What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

If I thought that more gun control would reduce the gun violence, I'd be for it however so far there is no real correlation. This issue isn't the inanimate object, it isn't the inanimate object that is the issue. It is our culture. We are a country that needs problems solved in a 30 minute sitcom. We have several generations that have not learned how to handle disappointment, of failure. We watch violent TV show, movies, play violent video games, social interaction is now reduced to Twitter and Facebook posts, we all want instant gratification, we believe we are entitled and our thoughts and feelings should supersede others. We have political leaders that bicker and fight and us inflammatory language.

It isn't a gun problem, we have a people problem.
Countries with strong gun control rarely have mass shootings.
we have strong gun controls and chicago and other democrat run cities have thousands of deaths due to guns. why?

Strawman alert!!!!!
If I thought that more gun control would reduce the gun violence, I'd be for it however so far there is no real correlation. This issue isn't the inanimate object, it isn't the inanimate object that is the issue. It is our culture. We are a country that needs problems solved in a 30 minute sitcom. We have several generations that have not learned how to handle disappointment, of failure. We watch violent TV show, movies, play violent video games, social interaction is now reduced to Twitter and Facebook posts, we all want instant gratification, we believe we are entitled and our thoughts and feelings should supersede others. We have political leaders that bicker and fight and us inflammatory language.

It isn't a gun problem, we have a people problem.
Countries with strong gun control rarely have mass shootings.
we have strong gun controls and chicago and other democrat run cities have thousands of deaths due to guns. why?

Strawman alert!!!!!
watch out for fire then. I heard that isn't good for strawmen.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
How about we're not stupid enough to think there's a solution to everything bad that happens in a free society? It's a price you pay for freedom, which is a far cheaper price to pay than the one you pay if you lose that freedom. Get over it and enjoy your life
Given we are the only civilized country in the world with this problem, you have to be pretty dumb to think there is no solution.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
How about we're not stupid enough to think there's a solution to everything bad that happens in a free society? It's a price you pay for freedom, which is a far cheaper price to pay than the one you pay if you lose that freedom. Get over it and enjoy your life
Given we are the only civilized country in the world with this problem, you have to be pretty dumb to think there is no solution.
You're right, this isn't happening in any other country ever :lmao:
If I thought that more gun control would reduce the gun violence, I'd be for it however so far there is no real correlation. This issue isn't the inanimate object, it isn't the inanimate object that is the issue. It is our culture. We are a country that needs problems solved in a 30 minute sitcom. We have several generations that have not learned how to handle disappointment, of failure. We watch violent TV show, movies, play violent video games, social interaction is now reduced to Twitter and Facebook posts, we all want instant gratification, we believe we are entitled and our thoughts and feelings should supersede others. We have political leaders that bicker and fight and us inflammatory language.

It isn't a gun problem, we have a people problem.
Countries with strong gun control rarely have mass shootings.
we have strong gun controls and chicago and other democrat run cities have thousands of deaths due to guns. why?
Our laws are incredibly weak. Chicago doesn’t have walls, guns come from areas with weak laws.

Actually most guns criminals have come from straw buyers or are stolen. Regardless where the guns come from, laws should stop people from using them........shouldn't they?

Actually, it's easy to buy guns in southern states like Texas (especially at gun shows), and there are no checkpoints between Texas and Chicago. Because of that, there are unscrupulous people who will go to Texas and buy a whole bunch of guns, then take them north to places like Chicago where the gun laws are much stricter. They then sell them on the black market and triple their money.

