What If Republican and Democrat States Were Separate Countries?

Always fascinated to watch how the contards endlessly foam at the mouth at the idea of splitting up the United States and/or killing other Americans.

Trump voters......

Can you blame us? Imagine how great of a country this would be with no more liberals.

Heck, I see my state is red. So if Democrats had to move out of my state, my property value would double overnight. We could layoff half of our police officers and fire department personnel. We could empty most of our prisons.

Most businesses would move to lower taxed Republican states so our unemployment would be almost nothing. Then we could institute Loser Pays All for lawsuits. Welfare would only be for people that absolutely had no choice but to be on it, and we would all be safe because besides the huge reduction of crime, most everybody would own a gun.

Man it would be so good never to deal with liberals ever again.
So if Democrats had to move out of my state, my property value would double overnight

Says the guy who lives next door to HUD homes. :laugh2:

Yes, those Republican HUD homes, huh? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

You might not believe it, but you're catching on even though you don't realize it.

The point is, you obviously aren't much better off than those you disparage if you live right next door.
Heartland has the natural resources---oil & gas; and grows the food.

Bolshevik Assholes in Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Philadelphia would freeze to death, if they didn't starve first. Banking and Finance would move out of New York, probably to Europe.

Mexico would finish its takeover of California and would annex it. Productive people in Silicon Valley would skedaddle, probably to Calgary in Canada.

Houston and New Orleans would become massive ports for the shipment of oil, gas, & food to the rest of the world, because rotting cities in the North and North East couldn't afford to buy it. Rioting and looting would make them basically uninhabitable.
That's your fantasy world. The west coast would be the 6th strongest and richest country. And FYI, we have everything on the west coast, we don't need your corn.

That's funny, because California will never be permitted to secede.
CA. has already told Red State conservatives to GO FUCK THEMSELVES....Blue state America does not need the South!!!!

Fuck the South
A Disgruntled Massachusetts Voter Gets It Off His Chest
by Anonymous


Johnny Ryan
Fuck the South. Fuck 'em. We should have let them go when they wanted to leave. Fighting for the right to keep slaves--yeah, those are states we want to keep. And now what do we get? We're the fucking Arrogant Northeast Liberal Elite? How about this for arrogant: the South is the Real America? The Authentic America. Really?

'Cause we fucking founded this country, assholes. Those Founding Fathers you keep going on and on about? All that bullshit about what you think they meant by the Second Amendment? Who do you think those wig-wearing, lacy-shirt-sporting revolutionaries were? They were fucking blue-staters, dickhead. Boston? Philadelphia? New York? Hello? Think there might be a reason all the fucking monuments are up here in our backyard?

No, No. Get the fuck out. We're not letting you visit the Liberty Bell and fucking Plymouth Rock anymore until you get over your real American selves and start respecting those other nine amendments. Who do you think those fucking stripes on the flag are for? Nine are for fucking blue states. Get it? We started this shit, so don't get all uppity about how real you are, you Johnny-come-lately "Oooooh, I've been a state for almost a hundred years" dickheads. Fuck off.

Arrogant? You wanna talk to us Northeasterners about fucking arrogance? Maybe I wouldn't be so fucking arrogant if I wasn't paying for your fucking bridges, bitch. All those federal taxes you love to hate? It all comes from us and goes to you, so shut up and enjoy your fucking Tennessee Valley Authority electricity and your fancy highways that we paid for. And the next time Florida gets hit by a hurricane, you can come crying to us if you want to, but you're the ones who built on a fucking swamp. "Let the Spanish keep it; it's a shithole," we said, but you had to have your fucking orange juice.

The next dickwad who says, "It's your money, not the government's money" is gonna get their ass kicked. Nine of the 10 states that get the most federal fucking dollars and pay the least... can you guess? That's right, motherfucker, they're red states. And 8 of the 10 states that receive the least and pay the most? It's too easy. They're blue states. It's not your money, assholes, it's fucking our money. What was that Real American Value you were spouting a minute ago? Self reliance? Try this for self reliance: Buy your own fucking stop signs, asshole.

