What is it about Socialism that makes you want it here in the United States?

What is it about Socialism that makes you want it here in the United States?

  • Free healthcare.

    Votes: 7 24.1%
  • Free college.

    Votes: 5 17.2%
  • Free housing.

    Votes: 3 10.3%
  • Dont have to work and still get paid.

    Votes: 4 13.8%
  • Can smoke dope and still get paid.

    Votes: 5 17.2%
  • Have the government to take care of me from cradle to grave.

    Votes: 4 13.8%
  • Socialism has never worked and never will work, it is failure of misery and poverty.

    Votes: 21 72.4%

  • Total voters
Yes, the less intelligent "Folks" vote for the very people who keep them poor and miserable,
The two-party system is a joke. You know it even if you do not want to admit it. "Voting for the lesser of two evils", they say. It's true too. Look at this last election. All you had to chose from was a male thief and a female thief. Luckily, the Americans voted for the lesser of the two evils. Just think of the shit the U.S. would be in now if they voted Hitlery Clinton.

Now, you can make funny statements like "the less intelligent 'Folks' vote for the very people who keep them poor and miserable" but that's what all voters do because they have no choice. The poor and middle class have no say in the matter. Their vote accounts for only misery or more misery. They know it when they go to the ballot boxes. Most of them (particularly this last election) only voted just to keep that hag out of the White House.
...elections have consequences, and if you vote Democrat you deserve the misery they FORCE upon you.
What is your point? You have none.
Suck it up buttercup, you have an IQ lower than 70, which is just a little higher than most dumbass liberals, but I repeat myself.
I'll match my IQ against yours any day of the week but I warn you that you may feel suicidal afterward.
So youre telling me that the Rich get rich because they spend their way to richness? You must be a fucking idiot, like Joe "The Groper" Biden.
What are you talking about? One thing has nothing to do with the other thing.

The rich spend more money on items they don't need and don't use. Enormously more than the poor spend. This the exact opposite of what you said. So ... what (in your feeble mind) has their spending to do with them getting richer? Have you no concept of economy, business, stocks, or investing?

You mentioned my IQ and yet you make the most childish statement I've seen all this week.
Socialism what is so attractive about it, that you would give up your Constitutional Rights to have in implemented?
It destroys nations, which is why the Left want it here.
Gawd, the constitution.
A piece of paper written by slave owners and slave rapists?
Think I prefer all the rest of educated countries
Gawd, you mean all those countries that also owned and sold slaves? Those countries, since the beginning of time?

I just have to laugh. You are so cocky you can’t see the forest for the trees.
Yup, Sweden and Finland owned millions of them.
Are you really trying to compare our history with say the uk?
I'm still looking for uk lynchings in the 20s
You really can’t be serious. Really. Keep moving the bar, don’t you. Amazing. Each country has its own sordid history with slave trade, yet you wish to discount it. Their history, in number of years, lasted much longer than slave trade did in the US. Much, much longer.

Of course Africa was terrible but Got any numbers?
U.K. Fewer years than USA? Eliminated it before us?
I guess you are loving send her back?
It destroys nations, which is why the Left want it here.
Gawd, the constitution.
A piece of paper written by slave owners and slave rapists?
Think I prefer all the rest of educated countries
Gawd, you mean all those countries that also owned and sold slaves? Those countries, since the beginning of time?

I just have to laugh. You are so cocky you can’t see the forest for the trees.
Yup, Sweden and Finland owned millions of them.
Are you really trying to compare our history with say the uk?
I'm still looking for uk lynchings in the 20s
You really can’t be serious. Really. Keep moving the bar, don’t you. Amazing. Each country has its own sordid history with slave trade, yet you wish to discount it. Their history, in number of years, lasted much longer than slave trade did in the US. Much, much longer.

Of course Africa was terrible but Got any numbers?
U.K. Fewer years than USA? Eliminated it before us?
I guess you are loving send her back?
Name a nation on earth with no history of slavery.

