What is released and what is not,

Why won’t they? Are you capable of a straight answer or are you just another shill?

the news reported has stated that the dem memo has not been reviewed
You mean they can’t review a memo and release them together? Why not?

again why should they this one is ready to go
Oh...so it has nothing to do with partisan politics?

So why is it the SCOTUS is capable of waiting until both the
Majority and Minority opinions are written to release them but this commission can not?
They voted to release “the memo”, written by one political side only.

They voted against releasing the minority memo.

They refused to allow the FBI/DOJ a hearing to give their information.

There is something way wrong with partisan politics at this level. We should be very disturbed. :(

Extra points for anyone who can discuss this without a deflection or a whataboutism.

I don't know that the DEMS wanted their "memo" released. And I don't know that the release of their rebuttal was blocked in any way.. Do YOU??? I know there WAS NO 'rebuttal memo' a week ago. It was done to "minimize" damage and spin the evidence presented in the Majority document.

Since this whole affair was LARGELY stirred and provoked by the Office of Inspector General, I'm perfectly comfortable with a release without DOJ approval. And of course, if it's internal corruption at the FBI -- I don't a NEED for their ability to skewer or veto it...

OIG is the MOST VALUABLE agency in govt. I have oodles of respect for those folks.They need more power since Congress is so incompetent in agency oversight..
If the memo is all fact, why would there need to be a rebuttal memo? That sounds like partisan politics. "let me explain why those people suck"..:smiliehug:
I mean, we dont even know what it says..
What if there was a REASON for it?
You are doing what you are bitching about...
Why dont ALL you people wait until the damn thing comes out?

How can we know it is all facts when it was divided on strictly partisan lines? Doesn’t that seem suspiciously one sided?

I am disturbed at the refusal to release all...it is like the Fusion GPS hearing.

This came OUT of the Fusion GPS hearing. They are the folks that generated the phony "Intel product" that APPARENTLY was used to get a FISA warrant. And APPARENTLY, the FBI played a large role in COORDINATING and misrepresenting the POS political hit piece to a panel of FISA judges. We WANT to know the facts. Why don't you?
why should they

Why won’t they? Are you capable of a straight answer or are you just another shill?

the news reported has stated that the dem memo has not been reviewed
You mean they can’t review a memo and release them together? Why not?

again why should they this one is ready to go
Oh...so it has nothing to do with partisan politics?

So why is it the SCOTUS is capable of waiting until both the
Majority and Minority opinions are written to release them but this commission can not?

what are you rambling about now

get a hold of yourself
They voted to release “the memo”, written by one political side only.

They voted against releasing the minority memo.

They refused to allow the FBI/DOJ a hearing to give their information.

There is something way wrong with partisan politics at this level. We should be very disturbed. :(

Extra points for anyone who can discuss this without a deflection or a whataboutism.

Are you disturbed because the Republicans on the committee want you to know what is in the memo ...
Or because the Democrats on the committee don't want you to know what is in the memo?

That is the way the vote went ... :thup:

The subsequent memo has not been reviewed by Congress yet ... And wouldn't be released until reviewed anyway.

They wanted a week to take the narrative before the truth comes out..I have heard from some senators who have read it , and it is a big nothing conspiracy handwritten by Nunes.

It is very sad to see what these people did to the so called Bipartisan committee.. we have to hold down this FBI investigation and see through the drama and noise coming from Trump and the republicans who will do anything to show Trump their loyalness and slow down or try to stop the investigation.. You have to be stupid not to see that.

:sleep: Hey we got some new emojis:safetocomeoutff:;yeah


That must be why the Ranking House Intel comm. BANNED their members from READING the memo before the vote to release.. There's a fair amount of pants crapping going on there.. Imagine that. Clear evidence of FBI misrepresentation of the Steele Dossier to a FISA judge. Enabling them to CON the FISA court into a WARRANT to SPY ON AN OPPOSITION CAMPAIGN... And Adam Schiffless is scared shitless to let HIS members EVEN READ IT..

If the Dem members haven't READ the original because they are hog-tied and muzzled by their leadership, Howw good a "rebuttal" could they write?? That sucks wads..
If the memo is all fact, why would there need to be a rebuttal memo? That sounds like partisan politics. "let me explain why those people suck"..:smiliehug:
I mean, we dont even know what it says..
What if there was a REASON for it?
You are doing what you are bitching about...
Why dont ALL you people wait until the damn thing comes out?

How can we know it is all facts when it was divided on strictly partisan lines? Doesn’t that seem suspiciously one sided?

I am disturbed at the refusal to release all...it is like the Fusion GPS hearing.

This came OUT of the Fusion GPS hearing. They are the folks that generated the phony "Intel product" that APPARENTLY was used to get a FISA warrant. And APPARENTLY, the FBI played a large role in COORDINATING and misrepresenting the POS political hit piece to a panel of FISA judges. We WANT to know the facts. Why don't you?

Nothing that follows any instance of "APPARENTLY" in your post above is "apparent" to me.