Let's talk about those values for a fucking minute. You and your Southern values can bite my ass because the blue states got the values over you fucking Real Americans every day of the goddamn week. Which state do you think has the lowest divorce rate, you marriage-hyping dickwads? Can you guess? It's fucking Massachusetts, the fucking center of the gay marriage universe. Yes, that's right, the state you love to tie around the neck of anyone to the left of Strom Thurmond has the lowest divorce rate in the fucking nation. Think that's just some aberration? How about this: Nine of the 10 lowest divorce rates are fucking blue states, asshole, and most are in the Northeast, where our values suck so bad. And where are the highest divorce rates? Care to fucking guess? Ten out of 10 are fucking red-ass, we're-so-fucking-moral states.

But two guys making out is going to fucking ruin marriage for you? Yeah? Seems like you're ruining it pretty well on your own, you little bastards. Oh, but that's okay because you go to church, right? I mean you do, right? 'Cause we fucking get to hear about it every goddamn year at election time. Yes, we're fascinated by how you get up every Sunday morning and sing, and then you're fucking towers of moral superiority. Yeah, that's a workable formula. Maybe us fucking Northerners don't talk about religion as much as you because we're not so busy sinning, hmmm? Ever think of that, you self-righteous assholes? No, you're too busy erecting giant stone tablets of the Ten Commandments in buildings paid for by the fucking Northeast Liberal Elite.

Well this gravy train is fucking over. Take your liberal-bashing, federal-tax-leeching, Confederate-flag-waving, holier- than-thou, hypocritical bullshit and shove it up your ass.

And no, you can't have your fucking convention in New York next time. Fuck off.

The above rant is from the website www.fuckthesouth.com. The author is a member of the Northeast Liberal Elite and is fucking done being a scapegoat for the Republican Party.
my favourite post ever.
Always fascinated to watch how the contards endlessly foam at the mouth at the idea of splitting up the United States and/or killing other Americans.

Trump voters......

Can you blame us? Imagine how great of a country this would be with no more liberals.

Heck, I see my state is red. So if Democrats had to move out of my state, my property value would double overnight. We could layoff half of our police officers and fire department personnel. We could empty most of our prisons.

Most businesses would move to lower taxed Republican states so our unemployment would be almost nothing. Then we could institute Loser Pays All for lawsuits. Welfare would only be for people that absolutely had no choice but to be on it, and we would all be safe because besides the huge reduction of crime, most everybody would own a gun.

Man it would be so good never to deal with liberals ever again.
So if Democrats had to move out of my state, my property value would double overnight

Says the guy who lives next door to HUD homes. :laugh2:

Yes, those Republican HUD homes, huh? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

You might not believe it, but you're catching on even though you don't realize it.

The point is, you obviously aren't much better off than those you disparage if you live right next door.

No, that's not it at all. HUD targets areas to destroy. They send their lowlifes to those areas and then the good people begin to move out. Nobody nowhere is safe from the federal HUD attacks.
Jeepers! I must not be very patriotic! I don't love America as much as these secessionists seem to. They love America so much that they would welcome a permanent division of her based on their inability to craft a political compromise, just as the founding fathers did as they crafted the constitution.

The arguments of Conservatives have always been baffling to me. They must have a personal armory to ward off a devious government. But they cite the constitution as a means to keep them free. They have to pack a gun on their person at all times to protect themselves. But they also call for support of the police they think are ineffective and slow to respond. They call for free speech, but they condemn those who actually participate in free speech.

No, I'm not in favor of severing the union. I guess that makes me unAmerican.

No, it actually makes you smart. Liberals could never survive without us conservatives and they know it.
And without Liberals you Conservatives would soon be siting along side a ditch picking thorns from your feet and wondering how it all went so wrong.

