What is the stupidest reason for being fired that you heard of?

Sometimes they don't tell you the real reason you were fired.

My guess is, you were already on the boss' shit-list for other things you did or did not do and this was a last straw.

Yeah, but no one should be fired for refusing to clean up after another employee.
I have never been fired from any job. I have only had two. I do have a last warning at McDonalds though. Apparently my boss doesn't like my sense of humor.
Some women who have been fired for being too pretty.

That is stupid.

I guess you never had that issue!


Just kidding! :D

No. not so far...touch wood! :)

You know... I kind of see that a bit differently.

You women know how to dress 'attractively', and you also know how to dress 'distractingly'.

There's a difference. And you know it.

When a woman ends up being a distraction, it can cause problems. I've seen it myself. Guys that end up spending more time talking.... borderline flirting... with the distracting girl. And when she takes the day off, suddenly productivity is 1/3rd higher.

So honestly... I get the idea that some of you all have natural beauty, and I have no problem that so long as it doesn't interfere with other people's work. I *DO* grasp that for those who have this problem, is a bit of a burden for the women too.... but you know how to tone it down. Just tone it down, and the problem goes away.

Thankfully I've never had an issue with this. Women tend to just bug the snot out of me, so I generally avoid them. But honestly, I've worked a few jobs that were 100% men, and it was nice not having everyone run off to talk with Carla and whoever. Men actually got their work done, and put in a full day.
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Sometimes they don't tell you the real reason you were fired.

My guess is, you were already on the boss' shit-list for other things you did or did not do and this was a last straw.

Yeah, but no one should be fired for refusing to clean up after another employee.

Two things. First, we have a society where employees can sue employers over the dumbest things.

As a result, employers still get rid of employees they don't want, but they have to build a file of reasons to do it, so they can fight any potential lawsuit.

Thus it is common for employers try and make your life a living hell, to either get you to quit, or to get a list of all the stuff they asked you to do, that you refused to do, and fire you for not doing what they wanted.

It would be better if employers would simply fire you if they didn't want you. But we decided we didn't like that, so this is what we get. This is also why we have the rise of the temp agency. The temp agency protects the employer from getting sued, and they can get rid of you at any time without fear. People get so angry no one hires employees on directly... well this is why.

Secondly though, I personally have always believed that once you are hired on, you are hired to do whatever they want you to do. And your chances of being promoted are greatly increased when you do, and massively decreased when you don't.
While I support Right to Work, and still do, what is the stupidest reason you've heard of for being fired???

I was fired today from a job because I didn't carry out the trash a co-worker left in the bathroom.

To my thinking, that is almost the most chickenshit reason to fire someone..

What's your story. Can you beat that?

No, I was let go from the public library at age 15 or 16, because the library received a grant that required someone with lower family income. I loved that job, my first besides babysitting. My family was lower middle income but not poor, my father received military retirement plus worked in the DOC.

that is what happens when one gets hired not based on ability

but rather social class
Yes, people really have been fired for being gay (and still are) the military did it up until a couple years ago.

I was denied a job because I am gay, fired no.

So you were told because you are "gay" you can not be hired?

I call BS on that one.

Oh, they never said it...but that WAS the reason.

I was the top candidate. All I had to do was go though their BI and I was starting within a week. I had just retired with a TS clearance and the only change in my "background" was my legal domestic partnership...they wouldn't even rerun my calls...
you lier no one gives a shit who your domestic partner is, their was other more qullfied
Candidates that gave a better interview.
Yes, people really have been fired for being gay (and still are) the military did it up until a couple years ago.

I was denied a job because I am gay, fired no.

So you were told because you are "gay" you can not be hired?

I call BS on that one.

Oh, they never said it...but that WAS the reason.

I was the top candidate. All I had to do was go though their BI and I was starting within a week. I had just retired with a TS clearance and the only change in my "background" was my legal domestic partnership...they wouldn't even rerun my calls...

It's always funny how the people who scream about prejudice the most, are often the most prejudice themselves.

You have no idea why they didn't hire you, do you? You have no actual evidence of anything, no reasons given, nothing at all, do you?

Do you? Do you something to give you an indication it was actually your 'domestic rump ranger' that killed your chances?

If you do, share. I'd love to hear your concrete evidence.
While I support Right to Work, and still do, what is the stupidest reason you've heard of for being fired???

I was fired today from a job because I didn't carry out the trash a co-worker left in the bathroom.

To my thinking, that is almost the most chickenshit reason to fire someone..

What's your story. Can you beat that?

No, I was let go from the public library at age 15 or 16, because the library received a grant that required someone with lower family income. I loved that job, my first besides babysitting. My family was lower middle income but not poor, my father received military retirement plus worked in the DOC.

that is what happens when one gets hired not based on ability

but rather social class

That's very rare. Most of the time, that only happens in elite left-wing areas.

Most business men I have ever talked to, and I have talked to dozens, none of them give a crap where you got your degree, or what kind of car you drive.

What they want to know is, can you perform and benefit the company? If you can, you're in.

The times where elitism is in effect, is rare. I'm reading a book Rather Outspoken. You might wonder why I'd read a book by a flaming leftist who absolutely hated Bush, but I often read books by people I disagree with, just to hear their side of the issue.

In this case, Dan Rather, after the first two chapters of "Bush sucks 1" and "Bush sucks 2", went through his growing up, and then his career.

Rather went to Sam Houston State University (it wasn't a university when he went there).

Rather talks about just how incredibly difficult it was for the people at CBS to even give him a fair shake, just because of where he got his degree. Most of the other journalists were from Ivy league schools, and thus they were dismissive of Dan Rather from 'Sam Houston yeehaw school'.

But that is very rare. Most places don't care where you came from, as long as you can 'make it happen'.
While I support Right to Work, and still do, what is the stupidest reason you've heard of for being fired???

I was fired today from a job because I didn't carry out the trash a co-worker left in the bathroom.

To my thinking, that is almost the most chickenshit reason to fire someone..

What's your story. Can you beat that?

I got fired once for refusing to have sex with my supervisor. No, I didn't bother suing, since the company was going broke, anyway. Not a huge loss.
How about for being gay? That's a pretty stupid reason...

Has anyone ever really been fired for being gay?

Have you?

At my old firm there was a paralegal who was openly gay and his partner was listed next to him on the employee contact list, just like the husbands and wives of the other employees.

And no one had a problem with that.

Message to gays: the world is not out to get you.

I also got fired once for complaining about being treated to conversations about butt plugs by my gay supervisor.

I've had a weird job history.
How about for being gay? That's a pretty stupid reason...

Has anyone ever really been fired for being gay?

Have you?

At my old firm there was a paralegal who was openly gay and his partner was listed next to him on the employee contact list, just like the husbands and wives of the other employees.

And no one had a problem with that.

Message to gays: the world is not out to get you.

I also got fired once for complaining about being treated to conversations about butt plugs by my gay supervisor.

I've had a weird job history.

Err...ya think?!?! :eek::eek:

I once was terminated by a fax. Left in my box during a shift. Unsigned. With my name misspelled. By a supervisor who refused to TELL any of the drivers her name. (Seriously.)

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