What is the essential difference between right and left ?

What is the essential difference between right and left ?
The left live in hope and the right live in fear.
Progressive is a positive. If it wasnt we would still be living in caves.

One of the biggest differences between Right and Left is the Right doesn't write and think stupid shit like: "The left live in hope and the right live in fear."

If you're going to shit on it, perhaps invalidate it with facts rather than acting like a partisan douche canoe, snowflake.

I DID invalidate it with a fact. If you weren't such a stupid shit in the first place, you'd know that. And shit on what? If you had any intellectual honestly whatsoever you'd be asking Tommy why HE shit on the Right without any facts and was being such a partisan snowflake! Which is what we love MOST about you colon-bags ------ your total lack of hypocrisy. o_O

No, you didn't. You just injected your partisan opinion. No facts were involved. Fuck off.

Sure I did. That you think I didn't is just YOUR partisan position. You SO fucking partisan, you don't even see your opinion AS partisan! You think you are just RIGHT. You think you were BORN right. You think you are God's Gift to rightness. You think you are so right that it is an insult to even disagree with you because you are the STANDARD for all rightness everywhere. Go suck a bag of dicks.

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You're still an idiot. But, I loved this response. You should cry more, snowflake. :auiqs.jpg:
What is the essential difference between right and left ?
The left live in hope and the right live in fear.
Progressive is a positive. If it wasnt we would still be living in caves.

One of the biggest differences between Right and Left is the Right doesn't write and think stupid shit like: "The left live in hope and the right live in fear."

If you're going to shit on it, perhaps invalidate it with facts rather than acting like a partisan douche canoe, snowflake.

I DID invalidate it with a fact. If you weren't such a stupid shit in the first place, you'd know that. And shit on what? If you had any intellectual honestly whatsoever you'd be asking Tommy why HE shit on the Right without any facts and was being such a partisan snowflake! Which is what we love MOST about you colon-bags ------ your total lack of hypocrisy. o_O
No you didnt. The fact that you call someone else "partisan" is an immense act of non self awareness.

Thanks for your input, Tommy. Are we now going to argue Yes I Did, No You Didn't like little schoolkids? Go suck a bag of dicks, you Mary. You've revealed another difference between Right and Left ---- people on the right generally try to stay at a mature level. People on the Left try to appear mature but sooner or later slip back into their nascent juvenile form once they run out of cute prepared answers.

Yeah, were we supposed to believe this is a 'mature' exchange? Sure about that, snowflake?
The left live in hope and the right live in fear.

I have always felt that things can always get better but my right wing friends think that things can only get worse.

Progressive is a positive. If it wasnt we would still be living in caves.

IMO, it boils down to one question,

do you believe Rights are God Given, and Inherent, or do you believe they are given to you by the Government?
What is the essential difference between right and left ?

The Left accuses the right of doing what they have done and do and accuses the right of being who they are.

The origins of their past, some of its beliefs / foundation, can be traced back to Germany; yet they call others 'Nazis'.

Their party created THE KKK, some of its members have been former Grand Dragons of the KKK, and in 2016 their own e-mails were hacked and released, exposing them as sexist, racist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic ... yet they insist it is everyone else except them who are these things.

The Democrats have incited an attempted assassination of a republican politicians, called for the public harassment of Conservatives and their families, called for the kidnapping / rape of Republican WOMEN AND CHILDREN, chased down and beat up kids, assaulted peaceful women marchers, vandalized GOP HQs, and even the DNC Presidential candidate hired thugs to beat up her opponent's supporters ... And just publicly called for more violence and an end to civility until they regain power.

...while they continue to attempt to insist that it is the GOP who are the violent intolerant ones.

Those are all that you have got, but law enforcement statistics says the only Spike in violence is against Muslims Jews blacks and gays Etc since Trump.
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The left live in hope and the right live in fear.

I have always felt that things can always get better but my right wing friends think that things can only get worse.

Progressive is a positive. If it wasnt we would still be living in caves.

IMO, it boils down to one question,

do you believe Rights are God Given, and Inherent, or do you believe they are given to you by the Government?
Another great argument for the separation of church and state.
The left live in hope and the right live in fear.

I have always felt that things can always get better but my right wing friends think that things can only get worse.

Progressive is a positive. If it wasnt we would still be living in caves.

IMO, it boils down to one question,

do you believe Rights are God Given, and Inherent, or do you believe they are given to you by the Government?
Another great argument for the separation of church and state.

Do you even realize you just proved my point?
What is the essential difference between right and left ?

The Left accuses the right of doing what they have done and do and accuses the right of being who they are.

The origins of their past, some of its beliefs / foundation, can be traced back to Germany; yet they call others 'Nazis'.

Their party created THE KKK, some of its members have been former Grand Dragons of the KKK, and in 2016 their own e-mails were hacked and released, exposing them as sexist, racist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic ... yet they insist it is everyone else except them who are these things.

The Democrats have incited an attempted assassination of a republican politicians, called for the public harassment of Conservatives and their families, called for the kidnapping / rape of Republican WOMEN AND CHILDREN, chased down and beat up kids, assaulted peaceful women marchers, vandalized GOP HQs, and even the DNC Presidential candidate hired thugs to beat up her opponent's supporters ... And just publicly called for more violence and an end to civility until they regain power.

