What If We Actually Had Poor People In This Country?

They simply do not want to work. They live in shitty section 8 housing, trailer courts... many times more than one family living in a single family dwelling.

Don't kid yourself. HUD targets nice areas for destruction. Then they proceed to ship their lowlifes to those nice areas for them to destroy.

That's what happened in my suburb. Now I have HUD people next door to me who are up all night coming home at midnight slamming their car doors drunk as a skunk. They don't care about us working people who are subsidizing their home in the suburbs. You have to wake up at 5:00 am for work in the morning? Too bad. You're not going to ruin our good time.

That is happening everywhere.
City planners in their infinite stupidity and short sighted thinking... are placing Sec 8 and HUD housing in decent neighborhoods.
My son's apt complex is a nice place. There is also another complex owned by a different company that made a deal with HUD and turned two of the buildings into Sec. 8. right across the street.
Same exact problem as you - noisy people out all hours night/day with absolute zero care about everyone else. Fighting, couples screaming at each other...cops... the whole deal.
His lease ends this February. He already signed with another complex.
They simply do not want to work. They live in shitty section 8 housing, trailer courts... many times more than one family living in a single family dwelling.

Don't kid yourself. HUD targets nice areas for destruction. Then they proceed to ship their lowlifes to those nice areas for them to destroy.

That's what happened in my suburb. Now I have HUD people next door to me who are up all night coming home at midnight slamming their car doors drunk as a skunk. They don't care about us working people who are subsidizing their home in the suburbs. You have to wake up at 5:00 am for work in the morning? Too bad. You're not going to ruin our good time.

That is happening everywhere.
City planners in their infinite stupidity and short sighted thinking... are placing Sec 8 and HUD housing in decent neighborhoods.
My son's apt complex is a nice place. There is also another complex owned by a different company that made a deal with HUD and turned two of the buildings into Sec. 8. right across the street.
Same exact problem as you - noisy people out all hours night/day with absolute zero care about everyone else. Fighting, couples screaming at each other...cops... the whole deal.
His lease ends this February. He already signed with another complex.

That's exactly what happens. Here, the police got sick of going to the same places all the time. So Council created a law that if the police are called out to a residence more than three times per year, they start charging the owner of the property for each additional call.
... Of course neighborhoods have colors. ....

No, dimwitted cowards see 'too many' of a particular type of person that scares them and then attempt to define entire neighborhoods according to their own fears. It's pathetically stupid and weak.

Ah, so what you're telling us is you are so delusional, that when you look around, all you see is one race of people?

I can tell that YOU walk around quivering in fear as you compare the skin tone of everyone you pass to your own. I can tell that YOU spend more time peeking out of darkened windows from behind the shades and mumbling in impotent fear than interacting with any of the people around you. It’s pathetic and weak.

Why would I do that? Anybody try a stunt on me, they get a .357 round between the eyes. ...?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes, of course they do, little precious. Does saying that make the bad dreams go away?

Believe what you'd like. I have no reservations about taking out lowlifes. Thankfully, we've turned into a very gun friendly state and the laws are now written for the innocent instead of the guilty. Breaking into my car is the exact same as breaking into my home. It give me justification for blowing a criminal away, and I won't even get so much as a ticket.
Poor is relative. We will always have the Poor.

Poverty is what we should abolish.

Hard to agree one way or another...that is a rather vague response that can be interpreted in different ways.
Poverty is a fairly liquid term, but I think most agree it is used most often to describe long-term poor. Being poor for many years; generational poverty.
Poverty, in America, is overwhelmingly self-inflicted. People who grew up surrounded by people who make the absolute worse life choices...that they simply repeat, pop out a few kids of their own...and the cycle continues.
That will never end. Ever.
Like I stated before, you have people who would rather do without, than do what it takes to have. Period.
No, dimwitted cowards see 'too many' of a particular type of person that scares them and then attempt to define entire neighborhoods according to their own fears. It's pathetically stupid and weak.

Ah, so what you're telling us is you are so delusional, that when you look around, all you see is one race of people?

I can tell that YOU walk around quivering in fear as you compare the skin tone of everyone you pass to your own. I can tell that YOU spend more time peeking out of darkened windows from behind the shades and mumbling in impotent fear than interacting with any of the people around you. It’s pathetic and weak.

Why would I do that? Anybody try a stunt on me, they get a .357 round between the eyes. ...?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes, of course they do, little precious. Does saying that make the bad dreams go away?

Believe what you'd like. I have no reservations about taking out lowlifes. Thankfully, we've turned into a very gun friendly state and the laws are now written for the innocent instead of the guilty. Breaking into my car is the exact same as breaking into my home. It give me justification for blowing a criminal away, and I won't even get so much as a ticket.

