this country, and you aren't.
Ignorance noted.

Anchor babies was not a foundation of this country. Babies being considered citizens was developed for the recently liberated blacks who were once slaves and not really considered Americans. It had nothing to do with foreigners, and in fact, arguments of the amendment were made in the debates.

A foreinger is somebody that was not born in this country--not somebody who did not have blood lines to the original natives.

the definition of foreigner
To me you are a foreigner, you can keep that definition to yourself and if you have ancestors that go as far as the first settlers, you have blood on your hands.
The new foreigners like myself, we recognize the natives, the African Americans, the Latinos and we embrace their cultures you don't....therefore you are a true foreigner.

I didn't make up the definition. In this country, we have dictionaries and encyclopedias for that. You are a foreigner--I am not. I was born here by American parents--you were not. The definition of foreigner has nothing to do with acceptance of anybody else.
You and your family are settlers and not natives to this land, foreigners that settle by force, I didn't. I came here and stayed, and embraced all, and you didn't.

WTF are foreigners that settle by force?

It doesn't matter when my family came here; to be honest, I really don't know when that was myself. But I'm an American because I was born in America to American parents. You are whatever you are because of where you came from.
I'm American too. But to me the real Americans are the natives, you are just a settler just like me and a foreigner....the only difference is that i came here peacefully willing to embrace the diversity in this country, and you aren't.

You need a good dictionary.

You are a settler, I am not. A settler is one who comes here from another country. I didn't come here form anywhere, I was born here. You are a foreigner, I am not. We are not in the same category on any level.
To me you are a foreigner, you can keep that definition to yourself and if you have ancestors that go as far as the first settlers, you have blood on your hands.
The new foreigners like myself, we recognize the natives, the African Americans, the Latinos and we embrace their cultures you don't....therefore you are a true foreigner.

I didn't make up the definition. In this country, we have dictionaries and encyclopedias for that. You are a foreigner--I am not. I was born here by American parents--you were not. The definition of foreigner has nothing to do with acceptance of anybody else.
You and your family are settlers and not natives to this land, foreigners that settle by force, I didn't. I came here and stayed, and embraced all, and you didn't.

WTF are foreigners that settle by force?

It doesn't matter when my family came here; to be honest, I really don't know when that was myself. But I'm an American because I was born in America to American parents. You are whatever you are because of where you came from.
I'm American too. But to me the real Americans are the natives, you are just a settler just like me and a foreigner....the only difference is that i came here peacefully willing to embrace the diversity in this country, and you aren't.

You need a good dictionary.

You are a settler, I am not. A settler is one who comes here from another country. I didn't come here form anywhere, I was born here. You are a foreigner, I am not. We are not in the same category on any level.
That's your interpretation I'm American just like you. You are of European decent and I'm of African decent....we both foreigners that settled here, the only difference your family came here before I did. The Native Americans are the ones who can say they are from here.
I didn't make up the definition. In this country, we have dictionaries and encyclopedias for that. You are a foreigner--I am not. I was born here by American parents--you were not. The definition of foreigner has nothing to do with acceptance of anybody else.
You and your family are settlers and not natives to this land, foreigners that settle by force, I didn't. I came here and stayed, and embraced all, and you didn't.

WTF are foreigners that settle by force?

It doesn't matter when my family came here; to be honest, I really don't know when that was myself. But I'm an American because I was born in America to American parents. You are whatever you are because of where you came from.
I'm American too. But to me the real Americans are the natives, you are just a settler just like me and a foreigner....the only difference is that i came here peacefully willing to embrace the diversity in this country, and you aren't.

You need a good dictionary.

You are a settler, I am not. A settler is one who comes here from another country. I didn't come here form anywhere, I was born here. You are a foreigner, I am not. We are not in the same category on any level.
That's your interpretation I'm American just like you. You are of European decent and I'm of African decent....we both foreigners that settled here, the only difference your family came here before I did. The Native Americans are the ones who can say they are from here.

You may be an American by definition, I am an American because I am a native of this country. Big difference.

