What If There Is No Hell......

I just felt left out with all the Hell talk going on.

Well there HAS to be a hell, where the heck are those of us denied entrance by the 'born agains' gonna go? We are damned, following 'false prophets.' :rolleyes:
Kathianne said:
Well there HAS to be a hell, where the heck are those of us denied entrance by the 'born agains' gonna go? We are damned, following 'false prophets.' :rolleyes:
There doesn't have to be....

Who says we go anywhere?
I know, I know...The Bible.
I'm just not much for the good book right now.
There doesn't have to be....

Who says we go anywhere?
I know, I know...The Bible.
I'm just not much for the good book right now.

Well, that MUCH I can't drop. But I hear ya!
I'm just curious, but I always get the same answers which really doesn't
answer much. I figure it out when I'm ready.
Better question:

What if there is no literal places of Heaven or Hell?
Sir Evil said:

who do you tab for such a job?

The movie "Field of Dreams". Remember?? One of my favs. Kevin Costner in Jeans and t-shirt. :hitit:
Sir Evil said:
Of course, saw it many times. still it's a big job for someone to build but maybe I'll grab my tools and pitch in! :D

Sure, and if you run into Kev, I'd be glad to help or whatever. :dev1:
Sir Evil said:
Of course, saw it many times. still it's a big job for someone to build but maybe I'll grab my tools and pitch in! :D
Building Hell huh...
Where would we start?
I vote for Jersey, not much work we'd have to do.
Building Hell huh...
Where would we start?
I vote for Jersey, not much work we'd have to do.

I don't like physical labor, I'll just tell you all what to do! :teeth: "Pick up those shovels..."
Kathianne said:
I don't like physical labor, I'll just tell you all what to do! :teeth: "Pick up those shovels..."
If we are buildimg Hell, wouldn't it be spoons???
And non alcoholic beer for break time.

"Never mind the break, get back to work knave!" :laugh: (oh I think I like this role!)

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