A land of nothing but Conservative policies would ignore civil rights, minority rights, worker's rights and environmental protection. Each and every time people call on their government to protect them from any form of exploitation, it has been Conservatives blocking the way. And, therefore, each and every time such exploitation has been blunted, the Conservative have wound up on the wrong side of history.

Tell us here and now, when have Conservatives ever been right?

We're always right.

We told you overpowering unions would eliminate jobs, and they did.

We told you over taxation would cause companies to relocate elsewhere, and they did.

We told you when you reward irresponsibility, don't be surprised when you create more irresponsible people, and you did.

We told you bussing would chase taxpaying people out of cities into the burbs and country, leaving only the poor behind that can't support cities, and they did.

We told you Commie Care would drastically increase medical care costs and still not have everybody covered, and we were correct.

Yeah, all these rights you speak of. In our Republican states, we won't halt progress because somebody found a tit mouse where a new school is to be built or stop a company from expanding because their property was labeled wet lands. And BTW, a higher percentage of Republicans voted for civil rights than the Democrats. The EPA was created under Richard Nixon.
Always fascinated to watch how the contards endlessly foam at the mouth at the idea of splitting up the United States and/or killing other Americans.

Trump voters......

Can you blame us? Imagine how great of a country this would be with no more liberals.

Heck, I see my state is red. So if Democrats had to move out of my state, my property value would double overnight. We could layoff half of our police officers and fire department personnel. We could empty most of our prisons.

Most businesses would move to lower taxed Republican states so our unemployment would be almost nothing. Then we could institute Loser Pays All for lawsuits. Welfare would only be for people that absolutely had no choice but to be on it, and we would all be safe because besides the huge reduction of crime, most everybody would own a gun.

Man it would be so good never to deal with liberals ever again.
So if Democrats had to move out of my state, my property value would double overnight

Says the guy who lives next door to HUD homes. :laugh2:

Yes, those Republican HUD homes, huh? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

You might not believe it, but you're catching on even though you don't realize it.

The point is, you obviously aren't much better off than those you disparage if you live right next door.

No, that's not it at all. HUD targets areas to destroy. They send their lowlifes to those areas and then the good people begin to move out. Nobody nowhere is safe from the federal HUD attacks.
Did you know that Section Eight rent subsidies are paid to private landlords? Did you know that private landlords own the Section Eight rental properties? Did you know that there are some landlords who have made a career for themselves as landlords? Did you know that every Section Eight rental property is inspected every year for quality standards, something rarely done with other rental properties?

Did you know, or are you just shooting from the hip without any real knowledge?
Can you blame us? Imagine how great of a country this would be with no more liberals.

Heck, I see my state is red. So if Democrats had to move out of my state, my property value would double overnight. We could layoff half of our police officers and fire department personnel. We could empty most of our prisons.

Most businesses would move to lower taxed Republican states so our unemployment would be almost nothing. Then we could institute Loser Pays All for lawsuits. Welfare would only be for people that absolutely had no choice but to be on it, and we would all be safe because besides the huge reduction of crime, most everybody would own a gun.

Man it would be so good never to deal with liberals ever again.
So if Democrats had to move out of my state, my property value would double overnight

Says the guy who lives next door to HUD homes. :laugh2:

Yes, those Republican HUD homes, huh? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

You might not believe it, but you're catching on even though you don't realize it.

The point is, you obviously aren't much better off than those you disparage if you live right next door.

No, that's not it at all. HUD targets areas to destroy. They send their lowlifes to those areas and then the good people begin to move out. Nobody nowhere is safe from the federal HUD attacks.
Did you know that Section Eight rent subsidies are paid to private landlords? Did you know that private landlords own the Section Eight rental properties? Did you know that there are some landlords who have made a career for themselves as landlords? Did you know that every Section Eight rental property is inspected every year for quality standards, something rarely done with other rental properties?

Did you know, or are you just shooting from the hip without any real knowledge?

So WTF does that have to do with the price of rice in China? I know all about section 8. I'm a landlord myself. But that doesn't change the fact that lowlifes don't belong in the suburbs with working people. The cops have been out here almost a dozen times because of these lowlifes next door to me, and they're still trouble.

