What is the essential difference between right and left ?

The left live in hope and the right live in fear.

I have always felt that things can always get better but my right wing friends think that things can only get worse.

Progressive is a positive. If it wasnt we would still be living in caves.

IMO, it boils down to one question,

do you believe Rights are God Given, and Inherent, or do you believe they are given to you by the Government?

If rights are "God given" where does that leave non Christian countries ? Without any rights ?
Your "rights" were given to you by a group of Welshmen not by God.

This is the argument of a 6th grader.

Despite my lack of religious devotion, I know that christians claim that God loves all people

That fact that they don't believe in him does not mean he does believe in them. So...that craps your first statement.

Welshmen simply recognized rights that already existed. They formulated their structure on the concept of rights from God.
Hey, Tommy.... Tommy Tainant

You gonna respond to my post that shows your claim is bullshit.

The left feeds off of the fear of those they keep ignorant.

"The right will take away your abortions"
"The right will cut free lunch for your kids"
"The right will ensure your daughters get raped"
"The right will destroy the economy"
"The right will take away your health insurance"

You need me to list more fear mongering before you admit your statement is totally false ?
The left live in hope and the right live in fear.

I have always felt that things can always get better but my right wing friends think that things can only get worse.

Progressive is a positive. If it wasnt we would still be living in caves.
One side is nearly all white, the other side is everyone else. Including whites that Republicans hate. Many of those whites, Republicans want to see dead. The gays for instance.
Then you have all the other whites Republicans hate. Liberals, atheists, college professors, women's rights advocates and so on.

Republicans show us how they feel about these people and when we point that out, they cry liar.

They should embrace who they are and what they believe in. It's no secret. Everyone already knows.
The left live in hope and the right live in fear.

I have always felt that things can always get better but my right wing friends think that things can only get worse.

Progressive is a positive. If it wasnt we would still be living in caves.
One side is nearly all white, the other side is everyone else. Including whites that Republicans hate. Many of those whites, Republicans want to see dead. The gays for instance.
Then you have all the other whites Republicans hate. Liberals, atheists, college professors, women's rights advocates and so on.

Republicans show us how they feel about these people and when we point that out, they cry liar.

They should embrace who they are and what they believe in. It's no secret. Everyone already knows.
whenever you say things like "Republicans want to see gays dead," you totally destroy whatever shreds of credibility you still retain.
Radicals on both sides are very similar. They will spend their lives, literally, trying to discredit the other side.
The left live in hope and the right live in fear.

I have always felt that things can always get better but my right wing friends think that things can only get worse.

Progressive is a positive. If it wasnt we would still be living in caves.
One side is nearly all white, the other side is everyone else. Including whites that Republicans hate. Many of those whites, Republicans want to see dead. The gays for instance.
Then you have all the other whites Republicans hate. Liberals, atheists, college professors, women's rights advocates and so on.

Republicans show us how they feel about these people and when we point that out, they cry liar.

They should embrace who they are and what they believe in. It's no secret. Everyone already knows.

Just out of curiosity, do you come here with that nonsense hoping to convince anybody of that crap? You have goofballs sending Ricin to the White House and we want people dead? You had another leftist looser going to Congressional baseball practice to kill as many Republicans as he could, and you say WE want people dead simply because of their political affiliation? Who harasses people at restaurants, you people or us? Who promotes such a thing, Republican leaders or Democrat?

And you say this in light of what happened in Oregon where your buddies Antifa showed up to start riots.
The left live in hope and the right live in fear.

I have always felt that things can always get better but my right wing friends think that things can only get worse.

Progressive is a positive. If it wasnt we would still be living in caves.

The right believe in an organized hierarchy in which the most skilled and valuable can work their way to the top. It requires a belief that life has meaning and value worth sacrificing things for a long term benefit.

The left do not believe that life has any meaning and there is nothing of value to strive for. The result is a belief in tribalism versus individual abilities. That isn’t “progress”, that is a regression into our past animalistic behavior.
The left live in hope and the right live in fear.

I have always felt that things can always get better but my right wing friends think that things can only get worse.

Progressive is a positive. If it wasnt we would still be living in caves.
the left hates anyone that is not exactly like them.
they hate that people not like them have any freedoms.
the left is purely fueled by hate.

but yes, the right is afraid, afraid we are actually going to be forced to kill all of you to keep our freedoms.
The left live in hope and the right live in fear.

I have always felt that things can always get better but my right wing friends think that things can only get worse.

Progressive is a positive. If it wasnt we would still be living in caves.
One side is nearly all white, the other side is everyone else. Including whites that Republicans hate. Many of those whites, Republicans want to see dead. The gays for instance.
Then you have all the other whites Republicans hate. Liberals, atheists, college professors, women's rights advocates and so on.