It's no different than if I moved to your country. Moving to your country does not make me an equal to your former countrymen. I would still be a foreigner and still a settler whereas they are not. Your countrymen were born there and I am not an equal to them even if I was granted citizenship of that country.
I'd move to a Blue state and collect my Social Security.
I'd move to a Blue state and collect my Social Security.

They would give you an I.O.U. like their unfunded pension programs..

They do alright by my wife, I'm just waiting around to collect mine at full retirement age. Plus with the GOP gone all those against paying back the trust fund would be out of the picture.
I'd move to a Blue state and collect my Social Security.

They would give you an I.O.U. like their unfunded pension programs..
Yes, red state conservatives living in the Red Country would be give IOU's.

Facts and fiction escape you doesn't it? I really like your optimism but the unfunded bubble of blue state pension funds will break soon ..then who will you blame a Republican president once again?
I'd move to a Blue state and collect my Social Security.

They would give you an I.O.U. like their unfunded pension programs..
Yes, red state conservatives living in the Red Country would be given IOU's since conservatives do not believe in pensons, they believe in the stock market and 401K's. What suckers.

That's funny do you count on social security? Because I sure don't at 52, just money I put in that highly doubt I will get back in 15 years..
I'd move to a Blue state and collect my Social Security.

They would give you an I.O.U. like their unfunded pension programs..
Yes, red state conservatives living in the Red Country would be give IOU's.

Facts and fiction escape you doesn't it? I really like your optimism but the unfunded bubble of blue state pension funds will break soon ..then who will you blame a Republican president once again?

Not really, political independents think its cute how partisans treat clichés as facts. Colorado, Oregon and Washington state are all in better fiscal condition than the red state where I reside.
Can you blame us? Imagine how great of a country this would be with no more liberals.
I try to imagine that with just my party...and it was great when it was liberal free, everyone was proud to be a democrat before the liberals....there was no gun crime either before liberalism got into the political bloodstream and democrats were front and center in defending your right to own guns before the liberals infected the party
I would settle for them being separate parties.
Oh sure they say they are different but you have to wonder why no matter who controls congress and who is President, nothing seems to change.
I'd move to a Blue state and collect my Social Security.

They would give you an I.O.U. like their unfunded pension programs..
Yes, red state conservatives living in the Red Country would be give IOU's.

Facts and fiction escape you doesn't it? I really like your optimism but the unfunded bubble of blue state pension funds will break soon ..then who will you blame a Republican president once again?

Not really, political independents think its cute how partisans treat clichés as facts. Colorado, Oregon and Washington state are all in better fiscal condition than the red state where I reside.

Funny I made a thread about that yesterday..and your wrong it appears

State Fiscal Rankings

All States
You and your family are settlers and not natives to this land, foreigners that settle by force, I didn't. I came here and stayed, and embraced all, and you didn't.

WTF are foreigners that settle by force?

It doesn't matter when my family came here; to be honest, I really don't know when that was myself. But I'm an American because I was born in America to American parents. You are whatever you are because of where you came from.
I'm American too. But to me the real Americans are the natives, you are just a settler just like me and a foreigner....the only difference is that i came here peacefully willing to embrace the diversity in this country, and you aren't.

You need a good dictionary.

You are a settler, I am not. A settler is one who comes here from another country. I didn't come here form anywhere, I was born here. You are a foreigner, I am not. We are not in the same category on any level.
That's your interpretation I'm American just like you. You are of European decent and I'm of African decent....we both foreigners that settled here, the only difference your family came here before I did. The Native Americans are the ones who can say they are from here.

You may be an American by definition, I am an American because I am a native of this country. Big difference.

It's no different than if I moved to your country. Moving to your country does not make me an equal to your former countrymen. I would still be a foreigner and still a settler whereas they are not. Your countrymen were born there and I am not an equal to them even if I was granted citizenship of that country.

You are not a native, the only natives are the native Americans....if you are white, you are of European decent who settled. Thats how i view it, now you are free to believe in whatever you want.
And why do you feel so superior? Your shit stinks or you are Jesus cousin?
WTF are foreigners that settle by force?

