What Is a woman?

Why does it worry you so much what someone prefers to be called? Tards like YOU are the ones making it an issue.

It's no skin off my nose if someone born as a male wants to be called a woman.

So you should be the one telling us why it is such an issue for you.
Or wants to play physical sports against actual women. You are a tard.
Why is that an issue?

The LGBTQ, child Trans-indoctrination / sexualization / grooming / genital mutilation liberal agenda has not only screwed up the heads of our kids but has Democrats so screwed up they don't know what a woman is, don't know what bathroom to use, have them waging a war against urinals, and believing biological males can give birth.

Why is that an issue?

The matter of what exactly a woman is, and what makes her different from a man, really isn't the issue. Every sane person knows what the difference is, and why it matters.

The real issue is that we've got a genuine pandemic of a form of mental illness, that causes those afflicted thereby to be unable to understand or acknowledge this difference. The incompetent, pedophile-loving bimbo that criminal Biden appointed to our higher court is the poster child for this mental disease.
Born with XY chromosomes. A vagina, uterus. That simple.

Why does it worry you so much what someone prefers to be called? Tards like YOU are the ones making it an issue.
It's no skin off my nose if someone born as a male wants to be called a woman.
So you should be the one telling us why it is such an issue for you.

ANYONE should be allowed to be who and what they are.

I agree.

But a “transgender” is actively trying to be what h'orsh'/it is not, and cannot ever be. That's the opposite of being what one is.

And they're trying to force sane people to play along with their madness.

I should be allowed to be what I am, should I not?

And what I am is a man who is sane, who knows what the difference is between a man and a woman, and who will not pretend that a man is a woman, or vice versa, and will not play along with any such insane pretense.

Why do you support the “right” of a insane, mentally-fucked-up freak to try to drag sane people into h'orsh'/it's madness, but not the right of a sane person to refuse to be dragged into such madness?
Seriously. Will one of you snowflakes please explain why it hurts your widdle feewings if someone wants their pronouns to be she/her.

How is this a threat to you?

We get that truth holds no value to you. Therefore, there is no reason to expect you to be capable of understanding why sane, honest people object to being compelled to play along with obvious untruth, and to treat untruth as equal to truth. To try to explain it to a creature like yourself would fall under the cliché about trying to teach a pig to sing.

I guess the best that can be done is to remind you that you are nothing at all like sane, normal, honest people, and therefore, you are not capable of understanding how a sane, normal, honest mind reacts to untruth.
So chromosomes are the only difference between men and women?
XX controls phenotype in females. Of course there are Chromosomal abnormalities and other factors may affect the expression of those characteristics (toxins, scalpels, nutrition or rather lack thereof) but yes; if you mutilate an XX (Chemically or physically) you are mutilating a female.

I allow women to be women and men to be men and I know the biological difference between the two. I think all school children should be taught honest biology. Those who want to transgender can do that but it does not change biology. Persons born with a penis should use one public restroom and Persons born with a vagina should use another public restroom. This isn't hard. It isn't even science. It's common sense.

It's both.

It is science, and it is also common sense. Common decency as well.

To force women and little girls to have men in the public restroom with them or some guy in a women's sporting event because he identifies as a women is just dumb

where mentally- and morally-fucked-up male perverts are allowed to invade the privacy, modesty, and safety of girls and women, by intruding, under the guise as “trans women”, in women's restrooms, dressing rooms, locker rooms, and such, that's not just dumb; it's sexual abuse. Men have a natural duty and responsibility to protect women and girls from this, and absolutely not to ever tolerate or aid or abet it.

It's both.

It is science, and it is also common sense. Common decency as well.

where mentally- and morally-fucked-up male perverts are allowed to invade the privacy, modesty, and safety of girls and women, by intruding, under the guise as “trans women”, in women's restrooms, dressing rooms, locker rooms, and such, that's not just dumb; it's sexual abuse. Men have a natural duty and responsibility to protect women and girls from this, and absolutely not to ever tolerate or aid or abet it.

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For sure it is very very wrong and should be criminal to put women and children at higher risk out of some kind of fuzzy 'woke' theology.

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