The problem is HUD has way too much money, and that's something we need to cut down. If I have to support these slugs, fine, but I'll support them over there--not over here. Put them in the inner-city where they belong with all the other people that don't work.
The United States has been a united country ever since 1865. But what if for whatever reason today, the country split into 2 different countries along the lines of historically Republican and historically Democrat states? Watch to find out and leave your comments!

I'd rather see it broken down even futher.

many cities have more population than the states they live in.

break it down by counties, then you will really starve the leftists into submission.
Jeepers! I must not be very patriotic! I don't love America as much as these secessionists seem to. They love America so much that they would welcome a permanent division of her based on their inability to craft a political compromise, just as the founding fathers did as they crafted the constitution.

The arguments of Conservatives have always been baffling to me. They must have a personal armory to ward off a devious government. But they cite the constitution as a means to keep them free. They have to pack a gun on their person at all times to protect themselves. But they also call for support of the police they think are ineffective and slow to respond. They call for free speech, but they condemn those who actually participate in free speech.

No, I'm not in favor of severing the union. I guess that makes me unAmerican.

No, it actually makes you smart. Liberals could never survive without us conservatives and they know it.
And without Liberals you Conservatives would soon be siting along side a ditch picking thorns from your feet and wondering how it all went so wrong.

A land of nothing but Conservative policies would ignore civil rights, minority rights, worker's rights and environmental protection. Each and every time people call on their government to protect them from any form of exploitation, it has been Conservatives blocking the way. And, therefore, each and every time such exploitation has been blunted, the Conservative have wound up on the wrong side of history.

Tell us here and now, when have Conservatives ever been right?

We're always right.

We told you overpowering unions would eliminate jobs, and they did.

We told you over taxation would cause companies to relocate elsewhere, and they did.

We told you when you reward irresponsibility, don't be surprised when you create more irresponsible people, and you did.

We told you bussing would chase taxpaying people out of cities into the burbs and country, leaving only the poor behind that can't support cities, and they did.

We told you Commie Care would drastically increase medical care costs and still not have everybody covered, and we were correct.

Yeah, all these rights you speak of. In our Republican states, we won't halt progress because somebody found a tit mouse where a new school is to be built or stop a company from expanding because their property was labeled wet lands. And BTW, a higher percentage of Republicans voted for civil rights than the Democrats. The EPA was created under Richard Nixon.
Overpowering unions? Every labor contract has two sets of signatures. The labor union and management. With automation, tax incentives to outsource or move off shore and trade agreements that pit American workers against slave labor have shown corporations the light, and gave them the go ahead to strip jobs from Americans.

You idea of irresponsibility extends to cultural parameters. Are we to legislate morality?

An equal shot at a quality education for the poorest Americans just sticks in your craw. I suppose you would be happy with first class, and then second class citizens here in a land that touts opportunity.

And ask Houston after Harvey about the importance of wetlands. Had they had sensible zoning and planning, perhaps the five feet of rain would have dissipated easier.

And you seem to conflate Republican and Democrat with Conservative and Liberal. As your Republican Party has been busy in a political purge, you have forgotten that party ideology has not always been a static thing.
Says the guy who lives next door to HUD homes. :laugh2:

Yes, those Republican HUD homes, huh? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

You might not believe it, but you're catching on even though you don't realize it.

The point is, you obviously aren't much better off than those you disparage if you live right next door.

No, that's not it at all. HUD targets areas to destroy. They send their lowlifes to those areas and then the good people begin to move out. Nobody nowhere is safe from the federal HUD attacks.
Did you know that Section Eight rent subsidies are paid to private landlords? Did you know that private landlords own the Section Eight rental properties? Did you know that there are some landlords who have made a career for themselves as landlords? Did you know that every Section Eight rental property is inspected every year for quality standards, something rarely done with other rental properties?

Did you know, or are you just shooting from the hip without any real knowledge?

