
Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Defense Secretary Ash Carter: Obama Administration Will Make ‘Principally Political’ Moves to Oust Assad
- LINK: Defense Secretary Carter: White House Moves Against Assad 'Principally Political'

"While being questioned by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC, 'DUMBMASS'), about the means through which the Obama administration intended to secure the ousting of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter conceded that such efforts were “principally political.”
-- "Joint Chiefs of Staff chair, General Joseph Dunford, admitted, “the balance of forces (that include Iranian, Russian, and Syrian troops / forces) are in Assad’s advantage.”

The story goes on to say that the Obama administration believes ousting Assad, not defeating ISIS, is key to stabilizing the Middle East.


Liberals have lambasted Bush for taking America to war against Iraq because of some vendetta / agenda with Saddam Hussein, spending billions of dollars and too many lives in doing so against a Tyrant who did not threaten the United States.

Replace the name Hussein with Assad, and you have Barak Obama's mini-'Iraq'.

So what the hell is Obama's obsession with Assad? Is he trying to amend for that horrendously embarrassing 'Red Line' disaster or WHAT?

Assad used bio-chem weapons on his own people....Yeah, and that's why the world has the U.N. (same argument made with Bush) - 'The United States is not the 'world's policeman'. Still Obama created and imposed the threat of the infamous 'Red Line', which failed miserably as Assad ignored it and gassed his people again...and Obama backed down in front of the whole world. I have criticized him for this, and I have been challenged by Liberals who have asked, "Would you rather he went to war instead?" NO, I would rather the man be intelligent enough to have thought this through - it is 'chess' not 'checkers'. You don't issue a 'Red Line' if you have no intention of backing it up. I believe Obama was arrogant enough to believe Assad would never defy his challenge, and when he did he had no idea what to do. What he did further compounded the problem - he embarrassingly tried to declare to the world that it had not been HIS 'Red Line' but instead had been the WHOLE WORLD'S 'Red Line; that they were now obligated to back-up HIS challenge. Yeah...not so much. 'The world' left Obama standing alone with egg on his face.

Obsessed with Assad, he ran weapons to Syrian 'rebels' who swore to fight against Assad...while ISIS grew. He ignored them. Many of the Syrian 'rebels' BECAME ISIS, and Obama ignored ISIS as they flooded un-opposed into Iraq, and the generals who pleaded with him to strike them, as they took over much of the country our military had just liberated at great cost. He called ISIS a 'JV Team' while continuing to focus on Assad. Bowing to external and internal pressure (IMO) Obama ordered a military campaign against ISIS through limited air strikes and mostly by drones.

Meanwhile Obama spent millions of US tax dollars to arm, outfit, and train 6 (SIX) Syrian Rebels to go against Assad (Syrian versions of Rambo?). 5 of them converted to ISIS, and the other was confirmed killed by Russia. So I would call this 'foreign policy' a fail. Since then Obama declared he would just start providing weapons to those fighting ISIS...and Assad.

Russia stepped in, joined forces with Assad, built a Russian base there, brought in Russian War Planes and troops, has brought in Iranians to join the 'team', and has bombed the Anti-Assad Obama-supported rebels almost into non-existence. So Obama has not declared he will break his vow of 'No Boots on the Ground' to place boots on the ground in Iraq...NEAR SYRIA. What about ISIS scattered all over Iraq and those attacking the Kurds and our ally Turkey? Are the boots on the ground more interested in ASSAD or ISIS?

Meanwhile The Taliban is making another resurgence in Afghanistan AND reports say they are starting to team with ISIS. China is expending their influence, Russia is expanding their influence. Iran is now in Iraq and Syria (and other places), and we just made it easier for them to obtain nukes while ensuring a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. We're brining in thousands of Syrian men / 'refugees' without conducting adequate security checks AFTER ISIS has sworn to send their fighters here claiming to be refugees. Thousands of illegals are assaulting, robbing, raping, and murdering Americans, the administration are releasing them, Sanctuary cities are protecting them, and the Obama administration is protecting the cities that do this.

I have heard the argument that Afghanistan will eventually fall and go back the way it was, we can't stop it, and it's none of our problem. I have heard the same things about Iraq. The same should / could be said about Syria....so why the Obsession then with Syria?

If we had no business going to war in Iraq then we have no business going to war in / with Syria. And again, THIS is why we have the U.N. ... or it is supposed to be why. An out-of-control terrorist organization spreading across the globe violently killing people - where the hell is the U.N.? A 'rogue' Leader gassing his own people - where the hell is the U.N.? If America is not the world's policeman SOME of the time then it shouldn't be the world's policeman ALL of the time (if you subscribe to that argument).

