What Is The GOP Healthcare Reform Plan?

If you want to see the price of health care drop then get rid of the insurance companies.

Let people know exactly what services cost and let them shop around for the best deals.

If health insurance is used then it should be the responsibility of the policy holder to deal with his insurance company. The doctor should not have to hire a staff just to deal with insurance issues.
If Libertarians or Republicans want to actually win votes, they must submit actual plans which can be contrasted to ObamaCare.

Saying "less federal government" is far too amorphous and uncertain. This is not going to sway crowds.

While it's not exactly the free market approach I would personally advocate, Senator Rand Paul has introduced an actual plan specifically for senior, S. 2196 Congressional Health Care for Seniors Act:

Senators Introduce Medicare Reform Plan: The Congressional Health Care for Seniors Act Rand Paul | United States Senator

A start perhaps???

It appears Paul's plan is to transfer people out of Medicare and into...the Federal Employee Health Benefits Plan. The insurance plan all federal employees have, including Congress.

This would not do anything to help the other 87 percent of Americans.

Also, it would add a bunch of geezers to the FEHBP pool. These are the biggest users of our healthcare system, way out of proportion to their demographic.

In effect, this plan takes all of the the costs of Medicare, which are currently borne by everyone, and squeezes them onto the backs of federal employees.

Paul says this would save taxpayers a trillion dollars in ten years. Stipulating this number is 100 percent true, it means it would transfer a trillion dollars of costs onto federal employees. Since federal employees are paid with taxpayer dollars, this is just a shell game.

This does not seem to me to be a sound solution.
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If you want to see the price of health care drop then get rid of the insurance companies.

Let people know exactly what services cost and let them shop around for the best deals.

If health insurance is used then it should be the responsibility of the policy holder to deal with his insurance company. The doctor should not have to hire a staff just to deal with insurance issues.

Presto. Your appendix just burst.

Good luck with your shopping.
If Libertarians or Republicans want to actually win votes, they must submit actual plans which can be contrasted to ObamaCare.

Saying "less federal government" is far too amorphous and uncertain. This is not going to sway crowds.

Open up competition across state lines for catastrophic insurance....

Allow doctors to have prepaid options for base care.. like a wellness plan... where prices are kept low because not everyone needs constant care for every last little thing...

Allow all types of groups to participate in group plans so you have more choices... whether it be a bowling league, HOA, D&D club, Moose Lodge or whatever else...

Revamp malpractice lawsuit/tort law...

Allow for tax free medical savings accounts that can be passed on in the family if unused by another generation...

There is no reason to have government controlled or supplied or offered health care...

good ideas. I would add allowing insurance companies to compete across state lines for all types of coverage.

if obamacare is implemented, and I hope it is not, then we will see private medical co-ops spring up where you can join for a monthly fee and get your medical needs taken care of. the docs will not have to deal with insurance companies or the government. It would be a win/win for doctors and patients.
If health insurance is used then it should be the responsibility of the policy holder to deal with his insurance company. The doctor should not have to hire a staff just to deal with insurance issues.

Have you ever had to deal with your insurance company on your own? Good luck with that. I have, and it is a fucking nightmare.

The very reason doctors have to hire staff to do it for you is because it is an incredibly complex process. If you tried to do it yourself, you would be royally screwed. You would get the paperwork all wrong due to your inexperience and you would get squat in the way of reimbursement for your health care.

Another reason doctors have to hire staff is because insurance companies are not uniform in the codes and procedures they use for reimbursements. Each company is different.
If you want to see the price of health care drop then get rid of the insurance companies.

Let people know exactly what services cost and let them shop around for the best deals.

If health insurance is used then it should be the responsibility of the policy holder to deal with his insurance company. The doctor should not have to hire a staff just to deal with insurance issues.

Presto. Your appendix just burst.

Good luck with your shopping.

Routine health care and emergencies are two separate issues.