So WTF does that have to do with the price of rice in China? I know all about section 8. I'm a landlord myself. But that doesn't change the fact that lowlifes don't belong in the suburbs with working people. The cops have been out here almost a dozen times because of these lowlifes next door to me, and they're still trouble.

The problem is HUD has way too much money, and that's something we need to cut down. If I have to support these slugs, fine, but I'll support them over there--not over here. Put them in the inner-city where they belong with all the other people that don't work.
Are the poor always lowlifes? Is poverty a marker of a deficiency in morality? If you're poor, is it solely because you're a criminal?
Always fascinated to watch how the contards endlessly foam at the mouth at the idea of splitting up the United States and/or killing other Americans.

Trump voters......

Can you blame us? Imagine how great of a country this would be with no more liberals.

Heck, I see my state is red. So if Democrats had to move out of my state, my property value would double overnight. We could layoff half of our police officers and fire department personnel. We could empty most of our prisons.

Most businesses would move to lower taxed Republican states so our unemployment would be almost nothing. Then we could institute Loser Pays All for lawsuits. Welfare would only be for people that absolutely had no choice but to be on it, and we would all be safe because besides the huge reduction of crime, most everybody would own a gun.

Man it would be so good never to deal with liberals ever again.
So if Democrats had to move out of my state, my property value would double overnight

Says the guy who lives next door to HUD homes. :laugh2:

Yes, those Republican HUD homes, huh? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

You might not believe it, but you're catching on even though you don't realize it.

The point is, you obviously aren't much better off than those you disparage if you live right next door.

No, that's not it at all. HUD targets areas to destroy. They send their lowlifes to those areas and then the good people begin to move out. Nobody nowhere is safe from the federal HUD attacks.

I suppose when you find yourself in such a position, it's much easier to create a conspiracy blaming others to explain that position rather than face the truth. I think you might be the lowlife.
Simply look at the States balance of payments... The Red states are mainly takers and Blue mainly givers....

As for commodities, do you remember globalisation... The Blue states can buy oil & food from anywhere...

This is a major problem for the red states because without the Blue States money they would severely go down hill...

We are in the information age and the Blue States have a major upper hand on that... Tarrifs would be imposed on Red States to keep Companies from moving the major businesses...

Without the power of cheap interest on borrowing, I say the Red states would descend into pretty low levels...

But it is not all doom and gloom... Eventually the red states will drop so far the Blue states will just buy up their resources like Land and Oil... So the Red States will have Blue Landlords...

This is based on actual numbers...
Simply look at the States balance of payments... The Red states are mainly takers and Blue mainly givers....

As for commodities, do you remember globalisation... The Blue states can buy oil & food from anywhere...

This is a major problem for the red states because without the Blue States money they would severely go down hill...

We are in the information age and the Blue States have a major upper hand on that... Tarrifs would be imposed on Red States to keep Companies from moving the major businesses...

Without the power of cheap interest on borrowing, I say the Red states would descend into pretty low levels...

But it is not all doom and gloom... Eventually the red states will drop so far the Blue states will just buy up their resources like Land and Oil... So the Red States will have Blue Landlords...

This is based on actual numbers...

Speaking as one of the red staters, we can hardly wait. In fact, can't happen fast enough as far as I'm concerned. As for the phony giver-taker thing, once blue people move out of our red states, we won't need blue state money any longer. In fact you'll probably need us to borrow some of it to you.
Can you blame us? Imagine how great of a country this would be with no more liberals.

Heck, I see my state is red. So if Democrats had to move out of my state, my property value would double overnight. We could layoff half of our police officers and fire department personnel. We could empty most of our prisons.

Most businesses would move to lower taxed Republican states so our unemployment would be almost nothing. Then we could institute Loser Pays All for lawsuits. Welfare would only be for people that absolutely had no choice but to be on it, and we would all be safe because besides the huge reduction of crime, most everybody would own a gun.