VICE Channel did a documentary on it a while back. It was called "The Iron Pipeline", and it showed how there were quite a few people who were doing that. And, because they weren't commercial vehicles, they didn't have to stop at weigh stations for inspection, meaning if they obeyed the traffic laws and drove sensibly, they stood very little chance of getting caught gun running. And, the gun they bought in TX for 300 bucks can fetch 900 to 1500 in Chicago.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

We have, you won't listen.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
Just do whatever it is the NRA does, they are armed to the teeth and there is virtually zero gun violence...my guess is they know better than to give liberals access guns.
If I thought that more gun control would reduce the gun violence, I'd be for it however so far there is no real correlation. This issue isn't the inanimate object, it isn't the inanimate object that is the issue. It is our culture. We are a country that needs problems solved in a 30 minute sitcom. We have several generations that have not learned how to handle disappointment, of failure. We watch violent TV show, movies, play violent video games, social interaction is now reduced to Twitter and Facebook posts, we all want instant gratification, we believe we are entitled and our thoughts and feelings should supersede others. We have political leaders that bicker and fight and us inflammatory language.

It isn't a gun problem, we have a people problem.
Countries with strong gun control rarely have mass shootings.
we have strong gun controls and chicago and other democrat run cities have thousands of deaths due to guns. why?
Our laws are incredibly weak. Chicago doesn’t have walls, guns come from areas with weak laws.

Actually most guns criminals have come from straw buyers or are stolen. Regardless where the guns come from, laws should stop people from using them........shouldn't they?

Actually, it's easy to buy guns in southern states like Texas (especially at gun shows), and there are no checkpoints between Texas and Chicago. Because of that, there are unscrupulous people who will go to Texas and buy a whole bunch of guns, then take them north to places like Chicago where the gun laws are much stricter. They then sell them on the black market and triple their money.

VICE Channel did a documentary on it a while back. It was called "The Iron Pipeline", and it showed how there were quite a few people who were doing that. And, because they weren't commercial vehicles, they didn't have to stop at weigh stations for inspection, meaning if they obeyed the traffic laws and drove sensibly, they stood very little chance of getting caught gun running. And, the gun they bought in TX for 300 bucks can fetch 900 to 1500 in Chicago.
This isn't a gun problem it's a Chicago problem
If I thought that more gun control would reduce the gun violence, I'd be for it however so far there is no real correlation. This issue isn't the inanimate object, it isn't the inanimate object that is the issue. It is our culture. We are a country that needs problems solved in a 30 minute sitcom. We have several generations that have not learned how to handle disappointment, of failure. We watch violent TV show, movies, play violent video games, social interaction is now reduced to Twitter and Facebook posts, we all want instant gratification, we believe we are entitled and our thoughts and feelings should supersede others. We have political leaders that bicker and fight and us inflammatory language.

It isn't a gun problem, we have a people problem.
Countries with strong gun control rarely have mass shootings.
we have strong gun controls and chicago and other democrat run cities have thousands of deaths due to guns. why?
Our laws are incredibly weak. Chicago doesn’t have walls, guns come from areas with weak laws.

Actually most guns criminals have come from straw buyers or are stolen. Regardless where the guns come from, laws should stop people from using them........shouldn't they?

Actually, it's easy to buy guns in southern states like Texas (especially at gun shows), and there are no checkpoints between Texas and Chicago. Because of that, there are unscrupulous people who will go to Texas and buy a whole bunch of guns, then take them north to places like Chicago where the gun laws are much stricter. They then sell them on the black market and triple their money.

VICE Channel did a documentary on it a while back. It was called "The Iron Pipeline", and it showed how there were quite a few people who were doing that. And, because they weren't commercial vehicles, they didn't have to stop at weigh stations for inspection, meaning if they obeyed the traffic laws and drove sensibly, they stood very little chance of getting caught gun running. And, the gun they bought in TX for 300 bucks can fetch 900 to 1500 in Chicago.
Chicago created a black market and now wants to control Texas. Typical.

Fuck Chicago. Fuck everybody else.

We will walk the fuck out of this cocksucking union and there ain't shit you motherfucking commies can do about it.

Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

We have, you won't listen.

Let's see. You want to blame all gun violence on... let's list a few.

