What is "Trickle Down Economics"?

Wrong. Next. And this is after I posted a correct description.


Look who gets to decide what the "correct description" is

My thread, my decision. Besides, all you've done is mouthed left wing talking points that ignore the theory behind supply side economics. If you think repeating talking points, bumper stickers, and cartoons is arguing then you are a waste of time. Actually you are a waste of time anyway.

" If you think repeating talking points, bumper stickers, and cartoons is arguing "

Wrong. Next. And this is after I posted a correct description.


Look who gets to decide what the "correct description" is

My thread, my decision. Besides, all you've done is mouthed left wing talking points that ignore the theory behind supply side economics. If you think repeating talking points, bumper stickers, and cartoons is arguing then you are a waste of time. Actually you are a waste of time anyway.

Come on Rabbi

Tell us what YOU have decided is the "correct description"

We need to be able to compare with all those "idiots" you have derided
The lefties here frequently mock "trickle down economics" as the cause of our slow economy. So what is trickle down economics? I want to hear an explanation. Snarky responses like "it's what the GOP believes" will be thrashed soundly.

Trickle-down economic theory in the nutshell basically asserts that tax breaks for the wealthy will eventually benefit the poor by improving the economy as a whole as well as the additional idea/theory (unproven in any and every real world test) that the tax cuts will eventually pay for themselves.

I do believe you are wrong - but since your the knucklehead who makes definitive blanket statements such as " unproven in any and every real world test " how about some examples - Sorry your opinion may be valid , but it doesn't suffice as evidence.

A Critique of the Chicago School of Economics:


Many people have often wondered what it would be like to create a nation based solely on their political and economic beliefs. Imagine: no opposition, no political rivals, no compromise of morals. Only a "benevolent dictator," if you will, setting up society according to your ideals.

The Chicago School of Economics got that chance for 16 years in Chile, under near-laboratory conditions. Between 1973 and 1989, a government team of economists trained at the University of Chicago dismantled or decentralized the Chilean state as far as was humanly possible. Their program included privatizing welfare and social programs, deregulating the market, liberalizing trade, rolling back trade unions, and rewriting its constitution and laws. And they did all this in the absence of the far-right's most hated institution: democracy.

The results were exactly what liberals predicted.

Chile: the laboratory test
JFK once commented on how "a rising tide lifts all boats"

This is how Reagan fixed that problem


The rising tide now only lifts the yachts

"The rising tide now only lifts the yachts" ... a fair example of the typical Liberal comprehension of Science and Economics . I bet if Obama told you he could send a wave to sink all the Yachts and leave the dingies afloat you would believe him - right ?

That's exactly what he's been telling you from Day One . Guess what Norton - it can't work , the dingies are the first to sink ... Welcome to Reality Pal .... and you guys down in the Sewer - fahgettaboutit ...
Nothing. We're discussing economics. Those are separate fields, btw. I realize to someone who never attended college they all sound the same though.

It is only through the supply side that innovation can be spurred, Keynes was not so much wrong, as narrow minded in his views; yes, if labor controls the economy, the wealth of labor will increase. Without the markets & supply increasing however, there will be no re input of that wealth. Products & services must increase in order for earned wealth to be reinvested in the economy. Thus Keynes should be discarded, old theory, and incompete.

Yes thats pretty much it.
A lot of economic policy from Roosevelt and even before centered on demand side. The thought was the Depression was caused by insufficient demand so measures were dreamt up to increase demand, like minimum wage rates and the like. It was hoped that higher incomes would spur more spending.
In contrast Reagan's advisors championed looking at the supply side. They suggested that creating incentives through the tax code to change behavior to encourage greater productivity would cause higher incomes and eventually more demand.
In sum the Reaganauts were correct. Their policies worked. The Reagan tax cuts were not targeted temporary cuts but permanent cuts to income taxes and others. It encouraged peoplel to work more and earn more. By contrast the Obama program is back to demand side focus, with targeted tax cuts and incentives for buying homes, cars etc. Those policies are gross failures, as the recent research on cash for clunkers showed.

So creating more supply will eventually spur more demand? And you call people tard and moron? You have it bass ackwards fool. How can you not see how stupid that sounds?
JFK once commented on how "a rising tide lifts all boats"

This is how Reagan fixed that problem


The rising tide now only lifts the yachts

"The rising tide now only lifts the yachts" ... a fair example of the typical Liberal comprehension of Science and Economics . I bet if Obama told you he could send a wave to sink all the Yachts and leave the dingies afloat you would believe him - right ?