Republicans show us how they feel about these people and when we point that out, they cry liar.

They should embrace who they are and what they believe in. It's no secret. Everyone already knows.

Yeah, no hate on you...

The left live in hope and the right live in fear.

I have always felt that things can always get better but my right wing friends think that things can only get worse.

Progressive is a positive. If it wasnt we would still be living in caves.
There is no real difference on that spectrum.

The real difference is a person's approach to government. Authoritarian v. Libertarian

The left is full of authoritarian communists.

The right is full of a bunch of police state overreach Jesus Nazi bullshit.

Both are authoritarian starists who would prefer to strip you of all and make you a subject.
The left live in hope and the right live in fear.

I have always felt that things can always get better but my right wing friends think that things can only get worse.

Progressive is a positive. If it wasnt we would still be living in caves.
One side is nearly all white, the other side is everyone else. Including whites that Republicans hate. Many of those whites, Republicans want to see dead. The gays for instance.
Then you have all the other whites Republicans hate. Liberals, atheists, college professors, women's rights advocates and so on.

Republicans show us how they feel about these people and when we point that out, they cry liar.

They should embrace who they are and what they believe in. It's no secret. Everyone already knows.
Bang that race drumb. It makes you look smart and honeast.

the right wing doesn't care about natural rights; why should the left believe they are serious about abortion.

The right wing might not.

But conservatives do.

The left isn't serious about anything except those things that fill their pockets with goodies taxed from others.
Seems more like their usual, socialism on a national basis from the right wing. Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure; only the right wing complains about that, too.
Hey, Tommy.... Tommy Tainant

You gonna respond to my post that shows your claim is bullshit.

The left feeds off of the fear of those they keep ignorant.

"The right will take away your abortions"
"The right will cut free lunch for your kids"
"The right will ensure your daughters get raped"
"The right will destroy the economy"
"The right will take away your health insurance"

You need me to list more fear mongering before you admit your statement is totally false ?
the right wing prefers to help the rich get richer, at the expense of the poor.

Our national Debt proves it.
The left live in hope and the right live in fear.

I have always felt that things can always get better but my right wing friends think that things can only get worse.

Progressive is a positive. If it wasnt we would still be living in caves.

The right believe in an organized hierarchy in which the most skilled and valuable can work their way to the top. It requires a belief that life has meaning and value worth sacrificing things for a long term benefit.

The left do not believe that life has any meaning and there is nothing of value to strive for. The result is a belief in tribalism versus individual abilities. That isn’t “progress”, that is a regression into our past animalistic behavior.
making up stories is what the right wing does best.

the left is for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and healthcare reform.
The Right respects the Constitution as written, and realizes this is what makes people come here legally, and is what made our country great.

The Left wants to dismantle the Constitution or illegally "interpret" it for Social Engineering purposes.
The American right wing respects no one. Unless they’re white. And even then they have to be rich.
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The Right respects the Constitution as written, and realizes this is what makes people come here legally, and is what made our country great.

The Left wants to dismantle the Constitution or illegally "interpret" it for Social Engineering purposes.
The American right wing respects no one. Unless they’re white. And even then they have to be rich.

Yeah we have no respect for Thomas, Sowell, Williams, Rice....

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The left live in hope and the right live in fear.

I have always felt that things can always get better but my right wing friends think that things can only get worse.

Progressive is a positive. If it wasnt we would still be living in caves.

The right believe in an organized hierarchy in which the most skilled and valuable can work their way to the top. It requires a belief that life has meaning and value worth sacrificing things for a long term benefit.

The left do not believe that life has any meaning and there is nothing of value to strive for. The result is a belief in tribalism versus individual abilities. That isn’t “progress”, that is a regression into our past animalistic behavior.
making up stories is what the right wing does best.

the left is for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and healthcare reform.

The left is for thieving from people, forced labor, and equal outcome.

The right is for personal responsibility, personal freedom, equal opportunity, and the ability to better your own life.
The left live in hope and the right live in fear.

I have always felt that things can always get better but my right wing friends think that things can only get worse.

Progressive is a positive. If it wasnt we would still be living in caves.

The right believe in an organized hierarchy in which the most skilled and valuable can work their way to the top. It requires a belief that life has meaning and value worth sacrificing things for a long term benefit.

The left do not believe that life has any meaning and there is nothing of value to strive for. The result is a belief in tribalism versus individual abilities. That isn’t “progress”, that is a regression into our past animalistic behavior.
making up stories is what the right wing does best.

the left is for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and healthcare reform.

The left is for thieving from people, forced labor, and equal outcome.

The right is for personal responsibility, personal freedom, equal opportunity, and the ability to better your own life.
Only in right wing fantasy. We already have a federal Constitution: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

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