1. Mentally ill. Good luck on that one. When a State tries to pass something along those lines, the Reps won't allow it. It happened in Colorado. But look for it to finally pass next year. The Reps screwed up so bad, most were sent packing. You can't just bitch about it unless you are willing to follow through with a fix.

2. Not Enough Guns. Now, that's a real fix. In 1871, most Western Towns and Cities outlawed firearms to be displayed in their city limits. They got tired of all the murder, mayhem, loss of innocents from cross fires and such. That stood in Dallas Tx for more than 100 years. At the same time, they went to a method where, if you did kill someone with a firearm in the confines of the business district then, even if it was self defense, you were tried and hung. We are no more civilized than they were over 140 years ago. And remember, if you don't pay heed to history you are going to just repeat it.

3. And the #1 one. It's the Democrats Fault. On this one, I just shake my head.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
Just do whatever it is the NRA does, they are armed to the teeth and there is virtually zero gun violence...my guess is they know better than to give liberals access guns.

Worked for Dallas, Tx in 1871, didn't it.
Countries with strong gun control rarely have mass shootings.
we have strong gun controls and chicago and other democrat run cities have thousands of deaths due to guns. why?
Our laws are incredibly weak. Chicago doesn’t have walls, guns come from areas with weak laws.

Actually most guns criminals have come from straw buyers or are stolen. Regardless where the guns come from, laws should stop people from using them........shouldn't they?

Actually, it's easy to buy guns in southern states like Texas (especially at gun shows), and there are no checkpoints between Texas and Chicago. Because of that, there are unscrupulous people who will go to Texas and buy a whole bunch of guns, then take them north to places like Chicago where the gun laws are much stricter. They then sell them on the black market and triple their money.

VICE Channel did a documentary on it a while back. It was called "The Iron Pipeline", and it showed how there were quite a few people who were doing that. And, because they weren't commercial vehicles, they didn't have to stop at weigh stations for inspection, meaning if they obeyed the traffic laws and drove sensibly, they stood very little chance of getting caught gun running. And, the gun they bought in TX for 300 bucks can fetch 900 to 1500 in Chicago.
This isn't a gun problem it's a Chicago problem

The quickest way to fix the problem would be to nationalize some gun laws. At least make sure that everyone who buys one is checked out, even at gun shows.

And, they could do it like the military does instructions. When the Navy came out with a directive, it was fairly general, but still outlined how things were supposed to be done. A command could make additional rules that made the directive even stricter, but they could never lessen the directives issued at the SECNAV or BUPERS level.

Get a general set of gun laws that all states can agree on, and enforce those. If various places wanted to make the laws even stricter, they could, but they would have to follow the minimums outlined in the federal gun laws. They couldn't make them less strict than the federal laws.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

We have, you won't listen.

Let's see. You want to blame all gun violence on... let's list a few.

1. Mentally ill. Good luck on that one. When a State tries to pass something along those lines, the Reps won't allow it. It happened in Colorado. But look for it to finally pass next year. The Reps screwed up so bad, most were sent packing. You can't just bitch about it unless you are willing to follow through with a fix.

2. Not Enough Guns. Now, that's a real fix. In 1871, most Western Towns and Cities outlawed firearms to be displayed in their city limits. They got tired of all the murder, mayhem, loss of innocents from cross fires and such. That stood in Dallas Tx for more than 100 years. At the same time, they went to a method where, if you did kill someone with a firearm in the confines of the business district then, even if it was self defense, you were tried and hung. We are no more civilized than they were over 140 years ago. And remember, if you don't pay heed to history you are going to just repeat it.

3. And the #1 one. It's the Democrats Fault. On this one, I just shake my head.
I blame gun violence on policies and laws that make it easy to commit without immediate danger of serious bodily injury or death to the shooter.

we have strong gun controls and chicago and other democrat run cities have thousands of deaths due to guns. why?
Our laws are incredibly weak. Chicago doesn’t have walls, guns come from areas with weak laws.