...while they continue to attempt to insist that it is the GOP who are the violent intolerant ones.

Those are all that you have got, but law enforcement statistics says the only Spike in violence is against Muslims Jews blacks and gays Etc since Trump.
What is the essential difference between right and left ?

The Left accuses the right of doing what they have done and do and accuses the right of being who they are.

The origins of their past, some of its beliefs / foundation, can be traced back to Germany; yet they call others 'Nazis'.

Their party created THE KKK, some of its members have been former Grand Dragons of the KKK, and in 2016 their own e-mails were hacked and released, exposing them as sexist, racist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic ... yet they insist it is everyone else except them who are these things.

The Democrats have incited an attempted assassination of a republican politicians, called for the public harassment of Conservatives and their families, called for the kidnapping / rape of Republican WOMEN AND CHILDREN, chased down and beat up kids, assaulted peaceful women marchers, vandalized GOP HQs, and even the DNC Presidential candidate hired thugs to beat up her opponent's supporters ... And just publicly called for more violence and an end to civility until they regain power.

...while they continue to attempt to insist that it is the GOP who are the violent intolerant ones.

Those are all that you have got, but law enforcement statistics says the only Spike in violence is against Muslims Jews blacks and gays Etc since Trump.
Link? What did they say?
The left live in hope and the right live in fear.

I have always felt that things can always get better but my right wing friends think that things can only get worse.

Progressive is a positive. If it wasnt we would still be living in caves.

IMO, it boils down to one question,

do you believe Rights are God Given, and Inherent, or do you believe they are given to you by the Government?
Another great argument for the separation of church and state.

Do you even realize you just proved my point?
Love it or leave it, nut job.
The Left are busybodies who want to tell everyone else how to live.

The Right mostly just want to be left alone.
The Left are busybodies who want to tell everyone else how to live.

The Right mostly just want to be left alone.
The Left are busybodies who want to tell everyone else how to live.

The Right mostly just want to be left alone.
Like abortion and gay marriage?

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy .... zzzzzzzz.

Your strawman is burning.

Not wanting to pay for and participate in something is wanting to be left alone. That's how most on the Right feel.
When you are unable to reply, you should not.
The left live in hope and the right live in fear.

I have always felt that things can always get better but my right wing friends think that things can only get worse.

Progressive is a positive. If it wasnt we would still be living in caves.

IMO, it boils down to one question,

do you believe Rights are God Given, and Inherent, or do you believe they are given to you by the Government?
Another great argument for the separation of church and state.

Do you even realize you just proved my point?
Love it or leave it, nut job.

Conservatives believe that human rights are inherent, and thus if they are taken away by an oppressive government, that this is a terrible crime.

Liberals believe that human rights are given to people by the government. Thus if an oppressive government takes them away, that might very well be ok.

IMO, that is the essential difference between the right and the left. As per the op.

Do you have something to say about that?

That was a rhetorical question.

It is worth noting, that the liberal belief, reflects a mindset that is completely opposed to the Enlightenment Era principles of our Founding Fathers with are the basis of our entire system of law, government, and national cultural.

Indeed, it really hearkens back to the Dark Age Principle of Divine Right of Kings.
The Left are busybodies who want to tell everyone else how to live.

The Right mostly just want to be left alone.
The Left are busybodies who want to tell everyone else how to live.

The Right mostly just want to be left alone.
The Left are busybodies who want to tell everyone else how to live.

The Right mostly just want to be left alone.
Like abortion and gay marriage?

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy .... zzzzzzzz.

Your strawman is burning.

Not wanting to pay for and participate in something is wanting to be left alone. That's how most on the Right feel.
When you are unable to reply, you should not.

It's not my problem that you can't see the bogosity of your own response, bub.
The left live in hope and the right live in fear.

I have always felt that things can always get better but my right wing friends think that things can only get worse.

Progressive is a positive. If it wasnt we would still be living in caves.

IMO, it boils down to one question,

do you believe Rights are God Given, and Inherent, or do you believe they are given to you by the Government?

If rights are "God given" where does that leave non Christian countries ? Without any rights ?
Your "rights" were given to you by a group of Welshmen not by God.
If rights are "God given" where does that leave non Christian countries ? Without any rights ?
Your "rights" were given to you by a group of Welshmen not by God.

“A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word 'darkness' on the walls of his cell.” — C.S. lewis​
The left live in hope and the right live in fear.

I have always felt that things can always get better but my right wing friends think that things can only get worse.

Progressive is a positive. If it wasnt we would still be living in caves.

IMO, it boils down to one question,

do you believe Rights are God Given, and Inherent, or do you believe they are given to you by the Government?

If rights are "God given" where does that leave non Christian countries ? Without any rights ?
Your "rights" were given to you by a group of Welshmen not by God.

Got it. You do not believe in inherent human rights.

This is the rejection of the very concept of Human Rights, as enshrined in the UN Declaration of Human Rights.

I gave you a chance. I specified in my question, "God Given and inherent", and you had to attack that.

You did not have the courage to address the actual point, ie to admit that you believe that rights are giving to people by the State.
the right wing doesn't care about natural rights; why should the left believe they are serious about abortion.

The right wing might not.

But conservatives do.

The left isn't serious about anything except those things that fill their pockets with goodies taxed from others.

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