What Is The Republican Alternative To ObamaCare

It's no "conspiracy theory"..that's what happened. Those policies were issued after the law went into effect.

Can it Sallow.

You're reiterating Obama's reiteration. It wasn't 'you can keep your plan if you like it, as long as it hasn't changed since the law came into effect'

It was purely and simply 'If you like your plan, you can keep you plan. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period.'


How many people in the US?

Over 200 million right?

5 million displaced?

Do the math.

And Obama didn't seize the HMOs. He had no control over them doing what they did.

Take your own advice..

President Obama didn't get elected, twice, because the majority of Americans liked their healthcare plan.

It was the opposite.

45,000 people dying each year because of lack of healthcare..sucks.

But it's not like you guys actually like Americans..is it?

Obama's reelection was not about healthcare. Why do you keep pushing that line? Well, in a small way, it was about healthcare. There was the "free" birth control and the associated "Republicans are ogres" campaigning. And there was promise of keeping as many people as possible on public assistance, which people were glad to hear because the recovery was so sluggish that people were afraid to cut the umbilical cord. And people were lulled by Obama's lies. You keep saying that people voted for Obama's lies as if that's a good thing and we should respect that and not fight to fix whatever is still possible to fix in the wake of his deliberately inflicted destruction.

Would he have been reelected if the media had told the truth about O-care? Would he have been reelected if he hadn't put off the implementation of the most visible parts of O-care until after the election?

Obama was reelected because he had a crazy-good political team which targeted key demographics with highly poll-tested advertising. When they weren't busy spreading lies about Romney.

Obama is truly the best campaigner the nation has ever seen. And the lousiest, most dishonest leader I have ever known.
Rome wasn't built in a day. ACA isn't going anywhere so House GOP is going to have to go back to the drawing board if they want to come up with an alternative plan.
Yeah, insurance companies would continue to use smoke and mirrors to sell worthless policies to gullible fools, only to have tax payers bail.everyone out as insurers laugh all the way to the Skyscrapers and Banks they build and own.

Yes, more of the 'it's for your own good' bullshit. God forbid people actually take the time to understand what they're actually buying.

Utilitu bills, insurance coverage, health food, vitamin supplements...water in bottles, advertisements and reasearch into human behavior are used to confuse people in order to sell products.

Why regulate commerce? Why not every man for himself and buyers beware?

You need to stop being an angry lemming and grow the fuck up. :lol:

Lemming is a better definition for you than it is for me. You're the one insisting we all just fall in line. And let's not advance the strawman argument that regulation of business must be all or nothing. This however is regulation of business or the constitutional catch all, regulation of interstate commerce. The commerce isn't between states nor is it regulating existing commerce. It's requiring new commerce.
Disagree: Society should look to healthcare insurance as an entitlement and right for a just society to exist in our modern world.

How is it moral or just to force a man to finance another's existence?

Ignorance of [MENTION=637]Bern80[/MENTION] : SCOTUS ruling

Question: What did the SCOTUS rule on the constitutionality of the PPACA/Obamacare?

Answer: The PPACA/Obamacare is constitutional on the role of the power(s) invested in the Legislative Branch of government.

Whether the GOP and Rightwing in America voted for a plan based on previously backed conservative arguments and ideas -- out of ideology and party politics, is irrelevant to the constitutionality of the act

I know what SCOTUS ruled on Obamacare. It was not general as to whether the entire bill was constitutional. It was whether the mandate was constitutional which they didn't really rule on one way or the other they simply declared that the penalty for not purchasing it is in fact a tax.

Your hyberbolic comment demands to be ignored:


Whatever are you arguing about in regards the court ruling? Your comments make absolutely no sense in the context here.

The PPACA/Obamacare contains a mandate.

The mandate has a penalty contained that was ruled to function more as a tax.

The PPACA is a law enacted by a duly elected Legislature, signed into law by a duly elected Executive, and ruled 'constitutional' by a duly appointed Court
Can it Sallow.

You're reiterating Obama's reiteration. It wasn't 'you can keep your plan if you like it, as long as it hasn't changed since the law came into effect'

It was purely and simply 'If you like your plan, you can keep you plan. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period.'


How many people in the US?

Over 200 million right?

5 million displaced?

Do the math.

And Obama didn't seize the HMOs. He had no control over them doing what they did.

Take your own advice..

President Obama didn't get elected, twice, because the majority of Americans liked their healthcare plan.

It was the opposite.