I would think that would be pretty obvious to anyone with an IQ above 60.
If health insurance is used then it should be the responsibility of the policy holder to deal with his insurance company. The doctor should not have to hire a staff just to deal with insurance issues.

Have you ever had to deal with your insurance company on your own? Good luck with that. I have, and it is a fucking nightmare.

The very reason doctors have to hire staff to do it for you is because it is an incredibly complex process. If you tried to do it yourself, you would be royally screwed. You would get the paperwork all wrong due to your inexperience and you would get squat in the way of reimbursement for your health care.

Another reason doctors have to hire staff is because insurance companies are not uniform in the codes and procedures they use for reimbursements. Each company is different.

its complex because of government regulations.
If Libertarians or Republicans want to actually win votes, they must submit actual plans which can be contrasted to ObamaCare.

Saying "less federal government" is far too amorphous and uncertain. This is not going to sway crowds.

Open up competition across state lines for catastrophic insurance....

Allow doctors to have prepaid options for base care.. like a wellness plan... where prices are kept low because not everyone needs constant care for every last little thing...

Allow all types of groups to participate in group plans so you have more choices... whether it be a bowling league, HOA, D&D club, Moose Lodge or whatever else...

Revamp malpractice lawsuit/tort law...

Allow for tax free medical savings accounts that can be passed on in the family if unused by another generation...

There is no reason to have government controlled or supplied or offered health care...

good ideas. I would add allowing insurance companies to compete across state lines for all types of coverage.

if obamacare is implemented, and I hope it is not, then we will see private medical co-ops spring up where you can join for a monthly fee and get your medical needs taken care of. the docs will not have to deal with insurance companies or the government. It would be a win/win for doctors and patients.

Wellness care would probably best be handled by local doctors, hospitals, etc who know best what things cost locally.. and can serve in the community.. but I would not be against it being open.. just don't think you will get the best deal
If health insurance is used then it should be the responsibility of the policy holder to deal with his insurance company. The doctor should not have to hire a staff just to deal with insurance issues.

Have you ever had to deal with your insurance company on your own? Good luck with that. I have, and it is a fucking nightmare.

People do it all the time with car insurance, home owners insurance etc. Imagine what a body shop would charge if they had to hire 30 people to deal with all the auto insurance companies out there.

The very reason doctors have to hire staff to do it for you is because it is an incredibly complex process. If you tried to do it yourself, you would be royally screwed. You would get the paperwork all wrong due to your inexperience and you would get squat in the way of reimbursement for your health care.

It's complex because the insurance companies can get away with it.

It doesn't have to be complex.

These services are covered

These services are covered at X,Y,or Z percent

These services are not covered.

Another reason doctors have to hire staff is because insurance companies are not uniform in the codes and procedures they use for reimbursements. Each company is different.

Another reason to let people deal with their own insurance companies.
medical problems do not bankrupt people. They just don't pay the bills to the medical providers and the charges are written off.

It is nowhere near that simple.

If you arrive at a hospital without insurance, they take down all your personal information for the express purpose of knowing who to go after to pay the bill. And the bill for uninsured people is way higher than insured, precisely because the uninsured do not have an agreement with the hospital for their services. Insurance companies negotiate the cost of procedures ahead of time.

So if you break your leg and don't have insurance, your bill is going to be much higher than the bill the hospital sends to the insurance company of someone who broke their leg and did have insurance.

If you don't pay that bill, the hospital then sells your bill to a collection agency. It is as this point the hospital writes off the difference between what the collection agency paid and what their costs for your treatment were.

But it does not end there for you, kiddo. At this point, your life becomes a living hell. The collection agency comes after you with a vengeance.

If by this point, you cannot possibly pay the collection agency off, you must then file for bankruptcy.

the left wing claim that medical care bankrupts people is a lie.

No, it isn't.