And is Assad really our BIGGEST concern and the key to stabilizing the Middle East...REALLY?! I would think at the top of that list would be IRAN.
The kid was raised without social skills of any kind. Now he's president. Obama is basically dysfunctional so his foreign policy is just an extention of his personality
That;s why it's so hilarious to watch boehner and McConnell gravel at his feet
I think that in part this was a move to nail support for Hezbollah via Assad which controls Lebanon and consistently screws with Israel. I remember there being a move to sell weapons to Lebanon for their military but Hezbollah interfered with that. Of course it is always about installing someone that is more receptive to "US interests" and, finally, a proxy war with Russia.

This should not be interpreted as support for Obama's foreign policy.
Suddenly, it's as if W never existed. LOL

And, of course, the link says nothing about removing Assad to be our policy rather than removing ISIS. Rather, we appear not to have ANY policy .... beyond taking American casualties.
Defense Secretary Ash Carter: Obama Administration Will Make ‘Principally Political’ Moves to Oust Assad

Anyone with a basic knowledge of the history of the region knows why Assad, and his father before him, are integral to the destabilization of the region.
Anyone with a basic knowledge of the history of the region knows why Assad, and his father before him, are integral to the destabilization of the region.

I have a minor in history and am in the Military (20+ years), and I still can't see how over-throwing Assad (which CAN'T be done now that Iran and Russia are protecting him) is going to defeat ISIS, re-stabilize Iraq, defeat the surging Taliban, stop the HAMAS-Israeli Conflict, Prevent ISIS fighters disguised as refugees from entering the US, STOP the nuclear arms race that is now coming - according to Saudi - because of the Obama Iran TREATY, and counter the growing Chinese / Iranian / Russian growing threat.

Any Poli-sci Major, Military Tactician, Politician, and even History Minor can see that, as well. Assad and Syria are not the world's biggest problems. If they WERE, Obama already missed his chance to deal with them when he backed down from his embarrassing 'Syrian Red Line'.
Suddenly, it's as if W never existed. LOL

And, of course, the link says nothing about removing Assad to be our policy rather than removing ISIS. Rather, we appear not to have ANY policy .... beyond taking American casualties.


You're right, of course. The link also doesn't say that Obama's failed 'Red Line' ploy was intended to stop Assad from gassing his own people...but it was.

It doesn't say that his running guns to Syrian Rebels opposing Assad was part of a policy designed to oust Assad...but it was.

It doesn't say that his spending MILLIONS to arm, outfit, and train 6 (SIX) Syrian rebels who swore to oppose Assad was part of a policy designed to oust Assad...but it was. If it was part of a plan to defeat ISIS - millions for 'all' those 6 guys' then it miserably failed because 5 joined ISIS, and the Russians killed the last one.

It doesn't say that putting American boots on the ground in Iraq right next to Syria is part of a plan to oust Assad but is supposedly about defeating ISIS?! So with Syria, Iran, and Russia all IN Syria claiming to be attacking ISIS and Russia having told the US to STAY OUT because they can handle it, Obama thinks that defying them and putting US troops on the Syrian border is going to help...while he ignores the rest of ISIS spread out all over Iraq and attacking Turkey and joining up with the Taliban?! Really?

It doesn't say....OH WAIT - YES IT DOES:

While being questioned by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC, 'DUMBMASS'), about the means through which the Obama administration intended to secure the ousting of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter conceded that such efforts were “principally political.”
-- "Joint Chiefs of Staff chair, General Joseph Dunford, admitted, “the balance of forces (that include Iranian, Russian, and Syrian troops / forces) are in Assad’s advantage.”
Anyone with a basic knowledge of the history of the region knows why Assad, and his father before him, are integral to the destabilization of the region.

I have a minor in history and am in the Military (20+ years), and I still can't see how over-throwing Assad (which CAN'T be done now that Iran and Russia are protecting him) is going to defeat ISIS, re-stabilize Iraq, defeat the surging Taliban, stop the HAMAS-Israeli Conflict, Prevent ISIS fighters disguised as refugees from entering the US, STOP the nuclear arms race that is now coming - according to Saudi - because of the Obama Iran TREATY, and counter the growing Chinese / Iranian / Russian growing threat.

Any Poli-sci Major, Military Tactician, Politician, and even History Minor can see that, as well. Assad and Syria are not the world's biggest problems. If they WERE, Obama already missed his chance to deal with them when he backed down from his embarrassing 'Syrian Red Line'.

So what would you recommend in the current situation?
Russia ... Assad's air force, weapons supplier, and boots on the ground

Both Syria and Russia are well known friends of America (es) ... Shame on Obama !
Defense Secretary Ash Carter: Obama Administration Will Make ‘Principally Political’ Moves to Oust Assad
- LINK: Defense Secretary Carter: White House Moves Against Assad 'Principally Political'

"While being questioned by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC, 'DUMBMASS'), about the means through which the Obama administration intended to secure the ousting of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter conceded that such efforts were “principally political.”
-- "Joint Chiefs of Staff chair, General Joseph Dunford, admitted, “the balance of forces (that include Iranian, Russian, and Syrian troops / forces) are in Assad’s advantage.”