Actually most guns criminals have come from straw buyers or are stolen. Regardless where the guns come from, laws should stop people from using them........shouldn't they?

Actually, it's easy to buy guns in southern states like Texas (especially at gun shows), and there are no checkpoints between Texas and Chicago. Because of that, there are unscrupulous people who will go to Texas and buy a whole bunch of guns, then take them north to places like Chicago where the gun laws are much stricter. They then sell them on the black market and triple their money.

VICE Channel did a documentary on it a while back. It was called "The Iron Pipeline", and it showed how there were quite a few people who were doing that. And, because they weren't commercial vehicles, they didn't have to stop at weigh stations for inspection, meaning if they obeyed the traffic laws and drove sensibly, they stood very little chance of getting caught gun running. And, the gun they bought in TX for 300 bucks can fetch 900 to 1500 in Chicago.
This isn't a gun problem it's a Chicago problem

The quickest way to fix the problem would be to nationalize some gun laws. At least make sure that everyone who buys one is checked out, even at gun shows.

And, they could do it like the military does instructions. When the Navy came out with a directive, it was fairly general, but still outlined how things were supposed to be done. A command could make additional rules that made the directive even stricter, but they could never lessen the directives issued at the SECNAV or BUPERS level.

Get a general set of gun laws that all states can agree on, and enforce those. If various places wanted to make the laws even stricter, they could, but they would have to follow the minimums outlined in the federal gun laws. They couldn't make them less strict than the federal laws.
Are you familiar with the phrase "shall not be infringed"?
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
How about we're not stupid enough to think there's a solution to everything bad that happens in a free society? It's a price you pay for freedom, which is a far cheaper price to pay than the one you pay if you lose that freedom. Get over it and enjoy your life
Given we are the only civilized country in the world with this problem, you have to be pretty dumb to think there is no solution.
You're right, this isn't happening in any other country ever :lmao:

Great Britain, FAR more violent crime than in the United States. London, going crazy with knife killings.

The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S.
By James Slack
UPDATED:18:14 EST, 2 July 2009

Britain's violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European union, it has been revealed.

Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa - widely considered one of the world's most dangerous countries.

The figures comes on the day new Home Secretary Alan Johnson makes his first major speech on crime, promising to be tough on loutish behaviour.


The U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935, Australia 920 and South Africa 1,609.

Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling said: 'This is a damning indictment of this government's comprehensive failure over more than a decade to tackle the deep rooted social problems in our society, and the knock on effect on crime and anti-social behaviour.

Read more: The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S. | Daily Mail Online

UK is violent crime capital of Europe
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
Just do whatever it is the NRA does, they are armed to the teeth and there is virtually zero gun violence...my guess is they know better than to give liberals access guns.

Worked for Dallas, Tx in 1871, didn't it.

You know, there are lots of people who are against gun control, and many times they bring up the examples of the Old West, where everyone had guns.

Only thing they don't know, is that many towns took custody of the guns when people came in.

Gun Control Is as Old as the Old West | History | Smithsonian

"Tombstone had much more restrictive laws on carrying guns in public in the 1880s than it has today,” says Adam Winkler, a professor and specialist in American constitutional law at UCLA School of Law. “Today, you're allowed to carry a gun without a license or permit on Tombstone streets. Back in the 1880s, you weren't.” Same goes for most of the New West, to varying degrees, in the once-rowdy frontier towns of Nevada, Kansas, Montana, and South Dakota.

Dodge City, Kansas, formed a municipal government in 1878. According to Stephen Aron, a professor of history at UCLA, the first law passed was one prohibiting the carry of guns in town, likely by civic leaders and influential merchants who wanted people to move there, invest their time and resources, and bring their families. Cultivating a reputation of peace and stability was necessary, even in boisterous towns, if it were to become anything more transient than a one-industry boom town.

