What If We Actually Had Poor People In This Country?

The policies Republicans have espoused for decades are an abject failure for the economy.

Explaining why we currently have the best economy in 70 years.... :eusa_whistle:

Reagan's tax cuts used "earned income credits" to transfer the wealth of the nation from the working and middle class, to the top 10%. Bush's tax cuts accelerated the process, and Trump's tax cuts are already impacting negatively on the stock market, investment and job creation.

Right, the rich are robbing the poor - because the poor have all the money. You Communists have it all figured out.

As long as the the United States is being run on the credit card, while your workers get little to no benefit from the record sales and profits your corporations are booking, your country and your economy will continue to decline.

Say Comrade, just HOW much debt did Queer Barry add during his 8 years? :dunno:

The slogans you recite from the hate sites are idiotic, you can't be taken seriously when you chant such utter stupidity.
90% of Obama's debt was averting another corrupt GOP World depression, and welfare and unemployment for the victims. So stupid you are...
They rely on churches and relief organizations to feed them.

I live here, this is horribly real. It's new, it started about the time Obama came into office. The Communist rulers here in California became emboldened in their attack on the middle class. This may not be where you are, but it will be.

C'mon....you know I live in the People's Republic of NYC

In 10 years you'll be just as bad as we are...

I'm in Orange County, we were once the "Republican" enclave.

"California Considering Tax On Breathing


SACRAMENTO, CA—The California legislature unveiled plans last week for a new tax on the privilege of breathing.

The "Check Your Oxygen Privilege Act" will be voted on later this week. If passed into law, Californians will pay a progressive tax on inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide, with wealthier residents paying as much as 40% of their income for every breath they take. The poorest tax bracket may receive a subsidy for their breaths under the new model.

"Once again, California is at the forefront of progress," Jerry Brown said in a press conference Monday. "We've talked about taxing text messages, vehicle mileage, sneezing, sleeping, and your very existence, and this was the logical next step." The government has reportedly developed special breathing meters to help implement the bill, should it pass. Californians will be forced to purchase the meters from the state and wear them at all times to ensure accurate measurement of the amount of air they're using.

At publishing time, California had unveiled a tax on taxes, charging residents a luxury tax for the privilege of being taxed."
California Considering Tax On Breathing
The great success Governor Brown has had is mainly due to his to his taxing the rich more like their fair share, since our GOP obstruction government won't do it

Success in creating more impoverished Americans than the great depression?

At least you admit that putting the majority of Americans in poverty is the goal of the democrats.
Actually that would be doing what Republicans have been the last 35 years, like most of their voters you are a brainwashed functional moron. Country is dying for a living wage, taxing the rich more like their fair share oh, and investing in America and Americans. GOP has screwed over the Non rich and the country and only brainwashing makes it possible. You don't know that but you know every detail of every phony Scandal that the GOP has sprung against democrats for 30 years. All investigated nothing, and never retracted. A disgrace and so are you.
The policies Republicans have espoused for decades are an abject failure for the economy.

Explaining why we currently have the best economy in 70 years.... :eusa_whistle:

Reagan's tax cuts used "earned income credits" to transfer the wealth of the nation from the working and middle class, to the top 10%. Bush's tax cuts accelerated the process, and Trump's tax cuts are already impacting negatively on the stock market, investment and job creation.

Right, the rich are robbing the poor - because the poor have all the money. You Communists have it all figured out.

As long as the the United States is being run on the credit card, while your workers get little to no benefit from the record sales and profits your corporations are booking, your country and your economy will continue to decline.

Say Comrade, just HOW much debt did Queer Barry add during his 8 years? :dunno:

The slogans you recite from the hate sites are idiotic, you can't be taken seriously when you chant such utter stupidity.
90% of Obama's debt was averting another corrupt GOP World depression, and welfare and unemployment for the victims. So stupid you are...

Of course.

Anything Obama did wrong is the fault of Bush. Anything Trump does right is because of Obama. You snotty little children have said it all before.
The policies Republicans have espoused for decades are an abject failure for the economy.

