What is Satan's ULTIMATE goal?

So God unleashes what is considered to be pure evil on those he loves so refine them into something better?

That's like saying beating your kid every day is going to make him a better person

No. "Pure Evil" is Hell. Thank God, (literally), none of us know that yet. We are all of us, even if we reject God, under what is called "common grace" now. That is, we can enjoy His good gifts even if we don't care about Him or, worse, even reject and curse Him. Good gifts? Air to breathe, food to eat, water to satiate thirst. Love, music, rest, all the very good things in life. All of those things, believe me, are not "pure evil".

When those things are absent, then you will know "pure evil".

I hope and pray you will never have to know it.

So Satan is not evil now?

I guess the nuns at my school had it wrong

Satan is evil, that is true. God has not "unleashed" him on the world unhindered. That will be Hell.
God created Satan and cast him down upon the earth.

Why not just snap his fingers and wipe him out of existence instead of forcing the creations he supposedly love to be subjected to his evil?

He will, in the end.

It's not the end yet.

So you tell your kid one day in the end I'll stop beating you every day but it's not the end yet
Satan is evil, that is true. God has not "unleashed" him on the world unhindered. That will be Hell.
But who created Hell?

It was not Satan, it was God who created it and cast Satan down to Hell

More Old Testament, you will be punished for eternity if you anger God

Ummm....well, you're not far off. If you don't like it, you can join Satan's team and be bitter and jaded for your entire earthly life, and see where that gets your in eternity.

God will give you that choice. He's giving it to you right now--until, finally, your heart hardens to the point you don't really have a choice anymore. (shrug)
Again back to the OP

It is God who has to create a place to torture people for eternity. Wasn’t Satan, he just resides there

God sends billions of people to Hell, just because they chose the wrong religion

You wouldn't want to go to God's Heaven even if you had the choice. Why would you? You don't want to spend eternity in his company, worshiping Him and marveling at His glory. Why should He force you to do so?


Heaven is reward in itself. You get there or you don’t.

But that was not enough for simple humans. An alternative location needed to be created to tell people what would happen if they didn’t worship well enough

Carrot and the stick

It would not be a reward for you. That's what I'm saying. You wouldn't want to go there. It would involve worshiping God and being with God all the time. By your words and actions here, you indicate you don't want any part of that anyway. Right?
But who created Hell?

It was not Satan, it was God who created it and cast Satan down to Hell

More Old Testament, you will be punished for eternity if you anger God

Ummm....well, you're not far off. If you don't like it, you can join Satan's team and be bitter and jaded for your entire earthly life, and see where that gets your in eternity.

God will give you that choice. He's giving it to you right now--until, finally, your heart hardens to the point you don't really have a choice anymore. (shrug)
Again back to the OP

It is God who has to create a place to torture people for eternity. Wasn’t Satan, he just resides there

God sends billions of people to Hell, just because they chose the wrong religion

You wouldn't want to go to God's Heaven even if you had the choice. Why would you? You don't want to spend eternity in his company, worshiping Him and marveling at His glory. Why should He force you to do so?


Heaven is reward in itself. You get there or you don’t.

But that was not enough for simple humans. An alternative location needed to be created to tell people what would happen if they didn’t worship well enough

Carrot and the stick

It would not be a reward for you. That's what I'm saying. You wouldn't want to go there. It would involve worshiping God and being with God all the time. By your words and actions here, you indicate you don't want any part of that anyway. Right?
we would have to worship God?

How nauseating and immoral.
No. "Pure Evil" is Hell. Thank God, (literally), none of us know that yet. We are all of us, even if we reject God, under what is called "common grace" now. That is, we can enjoy His good gifts even if we don't care about Him or, worse, even reject and curse Him. Good gifts? Air to breathe, food to eat, water to satiate thirst. Love, music, rest, all the very good things in life. All of those things, believe me, are not "pure evil".

When those things are absent, then you will know "pure evil".

I hope and pray you will never have to know it.

So Satan is not evil now?

I guess the nuns at my school had it wrong

Satan is evil, that is true. God has not "unleashed" him on the world unhindered. That will be Hell.
God created Satan and cast him down upon the earth.

Why not just snap his fingers and wipe him out of existence instead of forcing the creations he supposedly love to be subjected to his evil?

He will, in the end.

It's not the end yet.

So you tell your kid one day in the end I'll stop beating you every day but it's not the end yet

Terrible analogy you're using. Why are you beating your kids? I'm not God. It would be without purpose for me to beat my kids, other than to instill discipline, mete out punishment, or torture.

God does:

1. Instill discipline. To discipline is to teach. When God teaches, it is good.
2. Punishment is ultimate good too, as God is ultimately just.
3. God does not torture for no reason.