Those sound like rumours and conspiracy theories that you want to believe in, not "apparent" facts.
They wanted a week to take the narrative before the truth comes out..I have heard from some senators who have read it , and it is a big nothing conspiracy handwritten by Nunes.

It is very sad to see what these people did to the so called Bipartisan committee.. we have to hold down this FBI investigation and see through the drama and noise coming from Trump and the republicans who will do anything to show Trump their loyalness and slow down or try to stop the investigation.. You have to be stupid not to see that.

:sleep: Hey we got some new emojis:safetocomeoutff:;yeah


That must be why the Ranking House Intel comm. BANNED their members from READING the memo before the vote to release.. There's a fair amount of pants crapping going on there.. Imagine that. Clear evidence of FBI misrepresentation of the Steele Dossier to a FISA judge. Enabling them to CON the FISA court into a WARRANT to SPY ON AN OPPOSITION CAMPAIGN... And Adam Schiffless is scared shitless to let HIS members EVEN READ IT..

If the Dem members haven't READ the original because they are hog-tied and muzzled by their leadership, Howw good a "rebuttal" could they write?? That sucks wads..

Clear evidence of FBI misrepresentation of the Steele Dossier to a FISA judge. Enabling them to CON the FISA court into a WARRANT to SPY ON AN OPPOSITION CAMPAIGN..

just think about the ramifications of that for a while
If the memo is all fact, why would there need to be a rebuttal memo? That sounds like partisan politics. "let me explain why those people suck"..:smiliehug:
I mean, we dont even know what it says..
What if there was a REASON for it?
You are doing what you are bitching about...
Why dont ALL you people wait until the damn thing comes out?

How can we know it is all facts when it was divided on strictly partisan lines? Doesn’t that seem suspiciously one sided?

I am disturbed at the refusal to release all...it is like the Fusion GPS hearing.

This came OUT of the Fusion GPS hearing. They are the folks that generated the phony "Intel product" that APPARENTLY was used to get a FISA warrant. And APPARENTLY, the FBI played a large role in COORDINATING and misrepresenting the POS political hit piece to a panel of FISA judges. We WANT to know the facts. Why don't you?

Nothing that follows any instance of "APPARENTLY" in your post above is "apparent" to me.

Those sound like rumours and conspiracy theories that you want to believe in, not "apparent" facts.

I could either tell you I read better news --- or keep your knickers on and we'll see.


But, this memo was a DIRECT RESULT of information that the FBI had been withholding from Congress for over 8 months. It finally became available.. With help from the OIG investigation of the FBI. The information withheld was ALL ABOUT the FISA court warrant to spy on the Trump campaign. What it contained. Who signed off on it. ETC.. So --- there's not much doubt that'll be the focus of the information that appalled most people who read it...
They voted to release “the memo”, written by one political side only.

They voted against releasing the minority memo.

They refused to allow the FBI/DOJ a hearing to give their information.

There is something way wrong with partisan politics at this level. We should be very disturbed. :(

Extra points for anyone who can discuss this without a deflection or a whataboutism.

a couple of things -

* most of what we have heard is not about denying the content of the memo; but about how it is unwise to release it (from dems in congress and the media)

* it is super interesting that there haven't been leaks; seems we only see leaks when they are damaging to republicans in general or Trump specifically - I would say that I find that to be odd, but I don't...

* what I really want to see is the supporting documents that were used to garner the info reported on in the memo

also - here is an important set of facts; McCabe was forced to resign earlier than he wanted to. What is extraordinarily interesting about this is the black cloud surrounding his wife's failed campaign

she was given $700,000 for a state House campaign by Terry McAuliffe

McAuliffe is a known friend of the Clinton's & that amount of contribution is unheard of for her type of campaign

Couple that with the fact that McCabe was handling a part of an investigation into Hillary and BOOM

ANOTHER "appearance of impropriety"

these "appearances of impropriety" are sure starting to pile up - there are way too damn many of them, and I don't believe in coincidences

if there was truly unethical behavior in the FBI & DOJ (and it certainly appears that there was) then EVERY American should want it identified and rooted out

nobody should be in a "protected class" and nobody should be a target of government harassment because of their political views

But, this memo was a DIRECT RESULT of information that the FBI had been withholding from Congress for over 8 months. It finally became available.. With help from the OIG investigation of the FBI. The information withheld was ALL ABOUT the FISA court warrant to spy on the Trump campaign. What it contained. Who signed off on it. ETC.. So --- there's not much doubt that'll be the focus of the information that appalled most people who read it...

In some ways the best we may be able to hope for is that the questionable activities covered in the memo were directly associated with senior staff and few judicial players.
It will be a lot easier for the FBI to recover from some poor decisions by senior staff, than any indication the problems are systemic, or filter into the lower ranks.

I would like to believe that the rank and file had little to do with any misconduct ... But who knows ... :dunno:

They wanted a week to take the narrative before the truth comes out..I have heard from some senators who have read it , and it is a big nothing conspiracy handwritten by Nunes.

