What Is The GOP Healthcare Reform Plan?

Without looking, can you say what the Republican Party's plan for healthcare reform is? I bet you cannot.

I think most right wingers know as far as, "Repeal ObamaCare."

Okay. Then what?

In 2008 while Obama was running for President and demanding the Republicans present their plan and asking why they didn't have one being parroted by Pelosi, Reid and the rest, the DNC site actually had a link to the Republican plan. Oh, what you can do when the media belongs to you. Here's the plan.


I don't agree with it all, but there are some good ideas. Allowing sales of insurance across state lines, allowing people to keep their policies if they leave their job and that sort of thing.

I have owned three businesses. Only one offered insurance because they other two are retail and have hourly employees. I still own the one with insurance and I sold the other two to focus on my main business. However, do you know I couldn't offer employees of my other businesses even the ability to buy insurance from my group policy in my other business? BC/BS was fine with it, it was against the law, blocked by government. The Republican plan would have fixed that.

The biggest problem with the Republican plan was credibility. After all the years of Bush and alternating House and Senate control did they never propose those things? That is why they got tepid support from conservatives for the plan. Even though the liberal "you have no plan" is and always was a lie.

Got to love that Obamacare. Everyone over 30 hours must be insured by their employer so now my wife works two 27 hour a week jobs. So now she works 54 hours a week instead of 31-35 and at the same time lost her vacation time among other full time worker benefits/bonuses all because of a stupid law that forces her employer to insure her when she is already on my plan. Longer work week, only part time benefits, less advancement opportunities, scheduling conflicts, no vacation time reserved for those who work 30 hours a week (Two weeks paid), and less time with the family. Thank you Obama.
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There is no such thing as 'free medicine'.. it is paid for somewhere... it does not magically appear after a unicorn farts

The point was that individuals would not go bankrupt from medical bills under a single payer program as they are now.

That is about the only advantage single payer has going for it, and is what makes it so appealing to the rubes.

Of course.. they want someone else to pay for it.. whether it be thru government or thru eating costs or thru whatever else.. they just want what they want... instead of paying for catastrophic insurance ina more competitive system all on their own.. and making arrangements with local hospitals or doctors for basic checkup care, wellness care, etc

So yes.. they can go bankrupt.... but that is the consequence of freedom of choice
The biggest problem with the Republican plan was credibility. After all the years of Bush and alternating House and Senate control did they never propose those things? That is why they got tepid support from conservatives for the plan. Even though the liberal "you have no plan" is and always was a lie.

Exactly. The GOP had all the power in its hands and did nothing to address the problem. In fact, they introduced an incredibly expensive new federal entitlement program to get the senior vote. This was not a "conservative" move.

Like you said. They blew their own credibility. And as a result, the Democrats were able to steal the dialog and have totally controlled it since.
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The biggest problem with the Republican plan was credibility. After all the years of Bush and alternating House and Senate control did they never propose those things? That is why they got tepid support from conservatives for the plan. Even though the liberal "you have no plan" is and always was a lie.

Exactly. The GOP had all the power in its hands and did nothing to address the problem. In fact, they introduced an incredibly expensive new federal entitlement program to get the senior vote. This was not a "conservative" move.

Like you said. They blew their own credibility. And as a result, the Democrats were able to steal the dialog and have totally controlled it since.

yes, the adults in the gop lost credibility because they voted to spend like drunken sailors under Bush, not solve anything beyond enacting the unsustainalble prescription medicare benefit, and then they weren't taken seriously. Meanwhile, the party has luched to the right so it's no longer a legit function of the fed govt to take action on healthcare.
Got to love that Obamacare. Everyone over 30 hours must be insured by their employer so now my wife works two 27 hour a week jobs. So now she works 54 hours a week instead of 31-35 and at the same time lost her vacation time among other full time worker benefits/bonuses all because of a stupid law that forces her employer to insure her when she is already on my plan. Longer work week, only part time benefits, less advancement opportunities, scheduling conflicts, no vacation time reserved for those who work 30 hours a week (Two weeks paid), and less time with the family. Thank you Obama.

Thus my overwhelming desire to see someone put a viable alternative on the table.

We don't win by attacking the other guy. That's just gets us to, "Repeal ObamaCare...and then what?"

We win by providing superior ideas. If we had superior ideas, ObamaCare would never have been made law.

We abdicated our responsibility. The GOP is nothing more than whiny little pessimistic bitches these days.
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Got to love that Obamacare. Everyone over 30 hours must be insured by their employer so now my wife works two 27 hour a week jobs. So now she works 54 hours a week instead of 31-35 and at the same time lost her vacation time among other full time worker benefits/bonuses all because of a stupid law that forces her employer to insure her when she is already on my plan. Longer work week, only part time benefits, less advancement opportunities, scheduling conflicts, no vacation time reserved for those who work 30 hours a week (Two weeks paid), and less time with the family. Thank you Obama.