I’ll wait here.
John Adams was the second president of the U.S. a long, long time ago and he was politicin' as Davy Crokett used to say. What he thought and what he said is completely irrelevant. It's like reading what Adolf Hitler had to say about the multi-party system and using it as a guide to political philosphy today.
Only to those that don’t learn from history or have an agenda...
History told us the world was flat. I guess Cristobal Columbo sailed off the edge. It's his own fault for not learning from history. The U.S. was the "cat's meow" and unbeatable in two world wars but Ho Chi Minh didn't take history very seriously when he beat up "the good guys" and threw them out of his country.
No, that was the result of America tiring of the war, as well as the new sick philosophy to play a kinder version of war than our enemy.
FIRST of all, if you were tired of war why did you start that one? The Vietnamese were not interested in war, you forced them into it by invading their country.
SECONDLY, what enemy are you talking about? You had no enemy there until you started shooting at them.
Communists as the enemy. Taking over other countries of their choosing to enforce communist rule against others that lived relatively free and wished to remain so, by force, when they had no means to fight it.
Sort of like us in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Keep the gov out of my VA SS Medicare, that's what I say.
Darn commie programs.
War, USA been in 250 in 300 years. Iran 1 or 2 in 4000 years
As the Romans said, "when you run out of enemies you have to find another one"
Got to keep military spending 1/2 of discretional
No wonder we have pathetic health care, roads, airports.
But my military stocks are booming, thank you don the con
Gawd, the constitution.
A piece of paper written by slave owners and slave rapists?
Think I prefer all the rest of educated countries
Gawd, you mean all those countries that also owned and sold slaves? Those countries, since the beginning of time?

I just have to laugh. You are so cocky you can’t see the forest for the trees.
Yup, Sweden and Finland owned millions of them.
Are you really trying to compare our history with say the uk?
I'm still looking for uk lynchings in the 20s
You really can’t be serious. Really. Keep moving the bar, don’t you. Amazing. Each country has its own sordid history with slave trade, yet you wish to discount it. Their history, in number of years, lasted much longer than slave trade did in the US. Much, much longer.

Of course Africa was terrible but Got any numbers?
U.K. Fewer years than USA? Eliminated it before us?
I guess you are loving send her back?
Name a nation on earth with no history of slavery.

I’ll wait here.
I assume we are talking last 300 years?
Ireland, Switzerland, Finland, Sweden ? I'm guessing they didn't lynch in the 1920s?
Or was our last lynching after that?
But our slavery genes have been dying to get to the surface after the dreaded Kenyan
Watch the all white don the con Nazi rallies?
Read the obozo jokes on this forum?
Only to those that don’t learn from history or have an agenda...
History told us the world was flat. I guess Cristobal Columbo sailed off the edge. It's his own fault for not learning from history. The U.S. was the "cat's meow" and unbeatable in two world wars but Ho Chi Minh didn't take history very seriously when he beat up "the good guys" and threw them out of his country.
No, that was the result of America tiring of the war, as well as the new sick philosophy to play a kinder version of war than our enemy.
FIRST of all, if you were tired of war why did you start that one? The Vietnamese were not interested in war, you forced them into it by invading their country.
SECONDLY, what enemy are you talking about? You had no enemy there until you started shooting at them.
Communists as the enemy. Taking over other countries of their choosing to enforce communist rule against others that lived relatively free and wished to remain so, by force, when they had no means to fight it.
Sort of like us in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Keep the gov out of my VA SS Medicare, that's what I say.
Darn commie programs.
War, USA been in 250 in 300 years. Iran 1 or 2 in 4000 years
As the Romans said, "when you run out of enemies you have to find another one"
Got to keep military spending 1/2 of discretional
No wonder we have pathetic health care, roads, airports.
But my military stocks are booming, thank you don the con
Dwight Eisenhower warned the U.S. .... (and the world) ... but no one at the time understood what the Military-Industrial Complex meant back then. Now it is much, much, much too late to do anything about it without a full-blown revolution.
Gawd, you mean all those countries that also owned and sold slaves? Those countries, since the beginning of time?