That's exactly what he's been telling you from Day One . Guess what Norton - it can't work , the dingies are the first to sink ... Welcome to Reality Pal .... and you guys down in the Sewer - fahgettaboutit ...

Who has the "rising tide" of the Reagan revolution helped?

Show me what Reagan did to the middle class
This is the same CBO that insisted that Obama Care would reduce the deficit right?

You mean Obamacares that is 100% funded UNLIKE ANYTHING THE GOP EVER BRINGS US?


We see the success of Dubya gutting taxes on the 'job creators' and the millions and millions of jobs that created right?

Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies -1.2+ million PRIVATE jobs in 8 years (not counting the 4+ million lost in 2009 thanks to his regulator failures!)


Bush's tax cuts were larger for the middle class. In fact many people with a middle class income got a 100% tax cut. Still others got a tax rebates that amounted to them being paid to have a job, by reversing the tax system into payments. For example, some people not only didn't have to pay an effective tax they got a check at the end of the year instead.

Bush bottom ROFL you mean the democrat bottom right? Democrats were running BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS for Bush's last two years, ya retard.

Yes, Dubya tax cuts GREATLY cut US treasury revenues, from Clinton's 20%+ of GDP to below 15%. DID IT DO ANYTHING TO STIMULATE THE ECONOMY?

"Bush bottom ROFL you mean the democrat bottom right? Democrats were running BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS for Bush's last two years, ya retard."

ANY bills Dems passed that changed Dubya's policies Jan 2007-Jan 2009? OOPS

Right-wingers Want To Erase How George Bush's "Homeowner Society" Helped Cause The Economic Collapse

any attempt to stimulate economic growth by cutting taxes for the rich will do nothing -- it hasn't worked over the past 50 years.

next question.

Except when it did, like under Kennedy, Reagan, and the beginning of Bush's term.

Did the Reagan administrtion apply true supply side economics? Massive defense spending boosted the economy, unlike under Bush II, that money was spent mostly in the US. The 20-21% interest rates were during Reagan's first year in office also, before the huge defense spending.

Massive defense spending could not account for the country's subsequent economic performance. Interest rates were raised to combat the endemic inflation. That was also successful. The combination of permanently lower tax rates, a simplified tax code, and higher rates followed by lower rates resulted in higher growth, higher employment and lower inflation.
Reagan inherited a mess and left a model economy. Obama inherited a problem and made it worse.
JFK once commented on how "a rising tide lifts all boats"

This is how Reagan fixed that problem


The rising tide now only lifts the yachts

Reagan didn't suddenly turn things upside down.

Your numbers are over to great a span for you make any assertions at all about what is going on.

The first timeframe is post WWII while we were busy rebuilding the nations we just kicked the crap out of. We had no competition (meaning the middle class was on a feeding frenzy).

Now, we have plenty and the rich are making hay out of it.

Our lovely government allows them to do so without regards to it's citizens.

Can you be any more stupid ?
JFK once commented on how "a rising tide lifts all boats"

This is how Reagan fixed that problem

The rising tide now only lifts the yachts

Was that supposed to be funny or clever?
Because guess which president cut tax rates to stimulate growth.

Come on Rabbi.....Tell us

Tell us the level JFK cut taxes to

Come on Rabbi, what was the tax rate after JFK 'cut" taxes?

Were rates higher or lower after the tax cut?
It is only through the supply side that innovation can be spurred, Keynes was not so much wrong, as narrow minded in his views; yes, if labor controls the economy, the wealth of labor will increase. Without the markets & supply increasing however, there will be no re input of that wealth. Products & services must increase in order for earned wealth to be reinvested in the economy. Thus Keynes should be discarded, old theory, and incompete.

Yes thats pretty much it.
A lot of economic policy from Roosevelt and even before centered on demand side. The thought was the Depression was caused by insufficient demand so measures were dreamt up to increase demand, like minimum wage rates and the like. It was hoped that higher incomes would spur more spending.
In contrast Reagan's advisors championed looking at the supply side. They suggested that creating incentives through the tax code to change behavior to encourage greater productivity would cause higher incomes and eventually more demand.
In sum the Reaganauts were correct. Their policies worked. The Reagan tax cuts were not targeted temporary cuts but permanent cuts to income taxes and others. It encouraged peoplel to work more and earn more. By contrast the Obama program is back to demand side focus, with targeted tax cuts and incentives for buying homes, cars etc. Those policies are gross failures, as the recent research on cash for clunkers showed.

