What is Romney's problem?

He belongs to a cult.

Next question.
I have had enough of Pierre Delecto. I hope he gets primaried for re-election, because I will donate to his opponent's campaign. It's time for the people of Utah to throw out this two faced, back stabbing, fake Republican.

I held my nose and voted for this p.o.s. in 2012 because it was the right thing to do for the country. But he couldn't even put aside his personal vendetta for Trump and do the right thing.
Is he supposed to be loyal to party? I've never understood loyalty to another person other than my wife. Surely not a boss, employer, etc. It's called thinking for yourself not standing in line if that is not what you believe.

What does Mr. Romney believe? Or is his anti-trump hysteria based more on jealousy and hatred and political triangulation, instead of principles?
Is he supposed to be loyal to party? I've never understood loyalty to another person other than my wife. Surely not a boss, employer, etc. It's called thinking for yourself not standing in line if that is not what you believe.

If you buck the party line, you are risking big trouble in your next primary election. They're all thinking for themselves for most of the time IMHO. Both parties.
Romney just burnt his bridge in Utah and his days are numbered. A Deseret News poll has Romney now losing to everyone including democrats... That is a sad state of affairs.
Good. I want him gone.

Romney's problem is Trump. It's personal.
Exactly. And Romney should have put his personal feelings aside and done the right thing for his country. That's what a patriot does. And that's what I did when I held my nose and voted for him in 2012.
I have had enough of Pierre Delecto. I hope he gets primaried for re-election, because I will donate to his opponent's campaign. It's time for the people of Utah to throw out this two faced, back stabbing, fake Republican.

I held my nose and voted for this p.o.s. in 2012 because it was the right thing to do for the country. But he couldn't even put aside his personal vendetta for Trump and do the right thing.
It's not a coincidence that the republican in no political danger wanted the facts to come to light.
I have had enough of Pierre Delecto. I hope he gets primaried for re-election, because I will donate to his opponent's campaign. It's time for the people of Utah to throw out this two faced, back stabbing, fake Republican.

I held my nose and voted for this p.o.s. in 2012 because it was the right thing to do for the country. But he couldn't even put aside his personal vendetta for Trump and do the right thing.
It's not a coincidence that the republican in no political danger wanted the facts to come to light.
Kinda like the commercials used against Romney back in the day from your side............Saying Romney was gonna kill Big Bird........LOL

Romney lost because he wouldn't fight back.................got smacked around by Trump in the primaries............and now the Mormon can't stand Trump..................You only defend him because for the moment he serves your NARRATIVE.............Your side will EAT IT'S OWN when it crosses you................
and now the Mormon can't stand Trump
So what? Neither can the other Republican senators. I can bury you in their quotes to this effect, if you like. So that's a dumb point.
He is you in a Conservative skirt...............TDS Stage 4

and now the Mormon can't stand Trump
So what? Neither can the other Republican senators. I can bury you in their quotes to this effect, if you like. So that's a dumb point.
He is you in a Conservative skirt...............TDS Stage 4

And the little bitch tantrums begin...damn, you didn't even make it two posts...

The other senators can't stand him, either. But they fell in line out of political expedience. We can examine their own words to see this. It's not rocket surgery.
Would they have stayed home if he was fighting back.
He had nothing to fight with. Obamacare was the single biggest issue among Republicans, and Romney implemented essentially the same thing in Massachusetts.

And if he had won Trump probably never would have felt the need to run....so I thank Romney for losing
Giving Obama four more years to destroy the country is a high price to pay.
and now the Mormon can't stand Trump
So what? Neither can the other Republican senators. I can bury you in their quotes to this effect, if you like. So that's a dumb point.
He is you in a Conservative skirt...............TDS Stage 4

And the little bitch tantrums begin...damn, you didn't even make it two posts...
We have been seeing this disease for other 3 years now...............The fact that no CURE HAS BEEN FOUND is not my fault.............Perhaps in 2024 there will be a Cure............For now......who knows..........

Oh............poor Romney is on your side and currently your Hero............So chant ROMNEY ROMNEY ROMNEY..............until the Narrative ends and turn on him again.......it's what you do.

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