I just have to laugh. You are so cocky you can’t see the forest for the trees.
Yup, Sweden and Finland owned millions of them.
Are you really trying to compare our history with say the uk?
I'm still looking for uk lynchings in the 20s
You really can’t be serious. Really. Keep moving the bar, don’t you. Amazing. Each country has its own sordid history with slave trade, yet you wish to discount it. Their history, in number of years, lasted much longer than slave trade did in the US. Much, much longer.

Of course Africa was terrible but Got any numbers?
U.K. Fewer years than USA? Eliminated it before us?
I guess you are loving send her back?
Name a nation on earth with no history of slavery.

I’ll wait here.
I assume we are talking last 300 years?
Ireland, Switzerland, Finland, Sweden ? I'm guessing they didn't lynch in the 1920s?
Or was our last lynching after that?

You're talking about the U.S? Still lynching in the U.S. into the early 1960's. I recall it was at least 1962 or '63. But then the U.S. (with help of the V.A. Veterans Administration) was still injecting black Americans with syphilis and letting them die during the Tuskegee Experiment right up until 1972.
Yes, the less intelligent "Folks" vote for the very people who keep them poor and miserable,
The two-party system is a joke. You know it even if you do not want to admit it. "Voting for the lesser of two evils", they say. It's true too. Look at this last election. All you had to chose from was a male thief and a female thief. Luckily, the Americans voted for the lesser of the two evils. Just think of the shit the U.S. would be in now if they voted Hitlery Clinton.

Now, you can make funny statements like "the less intelligent 'Folks' vote for the very people who keep them poor and miserable" but that's what all voters do because they have no choice. The poor and middle class have no say in the matter. Their vote accounts for only misery or more misery. They know it when they go to the ballot boxes. Most of them (particularly this last election) only voted just to keep that hag out of the White House.
...elections have consequences, and if you vote Democrat you deserve the misery they FORCE upon you.
What is your point? You have none.
Suck it up buttercup, you have an IQ lower than 70, which is just a little higher than most dumbass liberals, but I repeat myself.
I'll match my IQ against yours any day of the week but I warn you that you may feel suicidal afterward.
Yes, after attempting to communicate with retarded "folks" (what Obama calls people), yes I do want to commit suicide because I could bang my head against the wall, and get more satisfaction. The poor are stupid, they make stupid choices, but what is worse, is that many of them stay poor, and not elevate themselves out of their poorness. Here is an example of someone who didnt stay poor, but got educated, got rich and now is giving advice. Will you listen, fuck no, because if you do, you will realize your whole life has been a lie.

Gawd, you mean all those countries that also owned and sold slaves? Those countries, since the beginning of time?

I just have to laugh. You are so cocky you can’t see the forest for the trees.
Yup, Sweden and Finland owned millions of them.
Are you really trying to compare our history with say the uk?
I'm still looking for uk lynchings in the 20s
You really can’t be serious. Really. Keep moving the bar, don’t you. Amazing. Each country has its own sordid history with slave trade, yet you wish to discount it. Their history, in number of years, lasted much longer than slave trade did in the US. Much, much longer.

Of course Africa was terrible but Got any numbers?
U.K. Fewer years than USA? Eliminated it before us?
I guess you are loving send her back?
Name a nation on earth with no history of slavery.

I’ll wait here.
I assume we are talking last 300 years?
Ireland, Switzerland, Finland, Sweden ? I'm guessing they didn't lynch in the 1920s?
Or was our last lynching after that?
But our slavery genes have been dying to get to the surface after the dreaded Kenyan
Watch the all white don the con Nazi rallies?
Read the obozo jokes on this forum?
The Irish shipped their people overseas and sold them.

Were There Irish Slaves in America, Too?

Switzerland financed and profited from the slave industry.

Switzerland played key role in the slave trade

Slave industry was a big thing in Finland, blonde boys and girls brought a huge profit.