Which you have never done and never will do, big mouth. Your need to cling to weak little boy fantasies to manage your fears is as obvious as it is pathetic. Grow the fuck up already.
Ah, so what you're telling us is you are so delusional, that when you look around, all you see is one race of people?

I can tell that YOU walk around quivering in fear as you compare the skin tone of everyone you pass to your own. I can tell that YOU spend more time peeking out of darkened windows from behind the shades and mumbling in impotent fear than interacting with any of the people around you. It’s pathetic and weak.

Why would I do that? Anybody try a stunt on me, they get a .357 round between the eyes. ...?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes, of course they do, little precious. Does saying that make the bad dreams go away?

Believe what you'd like. I have no reservations about taking out lowlifes. Thankfully, we've turned into a very gun friendly state and the laws are now written for the innocent instead of the guilty. Breaking into my car is the exact same as breaking into my home. It give me justification for blowing a criminal away, and I won't even get so much as a ticket.

Which you have never done and never will do, big mouth. Your need to cling to weak little boy fantasies to manage your fears is as obvious as it is pathetic. Grow the fuck up already.

Correct, I have never done it, but won't hesitate if I have to. I'm grown up enough to know reality unlike you who lives in rose colored glasses world.
Why would you work a job that’s beneath you, or sell your stuff? Everything is free, if you know how to manipulate the system. Because you don’t work, you have no work history to be hired for a job you feel is good. You now have PTSD, bipolar or whatever other ailments that get you free stuff. File for SSD three or four times, and you are just likely to get it. Plus, you will probably receive retroactive money for your debilitating health condition. You don’t exist on paper, and won’t be penalized for getting a medical marijuana card. It’s those conservative working class saps that pay for everything. Filing taxes is for dupes.

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I can tell that YOU walk around quivering in fear as you compare the skin tone of everyone you pass to your own. I can tell that YOU spend more time peeking out of darkened windows from behind the shades and mumbling in impotent fear than interacting with any of the people around you. It’s pathetic and weak.

Why would I do that? Anybody try a stunt on me, they get a .357 round between the eyes. ...?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes, of course they do, little precious. Does saying that make the bad dreams go away?

Believe what you'd like. I have no reservations about taking out lowlifes. Thankfully, we've turned into a very gun friendly state and the laws are now written for the innocent instead of the guilty. Breaking into my car is the exact same as breaking into my home. It give me justification for blowing a criminal away, and I won't even get so much as a ticket.

Which you have never done and never will do, big mouth. Your need to cling to weak little boy fantasies to manage your fears is as obvious as it is pathetic. Grow the fuck up already.

Correct, I have never done it ....

Yeah, I know. Everyone knows, Ralphie. Grow up, Ralphie.
CA tent cities of poor citizens, and the dems want open borders??

Stop parroting right wing talking points and learn to think on your own.
"...dems want open borders" is something that was drilled into your pea brain by Donald Trump's constant repetition, rather than anything based in fact.
You WOULD be correct if you rephrased that line to say, "Big Ag and food processing manufacturers want open borders" because they are the biggest consumers of illegal immigrant labor.
CA tent cities of poor citizens, and the dems want open borders??

Stop parroting right wing talking points and learn to think on your own.
"...dems want open borders" is something that was drilled into your pea brain by Donald Trump's constant repetition, rather than anything based in fact.
You WOULD be correct if you rephrased that line to say, "Big Ag and food processing manufacturers want open borders" because they are the biggest consumers of illegal immigrant labor.

Why would bid ag and food processing manufacturers want open borders? As it stands now they can pay below minimum wage, if the borders open they have to pay at least minimum wage.
Poor is relative. We will always have the Poor.

Poverty is what we should abolish.

Hard to agree one way or another...that is a rather vague response that can be interpreted in different ways.
Poverty is a fairly liquid term, but I think most agree it is used most often to describe long-term poor. Being poor for many years; generational poverty.
Poverty, in America, is overwhelmingly self-inflicted. People who grew up surrounded by people who make the absolute worse life choices...that they simply repeat, pop out a few kids of their own...and the cycle continues.
That will never end. Ever.
Like I stated before, you have people who would rather do without, than do what it takes to have. Period.
Only Poor is relative. Poverty is officially defined. That is how focused the response is.
You brought it up, not me.

...But my offer stands if you want to open the topic.

Your offer was for YOU to start a thread, but you backed out with your tail between your legs as soon as your bluff was called.