It doesn't matter when my family came here; to be honest, I really don't know when that was myself. But I'm an American because I was born in America to American parents. You are whatever you are because of where you came from.
I'm American too. But to me the real Americans are the natives, you are just a settler just like me and a foreigner....the only difference is that i came here peacefully willing to embrace the diversity in this country, and you aren't.

You need a good dictionary.

You are a settler, I am not. A settler is one who comes here from another country. I didn't come here form anywhere, I was born here. You are a foreigner, I am not. We are not in the same category on any level.
That's your interpretation I'm American just like you. You are of European decent and I'm of African decent....we both foreigners that settled here, the only difference your family came here before I did. The Native Americans are the ones who can say they are from here.

You may be an American by definition, I am an American because I am a native of this country. Big difference.

It's no different than if I moved to your country. Moving to your country does not make me an equal to your former countrymen. I would still be a foreigner and still a settler whereas they are not. Your countrymen were born there and I am not an equal to them even if I was granted citizenship of that country.

You are not a native, the only natives are the native Americans....if you are white, you are of European decent who settled. Thats how i view it, now you are free to believe in whatever you want.
And why do you feel so superior? Your shit stinks or you are Jesus cousin?

Just get a dictionary and look up the terms you use. Apparently you don't understand them.
I'm American too. But to me the real Americans are the natives, you are just a settler just like me and a foreigner....the only difference is that i came here peacefully willing to embrace the diversity in this country, and you aren't.

You need a good dictionary.

You are a settler, I am not. A settler is one who comes here from another country. I didn't come here form anywhere, I was born here. You are a foreigner, I am not. We are not in the same category on any level.
That's your interpretation I'm American just like you. You are of European decent and I'm of African decent....we both foreigners that settled here, the only difference your family came here before I did. The Native Americans are the ones who can say they are from here.

You may be an American by definition, I am an American because I am a native of this country. Big difference.

It's no different than if I moved to your country. Moving to your country does not make me an equal to your former countrymen. I would still be a foreigner and still a settler whereas they are not. Your countrymen were born there and I am not an equal to them even if I was granted citizenship of that country.

You are not a native, the only natives are the native Americans....if you are white, you are of European decent who settled. Thats how i view it, now you are free to believe in whatever you want.
And why do you feel so superior? Your shit stinks or you are Jesus cousin?

Just get a dictionary and look up the terms you use. Apparently you don't understand them.
Answer my question.
Can you blame us? Imagine how great of a country this would be with no more liberals.
I try to imagine that with just my party...and it was great when it was liberal free, everyone was proud to be a democrat before the liberals....there was no gun crime either before liberalism got into the political bloodstream and democrats were front and center in defending your right to own guns before the liberals infected the party

Democrats really have no problems with guns. Democrats have problems with people using guns for self-defense.

If Americans could take care of themselves, then who would need Democrats? By getting rid of guns, they could expand their umbrella to create more victims. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.
You need a good dictionary.

You are a settler, I am not. A settler is one who comes here from another country. I didn't come here form anywhere, I was born here. You are a foreigner, I am not. We are not in the same category on any level.
That's your interpretation I'm American just like you. You are of European decent and I'm of African decent....we both foreigners that settled here, the only difference your family came here before I did. The Native Americans are the ones who can say they are from here.

You may be an American by definition, I am an American because I am a native of this country. Big difference.

It's no different than if I moved to your country. Moving to your country does not make me an equal to your former countrymen. I would still be a foreigner and still a settler whereas they are not. Your countrymen were born there and I am not an equal to them even if I was granted citizenship of that country.

You are not a native, the only natives are the native Americans....if you are white, you are of European decent who settled. Thats how i view it, now you are free to believe in whatever you want.
And why do you feel so superior? Your shit stinks or you are Jesus cousin?

Just get a dictionary and look up the terms you use. Apparently you don't understand them.
Answer my question.

I did, several times already.

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