Why did Medieval Slave Traders go to Finland? - Medievalists.net

Sweden didn’t abolish slavery until 1847, just before America did.

Swedish slave trade - Wikipedia

My point stands. Your ignorance drives you to make dumb false accusations.
Gawd, you mean all those countries that also owned and sold slaves? Those countries, since the beginning of time?

I just have to laugh. You are so cocky you can’t see the forest for the trees.
Yup, Sweden and Finland owned millions of them.
Are you really trying to compare our history with say the uk?
I'm still looking for uk lynchings in the 20s
You really can’t be serious. Really. Keep moving the bar, don’t you. Amazing. Each country has its own sordid history with slave trade, yet you wish to discount it. Their history, in number of years, lasted much longer than slave trade did in the US. Much, much longer.

Of course Africa was terrible but Got any numbers?
U.K. Fewer years than USA? Eliminated it before us?
I guess you are loving send her back?
Name a nation on earth with no history of slavery.

I’ll wait here.
I assume we are talking last 300 years?
Ireland, Switzerland, Finland, Sweden ? I'm guessing they didn't lynch in the 1920s?
Or was our last lynching after that?
But our slavery genes have been dying to get to the surface after the dreaded Kenyan
Watch the all white don the con Nazi rallies?
Read the obozo jokes on this forum?
The Irish shipped their people overseas and sold them.

Were There Irish Slaves in America, Too?

Switzerland financed and profited from the slave industry.

Switzerland played key role in the slave trade

Slave industry was a big thing in Finland, blonde boys and girls brought a huge profit.

Why did Medieval Slave Traders go to Finland? - Medievalists.net

Sweden didn’t abolish slavery until 1847, just before America did.

Swedish slave trade - Wikipedia

My point stands. Your ignorance drives you to make dumb false accusations.
Yup, Sweden and Finland owned millions of them.
Are you really trying to compare our history with say the uk?
I'm still looking for uk lynchings in the 20s
You really can’t be serious. Really. Keep moving the bar, don’t you. Amazing. Each country has its own sordid history with slave trade, yet you wish to discount it. Their history, in number of years, lasted much longer than slave trade did in the US. Much, much longer.

Of course Africa was terrible but Got any numbers?
U.K. Fewer years than USA? Eliminated it before us?
I guess you are loving send her back?
Name a nation on earth with no history of slavery.

I’ll wait here.
I assume we are talking last 300 years?
Ireland, Switzerland, Finland, Sweden ? I'm guessing they didn't lynch in the 1920s?
Or was our last lynching after that?

You're talking about the U.S? Still lynching in the U.S. into the early 1960's. I recall it was at least 1962 or '63. But then the U.S. (with help of the V.A. Veterans Administration) was still injecting black Americans with syphilis and letting them die during the Tuskegee Experiment right up until 1972.
Yeah, those damn Democrats kept lynching, then you know what? The Democrats "LIED" and say the parties switched......Bwaaaahhhhaaaaa.. and only the stupid people fell for that.....
Yup, Sweden and Finland owned millions of them.
No. Not true. Sweden once colonized the tiny Carribean island of St. Bartholomew which was directly in line with the slave-trade route between Africa and the Americas. This was some time in the 1700's. Sweden did trade in slaves but actually owning slaves themselves was a very minuscule number and never here on Swedish soil. Your statement of "millions" is a joke ... but maybe that is what you meant it to be?

Sweden sold the island to France in the late 1800's and is now called Saint Barthélemy.
Suck it up buttercup, you have an IQ lower than 70, which is just a little higher than most dumbass liberals, but I repeat myself.
I'll match my IQ against yours any day of the week but I warn you that you may feel suicidal afterward.
Yes, after attempting to communicate with retarded "folks" (what Obama calls people), yes I do want to commit suicide because I could bang my head against the wall, and get more satisfaction. The poor are stupid, they make stupid choices, but what is worse, is that many of them stay poor, and not elevate themselves out of their poorness.
Unless you are totally senseless you know that the poor have very few opportunities to pull themselves out of their predicament. If you do not agree with that then we will end this dialogue right now.

