What is "Trickle Down Economics"?

those jobs packed up and went offshore... why didn't trickle down/supply side keep them in this country ?

oh wait, it's never worked in 50 years why should it work now ? RW's have magic wand.

Offshoring jobs is great for our economy and creating jobs on shore. But then I'm an MBA in finance who spent my career in management and management consulting and you're a mouthpiece who parrots socialist politicians, so obviously you know better.

I'll explain it to you if you can demonstrate you actually care about truth. I'm not bothering now because you pretty consistently demonstrate you don't.

Oh, you have an MBA. Then let me explain it to you.

Creating prosperity in other countries at the expense of American workers robs this country of revenue on all levels. Jobs shipped overseas are GONE forever. Money that was being spent here that stimulated the economy no longer exists... there's the trickle down economy in a nutshell.
Nah... trickle down does not have to be tied to a complete and utter lack of common sense for the labor market. Those are two different issues.
Corporations, beholding to stake/stockholders, simply look for the cheapest labor and taxes - and they don't give a shit where they find it.

And why should they? Corporations are not charities. It's the job of our government to be looking out for it's people to keep such things in balance.
those jobs packed up and went offshore... why didn't trickle down/supply side keep them in this country ?

oh wait, it's never worked in 50 years why should it work now ? RW's have magic wand.

Offshoring jobs is great for our economy and creating jobs on shore. But then I'm an MBA in finance who spent my career in management and management consulting and you're a mouthpiece who parrots socialist politicians, so obviously you know better.

I'll explain it to you if you can demonstrate you actually care about truth. I'm not bothering now because you pretty consistently demonstrate you don't.

Oh, you have an MBA. Then let me explain it to you.

Creating prosperity in other countries at the expense of American workers robs this country of revenue on all levels. Jobs shipped overseas are GONE forever. Money that was being spent here that stimulated the economy no longer exists... there's the trickle down economy in a nutshell.

Like I said, you're not interested in learning anything.

BTW, I don't just have an MBA, I outsourced scores of IT jobs for GE to India across several functions. And proudly so. I'm a great American.
Corporations, beholding to stake/stockholders, simply look for the cheapest labor and taxes - and they don't give a shit where they find it.

And why should they? Corporations are not charities. It's the job of our government to be looking out for it's people to keep such things in balance.

It's called capitalism run amok. These corporations have absolutely zero loyalty to America. The current political climate prevents "our government to be looking out for it's people to keep such things in balance." Corporations have a stranglehold on government. That needs corrected - but it requires great courage from both political parties to get it done. I'm 67, so I'll never see it in my lifetime.
Cheaper labor is good for investors and bad for labor. It can be good for labor if they get promoted into managing the cheaper labor,.. or if they are the investor that profits from getting themselves fired. Reagan's plan was to move American labor from low tech labor to high tech labor jobs. That worked right up till India and China trained tens of millions of high tech labor workers willing to work for minimum wage. The only saving grace is that robotics and automation may actually get us to world where work is a nice to have, and the robots provide us with the stuff we need to live on.

Certainly for the labor directly impacted, offshoring jobs is not necessarily good for them. However, that isn't true of labor overall, in fact quite the reverse.

- Competitors domestically and internationally are offshoring and if the company doesn't stay competitive it risks everyone's jobs.

- Jobs are created in offshoring, you don't just move jobs offshore. You redesign processes and that creates frequently higher end better paying jobs here to manage the process.

- It helps the economy by increasing efficiency, people get more for the same money.

- It builds the economy of foreign countries creating additional markets.

If we still had blacksmiths now, they would like it, but it wouldn't be good for jobs as they are harming the economy performing inefficient tasks.
Can you name the sectors that are not being offshored and onshored? Can you name the types of jobs that are not being minimized by these policies? Other than Government leadership...

When they immigrated migrants to pick farms... I was silent cause I did not pick fruit. When they offshored production... i was silent cause I did not work in production. When they offshored and h1b visa'd high tech jobs... I was silent cause I benefited from that because I'm a management consultant for the managers that are getting bonuses to right size payroll. When they came for MBA jobs I was shocked that our government is paying corporations to move my job off shore and import MBAs from India and no one gives a shit that I'm getting paid what amounts to minimum professional wages now.