Man it would be so good never to deal with liberals ever again.
So if Democrats had to move out of my state, my property value would double overnight

Says the guy who lives next door to HUD homes. :laugh2:

Yes, those Republican HUD homes, huh? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

You might not believe it, but you're catching on even though you don't realize it.

The point is, you obviously aren't much better off than those you disparage if you live right next door.

No, that's not it at all. HUD targets areas to destroy. They send their lowlifes to those areas and then the good people begin to move out. Nobody nowhere is safe from the federal HUD attacks.

I suppose when you find yourself in such a position, it's much easier to create a conspiracy blaming others to explain that position rather than face the truth. I think you might be the lowlife.

Not at all.

Obama making bid to diversify wealthy neighborhoods


HUD’s social engineering is coming to your neighborhood | 2015-07-08 | HousingWire

BESTY MCCAUGHEY: HUD war against the suburbs
Yes, those Republican HUD homes, huh? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

You might not believe it, but you're catching on even though you don't realize it.

The point is, you obviously aren't much better off than those you disparage if you live right next door.

No, that's not it at all. HUD targets areas to destroy. They send their lowlifes to those areas and then the good people begin to move out. Nobody nowhere is safe from the federal HUD attacks.
Did you know that Section Eight rent subsidies are paid to private landlords? Did you know that private landlords own the Section Eight rental properties? Did you know that there are some landlords who have made a career for themselves as landlords? Did you know that every Section Eight rental property is inspected every year for quality standards, something rarely done with other rental properties?

Did you know, or are you just shooting from the hip without any real knowledge?

So WTF does that have to do with the price of rice in China? I know all about section 8. I'm a landlord myself. But that doesn't change the fact that lowlifes don't belong in the suburbs with working people. The cops have been out here almost a dozen times because of these lowlifes next door to me, and they're still trouble.

The problem is HUD has way too much money, and that's something we need to cut down. If I have to support these slugs, fine, but I'll support them over there--not over here. Put them in the inner-city where they belong with all the other people that don't work.
Are the poor always lowlifes? Is poverty a marker of a deficiency in morality? If you're poor, is it solely because you're a criminal?

In most cases yes it does. But it goes beyond that.

When I wake up in the morning and those mini-vans and SUV's remain in their parking lot, that's a sign of a lowlife.

When they come home at 3:00 am on a work night, drunk as a skunk, making noise enough to wake up everybody nearby, that's a sign of a lowlife.

When they use blankets, bed sheets, and towels to cover their windows making the street look like the ghetto, that's a sign of a lowlife.

When they have four kids they obviously could never afford, that's a sign of a lowlife.

When their garbage cans remain on the curb several days after the garbage is picked up--even though they are all home during the day, that's a sign of a lowlife.
Says the guy who lives next door to HUD homes. :laugh2:

Yes, those Republican HUD homes, huh? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

You might not believe it, but you're catching on even though you don't realize it.

The point is, you obviously aren't much better off than those you disparage if you live right next door.

No, that's not it at all. HUD targets areas to destroy. They send their lowlifes to those areas and then the good people begin to move out. Nobody nowhere is safe from the federal HUD attacks.

I suppose when you find yourself in such a position, it's much easier to create a conspiracy blaming others to explain that position rather than face the truth. I think you might be the lowlife.

Not at all.

Obama making bid to diversify wealthy neighborhoods


HUD’s social engineering is coming to your neighborhood | 2015-07-08 | HousingWire

BESTY MCCAUGHEY: HUD war against the suburbs

That changes nothing. My point remains.
You're the lowlife. If it's not poor folks, it's blacks, Muslims, or Mexicans. They're all to blame for your woes.
Simply look at the States balance of payments... The Red states are mainly takers and Blue mainly givers....

As for commodities, do you remember globalisation... The Blue states can buy oil & food from anywhere...

This is a major problem for the red states because without the Blue States money they would severely go down hill...

We are in the information age and the Blue States have a major upper hand on that... Tarrifs would be imposed on Red States to keep Companies from moving the major businesses...