The story goes on to say that the Obama administration believes ousting Assad, not defeating ISIS, is key to stabilizing the Middle East.


Liberals have lambasted Bush for taking America to war against Iraq because of some vendetta / agenda with Saddam Hussein, spending billions of dollars and too many lives in doing so against a Tyrant who did not threaten the United States.

Replace the name Hussein with Assad, and you have Barak Obama's mini-'Iraq'.

So what the hell is Obama's obsession with Assad? Is he trying to amend for that horrendously embarrassing 'Red Line' disaster or WHAT?

Assad used bio-chem weapons on his own people....Yeah, and that's why the world has the U.N. (same argument made with Bush) - 'The United States is not the 'world's policeman'. Still Obama created and imposed the threat of the infamous 'Red Line', which failed miserably as Assad ignored it and gassed his people again...and Obama backed down in front of the whole world. I have criticized him for this, and I have been challenged by Liberals who have asked, "Would you rather he went to war instead?" NO, I would rather the man be intelligent enough to have thought this through - it is 'chess' not 'checkers'. You don't issue a 'Red Line' if you have no intention of backing it up. I believe Obama was arrogant enough to believe Assad would never defy his challenge, and when he did he had no idea what to do. What he did further compounded the problem - he embarrassingly tried to declare to the world that it had not been HIS 'Red Line' but instead had been the WHOLE WORLD'S 'Red Line; that they were now obligated to back-up HIS challenge. Yeah...not so much. 'The world' left Obama standing alone with egg on his face.

Obsessed with Assad, he ran weapons to Syrian 'rebels' who swore to fight against Assad...while ISIS grew. He ignored them. Many of the Syrian 'rebels' BECAME ISIS, and Obama ignored ISIS as they flooded un-opposed into Iraq, and the generals who pleaded with him to strike them, as they took over much of the country our military had just liberated at great cost. He called ISIS a 'JV Team' while continuing to focus on Assad. Bowing to external and internal pressure (IMO) Obama ordered a military campaign against ISIS through limited air strikes and mostly by drones.

Meanwhile Obama spent millions of US tax dollars to arm, outfit, and train 6 (SIX) Syrian Rebels to go against Assad (Syrian versions of Rambo?). 5 of them converted to ISIS, and the other was confirmed killed by Russia. So I would call this 'foreign policy' a fail. Since then Obama declared he would just start providing weapons to those fighting ISIS...and Assad.

Russia stepped in, joined forces with Assad, built a Russian base there, brought in Russian War Planes and troops, has brought in Iranians to join the 'team', and has bombed the Anti-Assad Obama-supported rebels almost into non-existence. So Obama has not declared he will break his vow of 'No Boots on the Ground' to place boots on the ground in Iraq...NEAR SYRIA. What about ISIS scattered all over Iraq and those attacking the Kurds and our ally Turkey? Are the boots on the ground more interested in ASSAD or ISIS?

Meanwhile The Taliban is making another resurgence in Afghanistan AND reports say they are starting to team with ISIS. China is expending their influence, Russia is expanding their influence. Iran is now in Iraq and Syria (and other places), and we just made it easier for them to obtain nukes while ensuring a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. We're brining in thousands of Syrian men / 'refugees' without conducting adequate security checks AFTER ISIS has sworn to send their fighters here claiming to be refugees. Thousands of illegals are assaulting, robbing, raping, and murdering Americans, the administration are releasing them, Sanctuary cities are protecting them, and the Obama administration is protecting the cities that do this.

I have heard the argument that Afghanistan will eventually fall and go back the way it was, we can't stop it, and it's none of our problem. I have heard the same things about Iraq. The same should / could be said about Syria....so why the Obsession then with Syria?

If we had no business going to war in Iraq then we have no business going to war in / with Syria. And again, THIS is why we have the U.N. ... or it is supposed to be why. An out-of-control terrorist organization spreading across the globe violently killing people - where the hell is the U.N.? A 'rogue' Leader gassing his own people - where the hell is the U.N.? If America is not the world's policeman SOME of the time then it shouldn't be the world's policeman ALL of the time (if you subscribe to that argument).

And is Assad really our BIGGEST concern and the key to stabilizing the Middle East...REALLY?! I would think at the top of that list would be IRAN.

Well there's a couple of things wrong with your assessment here. Russia, didn't "step in", they've been long allied with Assad and has had a Naval Base in Syria for quite some time.

There are several reasons for getting Assad out of power.