Can you name the types of jobs that are not being minimized by these policies? Other than Government leadership...

in Alphabetical Order ? I thought you would never ask ....

those jobs packed up and went offshore... why didn't trickle down/supply side keep them in this country ?

oh wait, it's never worked in 50 years why should it work now ? RW's have magic wand.

Offshoring jobs is great for our economy and creating jobs on shore. But then I'm an MBA in finance who spent my career in management and management consulting and you're a mouthpiece who parrots socialist politicians, so obviously you know better.

I'll explain it to you if you can demonstrate you actually care about truth. I'm not bothering now because you pretty consistently demonstrate you don't.

Whoa, an MBA. Well, I'm a retired executive from the private and public sectors, with an MBA, and I think you're full of shit.

I said more than "MBA." But I have to admit a career bureaucrat disapproving of my view which is actually based on relevant experince gives me pause, you may be right, I have to rethink this whole outsourcing thing.

You're a coward. America is great because we so long embraced change and led the world. It is you liberals trying to clutch to what we have in greed and fear that is now leading to our destruction.

We in the corporate world don't need your help. In fact you're not. Sit down and shut up and stop being the voice of fear.
Offshoring jobs is great for our economy and creating jobs on shore. But then I'm an MBA in finance who spent my career in management and management consulting and you're a mouthpiece who parrots socialist politicians, so obviously you know better.

I'll explain it to you if you can demonstrate you actually care about truth. I'm not bothering now because you pretty consistently demonstrate you don't.

Whoa, an MBA. Well, I'm a retired executive from the private and public sectors, with an MBA, and I think you're full of shit.

I said more than "MBA." But I have to admit a career bureaucrat disapproving of my view which is actually based on relevant experince gives me pause, you may be right, I have to rethink this whole outsourcing thing.

You're a coward. America is great because we so long embraced change and led the world. It is you liberals trying to clutch to what we have in greed and fear that is now leading to our destruction.

We in the corporate world don't need your help. In fact you're not. Sit down and shut up and stop being the voice of fear.

It's always nice to hear from an educated idiot.
Cheaper labor is good for investors and bad for labor. It can be good for labor if they get promoted into managing the cheaper labor,.. or if they are the investor that profits from getting themselves fired. Reagan's plan was to move American labor from low tech labor to high tech labor jobs. That worked right up till India and China trained tens of millions of high tech labor workers willing to work for minimum wage. The only saving grace is that robotics and automation may actually get us to world where work is a nice to have, and the robots provide us with the stuff we need to live on.

Certainly for the labor directly impacted, offshoring jobs is not necessarily good for them. However, that isn't true of labor overall, in fact quite the reverse.

- Competitors domestically and internationally are offshoring and if the company doesn't stay competitive it risks everyone's jobs.

- Jobs are created in offshoring, you don't just move jobs offshore. You redesign processes and that creates frequently higher end better paying jobs here to manage the process.

- It helps the economy by increasing efficiency, people get more for the same money.

- It builds the economy of foreign countries creating additional markets.

If we still had blacksmiths now, they would like it, but it wouldn't be good for jobs as they are harming the economy performing inefficient tasks.
Can you name the sectors that are not being offshored and onshored? Can you name the types of jobs that are not being minimized by these policies? Other than Government leadership...

When they immigrated migrants to pick farms... I was silent cause I did not pick fruit. When they offshored production... i was silent cause I did not work in production. When they offshored and h1b visa'd high tech jobs... I was silent cause I benefited from that because I'm a management consultant for the managers that are getting bonuses to right size payroll. When they came for MBA jobs I was shocked that our government is paying corporations to move my job off shore and import MBAs from India and no one gives a shit that I'm getting paid what amounts to minimum professional wages now.

I didn't grasp all your questions, but as I keep pointing out, offshoring is not just moving a job offshore, it's redesigning processes and creating typically better paying, higher end jobs here and offshoring the lower end grunt work.

