What Is The Problem With Kids Working Late Nights??


Republicans say "hey the kid isn't 10, the kid is 10 plus 9 months..." sick
Republicans hate kids, seniors, veterans, disabled.. nevermind
Republicans only care about themselves
Democrats care about the people.

Good article. Very informative.

And yet you have no problem when a school is sneaking puberty blockers and hormone pills to children behind their parents back. But work??? Don't even think about it. Don't you care about the children????
Employers are paying double the minimum wage without any force from the government proving the minimum wage is just another tool for the leftists to get votes.
So when right-wingers are whining about wages being stagnant...they were just being full of shit??

You know, I thought so...but thanks for confirming it....
And yet you have no problem when a school is sneaking puberty blockers and hormone pills to children behind their parents back. But work??? Don't even think about it. Don't you care about the children????
I don't think schools should be doing that....and if there are laws on the books that prevents it, those responsible should be in prison.....it would help you if can name the staff that are doing this instead of making ambiguous claims....

So....since you seem to be upset with kids getting puberty blockers "without their parent's knowledge" -- that means you support parents giving their children puberty blockers right?
the economy has slowed down to a stop
there's 1 way to put America back on top
the solution my dear neighbor
is to just bring back child labor
and work those little bastards till they almost drop

How much are Border Disaster *Joes Illegal cartel kids being paid in the child sex slave industry?
It would be easier to retain child labor if they could be put into debt, too. Some mechanism for keeping them locked into debt will need to be developed.

We have a labor shortage. We can't get adults to work because they are on social programs playing video games at home. Somebody has to do the job.
It already has.....

The key is to do it in phases.....allow the public to slowly become desensitized.....today, we allow kids to work until 10 pm.....mock and smear anyone who opposes it...

And before you know, we are able to have kids work overnight shifts at the meat packing plant

That won’t happen until the lefts social utopia is in full swing.
That won’t happen until the lefts social utopia is in full swing.
No....it is literally happening now....

I just told you that one of the most powerful people in congress, literally believes in jewish space lasers....

Another one believed that an island can flip over.....

And there are still many folks who believe a former president is going to return to office any day now with a dead former president's dead child as his VP
I don't think schools should be doing that....and if there are laws on the books that prevents it, those responsible should be in prison.....it would help you if can name the staff that are doing this instead of making ambiguous claims....

So....since you seem to be upset with kids getting puberty blockers "without their parent's knowledge" -- that means you support parents giving their children puberty blockers right?

If the parents do that it's one thing, not saying it's right either. But when schools do it behind the backs of parents, that's quite another.

In Washington state Democrats just passed a bill allowing children who's parents are not allowing their children to "transition" to run away from home to a children's shelter. The law says the shelter is not required to tell the parents where their children are at. And that the shelter may help in the "transitioning" of these confused little tykes.

So don't worry about what Republicans are doing asking for less strict labor laws. I would worry more about Democrats taking the rights of parents away that are trying to help their children through a phase (that we all go through) instead of pumping then up with drugs that may have negative impacts on these kids for the rest of their lives.
If the parents do that it's one thing, not saying it's right either. But when schools do it behind the backs of parents, that's quite another.

In Washington state Democrats just passed a bill allowing children who's parents are not allowing their children to "transition" to run away from home to a children's shelter. The law says the shelter is not required to tell the parents where their children are at. And that the shelter may help in the "transitioning" of these confused little tykes.

So don't worry about what Republicans are doing asking for less strict labor laws. I would worry more about Democrats taking the rights of parents away that are trying to help their children through a phase (that we all go through) instead of pumping then up with drugs that may have negative impacts on these kids for the rest of their lives.
This is the folly with you morons......the attitude of "but they are doing bad stuff too, so don't worry about the bad stuff I want to do" -- No...I am opposed to both........you aren't -- which makes you the one who is full of shit......

There is a reason child labor laws became a thing in the first place....when there is evidence coupled with growing public support that banning children from being trans is the way to go, the laws will reflect it....
When child labor laws were being advocated for, there was no need to make up horror stories about kids dying in coal mines...because they were....for real......

As of now, right-wingers repeatedly make up horror stories about all of the destruction and death caused by 0.05% of the country.....and it aint pushing the needle ...you are not growing your support among anyone outside of the bubble of people who hated gays and trans folks anyway...

"Two 10-year-old children were found working at a Louisville McDonald’s restaurant — sometimes until 2 a.m. — the US Department of Labor said Tuesday. The revelation was part of an investigation into the child labor law violations in the Southeast. The agency also found three franchisees that own more than 60 McDonald’s locations in Kentucky, Indiana, Maryland and Ohio, “employed 305 children to work more than the legally permitted hours and perform tasks prohibited by law for young workers,” the Labor Department said in a statement.

“Investigators from the department’s Wage and Hour Division found two 10-year-old workers at a Louisville McDonald’s restaurant among many violations of federal labor laws committed by three Kentucky McDonald’s franchise operators,” the release said. “Investigators also determined two 10-year-old children were employed – but not paid – and sometimes worked as late as 2 a.m.”

Exactly what is the problem with 10 year olds working until 2 am? Really? You telling me these kids don't have the stamina and energy to work late nights and go to school tomorrow? Also, these kids are learning something very important that schools won't teach them...the value of hard work...Now I don't agree that the kids should work for free, they should have been paid...

However, from reading the story...these kids were the children of a manager, why should they be paid anything? Would you pay your child to mow the lawn or take out the trash? So why would this person pay their kids to work at the store they managed? This is just the left trying to stop children from being put the work and keeping them lazy, playing videos games and being indoctrinated by TV and social media.