Medical Expenses: Top Cause of Bankruptcy in the United States

This year in the United States an estimated 1.6 million Americans will declare bankruptcy. Many will attribute this financial misfortune to fiscal irresponsibility or indulgence in a lifestyle beyond ones means, but a new study done by Harvard University suggests that more than 62% of all personal bankruptcies are caused by the cost of over-whelming medical expenses.

Free medicine would not eliminate those kinds of bankruptcys.

That is an incredibly stupid statement. Of course it would.

But it would bankrupt the United States.
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If health insurance is used then it should be the responsibility of the policy holder to deal with his insurance company. The doctor should not have to hire a staff just to deal with insurance issues.

Have you ever had to deal with your insurance company on your own? Good luck with that. I have, and it is a fucking nightmare.

People do it all the time with car insurance, home owners insurance etc. Imagine what a body shop would charge if they had to hire 30 people to deal with all the auto insurance companies out there.

You know what? You make a very good point.

Score one for Skull Pilot!
There is no plan, because everytime responsible republicans come out on positions of letting kids stay on parents healthcare through grad school, or eliminating the mandate by putting more tax money in high risk pools, and state insurance exchanges, these things become issues of scorched earth defense against an overreaching federsl govt.
There is no plan, because everytime responsible republicans come out on positions of letting kids stay on parents healthcare through grad school, or eliminating the mandate by putting more tax money in high risk pools, and state insurance exchanges, these things become issues of scorched earth defense against an overreaching federsl govt.

There is a GOP plan. I saw it. I am curious to know who else bothered to look and if they can remember what it was.

McCain had a plan in 2008, too. Remember? Removing the tax exemption for the employer sponsored health insurance benefit, and then providing a $5000 tax credit, IIRC.
The American people are going to want to know.

"Repeal ObamaCare...and then what?"

They have not forgotten how much their premiums were going up before ObamaCare.
medical problems do not bankrupt people. They just don't pay the bills to the medical providers and the charges are written off.

It is nowhere near that simple.

If you arrive at a hospital without insurance, they take down all your personal information for the express purpose of knowing who to go after to pay the bill. And the bill for uninsured people is way higher than insured, precisely because the uninsured do not have an agreement with the hospital for their services. Insurance companies negotiate the cost of procedures ahead of time.

So if you break your leg and don't have insurance, your bill is going to be much higher than the bill the hospital sends to the insurance company of someone who broke their leg and did have insurance.

If you don't pay that bill, the hospital then sells your bill to a collection agency. It is as this point the hospital writes off the difference between what the collection agency paid and what their costs for your treatment were.

But it does not end there for you, kiddo. At this point, your life becomes a living hell. The collection agency comes after you with a vengeance.

If by this point, you cannot possibly pay the collection agency off, you must then file for bankruptcy.

the left wing claim that medical care bankrupts people is a lie.

No, it isn't.

Medical Expenses: Top Cause of Bankruptcy in the United States

This year in the United States an estimated 1.6 million Americans will declare bankruptcy. Many will attribute this financial misfortune to fiscal irresponsibility or indulgence in a lifestyle beyond ones means, but a new study done by Harvard University suggests that more than 62% of all personal bankruptcies are caused by the cost of over-whelming medical expenses.

Free medicine would not eliminate those kinds of bankruptcys.

That is an incredibly stupid statement. Of course it would.

But it would bankrupt the United States.

There is no such thing as 'free medicine'.. it is paid for somewhere... it does not magically appear after a unicorn farts

Now... are we not free to choose here in this society?? Are we not free to then live with the consequences of those choices and actions?? You choose not to buy catastrophic insurance.. You choose to roll the dice because you are young and healthy or for whatever reason... Your appendix bursts and you get handed a bill that you are then not able to pay. You don't approach family for help. You don't approach charity or your church or whatever for assistance. You just sit back thinking that someone else's products and services in the healthcare field are owed to you for some stupid reason. The hospital settles with the collection agency and they hound you and force you to pay or repossess your car and TVs or make your credit shit by you declaring bankruptcy... and that is government's problem HOW???
There is no such thing as 'free medicine'.. it is paid for somewhere... it does not magically appear after a unicorn farts

The point was that individuals would not go bankrupt from medical bills under a single payer program as they are now.