Thus my overwhelming desire to see someone put a viable alternative on the table.

We don't win by attacking the other guy. That's just gets us to, "Repeal ObamaCare...and then what?"

We win by providing superior ideas.

If the healthcare system is worse with Obamacare than without, and it is, then who needs an alternative? Seriously, just repeal the law and work from there. Allow states to do what their citizens want and leave me and my wife alone. Liberals in blue states should not be dictating healthcare to red states and vice versa.
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Someone beat me too it. The GOP health care plan is "let him die".

You know it's awfully funny when Republicans say, "Oh, but we were doing so well until Obamacare was passed". Seems they don't even remember the number of people turned away with "pre existing conditions" and how that was defined. Your son could have an allergy and so your whole family cut. Or your wife having a mammogram so the whole family was cut.
Got to love that Obamacare. Everyone over 30 hours must be insured by their employer so now my wife works two 27 hour a week jobs. So now she works 54 hours a week instead of 31-35 and at the same time lost her vacation time among other full time worker benefits/bonuses all because of a stupid law that forces her employer to insure her when she is already on my plan. Longer work week, only part time benefits, less advancement opportunities, scheduling conflicts, no vacation time reserved for those who work 30 hours a week (Two weeks paid), and less time with the family. Thank you Obama.

Thus my overwhelming desire to see someone put a viable alternative on the table.

We don't win by attacking the other guy. That's just gets us to, "Repeal ObamaCare...and then what?"

We win by providing superior ideas. If we had superior ideas, ObamaCare would never have been made law.

We abdicated our responsibility. The GOP is nothing more than whiny little pessimistic bitches these days.

But healthcare for individuals is not 'our' responsibility.. there was nothing to abdicate

Does something need to be fixed to open up competition? Yes... Does something have to be done to just give some care that is the products and services of someone else??? No... Does something have to be done to make government the middle man with their hands in the transfer of finances for the private business of health care?? No
Someone beat me too it. The GOP health care plan is "let him die".

You know it's awfully funny when Republicans say, "Oh, but we were doing so well until Obamacare was passed". Seems they don't even remember the number of people turned away with "pre existing conditions" and how that was defined. Your son could have an allergy and so your whole family cut. Or your wife having a mammogram so the whole family was cut.

your continual lies and trolling
Someone beat me too it. The GOP health care plan is "let him die".

You know it's awfully funny when Republicans say, "Oh, but we were doing so well until Obamacare was passed". Seems they don't even remember the number of people turned away with "pre existing conditions" and how that was defined. Your son could have an allergy and so your whole family cut. Or your wife having a mammogram so the whole family was cut.

I see there are some people who cant understand why the car insurance company wont cover your car wreck that happened before you had the car insurance coverage.

The GOP is partially responsible for this disaster of a pig of a joke of a sloppy mess of a law.

There's nothing wrong with taking what we had, and making improvements in access, quality and cost. There are many plans out there that addressed those issues.

But no, the GOP had to just stand there, close their eyes, cover their ears and just scream "no" like a petulant 7-year boy who doesn't want to take out the garbage.

Increased access, lower costs and higher quality would help all of us - directly or indirectly. A plan to take health plans off the backs of business would have helped them dramatically. But no, the GOP had to stand its ground, and now we're most likely stuck with this flaming pile of shit. Congratulations.

Someone beat me too it. The GOP health care plan is "let him die".

No, that is a lie.

That meme was started during the GOP presidential primary debates. Ron Paul was asked a question.

Do you even know what the question was?

It was this: A healthy, 30-year-old young man has a good job, makes a good living, but decides: "You know what? I'm not going to spend 200 or 300 dollars a month for health insurance, because I'm healthy; I don't need it." But you know, something terrible happens; all of a sudden, he needs it. Who's going to pay for it, if he goes into a coma, for example? Who pays for that?

Understand? The question was not about someone who has cancer. It was not about some indigent who is sick.

It was about someone who could afford insurance who chose not to buy it.

So, if you wish to be accurate, the GOP plan is to let people choose whether or not to buy insurance for themselves, and suffer the consequences of the decisions they made under their own power.

After Ron Paul pointed this out, Blitzer then said, ““But Congressman, are you saying that society should just let him die?”

An audience member then shouted, "Yeah.”

But, and here comes the important part, RON PAUL DID NOT SAY THAT. In fact, he said society should NOT allow the man to die. He just said the answer to the healthcare problem was not a large government.

Some dickhead brainless fuck then started the meme that the GOP plan was to let sick people die.
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The GOP is partially responsible for this disaster of a pig of a joke of a sloppy mess of a law.

There's nothing wrong with taking what we had, and making improvements in access, quality and cost. There are many plans out there that addressed those issues.

But no, the GOP had to just stand there, close their eyes, cover their ears and just scream "no" like a petulant 7-year boy who doesn't want to take out the garbage.