It is very sad to see what these people did to the so called Bipartisan committee.. we have to hold down this FBI investigation and see through the drama and noise coming from Trump and the republicans who will do anything to show Trump their loyalness and slow down or try to stop the investigation.. You have to be stupid not to see that.

:sleep: Hey we got some new emojis:safetocomeoutff:;yeah


That must be why the Ranking House Intel comm. BANNED their members from READING the memo before the vote to release.. There's a fair amount of pants crapping going on there.. Imagine that. Clear evidence of FBI misrepresentation of the Steele Dossier to a FISA judge. Enabling them to CON the FISA court into a WARRANT to SPY ON AN OPPOSITION CAMPAIGN... And Adam Schiffless is scared shitless to let HIS members EVEN READ IT..

If the Dem members haven't READ the original because they are hog-tied and muzzled by their leadership, Howw good a "rebuttal" could they write?? That sucks wads..

Clear evidence of FBI misrepresentation of the Steele Dossier to a FISA judge. Enabling them to CON the FISA court into a WARRANT to SPY ON AN OPPOSITION CAMPAIGN..

just think about the ramifications of that for a while
Sorry, but Republican gyrations do not in any way constitute "clear evidence."
They voted to release “the memo”, written by one political side only.

They voted against releasing the minority memo.

They refused to allow the FBI/DOJ a hearing to give their information.

There is something way wrong with partisan politics at this level. We should be very disturbed. :(

Extra points for anyone who can discuss this without a deflection or a whataboutism.

I don't know that the DEMS wanted their "memo" released. And I don't know that the release of their rebuttal was blocked in any way.. Do YOU??? I know there WAS NO 'rebuttal memo' a week ago. It was done to "minimize" damage and spin the evidence presented in the Majority document.

Since this whole affair was LARGELY stirred and provoked by the Office of Inspector General, I'm perfectly comfortable with a release without DOJ approval. And of course, if it's internal corruption at the FBI -- I don't a NEED for their ability to skewer or veto it...

OIG is the MOST VALUABLE agency in govt. I have oodles of respect for those folks.They need more power since Congress is so incompetent in agency oversight..

I think it's important that ALL SIDES get a chance to be heard...that is what I think.

IF they are shutdown...then...what?
They voted to release “the memo”, written by one political side only.

They voted against releasing the minority memo.

They refused to allow the FBI/DOJ a hearing to give their information.

There is something way wrong with partisan politics at this level. We should be very disturbed. :(

Extra points for anyone who can discuss this without a deflection or a whataboutism.

a couple of things -

* most of what we have heard is not about denying the content of the memo; but about how it is unwise to release it (from dems in congress and the media)

* it is super interesting that there haven't been leaks; seems we only see leaks when they are damaging to republicans in general or Trump specifically - I would say that I find that to be odd, but I don't...

* what I really want to see is the supporting documents that were used to garner the info reported on in the memo

also - here is an important set of facts; McCabe was forced to resign earlier than he wanted to. What is extraordinarily interesting about this is the black cloud surrounding his wife's failed campaign

she was given $700,000 for a state House campaign by Terry McAuliffe

McAuliffe is a known friend of the Clinton's & that amount of contribution is unheard of for her type of campaign

Couple that with the fact that McCabe was handling a part of an investigation into Hillary and BOOM

ANOTHER "appearance of impropriety"

these "appearances of impropriety" are sure starting to pile up - there are way too damn many of them, and I don't believe in coincidences

if there was truly unethical behavior in the FBI & DOJ (and it certainly appears that there was) then EVERY American should want it identified and rooted out

nobody should be in a "protected class" and nobody should be a target of government harassment because of their political views

Good post.

I want to see ALL SIDES.

I want to see the DoJ allowed to present it's side.

Then I can make an informed decision...right?

But, this memo was a DIRECT RESULT of information that the FBI had been withholding from Congress for over 8 months. It finally became available.. With help from the OIG investigation of the FBI. The information withheld was ALL ABOUT the FISA court warrant to spy on the Trump campaign. What it contained. Who signed off on it. ETC.. So --- there's not much doubt that'll be the focus of the information that appalled most people who read it...

In some ways the best we may be able to hope for is that the questionable activities covered in the memo were directly associated with senior staff and few judicial players.
It will be a lot easier for the FBI to recover from some poor decisions by senior staff, than any indication the problems are systemic, or filter into the lower ranks.

I would like to believe that the rank and file had little to do with any misconduct ... But who knows ... :dunno:

I created a whole thread about this, but will repeat it here; as THIS is what I believe to be the "best case scenario" for the FBI:

One of the text exchanges between the loving couple had something to the effect of them being worried about going too hard after Hillary given that she was probably going to be the next president

Is it possible that while the substance we are seeing might be correct that the motivations might not be

Is it possible that when they realized Trump was going to be the nominee that like most of America they assumed he had no shot

Is it possible that once they believed Hillary was a certainty they all got scared and conspired to avoid enraging her

Is it possible that everything since then has been largely "oh shit" track covering

Hell. Is it possible that the plan b that was discussed was the oh crap plan once they came to believe there was no chance Hillary would lose?

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