What is the Greatest Threat to America today?


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
Of course the more astute on here know as well as I ---if not better and I do not want to preach to the choir but for the clueless and coinfused visitors to this board....I speak of how divided America has become....recognizing of course that we have never been all that united.

Yet what is happening now is so bitter and so full of hatred it harkens back to the era of The War Between The States.

This latest insanity of the Democrats with their ridiculous and shameful desire to remove a duly elected President just adds to the great divide in this Nation.

“We must strive to love our country more than we hate our neighbor:” a former CIA officer’s plea to America

socialism is the axe body spray of political ideologies...it never does what it claims to do, but people too young to know better keep buying it anyway!
1. Ignorance - fucktardz that don't even know what they are talking about and vote on it anyway

2. Denial - fuctardz who know what the facts are that prove against them. . . But deny those facts and push their agenda anyway.

3. Complacency. -To be complacent in the face of an injustice or a problem is to be complicit in the same.
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Being more concerned about your party "winning" than what is best for the people and the nation.
Black culture is responsible for countless violent crimes and murders. You'd be hard pressed to come up with something more dangerous than that. Yeah, yeah, i know, pointing that out is racist. :blahblah:
Of course the more astute on here know as well as I ---if not better and I do not want to preach to the choir but for the clueless and coinfused visitors to this board....I speak of how divided America has become....recognizing of course that we have never been all that united.

Yet what is happening now is so bitter and so full of hatred it harkens back to the era of The War Between The States.

This latest insanity of the Democrats with their ridiculous and shameful desire to remove a duly elected President just adds to the great divide in this Nation.

“We must strive to love our country more than we hate our neighbor:” a former CIA officer’s plea to America

Blob supporters mailing bombs to political opponents, blob supporters shooting political opponents, blob supporters running over political opponents with their cars.
I have been desperately trying in a couple of places on the internet the last few hours with trying to point out that we have made a horrible choice as human beings to get rid of physical media. I have been censored in places for expressing this and on SteveHoffman's music forum for making an an analogy to Nazis concerning this saying how we have accomplished more than they could have imagined by becoming too dependent on streaming and solely the internet by both communicating and getting information. The fn' problem isn't making Nazi analogies but declaring certain people as such. But even then...what if it is true?!

I have become GREATLY concerned how it is becoming more and more apparent to me that the only way to communicate with human beings (on a large scale) is through basically only Facebook and Twitter. This is VERY disturbing to me. I am afraid that something much more is afoot and am very concerned about our future and near future for that matter and NO I am not talking about politics. It is something else. It's not about those in power. It is about certain faceless fcks who are in power and have made it impossible to get information out to the masses. This does include NOT media but mainstream media as to whom are the reason along with our educational institutions are the reasons why the U.S. have lost their wars since the 1950's when we actually had won them all along (with MAYBE the exception of Afghanistan). I really wish someone could for once in my life explain to me how I am wrong.
Of course the more astute on here know as well as I ---if not better and I do not want to preach to the choir but for the clueless and coinfused visitors to this board....I speak of how divided America has become....recognizing of course that we have never been all that united.

Yet what is happening now is so bitter and so full of hatred it harkens back to the era of The War Between The States.

This latest insanity of the Democrats with their ridiculous and shameful desire to remove a duly elected President just adds to the great divide in this Nation.

“We must strive to love our country more than we hate our neighbor:” a former CIA officer’s plea to America
Garbage GOP propaganda is the problem. The GOP and Trump have their own imaginary planet now. all Trump had to do to take over the party was parrot the garbage propaganda. Poor America.
Of course the more astute on here know as well as I ---if not better and I do not want to preach to the choir but for the clueless and coinfused visitors to this board....I speak of how divided America has become....recognizing of course that we have never been all that united.

Yet what is happening now is so bitter and so full of hatred it harkens back to the era of The War Between The States.

This latest insanity of the Democrats with their ridiculous and shameful desire to remove a duly elected President just adds to the great divide in this Nation.

“We must strive to love our country more than we hate our neighbor:” a former CIA officer’s plea to America

Blob supporters mailing bombs to political opponents, blob supporters shooting political opponents, blob supporters running over political opponents with their cars.

Libtard moron. Loser Demtards crying Wait to November. Your going to be crying and whining I can’t wait to see you bitches cry.

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Right-wing authoritarian aggression, which includes, among other things, support for trump and his mission to let Russia in through the back door, and assaults on the freedoms of other Americans.

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