What is God doing in the world today?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Just wanted to hear those of faith say how they picture God working in the world today.

Justice in the works as many humans/adams get taken to the next level (end of the age/seasons).
Justice in the works as many humans/adams get taken to the next level (end of the age/seasons).
I kind of get that vibe as well

Either reach the next level, or get trodden under foot.

These are the end of days.
Justice in the works as many humans/adams get taken to the next level (end of the age/seasons).
I kind of get that vibe as well

Either reach the next level, or get trodden under foot.
I've asked a few people that think they are great philosophical types how long does a human stay asleep before being awakened by the Lord? None gave an answer.
Justice in the works as many humans/adams get taken to the next level (end of the age/seasons).
I kind of get that vibe as well

Either reach the next level, or get trodden under foot.
I've asked a few people that think they are great philosophical types how long does a human stay asleep before being awakened by the Lord? None gave an answer.
When will they get woke?

Just wanted to hear those of faith say how they picture God working in the world today.
Two thoughts...like yeast. A little goes a long way, but it takes time to develop. We are also told that we are the salt of the earth. Are we losing our flavor?
Just wanted to hear those of faith say how they picture God working in the world today.
Two thoughts...like yeast. A little goes a long way, but it takes time to develop. We are also told that we are the salt of the earth. Are we losing our flavor?
Another good point. Are we becoming like Lot?

It has weighed heavily on my mind as well.
Just wanted to hear those of faith say how they picture God working in the world today.

When people ask me how could there be a God with so much suffering going on. WHY they ask?

I simply say God asked his only Son to endure a gruesome death for the World, so God has Crosses for everyone to bear. Some heavier than others. God does not have a fairness measuring scoop.
Are we becoming like Lot?

It has weighed heavily on my mind as well.
I will respond with A Tale of Two Homilies. I was disappointed in what Pope Francis said. It was more a political talk noting the woes of the world/nations--which was bleak. His point was to fix them, and there is not a single, solitary thing I can do about any of the political issues he raised. Then at Mass I heard an entirely different homily where we were reminded of the little things we can do to brighten someone's life. It was noted that we, imperfect people, are a lot like people Jesus associated with in his day. One woman who had her demons became the first witness to the empty tomb and the resurrected Christ. Another loose woman bathed Jesus' feet with expensive oil. Criticized in her own time, this simple act of love became known down through history. Veronica wiped his face, Simon helped with the cross. The Apostles scattered, yet came together again. Peter jumped into the sea...

In other words, God works through individuals and individual lives. Does our focus on world/national affairs cost us our flavor, especially when we feel helpless about doing anything about it? What would happen if we brought our attention back to individual acts/action rather than looking at world affairs?
Nothing. He spoke long ago and few listened.
Few listened, eh?

Why are we talking about him then?
Look up the definition of “few.”

  • 1.a small number of:"may I ask a few questions?"
  • 2.used to emphasize how small a number is:"he had few friends"
Now wut?
You mean you still don’t get it?
He had at least 12, more than pretty much everyone I know. And when I say friends, I mean true friends.

Granted, they forsook him at the end but they later gave their lives for him, except for Judas who hung himself for betraying him.

Then came the rest of his followers.

So no, I don't get it.
Nothing. He spoke long ago and few listened.
Few listened, eh?

Why are we talking about him then?
Look up the definition of “few.”

  • 1.a small number of:"may I ask a few questions?"
  • 2.used to emphasize how small a number is:"he had few friends"
Now wut?
You mean you still don’t get it?
He had at least 12, more than pretty much everyone I know. And when I say friends, I mean true friends.

Granted, they forsook him at the end but they later gave their lives for him, except for Judas who hung himself for betraying him.

Then came the rest of his followers.

So no, I don't get it.
You’ve misunderstood my post.

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