You didn't really read my list of benefits, I'd prefer you address the points I made rather than my repeating them again and you ignoring them again. If you respond to what I already argued, we can go from there.
Offshoring jobs is great for our economy and creating jobs on shore. But then I'm an MBA in finance who spent my career in management and management consulting and you're a mouthpiece who parrots socialist politicians, so obviously you know better.

I'll explain it to you if you can demonstrate you actually care about truth. I'm not bothering now because you pretty consistently demonstrate you don't.

Whoa, an MBA. Well, I'm a retired executive from the private and public sectors, with an MBA, and I think you're full of shit.

as do I.

"Only fools will continue clinging to the premise that outsourcing is good for America."

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. His latest book, “How The Economy Was Lost,” has just been published by CounterPunch/AK Press.

former Secretary of Treasury under Reagan OR some dolt on a message board sporting an MBA ... gee, let me ponder that one.

When it comes to fools, I bow to your expertise
trickle down economics (the democratic version) is rich hardworking americans make the money, we trickle it down to the bottom feeders, our voting pool.
Corporations, beholding to stake/stockholders, simply look for the cheapest labor and taxes - and they don't give a shit where they find it.

And why should they? Corporations are not charities. It's the job of our government to be looking out for it's people to keep such things in balance.

It's called capitalism run amok. These corporations have absolutely zero loyalty to America. The current political climate prevents "our government to be looking out for it's people to keep such things in balance." Corporations have a stranglehold on government. That needs corrected - but it requires great courage from both political parties to get it done. I'm 67, so I'll never see it in my lifetime.

I don't think it's a strangle hold. I think the people involved like the fat checks the corporations are putting in their pockets.
Certainly for the labor directly impacted, offshoring jobs is not necessarily good for them. However, that isn't true of labor overall, in fact quite the reverse.

- Competitors domestically and internationally are offshoring and if the company doesn't stay competitive it risks everyone's jobs.

- Jobs are created in offshoring, you don't just move jobs offshore. You redesign processes and that creates frequently higher end better paying jobs here to manage the process.

- It helps the economy by increasing efficiency, people get more for the same money.

- It builds the economy of foreign countries creating additional markets.

If we still had blacksmiths now, they would like it, but it wouldn't be good for jobs as they are harming the economy performing inefficient tasks.
Can you name the sectors that are not being offshored and onshored? Can you name the types of jobs that are not being minimized by these policies? Other than Government leadership...

When they immigrated migrants to pick farms... I was silent cause I did not pick fruit. When they offshored production... i was silent cause I did not work in production. When they offshored and h1b visa'd high tech jobs... I was silent cause I benefited from that because I'm a management consultant for the managers that are getting bonuses to right size payroll. When they came for MBA jobs I was shocked that our government is paying corporations to move my job off shore and import MBAs from India and no one gives a shit that I'm getting paid what amounts to minimum professional wages now.

I didn't grasp all your questions, but as I keep pointing out, offshoring is not just moving a job offshore, it's redesigning processes and creating typically better paying, higher end jobs here and offshoring the lower end grunt work.

You didn't really read my list of benefits, I'd prefer you address the points I made rather than my repeating them again and you ignoring them again. If you respond to what I already argued, we can go from there.

The first wave of IT offshoring was for customer service calls. The second wave was for fixing the issues identified by the customer service calls. The third wave was for replacing the engineers that build the products sold to Customers. The fourth wave, just starting is moving management and head quarters.
And why should they? Corporations are not charities. It's the job of our government to be looking out for it's people to keep such things in balance.

It's called capitalism run amok. These corporations have absolutely zero loyalty to America. The current political climate prevents "our government to be looking out for it's people to keep such things in balance." Corporations have a stranglehold on government. That needs corrected - but it requires great courage from both political parties to get it done. I'm 67, so I'll never see it in my lifetime.

I don't think it's a strangle hold. I think the people involved like the fat checks the corporations are putting in their pockets.

I agree. Hence, stranglehold. It's called corruption of the political process.
It's called capitalism run amok. These corporations have absolutely zero loyalty to America. The current political climate prevents "our government to be looking out for it's people to keep such things in balance." Corporations have a stranglehold on government. That needs corrected - but it requires great courage from both political parties to get it done. I'm 67, so I'll never see it in my lifetime.