Again, I don't understand how or why you're even drawing this analogy.
Nice straw man. Did you need to believe that to confirm your beliefs?
Don’t blame me, the Bible is your book

In the Bible, god is egotistical
Worship me or else. His punishments were often extreme. Flood the earth and kill all but a handful, kill the innocent first born of Egypt, famine, pestilence

Satan is more of a tempter. He does not outright kill people. He will exploit your weaknesses but the ultimate decision to sin is yours
I’m not blaming you, brother. I am telling you that what you read is beyond your comprehension because you make no effort to understand it. It’s easier for you to build straw men then to make an honest effort.
Again....I didn’t write the Bible but I understand what killing and torture is.
It is not Satan doing it, it comes from God

No straw man, just an honest assessment of what is in the Bible
Oh bullshit. There is nothing honest about what you do.

You try to disprove God through the words in a book rather than through the natural world. Everything you do is backwards. If you study the natural world you cannot help but believe that there is a creator and then the words in that book might make more sense to you. At the very least you will stop treating it as a fairy tale. There is a very good reason why everything you read in that book is skewed. It's the result you are seeking.


The Bible is a group of parables written by man to get other men to commit to their religion. None of it is true, there is no Satan, there is no Hell, there are no pearly gates

Another patently ridiculous statement.

Much of the Bible is actually, historically true. And is documented.
Much of the Bible is actually, historically true.
As are parts of many fiction novels. The fact that the Harry Potter series mentions London doesn't lend any truth to the idea that children can perform magic. So you should drop this entire, absurd line of argument immediately, lest you embarrass yourself.
I’m not blaming you, brother. I am telling you that what you read is beyond your comprehension because you make no effort to understand it. It’s easier for you to build straw men then to make an honest effort.
Again....I didn’t write the Bible but I understand what killing and torture is.
It is not Satan doing it, it comes from God

No straw man, just an honest assessment of what is in the Bible
Oh bullshit. There is nothing honest about what you do.

You try to disprove God through the words in a book rather than through the natural world. Everything you do is backwards. If you study the natural world you cannot help but believe that there is a creator and then the words in that book might make more sense to you. At the very least you will stop treating it as a fairy tale. There is a very good reason why everything you read in that book is skewed. It's the result you are seeking.


The Bible is a group of parables written by man to get other men to commit to their religion. None of it is true, there is no Satan, there is no Hell, there are no pearly gates
That’s the argument of a child.
The Bible is written for those with the intellect of a child. Easily frightened, trusting, willing to believe what they are told without question

How would you know? How much of it have you actually read? For yourself, and not read ABOUT
That’s the argument of a child.
The Bible is written for those with the intellect of a child. Easily frightened, trusting, willing to believe what they are told without question
That couldn’t be farther from the truth. It takes a great deal of intellect and effort to decipher ancient accounts in their proper context.

It’s much easier to do what you do.
Rational, scientific evaluation contradict with faith based belief

Hence, you cannot cover the earth with water, you can’t part the seas, the earth is more than 6000 years old
Again that is you reading the Bible literally. Why would you do such a stupid thing?

Besides does Genesis say the earth is 6000 years old? Or is that just more of your confirmation bias?

Lastly reason, experience and science are the reasons I believe in a creator.

To believe in concepts like Heaven, Hell and Satan you have to take the Bible literally
No. You don’t. That would be news to all the other religions. And to Catholics as well.
That’s the argument of a child.
The Bible is written for those with the intellect of a child. Easily frightened, trusting, willing to believe what they are told without question
That couldn’t be farther from the truth. It takes a great deal of intellect and effort to decipher ancient accounts in their proper context.

It’s much easier to do what you do.
Rational, scientific evaluation contradict with faith based belief

Hence, you cannot cover the earth with water, you can’t part the seas, the earth is more than 6000 years old
Again that is you reading the Bible literally. Why would you do such a stupid thing?

Besides does Genesis say the earth is 6000 years old? Or is that just more of your confirmation bias?

Lastly reason, experience and science are the reasons I believe in a creator.

To believe in concepts like Heaven, Hell and Satan you have to take the Bible literally
Despite what you believe, My concept of heaven and hell is is being eternally united with God or eternally separated from God. I don’t go any further than that.

I think it is pretty fair to say that most of the militant atheists who post here are socialist leaning so it is no surprise that you all attempt to subordinate religion through subversion.

You come by misstating the beliefs of others honestly. It’s in your nature.
Ummm....well, you're not far off. If you don't like it, you can join Satan's team and be bitter and jaded for your entire earthly life, and see where that gets your in eternity.