That is about the only advantage single payer has going for it, and is what makes it so appealing to the rubes.
The same one that we have now that drives the costs up since...forever? Or another market?

First assess how many years the government has played a major role in healthcare. Then choose the market you want to criticize. Indeed, the cost of healthcare has skyrocketed the more involved the government became. This is not up for contention.

Sure it is. Our costs are higher than the UK. Leave out everything else and cost wise the UK has us beat. So what market has these super low prices? The only one I can think of is....is....it doesn't exist

Prove it. Or at least state as to why. Else your just contradicting my position with an unfounded claim.
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The American people are going to want to know.

"Repeal ObamaCare...and then what?"

They have not forgotten how much their premiums were going up before ObamaCare.

Well sure, there have been a lot of plans. I failed to put my link in my post.

The Republican Alternative To Obamacare Is - More Obamacare? - Forbes

But, like the individ mandate that was a gop ideal originally, as soon as something is floated, it becomes toxic for the tea party. I mean here we have posters saying "costs went up when obamacare came in," when in fact the opposite was true in that costs actually stopped going up as fast as before.

Or, there's no medical bankruptcy problem. When in fact divorce and illness are the two largest causes of bankruptcy.

Or, the fed govt has no role. When in fact medical costa are about 1/5 of the national economy.
Without looking, can you say what the Republican Party's plan for healthcare reform is? I bet you cannot.

I think most right wingers know as far as, "Repeal ObamaCare."

Okay. Then what?

In 2008 while Obama was running for President and demanding the Republicans present their plan and asking why they didn't have one being parroted by Pelosi, Reid and the rest, the DNC site actually had a link to the Republican plan. Oh, what you can do when the media belongs to you. Here's the plan.


I don't agree with it all, but there are some good ideas. Allowing sales of insurance across state lines, allowing people to keep their policies if they leave their job and that sort of thing.

I have owned three businesses. Only one offered insurance because they other two are retail and have hourly employees. I still own the one with insurance and I sold the other two to focus on my main business. However, do you know I couldn't offer employees of my other businesses even the ability to buy insurance from my group policy in my other business? BC/BS was fine with it, it was against the law, blocked by government. The Republican plan would have fixed that.

The biggest problem with the Republican plan was credibility. After all the years of Bush and alternating House and Senate control did they never propose those things? That is why they got tepid support from conservatives for the plan. Even though the liberal "you have no plan" is and always was a lie.
Without looking, can you say what the Republican Party's plan for healthcare reform is? I bet you cannot.

I think most right wingers know as far as, "Repeal ObamaCare."

Okay. Then what?

In 2008 while Obama was running for President and demanding the Republicans present their plan and asking why they didn't have one being parroted by Pelosi, Reid and the rest, the DNC site actually had a link to the Republican plan. Oh, what you can do when the media belongs to you. Here's the plan.


I don't agree with it all, but there are some good ideas. Allowing sales of insurance across state lines, allowing people to keep their policies if they leave their job and that sort of thing.

I have owned three businesses. Only one offered insurance because they other two are retail and have hourly employees. I still own the one with insurance and I sold the other two to focus on my main business. However, do you know I couldn't offer employees of my other businesses even the ability to buy insurance from my group policy in my other business? BC/BS was fine with it, it was against the law, blocked by government. The Republican plan would have fixed that.

The biggest problem with the Republican plan was credibility. After all the years of Bush and alternating House and Senate control did they never propose those things? That is why they got tepid support from conservatives for the plan. Even though the liberal "you have no plan" is and always was a lie.

There's no way in hell the House gop would ever let that plan up for a vote today.

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