I don't think it's a strangle hold. I think the people involved like the fat checks the corporations are putting in their pockets.

I agree. Hence, stranglehold. It's called corruption of the political process.

kk.. I'm in violent agreement. Though I typically equate stranglehold as a forced absolute process. Where in this case it's more like whores getting paid for services rendered.
Whoa, an MBA. Well, I'm a retired executive from the private and public sectors, with an MBA, and I think you're full of shit.

as do I.

"Only fools will continue clinging to the premise that outsourcing is good for America."

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. His latest book, “How The Economy Was Lost,” has just been published by CounterPunch/AK Press.

former Secretary of Treasury under Reagan OR some dolt on a message board sporting an MBA ... gee, let me ponder that one.

When it comes to fools, I bow to your expertise

I hand you your ass and you discredit ME ?

take your MBA to a comedy club and enjoy the laughter ... (at your expense) Bow to the crowd.
My brother in law is a beneficiary of "trickle down" he does high end carpentry work in NYC, mostly walls and ceilings. So when some 1%'er redo their apartment he makes money, all the other trades make money, the architects make money, and the government makes money.
Don't you think your brother-in-law would benefit more if more than 1% could afford his services???

Supply-side trickle-down is NOT Capitalism! Henry Ford summed up real Capitalism best:

"There is one rule for the industrialist and that is: Make the best quality of goods possible at the lowest cost possible, paying the highest wages possible."
-- Henry Ford
Offshoring jobs is great for our economy and creating jobs on shore. But then I'm an MBA in finance who spent my career in management and management consulting and you're a mouthpiece who parrots socialist politicians, so obviously you know better.

I'll explain it to you if you can demonstrate you actually care about truth. I'm not bothering now because you pretty consistently demonstrate you don't.

Cheaper labor is good for investors and bad for labor. It can be good for labor if they get promoted into managing the cheaper labor,.. or if they are the investor that profits from getting themselves fired. Reagan's plan was to move American labor from low tech labor to high tech labor jobs. That worked right up till India and China trained tens of millions of high tech labor workers willing to work for minimum wage. The only saving grace is that robotics and automation may actually get us to world where work is a nice to have, and the robots provide us with the stuff we need to live on.

Certainly for the labor directly impacted, offshoring jobs is not necessarily good for them. However, that isn't true of labor overall, in fact quite the reverse.

- Competitors domestically and internationally are offshoring and if the company doesn't stay competitive it risks everyone's jobs.

- Jobs are created in offshoring, you don't just move jobs offshore. You redesign processes and that creates frequently higher end better paying jobs here to manage the process.

- It helps the economy by increasing efficiency, people get more for the same money.

- It builds the economy of foreign countries creating additional markets.

If we still had blacksmiths now, they would like it, but it wouldn't be good for jobs as they are harming the economy performing inefficient tasks.

NO! There you go thinking beyond stage one. You know most people can't do that. We need to save all those agricultural jobs and ban mechanical pickers. Save our jobs!
Can you name the sectors that are not being offshored and onshored? Can you name the types of jobs that are not being minimized by these policies? Other than Government leadership...

When they immigrated migrants to pick farms... I was silent cause I did not pick fruit. When they offshored production... i was silent cause I did not work in production. When they offshored and h1b visa'd high tech jobs... I was silent cause I benefited from that because I'm a management consultant for the managers that are getting bonuses to right size payroll. When they came for MBA jobs I was shocked that our government is paying corporations to move my job off shore and import MBAs from India and no one gives a shit that I'm getting paid what amounts to minimum professional wages now.

I didn't grasp all your questions, but as I keep pointing out, offshoring is not just moving a job offshore, it's redesigning processes and creating typically better paying, higher end jobs here and offshoring the lower end grunt work.

You didn't really read my list of benefits, I'd prefer you address the points I made rather than my repeating them again and you ignoring them again. If you respond to what I already argued, we can go from there.

The first wave of IT offshoring was for customer service calls. The second wave was for fixing the issues identified by the customer service calls. The third wave was for replacing the engineers that build the products sold to Customers. The fourth wave, just starting is moving management and head quarters.

If you can replaced by an Indian whose native language is not English then off shoring is not the problem.

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