Explaining why we currently have the best economy in 70 years.... :eusa_whistle:

Reagan's tax cuts used "earned income credits" to transfer the wealth of the nation from the working and middle class, to the top 10%. Bush's tax cuts accelerated the process, and Trump's tax cuts are already impacting negatively on the stock market, investment and job creation.

Right, the rich are robbing the poor - because the poor have all the money. You Communists have it all figured out.

As long as the the United States is being run on the credit card, while your workers get little to no benefit from the record sales and profits your corporations are booking, your country and your economy will continue to decline.

Say Comrade, just HOW much debt did Queer Barry add during his 8 years? :dunno:

The slogans you recite from the hate sites are idiotic, you can't be taken seriously when you chant such utter stupidity.
90% of Obama's debt was averting another corrupt GOP World depression, and welfare and unemployment for the victims. So stupid you are...

Of course.

Anything Obama did wrong is the fault of Bush. Anything Trump does right is because of Obama. You snotty little children have said it all before.

In other words, having nothing to respond to sound economic theory and practices, you resort to childish schoolyard taunting, proving both your intellectual bankruptcy, and a juvenile response to a growing economic cloud on your horizon.
The policies Republicans have espoused for decades are an abject failure for the economy.

Explaining why we currently have the best economy in 70 years.... :eusa_whistle:

Reagan's tax cuts used "earned income credits" to transfer the wealth of the nation from the working and middle class, to the top 10%. Bush's tax cuts accelerated the process, and Trump's tax cuts are already impacting negatively on the stock market, investment and job creation.

Right, the rich are robbing the poor - because the poor have all the money. You Communists have it all figured out.

As long as the the United States is being run on the credit card, while your workers get little to no benefit from the record sales and profits your corporations are booking, your country and your economy will continue to decline.

Say Comrade, just HOW much debt did Queer Barry add during his 8 years? :dunno:

The slogans you recite from the hate sites are idiotic, you can't be taken seriously when you chant such utter stupidity.
90% of Obama's debt was averting another corrupt GOP World depression, and welfare and unemployment for the victims. So stupid you are...

Of course.

Anything Obama did wrong is the fault of Bush. Anything Trump does right is because of Obama. You snotty little children have said it all before.
Obama basically did nothing but pass ACA when he had 60 votes for 30 days
... Are you one of those idiots who has never heard of the 2008 Great recession corrupt bubble and bust? Because you listen to the GOP propaganda machine... Yes Bush left Obama a meltdown and Obama left Trump a fine economy. What he is now screwing up with giant tax cuts for no reason and tariffs and trade Wars. Idiocy.
As generous as I am, my present today for our Democrat voters, is to remove any necessity for that hand-wringing, or living in that crisis-mode your masters keep you in.

Democrat voters….be prepared to be shocked: there is neither racism nor poverty in this country!
Yup…you’ve been double-lied to….and you bought it like it was on sale.

The thread will concentrate on the latter lie.

There's no poverty, you have no need to either prepare to step over dead bodies due to starvation.....nor to ever vote Democrat again.

1. There is no poverty, no need for you to fork over a third or more of your income to the bosses.
Not the sham perpetuated by the Left to manipulate the soft-hearted/soft-headed to vote Democrat. I mean actual poverty.

Here’s the real definition, not one that is based on some folks having a slightly smaller house than you, or only a 50inch TV….

No Home, No Heat, No Food…..real poverty. If there is such a category in America, it is no more than a rounding error.

2. If you have cable TV….you’re not poor.

3. If you don’t clip the coupons and shop at several grocery stores for the best prices….you know you’re not really poor.

4. If you live in the city, and you have a car….you’re not poor.

5.If you spend more time signing up for government welfare programs rather than looking for creative ways to make some money,….you’re not poor- there are other words to describe you, and they aren't compliments.

You are poor???
Here....let me help:

Some plans if you need some extra bucks: (When Money is Tight, These 9 Resources Can Help You)

6. Make a Little Extra Money While You Watch TV
Surveys aren’t the quickest way to make money, but they’re a great way to cash in on your downtime and pad your pockets for the next rainy day. Fill them out while you’re watching TV, riding the bus or waiting in line.