Increased access, lower costs and higher quality would help all of us - directly or indirectly. A plan to take health plans off the backs of business would have helped them dramatically. But no, the GOP had to stand its ground, and now we're most likely stuck with this flaming pile of shit. Congratulations.


maybe not: http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...this-case-is-much-stronger-than-the-last.html
Let's take a good look at the scenario Wolf Blitzer drew to understand the agenda he had: A healthy, 30-year-old young man has a good job, makes a good living, but decides: "You know what? I'm not going to spend 200 or 300 dollars a month for health insurance, because I'm healthy; I don't need it." But you know, something terrible happens; all of a sudden, he needs it. Who's going to pay for it, if he goes into a coma, for example? Who pays for that?

Blitzer plainly wants a single payer plan so you don't have to end up in a situation where you pay the price for your avoidable fuckups.

In Blitzer's mind, you should not have to depend on yourself to make the right decisions. You should let the goverment make those decisions for you. When you depend on the government, you can be as much of an irresponsible jackass as your heart desires. The government should always be there to catch you.

That's the Democratic plan for EVERYTHING. Not just healthcare.
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The GOP is partially responsible for this disaster of a pig of a joke of a sloppy mess of a law.

There's nothing wrong with taking what we had, and making improvements in access, quality and cost. There are many plans out there that addressed those issues.

But no, the GOP had to just stand there, close their eyes, cover their ears and just scream "no" like a petulant 7-year boy who doesn't want to take out the garbage.

Increased access, lower costs and higher quality would help all of us - directly or indirectly. A plan to take health plans off the backs of business would have helped them dramatically. But no, the GOP had to stand its ground, and now we're most likely stuck with this flaming pile of shit. Congratulations.


not true. the GOP was banned from the debate on ACA. It was done behind closed doors with dems only, no debate was allowed on the floor of either house, no GOP amendments were allowed to be brought up for discussion or a vote. It was passed by dems only before anyone had time to read it. It is the worst piece of legislation in the history of the nation.

the GOP rightfully said "fuck it" let the dem/lib bastards have their bill and we will watch as it falls apart.

the GOP is in no way responsible for the disaster known as obamacare. its all on obama and the dems.

The GOP is partially responsible for this disaster of a pig of a joke of a sloppy mess of a law.

There's nothing wrong with taking what we had, and making improvements in access, quality and cost. There are many plans out there that addressed those issues.

But no, the GOP had to just stand there, close their eyes, cover their ears and just scream "no" like a petulant 7-year boy who doesn't want to take out the garbage.

Increased access, lower costs and higher quality would help all of us - directly or indirectly. A plan to take health plans off the backs of business would have helped them dramatically. But no, the GOP had to stand its ground, and now we're most likely stuck with this flaming pile of shit. Congratulations.


not true. the GOP was banned from the debate on ACA. It was done behind closed doors with dems only, no debate was allowed on the floor of either house, no GOP amendments were allowed to be brought up for discussion or a vote. It was passed by dems only before anyone had time to read it. It is the worst piece of legislation in the history of the nation.

the GOP rightfully said "fuck it" let the dem/lib bastards have their bill and we will watch as it falls apart.

the GOP is in no way responsible for the disaster known as obamacare. its all on obama and the dems.

What? It wasn't negotiated live on c-span as promised by Obama?

The GOP is partially responsible for this disaster of a pig of a joke of a sloppy mess of a law.

There's nothing wrong with taking what we had, and making improvements in access, quality and cost. There are many plans out there that addressed those issues.

But no, the GOP had to just stand there, close their eyes, cover their ears and just scream "no" like a petulant 7-year boy who doesn't want to take out the garbage.

Increased access, lower costs and higher quality would help all of us - directly or indirectly. A plan to take health plans off the backs of business would have helped them dramatically. But no, the GOP had to stand its ground, and now we're most likely stuck with this flaming pile of shit. Congratulations.


not true. the GOP was banned from the debate on ACA. It was done behind closed doors with dems only, no debate was allowed on the floor of either house, no GOP amendments were allowed to be brought up for discussion or a vote. It was passed by dems only before anyone had time to read it. It is the worst piece of legislation in the history of the nation.

the GOP rightfully said "fuck it" let the dem/lib bastards have their bill and we will watch as it falls apart.

the GOP is in no way responsible for the disaster known as obamacare. its all on obama and the dems.

Red, the "plan" they "offered" was crap. The Dems were able to point at it, laugh, and tell the GOP to fuck off. Not only was the plan crap, it was late. I remember those days clearly - I kept wishing the GOP would come out with a clear, strong health plan that would force the Dems to compromise. And when they brought it out, I knew it was over. It was a joke. It gave the Dems an excuse to do it themselves.

This was in the days where the Dems were essentially saying, "we won, you lost, tough shit". They were able to get away with this because the GOP didn't present a real alternative.

We agree Obamacare is garbage, at least.


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