God will give you that choice. He's giving it to you right now--until, finally, your heart hardens to the point you don't really have a choice anymore. (shrug)
Again back to the OP

It is God who has to create a place to torture people for eternity. Wasn’t Satan, he just resides there

God sends billions of people to Hell, just because they chose the wrong religion

You wouldn't want to go to God's Heaven even if you had the choice. Why would you? You don't want to spend eternity in his company, worshiping Him and marveling at His glory. Why should He force you to do so?


Heaven is reward in itself. You get there or you don’t.

But that was not enough for simple humans. An alternative location needed to be created to tell people what would happen if they didn’t worship well enough

Carrot and the stick

It would not be a reward for you. That's what I'm saying. You wouldn't want to go there. It would involve worshiping God and being with God all the time. By your words and actions here, you indicate you don't want any part of that anyway. Right?
we would have to worship God?

How nauseating and immoral.
You are going to worship something.
God is Creator. He alone has the ability and the right to create and take life. He alone can say where you will spend your eternal life.
Ugh, this is so immoral and nauseating....religion poisons EVERYTHING

So Fort, you think people should live forever on this earth? Because the reality is, we all die. Even a natural death from old age is still God "taking a life." Are you claiming that's wrong? Or is it only wrong to you when someone dies before their natural time would be?
So Fort, you think people should live forever on this earth?
Whatever gave you that idea? Huh? try to stay on point.
Even a natural death from old age is still God "taking a life."
No it isn't, shaman. I will not sit and let you make these authoritative, magical assertions unchallenged.
Are you claiming that's wrong?
Not only is it almost certainly wrong on a factual basis, I do, quite clearly, claim it as immoral that a magical sky dady should or would be ascrbed arbitrary power to end human lives at his whim. I would say the same thing about you or anyone. Sorry, i am simply not awed or charmed into amoral chaos by attaching a magical element to an entity. you are. we will never see eye to eye on that. You can keep your immoral, cultish ideas. i have no use for them.
Satan really loves the Democrats killing the little children. He giggles at the Democrats supporting abortion on demand for the sake of convenience whenever he thinks about it. He really loves killing the children after they are born and selling their body parts, which the Democrats advocate.

Since Satan loves misery and starvation then he is obviously a Socialist.

Satan loves the idea of the Illegals flooding into this country with the human trafficking, raping of the women, the drugs, gangs and the crimes that comes with the Illegals.

They should change the name of the Democrat Party to Satan Worshipers.
So Fort, you think people should live forever on this earth?
Whatever gave you that idea? Huh? try to stay on point.
Even a natural death from old age is still God "taking a life."
No it isn't, shaman. I will not sit and let you make these authoritative, magical assertions unchallenged.
Are you claiming that's wrong?
Not only is it almost certainly wrong on a factual basis, I do, quite clearly, claim it as immoral that a magical sky dady should or would be ascrbed arbitrary power to end human lives at his whim. I would say the same thing about you or anyone. Sorry, i am simply not awed or charmed into amoral chaos by attaching a magical element to an entity. you are. we will never see eye to eye on that. You can keep your immoral, cultish ideas. i have no use for them.

You're contradicting yourself. Without giving a straight yes or no answer, you implied that you DON'T think people should live forever on this earth. But then you turn around and say that it's immoral for God to "take" our life, for whatever reason. Or did I get your position wrong? Do be more clear.

Are you saying it's OK for God to put a "limit" on our life, at say around 120 years tops? But before that is immoral? Be more clear.
Without giving a straight yes or no answer, you implied that you DON'T think people should live forever on this earth.
Sorry, I ignored your question, as you posed it in a loaded way, assuming the answer. No, I don't think humans should live forever, as it would upset our ecosystem and actually, in my estimation, make life worse for most humans.
But then you turn around and say that it's immoral for God to "take" our life, for whatever reason.
Right, just as it is immoral for any entity to do so. You keep forgetting that ascribing magical horseshit to your sky daddy does not impress me and does not then, in my mind, remove moral accountability from him. That's your bag, not mine. You start from a first premise that God can do anything he wants without fear of being held morally accountable, and then pester people as to why they do not agree. I don't agree, because it's a steaming pile of amoral horseshit. What else can I say? the god you invented is an evil, immoral concept, and I reject it wholecloth.

I simply do not accept that God designed anything at all. I think your intentional slavery is immoral and stupid.
Or you could just ask me again.
I pity your pupils, manipulated forever to reinforce your sense of authority.

Or I just had a busy Saturday, missing your question and you could ask me again.

or we could play Stupid Internet Games so you could insult me some more, your choice I guess. But the insults have absolutely no effect on me whatsoever.

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