Will you listen, fuck no, because if you do, you will realize your whole life has been a lie.
If you knew anything about my life and some of the things I have done you would be bragging to your friends about "knowing" me. So, rather than making a fool of yourself over personal matters I suggest you stick to the subject of the poor in the U.S. But I must remind you of my words ......... If you do not agree that the poor in the U.S. have extremely unlikely chances of bettering their lives then just say so and don't bother trying to carry this discussion any further.
Suck it up buttercup, you have an IQ lower than 70, which is just a little higher than most dumbass liberals, but I repeat myself.
I'll match my IQ against yours any day of the week but I warn you that you may feel suicidal afterward.
Yes, after attempting to communicate with retarded "folks" (what Obama calls people), yes I do want to commit suicide because I could bang my head against the wall, and get more satisfaction. The poor are stupid, they make stupid choices, but what is worse, is that many of them stay poor, and not elevate themselves out of their poorness.
Unless you are totally senseless you know that the poor have very few opportunities to pull themselves out of their predicament. If you do not agree with that then we will end this dialogue right now.

Will you listen, fuck no, because if you do, you will realize your whole life has been a lie.
If you knew anything about my life and some of the things I have done you would be bragging to your friends about "knowing" me. So, rather than making a fool of yourself over personal matters I suggest you stick to the subject of the poor in the U.S. But I must remind you of my words ......... If you do not agree that the poor in the U.S. have extremely unlikely chances of bettering their lives then just say so and don't bother trying to carry this discussion any further.
The generalization of the poor is a political thing for the purpose of usery in order to gain or retain power now.

Yes, men and women are born equal as human beings, but somewhere along the way a split happens. So depending on the choices made by each and every individual in life, then these splits cause each and every individual to either go forward or backwards in life.... This is always based upon those choices made. The punishment of those who make better choices in life, where as such a punishment otherwise as being in regards to those who make bad choices in life (the way that it is going) is absolutely not how it should be done in America against those who make good choices in life.

Ever heard of "we as a nation must lead by example in the world", otherwise if we want to claim our nation as being exceptional, prosperous, moral, and decent in the world ?

Otherwise ever heard as to how we are to be a beacon of light in the world for others to see and maybe gravitate towards ?

Well we can't very well do that if we are being punished for leading by good example right ?? This idea that the good folks should be blamed and punished because of those who make bad choices in life is about as ridiculous as can be. It just don't get any more stupid than we have allowed ourselves to become anymore.

The Demon-crats are complete power hungry radicals who will use anything and everything to hold power. They can't make lives better, because they absolutely don't understand how too.
Yup, Sweden and Finland owned millions of them.
No. Not true. Sweden once colonized the tiny Carribean island of St. Bartholomew which was directly in line with the slave-trade route between Africa and the Americas. This was some time in the 1700's. Sweden did trade in slaves but actually owning slaves themselves was a very minuscule number and never here on Swedish soil. Your statement of "millions" is a joke ... but maybe that is what you meant it to be?

Sweden sold the island to France in the late 1800's and is now called Saint Barthélemy.
Sweden abolished slavery in 1847.
US ended slavery in 1863.
The generalization of the poor is a political thing for the purpose of usery in order to gain or retain power now.

Yes, men and women are born equal as human beings, but somewhere along the way a split happens. So depending on the choices made by each and every individual in life, then these splits cause each and every individual to either go forward or backwards in life.... This is always based upon those choices made. The punishment of those who make better choices in life, where as such a punishment otherwise as being in regards to those who make bad choices in life (the way that it is going) is absolutely not how it should be done in America against those who make good choices in life.

Ever heard of "we as a nation must lead by example in the world", otherwise if we want to claim our nation as being exceptional, prosperous, moral, and decent in the world ?

Otherwise ever heard as to how we are to be a beacon of light in the world for others to see and maybe gravitate towards ?