1. He's a short sighted Tyrant that balked at Middle Class farmers who fled to the cities after the drought pushed them there. He's promised Democratic reforms as well, which he didn't follow through on and both those things led to unrest, which he harshly cracked down on.
2. Syria is allied with Iran.
3. Turkey, our ally and NATO members wants him out.
Well there's a couple of things wrong with your assessment here. Russia, didn't "step in", they've been long allied with Assad and has had a Naval Base in Syria for quite some time.

There are several reasons for getting Assad out of power.

1. He's a short sighted Tyrant that balked at Middle Class farmers who fled to the cities after the drought pushed them there. He's promised Democratic reforms as well, which he didn't follow through on and both those things led to unrest, which he harshly cracked down on.
2. Syria is allied with Iran.
3. Turkey, our ally and NATO members wants him out.

Well, here's where YOU are wrong.

Syria has been an 'ally' and a 'customer' for a long time, but Russia just RECENTLY built an airbase and brought in war planes and troops.

1. How is this any of our business. Bush stepped into Iraq and stopped a murderous nut job and his evil sons who were raping, torturing, murdering, and gassing his own people...that's not a good enough reason to step in but a tyrant who promised democratic reform, didn't give it to them, and cracked down on the people's unrest IS?

2. Syria is allied with Iran? Russia is currently allied with Iran - I don't see him going after Russia...OR IRAN! Iraq just invited Iranian troops into Iraq to help defeat ISIS because Obama refuses to put boots on the ground to defeat ISIS...but he will do it to try to overthrow Assad?! WTF?!

3. Turkey wants Assad out...but Turkey considers ISIS, who is attacking them, to be a much bigger threat / priority than Assad!
The US is unseating leadership that's not on our side. He's next.

That worked so well with:
- The Shah
- Saddam Husein
- Ayub Khan
- Yahya Khan
- Musharraf
- Suharto
- Qadaffi
- Osama Bin Laden
- Castro
- Noriega

That worked so well in:
- Iran, 1953
- Guatemala, 1954
- Congo, 1960
- South Viet Nam, 1963
- Brazil, 964
- Chile, 1973
- Libya, 2011/2012

and when Bush did it Libs went NUTS...but it's Obama doing it (against all hope), so it's ok....

Got it!
The US is unseating leadership that's not on our side. He's next.

That worked so well with:
- The Shah
- Saddam Husein
- Ayub Khan
- Yahya Khan
- Musharraf
- Suharto
- Qadaffi
- Osama Bin Laden
- Castro
- Noriega

That worked so well in:
- Iran, 1953
- Guatemala, 1954
- Congo, 1960
- South Viet Nam, 1963
- Brazil, 964
- Chile, 1973
- Libya, 2011/2012

and when Bush did it Libs went NUTS...but it's Obama doing it (against all hope), so it's ok....

Got it!
The Shah was a US Ally.
Defense Secretary Ash Carter: Obama Administration Will Make ‘Principally Political’ Moves to Oust Assad

Anyone with a basic knowledge of the history of the region knows why Assad, and his father before him, are integral to the destabilization of the region.
so these people are not:
the aytollah's
on and on and on
The Shah was a US Ally.

...Yeah, BECAUSE WE PUT HIM IN POWER. We put all those guys in power...which is WHY they WERE our allies'....until they got what they wanted and said:



"The U.S. government’s problem with Pakistan is similar to the one it had with Iran in 1979. The U.S. government placed Iranian Shah Reza Pahlavi in power in 1953, which extinguished the rising flames of democracy. This resulted in a populist Islamic revolution and extreme anti-American sentiment. Now, Pakistan’s brutal dictator, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, is facing a populist uprising."
- LINK: History Of US Backed Dictators - Redux | BlueBloggin

" a dictator put in place by a non-Muslim Western power, the United States, ..."
- LINK: Mohammad Reza Pahlavi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Shah was a US Ally.

...Yeah, BECAUSE WE PUT HIM IN POWER. We put all those guys in power...which is WHY they WERE our allies'....until they got what they wanted and said:



"The U.S. government’s problem with Pakistan is similar to the one it had with Iran in 1979. The U.S. government placed Iranian Shah Reza Pahlavi in power in 1953, which extinguished the rising flames of democracy. This resulted in a populist Islamic revolution and extreme anti-American sentiment. Now, Pakistan’s brutal dictator, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, is facing a populist uprising."
- LINK: History Of US Backed Dictators - Redux | BlueBloggin

" a dictator put in place by a non-Muslim Western power, the United States, ..."
- LINK: Mohammad Reza Pahlavi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We didn't put all those guys in power. Not the Assads, to my original point. We've been systematically undoing the people we did not put in place. The soviet bloc arab/magreb states particularly.

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