One survey site we love is called InboxDollars. It offers several short, daily surveys. You earn cash, so you don’t have to worry about exchanging points. It also offers more ways to earn, such as watching videos, playing scratch-off games and searching the internet.

Bonus: You’ll get a free $5 just for signing up!

7. Sell Your Stuff
When you’re short on cash, look to the back of your closet and in the depths of your attic or basement. You’ll almost certainly find a bunch of stuff you don’t use anymore.

A lot of people see this clutter and start plotting a garage sale to earn extra money. The prospect is tempting — but a garage sale might not be worth your time.

Try some alternatives, like selling your stuff online or in town to earn more money with less hassle than hosting a full-blown garage sale. Apps like Letgo and Decluttr make it super easy to sell your stuff without sitting in the front yard and dealing with strangers all day.

More ways to get money without putting your hand in your neighbor’s pocket….next.

1."If you live in the city, and you have a car….you’re not poor."

I have a question: what planet do you live on ??? You did not even bother to introduce such a figure as the cost of gasoline, insurance and car repairs!

2."If you spend more time signing up for government welfare programs rather than looking for creative ways to make some money,….you’re not poor- there are other words to describe you, and they aren't compliments"

Tell me, and if a person does not have enough mind or education, to see the opportunity to become an enterpreneur, how should he be ??? Name at least one real opportunity for a person from the poorest strata to become provided! All the rest is profanation.

3.Do you you read AN Y special literature on wealth and poverty in the world, as well as in the U.S. that the vector of income growth of ordinary mortals irreversibly diverged from the vector of enrichment of the powerful of this world ???!

OXFAM recently stated that our civilization has passed the point in which the vectors of growth of wealth and poverty DIVERGE IRREVERSIBLY?!

Research and publications | Oxfam America

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C'mon....you know I live in the People's Republic of NYC

In 10 years you'll be just as bad as we are...

I'm in Orange County, we were once the "Republican" enclave.

"California Considering Tax On Breathing


SACRAMENTO, CA—The California legislature unveiled plans last week for a new tax on the privilege of breathing.

The "Check Your Oxygen Privilege Act" will be voted on later this week. If passed into law, Californians will pay a progressive tax on inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide, with wealthier residents paying as much as 40% of their income for every breath they take. The poorest tax bracket may receive a subsidy for their breaths under the new model.

"Once again, California is at the forefront of progress," Jerry Brown said in a press conference Monday. "We've talked about taxing text messages, vehicle mileage, sneezing, sleeping, and your very existence, and this was the logical next step." The government has reportedly developed special breathing meters to help implement the bill, should it pass. Californians will be forced to purchase the meters from the state and wear them at all times to ensure accurate measurement of the amount of air they're using.

At publishing time, California had unveiled a tax on taxes, charging residents a luxury tax for the privilege of being taxed."
California Considering Tax On Breathing
The great success Governor Brown has had is mainly due to his to his taxing the rich more like their fair share, since our GOP obstruction government won't do it

Success in creating more impoverished Americans than the great depression?

At least you admit that putting the majority of Americans in poverty is the goal of the democrats.
Actually that would be doing what Republicans have been the last 35 years, like most of their voters you are a brainwashed functional moron. Country is dying for a living wage, taxing the rich more like their fair share oh, and investing in America and Americans. GOP has screwed over the Non rich and the country and only brainwashing makes it possible. You don't know that but you know every detail of every phony Scandal that the GOP has sprung against democrats for 30 years. All investigated nothing, and never retracted. A disgrace and so are you.

16 of those years were under a Marxist democrat president. 26 of those years were under a Marxist controlled house. 20 of them under a Marxist controlled Senate.

You're an idiot Stalin.
If they had no food, they'd be dead.

It's a simple test for mental capacity.

They rely on churches and relief organizations to feed them.