45,000 people dying each year because of lack of healthcare..sucks.

But it's not like you guys actually like Americans..is it?

Obama's reelection was not about healthcare. Why do you keep pushing that line? Well, in a small way, it was about healthcare. There was the "free" birth control and the associated "Republicans are ogres" campaigning. And there was promise of keeping as many people as possible on public assistance, which people were glad to hear because the recovery was so sluggish that people were afraid to cut the umbilical cord. And people were lulled by Obama's lies. You keep saying that people voted for Obama's lies as if that's a good thing and we should respect that and not fight to fix whatever is still possible to fix in the wake of his deliberately inflicted destruction.

Would he have been reelected if the media had told the truth about O-care? Would he have been reelected if he hadn't put off the implementation of the most visible parts of O-care until after the election?

Obama was reelected because he had a crazy-good political team which targeted key demographics with highly poll-tested advertising. When they weren't busy spreading lies about Romney.

Obama is truly the best campaigner the nation has ever seen. And the lousiest, most dishonest leader I have ever known.

Media ruled.

Obama is not the source of the "best".

Your media has made this President over Hillary Clinton even in the earliest of moments. Hillary couldn't even compete.

The media gave us Obama.

The media.
Disagree: Society should look to healthcare insurance as an entitlement and right for a just society to exist in our modern world.

How is it moral or just to force a man to finance another's existence?

Ignorance of [MENTION=637]Bern80[/MENTION] : SCOTUS ruling

Question: What did the SCOTUS rule on the constitutionality of the PPACA/Obamacare?

Answer: The PPACA/Obamacare is constitutional on the role of the power(s) invested in the Legislative Branch of government.

Whether the GOP and Rightwing in America voted for a plan based on previously backed conservative arguments and ideas -- out of ideology and party politics, is irrelevant to the constitutionality of the act

I know what SCOTUS ruled on Obamacare. It was not general as to whether the entire bill was constitutional. It was whether the mandate was constitutional which they didn't really rule on one way or the other they simply declared that the penalty for not purchasing it is in fact a tax.

Your hyberbolic comment demands to be ignored:


Whatever are you arguing about in regards the court ruling? Your comments make absolutely no sense in the context here.

The PPACA/Obamacare contains a mandate.

The mandate has a penalty contained that was ruled to function more as a tax.

The PPACA is a law enacted by a duly elected Legislature, signed into law by a duly elected Executive, and ruled 'constitutional' by a duly appointed Court

Dante give it up. You are looking like a moron now. I don't want to see that. But hey you keep up this shit. I'll freaking nuke you.
this is a crock of shit. the supreme court ruled obamacare mandate was unconstitutional they ruled it as a tax.

The PPACA contains a 'mandate'

The mandate contains a 'penalty'

The penalty was ruled a 'tax'

The Congress has the constitutional role to pass a tax.

Please try to keep informed, honest, and less hystetical :redface:

One more time the mandate was ruled unconstitutional
obamacare was ruled a tax
Something obama had said earlier it wasn't.
Keep supporting the lie and liar in chief.

The PPACA contains a mandate.

The mandate contains a mechanism called a penalty in the law.

The penalty part of the mandate was ruled to function as a tax, something that was part of the Obama argument before the court.

Get IT yet? :lol:
And who is pushing it?

Does anyone really believe that the Republicans want to help Americans get good health insurance?

the status quo-

Medical bills prompt more than 60 percent of U.S. bankruptcies - CNN.com
Story Highlights
•Study: More than 60 percent of bankruptcies are linked to medical bills
•Three-quarters of people with a medically-related bankruptcy had health insurance•Researcher: "You're one illness away from financial ruin in this country"
•Situation likely to worsen: study was done a year before recession

Oh darlin, you must hurt today.

You know what, from me up here I would have loved to try to tell you how we failed BUT HOW WE WON on so many battles on health care.

And how we smoked out assholes who tried to use and abuse the system.

BUT NO. You would have none of it. You wanted it your way or the highway with Reid and Pelosi and Obama.
Disagree: Society should look to healthcare insurance as an entitlement and right for a just society to exist in our modern world.

How is it moral or just to force a man to finance another's existence?

At the core of our political dysfunction is the fantasy that we have a right to be take care of.

Really? :laugh2: be taken care of? In what sense, what context?

Society advances and tools like you are always demanding we put on the brakes and go forward in reverse.
We already pay for each others healthcare. The SCOTUS ruling lays out the answer in the constitutional sphere. In the moral and ethical spheres.if you want to deny society's obligation and duty here, go ahead.