Child labor in a DemoKKKrat-run shithole city??? Say it isn't so!

You LOVE this, Biff.

This is the folly with you morons......the attitude of "but they are doing bad stuff too, so don't worry about the bad stuff I want to do" -- No...I am opposed to both........you aren't -- which makes you the one who is full of shit......

There is a reason child labor laws became a thing in the first place....when there is evidence coupled with growing public support that banning children from being trans is the way to go, the laws will reflect it....
When child labor laws were being advocated for, there was no need to make up horror stories about kids dying in coal mines...because they were....for real......

As of now, right-wingers repeatedly make up horror stories about all of the destruction and death caused by 0.05% of the country.....and it aint pushing the needle ...you are not growing your support among anyone outside of the bubble of people who hated gays and trans folks anyway...

I'm just sick of this charade by the left always claiming "it's for the children!!!" Everything is for the children. Addressing climate change (as if man had any ability to control it) is for the children. Banning natural gas stoves is for the children. Mooochele making school cafeteria menus with food kids wouldn't dream of putting in their mouths is for the children. Disarming law abiding citizens is for the children. And now keeping child labor laws we have is for the children.

The truth of the matter is Democrats could give a shit less about the children unless they can use them for political props.

Now as to the OP, it's very vague at best. I would like to see the documentation that these 10 year olds were actual employees of the McDonald's. Kids being with their parents who are trying to keep then busy is not what I would consider a McDonald's employee. And it sounds like the franchise owners knew nothing about it.

But back to child labor laws: When I was a kid I joined the work/study program. I was about 12 at the time. They gave me a job at another city school. My routine job was to clean the pits. The pits were window wells in the ground about 5 feet deep. They were protected by rails so nobody accidentally fell in there. I would have to jump those rails, lower myself into the pits, and clean them out so if it rained, the sewer wasn't plugged and water going into the classrooms.

There were times I couldn't get out of the pits, especially if it was drizzling or snowing and I couldn't get a strong enough grip on the rail to pull myself out of them. It's not like they gave me a ladder or anything. But after a lot of struggle, I made it out.

from there I would collect the waste baskets out of the classrooms, take what I collected to the basement chute, and dump the trash down the chute. When I was finished, I had to go into the basement to the furnace, start a fire, and burn the garbage. I didn't mind that job because I was down there all alone next to the boilers and was able to catch a cigarette or two while in front of the flames.

Back in those days nobody had problems with children working. It was the best thing for us. I remember how proud I was to get my first check in my name on it by the school.
It already has.....

The key is to do it in phases.....allow the public to slowly become desensitized.....today, we allow kids to work until 10 pm.....mock and smear anyone who opposes it...

And before you know, we are able to have kids work overnight shifts at the meat packing plant

10 year olds are not allowed to work.
Huge nothingburger. The dems are so desperate to make up a crisis because they can’t run on Child Sex Trafficking *Joes accomplishments they’re throwing everything to the useful idiots to see what sticks.
I'm just sick of this charade by the left always claiming "it's for the children!!!" Everything is for the children. Addressing climate change (as if man had any ability to control it) is for the children. Banning natural gas stoves is for the children. Mooochele making school cafeteria menus with food kids wouldn't dream of putting in their mouths is for the children. Disarming law abiding citizens is for the children. And now keeping child labor laws we have is for the children.

The truth of the matter is Democrats could give a shit less about the children unless they can use them for political props.

Now as to the OP, it's very vague at best. I would like to see the documentation that these 10 year olds were actual employees of the McDonald's. Kids being with their parents who are trying to keep then busy is not what I would consider a McDonald's employee. And it sounds like the franchise owners knew nothing about it.

But back to child labor laws: When I was a kid I joined the work/study program. I was about 12 at the time. They gave me a job at another city school. My routine job was to clean the pits. The pits were window wells in the ground about 5 feet deep. They were protected by rails so nobody accidentally fell in there. I would have to jump those rails, lower myself into the pits, and clean them out so if it rained, the sewer wasn't plugged and water going into the classrooms.

There were times I couldn't get out of the pits, especially if it was drizzling or snowing and I couldn't get a strong enough grip on the rail to pull myself out of them. It's not like they gave me a ladder or anything. But after a lot of struggle, I made it out.

from there I would collect the waste baskets out of the classrooms, take what I collected to the basement chute, and dump the trash down the chute. When I was finished, I had to go into the basement to the furnace, start a fire, and burn the garbage. I didn't mind that job because I was down there all alone next to the boilers and was able to catch a cigarette or two while in front of the flames.

Back in those days nobody had problems with children working. It was the best thing for us. I remember how proud I was to get my first check in my name on it by the school.
All those words and emotional paragraphs when you could have just said "I'm full of shit for political reasons" and saved us and yourself some time....
10 year olds are not allowed to work.
Huge nothingburger. The dems are so desperate to make up a crisis because they can’t run on Child Sex Trafficking *Joes accomplishments they’re throwing everything to the useful idiots to see what sticks.
If 13 yr olds are allowed to work, why can't 10 year olds? They are about the same physically, especially those darkies....they are basically big black bucks.....so why can't those kind of 10 year olds work?
If 13 yr olds are allowed to work, why can't 10 year olds? They are about the same physically, especially those darkies....they are basically big black bucks.....so why can't those kind of 10 year olds work?

Nothinburger. Drop it and wait for the next crisis your leaders make up.

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