So creating more supply will eventually spur more demand? And you call people tard and moron? You have it bass ackwards fool. How can you not see how stupid that sounds?

We know how stupid you sound. Day after day.
You mean Obamacares that is 100% funded UNLIKE ANYTHING THE GOP EVER BRINGS US?


We see the success of Dubya gutting taxes on the 'job creators' and the millions and millions of jobs that created right?

Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies -1.2+ million PRIVATE jobs in 8 years (not counting the 4+ million lost in 2009 thanks to his regulator failures!)


Bush's tax cuts were larger for the middle class. In fact many people with a middle class income got a 100% tax cut. Still others got a tax rebates that amounted to them being paid to have a job, by reversing the tax system into payments. For example, some people not only didn't have to pay an effective tax they got a check at the end of the year instead.

Bush bottom ROFL you mean the democrat bottom right? Democrats were running BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS for Bush's last two years, ya retard.

Yes, Dubya tax cuts GREATLY cut US treasury revenues, from Clinton's 20%+ of GDP to below 15%. DID IT DO ANYTHING TO STIMULATE THE ECONOMY?

"Bush bottom ROFL you mean the democrat bottom right? Democrats were running BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS for Bush's last two years, ya retard."

ANY bills Dems passed that changed Dubya's policies Jan 2007-Jan 2009? OOPS

Right-wingers Want To Erase How George Bush's "Homeowner Society" Helped Cause The Economic Collapse


Enter...sir Spamelot.
You mean Obamacares that is 100% funded UNLIKE ANYTHING THE GOP EVER BRINGS US?


We see the success of Dubya gutting taxes on the 'job creators' and the millions and millions of jobs that created right?

Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies -1.2+ million PRIVATE jobs in 8 years (not counting the 4+ million lost in 2009 thanks to his regulator failures!)


Bush's tax cuts were larger for the middle class. In fact many people with a middle class income got a 100% tax cut. Still others got a tax rebates that amounted to them being paid to have a job, by reversing the tax system into payments. For example, some people not only didn't have to pay an effective tax they got a check at the end of the year instead.

Bush bottom ROFL you mean the democrat bottom right? Democrats were running BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS for Bush's last two years, ya retard.

Yes, Dubya tax cuts GREATLY cut US treasury revenues, from Clinton's 20%+ of GDP to below 15%. DID IT DO ANYTHING TO STIMULATE THE ECONOMY?

"Bush bottom ROFL you mean the democrat bottom right? Democrats were running BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS for Bush's last two years, ya retard."

ANY bills Dems passed that changed Dubya's policies Jan 2007-Jan 2009? OOPS

Right-wingers Want To Erase How George Bush's "Homeowner Society" Helped Cause The Economic Collapse


ROFL democrats did nothing the democrat says. Wait. Are you saying that Bush did nothing because the democrat congress didn't let him? Oh yeah well maybe that caused the bubble to pop. ROFL what a retard you are.

Nah the bubble popped because that's what happens to bubbles ya dumb ass. That's why we call them bubbles.
Yes thats pretty much it.
A lot of economic policy from Roosevelt and even before centered on demand side. The thought was the Depression was caused by insufficient demand so measures were dreamt up to increase demand, like minimum wage rates and the like. It was hoped that higher incomes would spur more spending.
In contrast Reagan's advisors championed looking at the supply side. They suggested that creating incentives through the tax code to change behavior to encourage greater productivity would cause higher incomes and eventually more demand.
In sum the Reaganauts were correct. Their policies worked. The Reagan tax cuts were not targeted temporary cuts but permanent cuts to income taxes and others. It encouraged peoplel to work more and earn more. By contrast the Obama program is back to demand side focus, with targeted tax cuts and incentives for buying homes, cars etc. Those policies are gross failures, as the recent research on cash for clunkers showed.

So creating more supply will eventually spur more demand? And you call people tard and moron? You have it bass ackwards fool. How can you not see how stupid that sounds?

We know how stupid you sound. Day after day.

They dont get it. Of course it sounds stupid. Nuclear physics sounds stupid if you dont understand what an atom is.
Was that supposed to be funny or clever?
Because guess which president cut tax rates to stimulate growth.

Come on Rabbi.....Tell us

Tell us the level JFK cut taxes to

Come on Rabbi, what was the tax rate after JFK 'cut" taxes?

Were rates higher or lower after the tax cut?

Start with this Rabbi

JFK cut the highest marginal tax rate from 90% to 70%

Tell us how much you admire the JFK tax rate again

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