Without the power of cheap interest on borrowing, I say the Red states would descend into pretty low levels...

But it is not all doom and gloom... Eventually the red states will drop so far the Blue states will just buy up their resources like Land and Oil... So the Red States will have Blue Landlords...

This is based on actual numbers...

Speaking as one of the red staters, we can hardly wait. In fact, can't happen fast enough as far as I'm concerned. As for the phony giver-taker thing, once blue people move out of our red states, we won't need blue state money any longer. In fact you'll probably need us to borrow some of it to you.

I hate to tell you but Ohio is not a red state. Especially Cleveland. At best it's a swing state.
Jeepers! I must not be very patriotic! I don't love America as much as these secessionists seem to. They love America so much that they would welcome a permanent division of her based on their inability to craft a political compromise, just as the founding fathers did as they crafted the constitution.

The arguments of Conservatives have always been baffling to me. They must have a personal armory to ward off a devious government. But they cite the constitution as a means to keep them free. They have to pack a gun on their person at all times to protect themselves. But they also call for support of the police they think are ineffective and slow to respond. They call for free speech, but they condemn those who actually participate in free speech.

No, I'm not in favor of severing the union. I guess that makes me unAmerican.

No, it actually makes you smart. Liberals could never survive without us conservatives and they know it.
And without Liberals you Conservatives would soon be siting along side a ditch picking thorns from your feet and wondering how it all went so wrong.

A land of nothing but Conservative policies would ignore civil rights, minority rights, worker's rights and environmental protection. Each and every time people call on their government to protect them from any form of exploitation, it has been Conservatives blocking the way. And, therefore, each and every time such exploitation has been blunted, the Conservative have wound up on the wrong side of history.

Tell us here and now, when have Conservatives ever been right?

We're always right.

We told you overpowering unions would eliminate jobs, and they did.

We told you over taxation would cause companies to relocate elsewhere, and they did.

We told you when you reward irresponsibility, don't be surprised when you create more irresponsible people, and you did.

We told you bussing would chase taxpaying people out of cities into the burbs and country, leaving only the poor behind that can't support cities, and they did.

We told you Commie Care would drastically increase medical care costs and still not have everybody covered, and we were correct.

Yeah, all these rights you speak of. In our Republican states, we won't halt progress because somebody found a tit mouse where a new school is to be built or stop a company from expanding because their property was labeled wet lands. And BTW, a higher percentage of Republicans voted for civil rights than the Democrats. The EPA was created under Richard Nixon.
Overpowering unions? Every labor contract has two sets of signatures. The labor union and management. With automation, tax incentives to outsource or move off shore and trade agreements that pit American workers against slave labor have shown corporations the light, and gave them the go ahead to strip jobs from Americans.

You idea of irresponsibility extends to cultural parameters. Are we to legislate morality?

An equal shot at a quality education for the poorest Americans just sticks in your craw. I suppose you would be happy with first class, and then second class citizens here in a land that touts opportunity.

And ask Houston after Harvey about the importance of wetlands. Had they had sensible zoning and planning, perhaps the five feet of rain would have dissipated easier.

And you seem to conflate Republican and Democrat with Conservative and Liberal. As your Republican Party has been busy in a political purge, you have forgotten that party ideology has not always been a static thing.

It is a static thing in generality.

Yes, every union contract was between union and the management. Just like when you get robbed on the street, the agreement was between the robber with the gun and the victim. Not really much of a choice, is there?

There is no tax incentive for anybody to move overseas. Never was and never will be. Liberal urban legend. The only tax write-off companies ever got was moving expenses, and it doesn't matter if you're moving from Michigan to Florida or from New York to Vietnam. And no, that write- off has nothing to do with a decision of a company to move. It's peanuts really.

Irresponsibility is what government promotes when they reward people for not working and having children they can't afford. The more kids you have, the larger the welfare check, the larger the food stamps, the larger the HUD home in the suburbs. If you do have any inclination to get off of social programs, you are penalized by the government so it's almost like working for free.

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