Yes, we do. That doesn't serve as a valid argument that we should. Where did SCOTUS rule that it is the government's obligation (and thus mine) to pay for those who can't pay for themselves? Who came up with this societal obligation? You're just spouting vague nonsense because you know that this in fact is NOT a proper role of government.

Thank you for being honest and acknowledging that the argument on your side is philosophical and ideological -- a battle of competing morality and ethics, what kond of a society we 'want' to love in.

Agreed: We ultimately and eventually pay for the healthcare of others.

Disagree: Society should look to healthcare insurance as an entitlement and right for a just society to exist in our modern world.

Ignorance of [MENTION=637]Bern80[/MENTION] : SCOTUS ruling

Question: What did the SCOTUS rule on the constitutionality of tge PPACA/Obamacare?

Answer: The PPACA/Obamacare is constitutional on the role of the power(s) invested in the Legislative Branch of government.

Whether the GOP and Rightwing in America voted for a plan based on previously backed conservative arguments and ideas -- out of ideology and party politics, is irrelevant to the constitutionality of the act

End of story
We can engage in semantics and sophistry all day. You and I can phrase and rephrase things over and over. One thing will NOT change: PPACA/Obamacare is constitutional today.

Chief Justice Roberts, writing for the Court, held while the “individual mandate is not a valid exercise of Congress’s power under the Commerce Clause and the Necessary and Proper Clause,” it is valid as an exercise of the taxing power granted the federal government by the Constitution.

Supreme Court Rewrites ObamaCare; Rules Individual Mandate Is Permissible Tax

[ame=http://youtu.be/tQMkOScXctY]Obama in 2009: "Absolutely Not a Tax Increase" - YouTube[/ame]

Your opinion is duly noted.

The fact that the PPACA was ruled constitutional stands.

The Obama admin had multiple arguments in the court, not unusual at all, and one of those arguments were what Roberts ruled on....the penalty as a tax.

Roberts did NOT make it up out of thin air as whacky wingnut world would have you believe

True story

Dumb ass I'm not Chief Justice Roberts nor am I obama neither link or the video did I have anything to do with, except posting them. They are not my opinion they are fact.

OBAMACARE mandate was ruled unconstitutional the tax was not. obama said it wasn't a tax.
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How is it moral or just to force a man to finance another's existence?

At the core of our political dysfunction is the fantasy that we have a right to be take care of.

Really? :laugh2: be taken care of? In what sense, what context?

Society advances and tools like you are always demanding we put on the brakes and go forward in reverse.

Communists worked so well they felt they had to to go CAPITALIST TO SUCCEED.

Oh yeah Commie world has rocked you idiot.
No, what YOU refuse to acknowledge is the fact that we are CURRENTLY forced to pay for the uninsured.

Cut your BS.

And we still will be under Obamacare.
At much, much, much lower rates AND the majority of the American People will be covered by GOOD health care plans.

What seems to be the problem?

Except that's not proving to be the case for most. Generally if you're young and healthy and can pay you are seeing your rates go up and that's an awful lot of people. And really that's the only way this has even a chance of being sustainable. The young and healthy are going to subsidize the health care of the old and sick.
How is it moral or just to force a man to finance another's existence?

At the core of our political dysfunction is the fantasy that we have a right to be take care of.

Really? :laugh2: be taken care of? In what sense, what context?

Society advances and tools like you are always demanding we put on the brakes and go forward in reverse.

How are we going in reverse. You were right earlier. This is really about whether health care is a right. The fact is it is not. It is not possible for health care to be a right because it requires theft from others to accomplish.
obamacare was your high water mark you're done.

an boehner was your high water mark when he shut down the gubmnet ....we no your party is done cause we just pulled the fork out of ya....:lol::lol::lol:

only an idiot would laugh when it's over and done and think it's not.

That's a no brainer...a handful of shit is an alternative to Obabble care...the man is the equivalent of a fart in a tornado.
At the core of our political dysfunction is the fantasy that we have a right to be take care of.

Really? :laugh2: be taken care of? In what sense, what context?

Society advances and tools like you are always demanding we put on the brakes and go forward in reverse.

How are we going in reverse. You were right earlier. This is really about whether health care is a right. The fact is it is not. It is not possible for health care to be a right because it requires theft from others to accomplish.

A right is what society agrees it is. Rights are human constructs. Rights do not exist in the wilds of nature

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