Well we can't very well do that if we are being punished for leading by good example right ?? This idea that the good folks should be blamed and punished because of those who make bad choices in life is about as ridiculous as can be. It just don't get any more stupid than we have allowed ourselves to become anymore.
In another world (read "country") this all makes sense. It is perfectly logical. But we are talking about the U.S. In the U.S. opportunities are smothered right from birth if a child is born 'on the wrong side of the tracks" so to speak. But this problem goes deeper than just that. Let's avoid the chicken or the egg for the moment. If you (or I) have not had the opportunities growing up then it is difficult for us to guide our own children in the right path to education and (maybe most importantly) self-discipline in studies. It's a perpetual dilemma that affects generations.

Didn't this thread begin with the attributes of Socialism? Right. In a well-functioning socialist environment, EVERYONE has the same opportunities and it will be the individual performance and inspiration that will decide how far (or in what direction) the individual will take. But this is not the way the U.S. conducts itself and the problem is more complex when you consider the employment situation and wages. Look, in a perfect world everyone will have equal opportunities and there will be jobs for each and every citizen. A pipe dream? Sure. But reaching for that dream is not something the U.S. is working towards while other nations are. So the examples you give above are excellent but the situation you describe is not found in the U.S. It is found elsewhere.

The Demon-crats are complete power hungry radicals who will use anything and everything to hold power. They can't make lives better, because they absolutely don't understand how too.
The problem is not with any rift between the Democrats and the Republicans. There is little difference between the two at the end of the day. Politics, of course, lies at the bottom of the matter but it is because neither of your choices are going to lift the American population up. The only way that can be achieved is by revamping both the Democratic and Republican political philosophies and/or introducing new parties with deeper commitments to the American people. However, unless the U.S. rids itself of the Military-Industrial Complex (and any other corrupt entity) such as the arms industry, the pharmaceutical stronghold, the tobacco industry .... then each and every political endeavor is going to be "bought off" and you'll never make any progress. How to break that trend? Man, I wish I knew. I don't even want to pronounce the word "Revolution".
Yup, Sweden and Finland owned millions of them.
No. Not true. Sweden once colonized the tiny Carribean island of St. Bartholomew which was directly in line with the slave-trade route between Africa and the Americas. This was some time in the 1700's. Sweden did trade in slaves but actually owning slaves themselves was a very minuscule number and never here on Swedish soil. Your statement of "millions" is a joke ... but maybe that is what you meant it to be?

Sweden sold the island to France in the late 1800's and is now called Saint Barthélemy.
Sweden abolished slavery in 1847.
US ended slavery in 1863.
Correct. But let us mention something that is important for people to understand. The U.S. kept untold numbers of slaves. You can give us a figure on that? Sweden never had any slaves with the exception of the Carribean island of St. Bartholomew. I don't' believe that slavery was ever legal in Sweden.
Last edited:
Yup, Sweden and Finland owned millions of them.
No. Not true. Sweden once colonized the tiny Carribean island of St. Bartholomew which was directly in line with the slave-trade route between Africa and the Americas. This was some time in the 1700's. Sweden did trade in slaves but actually owning slaves themselves was a very minuscule number and never here on Swedish soil. Your statement of "millions" is a joke ... but maybe that is what you meant it to be?

Sweden sold the island to France in the late 1800's and is now called Saint Barthélemy.
Sweden abolished slavery in 1847.
US ended slavery in 1863.
Correct. But let us mention something that is important for people to understand. The U.S. kept untold numbers of slaves. You can give us a figure on that? Sweden never had any slaves with the exception of the Carribean island of St. Bartholomew. I don't' believe that slavery was ever legal in Sweden.
Per capita Sweden had just as many slaves.

I asked you to name one nation on earth with no history of slavery, and you can’t name one.

You just hate America.
The generalization of the poor is a political thing for the purpose of usery in order to gain or retain power now.

Yes, men and women are born equal as human beings, but somewhere along the way a split happens. So depending on the choices made by each and every individual in life, then these splits cause each and every individual to either go forward or backwards in life.... This is always based upon those choices made. The punishment of those who make better choices in life, where as such a punishment otherwise as being in regards to those who make bad choices in life (the way that it is going) is absolutely not how it should be done in America against those who make good choices in life.

