What Is American Socialism, Communism, and Marxism: Open Q&A

Capitalism so far, hasn't worked without socialism. Every few years due to the boom and bust cycle, a.k.a. "the business cycle", capitalism has to be bailed out with public funds. That's essentially socialism saving capitalism every few years.
Just because the fascists/socialists running the gubmint and banking rackets have engaged in bailing out malinvestment, does not, by any stretch, mean that they have to do it....There's an immense difference.

How do you expect to have any meaninful conversation on any of this, if you cannot be honest right off the top of the deck?
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Funny thing about Marx is that he never made an effort to explain to everyone how the State would ''wither away'' after the ''dictatorship of the proletariat'' commenced.


Relevant reading...

I believe the state will always be necessary, and will never wither away completely. It will become much smaller, as the consumer acquires more control over the production of goods and services. When technology becomes extremely advanced like this:


Freaking "Star Trek" technology, that allows an individual or family to through nanobots or atomic precision manufacturing, produce all of the goods and services that we now consume and use, depending on others to provide produce and provide us. We won't have to rely on a community or any human input, other than ourselves.

If you live on a space colony, with a thousand other people, do you really want everybody to be able to produce anything in the privacy of their homes, without any regulation whatsoever? Maybe you wouldn't care for a state or any regulation if you lived alone with your family, on some faraway asteroid or moon, in your spaceship. But if you live with others, in a society, all it would take is one mentally deranged psycho, to produce an atomic bomb or some deadly virus. So personal APM (i.e. Atomic Precision Manufacturing) or advanced nano-tech, in a community, might require a state apparatus to regulate it, otherwise, you're in grave danger.

Now, what is true, is that for a state to become oppressive, will be much more unlikely due to the fact that advanced technology will allow you with your family and friends, to simply pack up and leave. If the government gets too overbearing and intrusive, you just say "bye", and go somewhere, carrying all of that production technology with you. Eventually, technology will get so advanced, that it will be impossible for a tyrant or despot to get his or her way, creating "subjects" under his or her control. People will leave. Hop on their mega-yachts, luxury RV, or spaceship and go elsewhere.

That's the "withering of the state", the state no longer has the power to enslave you. You're no longer dependent upon the state at all, to survive. All human, adult relationships will become 100% voluntary. That's the freedom that advanced production technology will provide the consumer. We are all consumers, and technology will afford us an extremely high degree of freedom. It will facilitate our independence. This is my interpretation of the Marxist concept of the "withering of the state".
Now, what is true, is that for a state to become oppressive, will be much more unlikely due to the fact that advanced technology will allow you with your family and friends, to simply pack up and leave. If the government gets too overbearing and intrusive, you just say "bye", and go somewhere, carrying all of that production technology with you.
And we all saw how brilliantly that worked out in Berlin!

Not sure if I disagree, laugh or Fake News it, maybe all 3.

You believe that Amazon tribes are made up of a political Elite and slaves just like every Marxist, Socialist or Communist Utopia? It just goes downhill from there

Communism is essentially a stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money. The institution of the state was needed to protect private property, created by agrarian society. Nomads attacked farmers and their crops, along with the need to protect the haves from the have-nots. The need for the state apparatus wasn't and isn't today present in hunter-gatherer societies. Production is organized without competition or with the intent to generate profits or amass private capital. We started out as "primitive communists" and Marx believed that we will come "full circle" and end with another form of communism, which is based on advanced technology.

As far as utopianism, that was before Marx and Engels, developed the materialist dialectic. Socialists tended to be "utopians". Engels wrote about this in his book:

Socialism: Utopian and Scientific​

We subscribe to and advance scientific communism, not utopianism. We understand there's no such thing as a utopia, just a better system of production and social order. We consider a non-profit mode of production necessary and superior to capitalism when advanced technology allows it. Socialist cooperative, non-profit production is the future, due to advanced automation technology and artificial intelligence, as opposed to competitive, for-profit production based on human wage labor.

Those who criticize us for being "utopian" should be asked if being a "dystopian" would be better". Although we're not utopians, it begs the question, due to how frequently they use this argument against communists, painting us as a bunch of naive middle-schoolers. Marxists were never utopians but scientific.
That was pretty clear when Red Front couldn't explain why Marxism was going to work this time and not just kill a hundred million people like before

He's yet another platitude and propaganda spewing NPC bot, with no real answers to anything.