I live here, this is horribly real. It's new, it started about the time Obama came into office. The Communist rulers here in California became emboldened in their attack on the middle class. This may not be where you are, but it will be.
increasing our minimum wage will help improve conditions for those who make more than the minimum wage.

No stupid fuck, it wouldn't.

You lack the intellect to grasp that currency is just a marker for value. Manipulating fiat currency only changes the scale of the marker, value remains static. I've explained this to you before, but you lack the education, intellect, and sobriety to understand it.
a cost of living adjustment, that is all. why so much drama queenery in our Republic, right winger?

Because value does not increase, moron. Any arbitrary means of exchange will seek equilibrium to the value expressed by the exchange rate. You think you can cheat reality by changing rates, but you can't.

If a steak is $10 and we pay a man $10 an hour to wash dishes, then his VALUE per hour is equal to a steak. Pay him $10,000 an hour and the cost of the steak will rise to $10,000. Because the VALUE did not change with your arbitrary manipulation of currency.

Why are you too stupid to grasp this? It's the drugs, isn't it?
lol. like cost of living adjustments, never work.

who are You trying to kid, right winger; we use fiat money.
They rely on churches and relief organizations to feed them.

I live here, this is horribly real. It's new, it started about the time Obama came into office. The Communist rulers here in California became emboldened in their attack on the middle class. This may not be where you are, but it will be.
increasing our minimum wage will help improve conditions for those who make more than the minimum wage.

No stupid fuck, it wouldn't.

You lack the intellect to grasp that currency is just a marker for value. Manipulating fiat currency only changes the scale of the marker, value remains static. I've explained this to you before, but you lack the education, intellect, and sobriety to understand it.
a cost of living adjustment, that is all. why so much drama queenery in our Republic, right winger?

Because value does not increase, moron. Any arbitrary means of exchange will seek equilibrium to the value expressed by the exchange rate. You think you can cheat reality by changing rates, but you can't.

If a steak is $10 and we pay a man $10 an hour to wash dishes, then his VALUE per hour is equal to a steak. Pay him $10,000 an hour and the cost of the steak will rise to $10,000. Because the VALUE did not change with your arbitrary manipulation of currency.

Why are you too stupid to grasp this? It's the drugs, isn't it?
lol. like cost of living adjustments, never work.

who are You trying to kid, right winger; we use fiat money.
I bet you're poor. amirite or AMIRITE? :biggrin:
increasing our minimum wage will help improve conditions for those who make more than the minimum wage.

No stupid fuck, it wouldn't.

You lack the intellect to grasp that currency is just a marker for value. Manipulating fiat currency only changes the scale of the marker, value remains static. I've explained this to you before, but you lack the education, intellect, and sobriety to understand it.
a cost of living adjustment, that is all. why so much drama queenery in our Republic, right winger?

Because value does not increase, moron. Any arbitrary means of exchange will seek equilibrium to the value expressed by the exchange rate. You think you can cheat reality by changing rates, but you can't.

If a steak is $10 and we pay a man $10 an hour to wash dishes, then his VALUE per hour is equal to a steak. Pay him $10,000 an hour and the cost of the steak will rise to $10,000. Because the VALUE did not change with your arbitrary manipulation of currency.

Why are you too stupid to grasp this? It's the drugs, isn't it?
lol. like cost of living adjustments, never work.

who are You trying to kid, right winger; we use fiat money.
I bet you're poor. amirite or AMIRITE? :biggrin:
only the Poor bear the truest witness?
No stupid fuck, it wouldn't.

You lack the intellect to grasp that currency is just a marker for value. Manipulating fiat currency only changes the scale of the marker, value remains static. I've explained this to you before, but you lack the education, intellect, and sobriety to understand it.
a cost of living adjustment, that is all. why so much drama queenery in our Republic, right winger?

Because value does not increase, moron. Any arbitrary means of exchange will seek equilibrium to the value expressed by the exchange rate. You think you can cheat reality by changing rates, but you can't.

If a steak is $10 and we pay a man $10 an hour to wash dishes, then his VALUE per hour is equal to a steak. Pay him $10,000 an hour and the cost of the steak will rise to $10,000. Because the VALUE did not change with your arbitrary manipulation of currency.