Ever heard of "we as a nation must lead by example in the world", otherwise if we want to claim our nation as being exceptional, prosperous, moral, and decent in the world ?

Otherwise ever heard as to how we are to be a beacon of light in the world for others to see and maybe gravitate towards ?

Well we can't very well do that if we are being punished for leading by good example right ?? This idea that the good folks should be blamed and punished because of those who make bad choices in life is about as ridiculous as can be. It just don't get any more stupid than we have allowed ourselves to become anymore.
In another world (read "country") this all makes sense. It is perfectly logical. But we are talking about the U.S. In the U.S. opportunities are smothered right from birth if a child is born 'on the wrong side of the tracks" so to speak. But this problem goes deeper than just that. Let's avoid the chicken or the egg for the moment. If you (or I) have not had the opportunities growing up then it is difficult for us to guide our own children in the right path to education and (maybe most importantly) self-discipline in studies. It's a perpetual dilemma that affects generations.

Didn't this thread begin with the attributes of Socialism? Right. In a well-functioning socialist environment, EVERYONE has the same opportunities and it will be the individual performance and inspiration that will decide how far (or in what direction) the individual will take. But this is not the way the U.S. conducts itself and the problem is more complex when you consider the employment situation and wages. Look, in a perfect world everyone will have equal opportunities and there will be jobs for each and every citizen. A pipe dream? Sure. But reaching for that dream is not something the U.S. is working towards while other nations are. So the examples you give above are excellent but the situation you describe is not found in the U.S. It is found elsewhere.

The Demon-crats are complete power hungry radicals who will use anything and everything to hold power. They can't make lives better, because they absolutely don't understand how too.
The problem is not with any rift between the Democrats and the Republicans. There is little difference between the two at the end of the day. Politics, of course, lies at the bottom of the matter but it is because neither of your choices are going to lift the American population up. The only way that can be achieved is by revamping both the Democratic and Republican political philosophies and/or introducing new parties with deeper commitments to the American people. However, unless the U.S. rids itself of the Military-Industrial Complex (and any other corrupt entity) such as the arms industry, the pharmaceutical stronghold, the tobacco industry .... then each and every political endeavor is going to be "bought off" and you'll never make any progress. How to break that trend? Man, I wish I knew. I don't even want to pronounce the word "Revolution".
Your thinking is highly flawed, because I am a living example of being born into poverty, and being discriminated against because of my color, and losing out because of it all, but while everyone else was making bad choices around me, I was making the right choices. These choices led to financial freedom, marriage to one women for well over 40 years, kids, grandkids, homes and vehicles owned, job security etc. I never look at others to blame for anything, I just forgive them if was wronged by them, and then move on in life. The blame game in politics is for power mostly, and it is not for healing purposes. It is jockeying for position whether it is by one group or another. It is for controlling vast amounts of resources, and then distributing those resources in a very suspicious way once power is gained.

We, as in me the wife and our grandkids stopped into a store, and a pickup was sitting next to us with the windows down as we were going into this store. The stereo was blasting that rap music where every other word was a curse word. I thought to myself, and this is the kind of crazy that liberals fight to protect everyday now. Disgusting situation, but the left embraces this deplorable stuff. Then we saw an outdoor karaoke thing going on in town, and the public was invited to join in. Well it quickly turned into an outdoor event you wouldn't want your kids ears to hear. I mean what has this nation done or what in the world is it doing ??? Seeing how quick it can make it to the bottom ??? I mentioned rap music, but that heavy metal or so called death music poisoning the young minds ain't no better either.

Choices brother, choices... It all comes down to the choices one makes in life. Covering up for bad choices is a terrible thing this nation has moved towards, and sadly with the many platforms we have today, most have since fell victim to the bullcrap.

I am living proof of the choices we make in life can lead to better things, and a better life. It's really that simple.

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