It is, however, droll as hell watching a commie drone try to frame Star Trek world as the ideal Red society, even though it's heierarchical as fuck.
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That was pretty clear when Red Front couldn't explain why Marxism was going to work this time and not just kill a hundred million people like before

I did, you're just ignoring the answer. That's fine because once I identify a person like you who is being disingenuous with me, I only respond to them for the sake of others. I don't really care if you ignore all of the points I make, because the people who matter to me, won't.
I did, you're just ignoring the answer. That's fine because once I identify a person like you who is being disingenuous with me, I only respond to them for the sake of others. I don't really care if you ignore all of the points I make, because the people who matter to me, won't.

Great, thanks for telling me you're clueless so I can stop wasting my time on you. The left has that thing where you actually believe that if people just listened to you we'd fold and vote Democrat and that we don't proves we are "ignoring" your answers. Nope, your ideas are stupid, I was listening fine. Have a great day, and Go Blue!
Q: Why won't the communists kill millions again this time?...A: REASONS!

Q: Why won't people be oppressed under the boot of The State this time?...A: Technology! (the same technology available to The State and its corporate oligarch minions, but it'll be different this time!)

Q: How will people provide a secure and comfortable life of liberty for themselves and their progeny?....A: Star Trek!

Q: How will The State be abolished?...A: Don't be silly, we NEED The State, to protect us from deranged psychos who might unleash deadly pathogens or bomb people with a nuke!

Yes folks, commies really are that fucking dumb.....Or they really think that you are.
China is more of a mixed economy. I would identify Western Europe as being more socialist or "communist" than China. In China there are people who are going bankrupt with medical bills, just like here. You really don't have a right to healthcare and education in China as you do in Western Europe. I'd say the United States provides better access to healthcare and education to its citizens than China offers its citizens.

China tried communism and failed, due to a lack of adequate emphasis on industrialization, engineering, science, and technology, not to speak of its dicey relationship with the USSR. China did improve a few things under strict communism between the 1950s and 80s, but it was a shadow of communism, compared to the Soviet Union.

Chinese workers today, are essentially un-unionized and have fewer rights than American workers, especially workers in Europe. I don't see China as a truly socialist or communist country, it's more of a mixed economy, with some state control over some major industries. It has some central planning and government partnerships in some important, "heavy" sectors of the economy, allowing it to accomplish a lot more than we who are under the strong spell and grip of neoliberal economics. Here in America, we're into privatizing practically every segment of our economy, leading to high prices and chaos. However, as I mentioned earlier America does have its advantages and virtues, which China lacks. Watch this:

China is a mixed economy and "communist" in name only.

That is not why communism failed in China. Communism failed there because it is doomed to failure no matter wheere it is tried or how much technology changes .

China is semi communist and not just in name only. Yes they have some free market elements but in the end they are still an iron fisted tyranny which IS communism
I didn't suggest otherwise. China is far from a Jeffersonian democracy. We American socialists come from a different tradition and our heritage and values are different than theirs.
Your heritage and traditions are the native american reservations which are true socialist nations here in the US. As a result of socialism they are cess pools os poverty , drugs, rape , violence and destitution,
That is not why communism failed in China. Communism failed there because it is doomed to failure no matter wheere it is tried or how much technology changes .

China is semi communist and not just in name only. Yes they have some free market elements but in the end they are still an iron fisted tyranny which IS communism
The only "free market" elements available are there to service the CCP...All else is commie shit.
Socialism is working now. You're contradicting yourself, saying that the democrats are "socialists" or commies, for supporting government policies that are common in Western Europe. Communism is the objective of socialism, and it is defined as a stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money. There has never been a truly communist state, but rather a socialist one. The USSR for example was the Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics. Do you see the word "communist" there?

Socialism is what allows capitalism to continue functioning without collapsing on itself. Every few years, the government has to step in and bail out the capitalist with public funds. Without that government intervention, the economy would crumble, causing an immense amount of harm.
It is not working.

Government policies such as those in europe are not socialism.
Communism is essentially a stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money. The institution of the state was needed to protect private property, created by agrarian society. Nomads attacked farmers and their crops, along with the need to protect the haves from the have-nots. The need for the state apparatus wasn't and isn't today present in hunter-gatherer societies. Production is organized without competition or with the intent to generate profits or amass private capital. We started out as "primitive communists" and Marx believed that we will come "full circle" and end with another form of communism, which is based on advanced technology.

As far as utopianism, that was before Marx and Engels, developed the materialist dialectic. Socialists tended to be "utopians". Engels wrote about this in his book:

Socialism: Utopian and Scientific​

We subscribe to and advance scient...Marxists were never utopians but scientific.
Wrong, Communism is NOT a statele... belief. [ATTACH type="full"]812175[/ATTACH]

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