Why are you too stupid to grasp this? It's the drugs, isn't it?
lol. like cost of living adjustments, never work.

who are You trying to kid, right winger; we use fiat money.
I bet you're poor. amirite or AMIRITE? :biggrin:
only the Poor bear the truest witness?
It's spelled "Pooh bear". :biggrin:
a cost of living adjustment, that is all. why so much drama queenery in our Republic, right winger?

Because value does not increase, moron. Any arbitrary means of exchange will seek equilibrium to the value expressed by the exchange rate. You think you can cheat reality by changing rates, but you can't.

If a steak is $10 and we pay a man $10 an hour to wash dishes, then his VALUE per hour is equal to a steak. Pay him $10,000 an hour and the cost of the steak will rise to $10,000. Because the VALUE did not change with your arbitrary manipulation of currency.

Why are you too stupid to grasp this? It's the drugs, isn't it?
lol. like cost of living adjustments, never work.

who are You trying to kid, right winger; we use fiat money.
I bet you're poor. amirite or AMIRITE? :biggrin:
only the Poor bear the truest witness?
It's spelled "Pooh bear". :biggrin:
not Poor enough to be a True Witness bearer?
Because value does not increase, moron. Any arbitrary means of exchange will seek equilibrium to the value expressed by the exchange rate. You think you can cheat reality by changing rates, but you can't.

If a steak is $10 and we pay a man $10 an hour to wash dishes, then his VALUE per hour is equal to a steak. Pay him $10,000 an hour and the cost of the steak will rise to $10,000. Because the VALUE did not change with your arbitrary manipulation of currency.

Why are you too stupid to grasp this? It's the drugs, isn't it?
lol. like cost of living adjustments, never work.

who are You trying to kid, right winger; we use fiat money.
I bet you're poor. amirite or AMIRITE? :biggrin:
only the Poor bear the truest witness?
It's spelled "Pooh bear". :biggrin:
not Poor enough to be a True Witness bearer?
So how did the caravan go? What are you noobs going to do now?
lol. like cost of living adjustments, never work.

who are You trying to kid, right winger; we use fiat money.
I bet you're poor. amirite or AMIRITE? :biggrin:
only the Poor bear the truest witness?
It's spelled "Pooh bear". :biggrin:
not Poor enough to be a True Witness bearer?
So how did the caravan go? What are you noobs going to do now?
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective and humane.
I bet you're poor. amirite or AMIRITE? :biggrin:
only the Poor bear the truest witness?
It's spelled "Pooh bear". :biggrin:
not Poor enough to be a True Witness bearer?
So how did the caravan go? What are you noobs going to do now?
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective and humane.
too bad, you're all not getting in. Now go away, you're stinking up the border.
only the Poor bear the truest witness?
It's spelled "Pooh bear". :biggrin:
not Poor enough to be a True Witness bearer?
So how did the caravan go? What are you noobs going to do now?
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective and humane.
too bad, you're all not getting in. Now go away, you're stinking up the border.
why should i take you seriously? you have no morals.
The bottom line here is that Republicans don't think the poor in America are poor enough.

But take heart. They're working to fix that
You can always let some of the less fortunate come live with you, buy their clothes,food,pay their medical bills. Lead by example and all that.
It's spelled "Pooh bear". :biggrin:
not Poor enough to be a True Witness bearer?
So how did the caravan go? What are you noobs going to do now?
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective and humane.
too bad, you're all not getting in. Now go away, you're stinking up the border.
why should i take you seriously? you have no morals.
Because I want to keep the rest of your family out? Go fuck up your own country some more.
not Poor enough to be a True Witness bearer?
So how did the caravan go? What are you noobs going to do now?
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective and humane.
too bad, you're all not getting in. Now go away, you're stinking up the border.
why should i take you seriously? you have no morals.
Because I want to keep the rest of your family out? Go fuck up your own country some more.
yet, You are the one with no morals; we should keep the rest of Your family out.

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