Laws regulating ownership and carry of firearms, apart from the U.S. Constitution's Second Amendment, were passed at a local level rather than by Congress. “Gun control laws were adopted pretty quickly in these places,” says Winkler. “Most were adopted by municipal governments exercising self-control and self-determination.” Carrying any kind of weapon, guns or knives, was not allowed other than outside town borders and inside the home. When visitors left their weapons with a law officer upon entering town, they'd receive a token, like a coat check, which they'd exchange for their guns when leaving town.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

First, we need to make killing people illegal. Or, perhaps the best choice is to effectively deal with the mentally ill and get them the help they need, rather than letting them wander around getting worse and worse.

What we should not do is take away the rights of people who have done NOTHING wrong.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

First, we need to make killing people illegal. Or, perhaps the best choice is to effectively deal with the mentally ill and get them the help they need, rather than letting them wander around getting worse and worse.

What we should not do is take away the rights of people who have done NOTHING wrong.

"First, we need to make killing people illegal"? Are you serious? There are already laws on the books that makes it illegal to kill people. It's called murder, or in lesser cases, manslaughter.

Killing people is already illegal dude. What are you, a Russian troll bot?
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
Just do whatever it is the NRA does, they are armed to the teeth and there is virtually zero gun violence...my guess is they know better than to give liberals access guns.

Worked for Dallas, Tx in 1871, didn't it.

You know, there are lots of people who are against gun control, and many times they bring up the examples of the Old West, where everyone had guns.

Only thing they don't know, is that many towns took custody of the guns when people came in.

Gun Control Is as Old as the Old West | History | Smithsonian

"Tombstone had much more restrictive laws on carrying guns in public in the 1880s than it has today,” says Adam Winkler, a professor and specialist in American constitutional law at UCLA School of Law. “Today, you're allowed to carry a gun without a license or permit on Tombstone streets. Back in the 1880s, you weren't.” Same goes for most of the New West, to varying degrees, in the once-rowdy frontier towns of Nevada, Kansas, Montana, and South Dakota.

Dodge City, Kansas, formed a municipal government in 1878. According to Stephen Aron, a professor of history at UCLA, the first law passed was one prohibiting the carry of guns in town, likely by civic leaders and influential merchants who wanted people to move there, invest their time and resources, and bring their families. Cultivating a reputation of peace and stability was necessary, even in boisterous towns, if it were to become anything more transient than a one-industry boom town.

Laws regulating ownership and carry of firearms, apart from the U.S. Constitution's Second Amendment, were passed at a local level rather than by Congress. “Gun control laws were adopted pretty quickly in these places,” says Winkler. “Most were adopted by municipal governments exercising self-control and self-determination.” Carrying any kind of weapon, guns or knives, was not allowed other than outside town borders and inside the home. When visitors left their weapons with a law officer upon entering town, they'd receive a token, like a coat check, which they'd exchange for their guns when leaving town.

And according to the Constitution that was perfectly acceptable and no one took it to court since the court would not have ruled against it. It was done locally. Way too many people go off like the Federal Government is going to come to your homes in black Helos and seize your guns. Just not going to happen. I don't know of one single state that would allow that to happen. And the power to regulate firearms (except for extraneous weapons) is by the State or Local Governments. Always has been.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

First, we need to make killing people illegal. Or, perhaps the best choice is to effectively deal with the mentally ill and get them the help they need, rather than letting them wander around getting worse and worse.

What we should not do is take away the rights of people who have done NOTHING wrong.

"First, we need to make killing people illegal"? Are you serious? There are already laws on the books that makes it illegal to kill people. It's called murder, or in lesser cases, manslaughter.

Killing people is already illegal dude. What are you, a Russian troll bot?

So, you're saying killing people is already illegal, but you think more laws are needed. Seems rather stupid to me. You can't control actions by banning objects. You have to deal with behavior and get those who need help controlling their behavior the help they need.

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