I've already explained twelve times that by YOUR starting the thread of your choice (from my list), that'll show me you aren't just wasting my time as I doubt three people (including you) would have any interest in the subject much less being a worthwhile contributor to it! And we both know you won't be either. But sure, since you're really nothing but a troll anyway, I'll start the thread of my choosing IF you can answer ONE SIMPLE QUESTION:

What is gained in having a colour charge over an electric charge in the matter of James Joyce's famous book?

Remember, the whole point to all of this was YOUR gauntlet that conservatives are uneducated, not your childish quibbling over who starts a thread. Go for it. It's a legit question.
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You brought it up, not me.

...But my offer stands if you want to open the topic.

Your offer was for YOU to start a thread, but you backed out with your tail between your legs as soon as your bluff was called.

I've already explained twelve times that by YOUR starting the thread of your choice (from my list), that'll show me you aren't just wasting my time as I doubt three people (including you) would have any interest in the subject much less being a worthwhile contributor to it! And we both know you won't be either. But sure, since you're really nothing but a troll anyway, I'll start the thread of my choosing IF you can answer ONE SIMPLE QUESTION:

What is gained in having a colour charge over an electric charge in the matter of Jame Joyce's famous book?

Remember, the whole point to all of this was YOUR gauntlet that conservatives are uneducated, not your childish quibbling over who starts a thread. Go for it. It's a legit question.

You’ve been reduced to bald-faced lying, fraud.
Poor is relative. We will always have the Poor.

Poverty is what we should abolish.

Hard to agree one way or another...that is a rather vague response that can be interpreted in different ways.
Poverty is a fairly liquid term, but I think most agree it is used most often to describe long-term poor. Being poor for many years; generational poverty.
Poverty, in America, is overwhelmingly self-inflicted. People who grew up surrounded by people who make the absolute worse life choices...that they simply repeat, pop out a few kids of their own...and the cycle continues.
That will never end. Ever.
Like I stated before, you have people who would rather do without, than do what it takes to have. Period.
Only Poor is relative. Poverty is officially defined. That is how focused the response is.

So you are arguing semantics?
What is your point?
You brought it up, not me.

...But my offer stands if you want to open the topic.

Your offer was for YOU to start a thread, but you backed out with your tail between your legs as soon as your bluff was called.

I've already explained twelve times that by YOUR starting the thread of your choice (from my list), that'll show me you aren't just wasting my time as I doubt three people (including you) would have any interest in the subject much less being a worthwhile contributor to it! And we both know you won't be either. But sure, since you're really nothing but a troll anyway, I'll start the thread of my choosing IF you can answer ONE SIMPLE QUESTION:

What is gained in having a colour charge over an electric charge in the matter of Jame Joyce's famous book?

Remember, the whole point to all of this was YOUR gauntlet that conservatives are uneducated, not your childish quibbling over who starts a thread. Go for it. It's a legit question.

You’ve been reduced to bald-faced lying, fraud.

Not at all. I've proven my point and you walked right into it as I knew you would. You have a prime opportunity to test my knowledge on one of the topics, but you can't even get off the ground. You don't know jack shit about anything like so many other assholes around here who make a show of putting down anyone they disagree with as being stupid, otherwise you'd start one of the thread topics I offered or answer the simple question I just proffered to start it myself. So why should I bother taking you seriously? It's the same tired leftist ploy of trying to discredit your opponent rather than argue the facts on the matter of intelligence while never actually offering anything to establish your OWN. Bravo! Cloward & Piven! I'd tell you what you've been reduced to, but everybody here already long knows what you are, Poopie-Boy.
Poor is relative. We will always have the Poor.

Poverty is what we should abolish.

Hard to agree one way or another...that is a rather vague response that can be interpreted in different ways.
Poverty is a fairly liquid term, but I think most agree it is used most often to describe long-term poor. Being poor for many years; generational poverty.
Poverty, in America, is overwhelmingly self-inflicted. People who grew up surrounded by people who make the absolute worse life choices...that they simply repeat, pop out a few kids of their own...and the cycle continues.
That will never end. Ever.
Like I stated before, you have people who would rather do without, than do what it takes to have. Period.
Only Poor is relative. Poverty is officially defined. That is how focused the response is.

So you are arguing semantics?
What is your point?
we will Always have Poor, not what if.
You brought it up, not me.

...But my offer stands if you want to open the topic.

Your offer was for YOU to start a thread, but you backed out with your tail between your legs as soon as your bluff was called.

I've already explained twelve times that by YOUR starting the thread of your choice (from my list), that'll show me you aren't just wasting my time.....

YOU shot your mouth off about starting this or that thread and wilted like a little flower when your bluff was called, fraud.

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