What Is Wrong With America ?

Unsurprisingly, this is ridiculous nonsense.

The whole argument that taxation is theft is mostly pointless. It's like arguing whether a cop or a soldier killing someone is murder. By some definition, I suppose it is. But we've agreed that it solves a larger problem so we roll with it. The thing we ought to be concerned about is whether the power to tax granted by the Constitution is being used appropriately or not. I don't think it was ever intended as a tool for social engineering, and that's the game both parties want to play. We need to tell them to go get fucked.

As a registered Independent, I don't really care what either party wants, but I don't like to stand by and watch the country sinking, because there isn't enough money to deal with the problems, while taxes are far below the normal rate as established over the past 95 years.

Whatever. You're not saying anything. Stop typing.
Unsurprisingly, this is ridiculous nonsense.

The whole argument that taxation is theft is mostly pointless. It's like arguing whether a cop or a soldier killing someone is murder. By some definition, I suppose it is. But we've agreed that it solves a larger problem so we roll with it. The thing we ought to be concerned about is whether the power to tax granted by the Constitution is being used appropriately or not. I don't think it was ever intended as a tool for social engineering, and that's the game both parties want to play. We need to tell them to go get fucked.

As a registered Independent, I don't really care what either party wants, but I don't like to stand by and watch the country sinking, because there isn't enough money to deal with the problems, while taxes are far below the normal rate as established over the past 95 years.

Get off your butt and work and there will be more money.

But then most problems dont take money to fix. Just honest people willing to fix them.
You can blather all day long, taxation is theft under threat of violence.

And you can blather all day long that taxation is theft, when actually it is the fixing of what was theft, or something akin to it, in the first place.

Actually, it's robbery. Robbery is theft by force. Far worse than just theft.

Besides which, I fail to see how making money by providing people with goods and services they want and need is theft.

People didn't become rich by stealing from you when you gave it to them voluntarily.

1. Taxation is a normal process of govt, not robbery, not theft.

2. Companies steal from workers the difference between what they should pay (in accordance with work performed), and what they do pay. Simple as that.

3. Workers don't voluntarily accept underpayment. I've answered that already.
If there's theft going on, or 'something akin to it', grow a pair and arrest the fuckers who are doing it. Otherwise, quit playing underhanded games with the tax code. Buncha weasel dicks.

Arresting has to do with what is illegal. Acquisition of large wealth is legal, and it IS being dealt with by taxation. It's not an underhanded game. It's normal American procedure, and has been for 100 years. Syria has a people shortage lately. And their taxes are very low. Bon voyage.

It's been wrong for a hundred years. Again, if someone is doing something wrong, make it illegal and put them in jail. Quit playing chickenshit games. Taxes are for funding government, not punishing the wicked.

Who said anything about "punishing the wicked" ? Answer: you did. Sure taxes are for funding govt.and they are NOT wrong. Only thing wrong about taxes right now is that they are too small on the rich, and need to be raised to fix a lot of problems, that have been going unfixed, in unfairness to the American people.
The whole argument that taxation is theft is mostly pointless. It's like arguing whether a cop or a soldier killing someone is murder. By some definition, I suppose it is. But we've agreed that it solves a larger problem so we roll with it. The thing we ought to be concerned about is whether the power to tax granted by the Constitution is being used appropriately or not. I don't think it was ever intended as a tool for social engineering, and that's the game both parties want to play. We need to tell them to go get fucked.

As a registered Independent, I don't really care what either party wants, but I don't like to stand by and watch the country sinking, because there isn't enough money to deal with the problems, while taxes are far below the normal rate as established over the past 95 years.

Whatever. You're not saying anything. Stop typing.

Oh now there's a new approach. If you don't like what another poster is saying, and you can't defeat him in open debate, just claim that he's not saying anything, and tell him to go away.

EARTH TO DBLACK: When you can't support your message, YOU need to go.

Note: first sign of a defeated debater >> attacks the messenger, when he can't defeat the message.
The whole argument that taxation is theft is mostly pointless. It's like arguing whether a cop or a soldier killing someone is murder. By some definition, I suppose it is. But we've agreed that it solves a larger problem so we roll with it. The thing we ought to be concerned about is whether the power to tax granted by the Constitution is being used appropriately or not. I don't think it was ever intended as a tool for social engineering, and that's the game both parties want to play. We need to tell them to go get fucked.

As a registered Independent, I don't really care what either party wants, but I don't like to stand by and watch the country sinking, because there isn't enough money to deal with the problems, while taxes are far below the normal rate as established over the past 95 years.

Get off your butt and work and there will be more money.

But then most problems dont take money to fix. Just honest people willing to fix them.

And who might these "honest people" be ? Volunteers ? People willing to fix problems need to be PAID. You think the govt is going to appoint 1000 new ICE agents who are all going to work for free ?
Not necessarily. If someone picks your wallet out of your pocket and runs down the street with it. You run after him, tackle him, and take back your wallet. When you are then "taking" your wallet, out of his pocket, "by force", are you stealing from him ? With taxation, many would say super rich employers have stolen from their workers by underpaying them. Taxation is taking their wallets back.

You can blather all day long, taxation is theft under threat of violence.

And you can blather all day long that taxation is theft, when actually it is the fixing of what was theft, or something akin to it, in the first place.

I suggest you call an ambulance immediately, you have obviously been afflicted with a brain tumor of some type.
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people will always dispute what is ultimately right and what is wrong, but to function as a society we have to come up with a practical way to decide on some issues. As Winston Churchill said "Democracy is the worst form of government...except for all the rest"

Right and wrong is not open to debate.

What an IDIOTIC thing to say. Of course right and wrong is open to debate. It's the basis of 95% of all lawmaking. All policing. And just about everything govt does. It is what is constantly being discussed in every branch of govt (executive, legislative, judicial), on every level (local, state, federal). Posts in this thread are getting wackier and wackier, by the day.

The basis of 100% of all lawmaking is force and violence.
Not necessarily. If someone picks your wallet out of your pocket and runs down the street with it. You run after him, tackle him, and take back your wallet. When you are then "taking" your wallet, out of his pocket, "by force", are you stealing from him ? With taxation, many would say super rich employers have stolen from their workers by underpaying them. Taxation is taking their wallets back.

You can blather all day long, taxation is theft under threat of violence.

Unsurprisingly, this is ridiculous nonsense.

Unsurprisingly, you cannot defend your position without telling me I agreed to something simply because it supports your view.
1. It's correct because the "more" the neighbor has is just a result of fairness planning not being part of the equation to be gin with. It comes from a might makes right type of situation (which is never right). In addition, many (if not most) of the really big moneymakers (who the only ones I'm talking about), often get their "more" money by manipulating people and things, often in malicious ways. Going to ask me to name ONE of the thousands of ways ? :lol:

2. Did somebody ask me to explain how the military is not a coercive branch of government? (quote & Post # please)

  1. Unlike the government, most rich people aren't taking by force.
  2. All branches of the government are coercive.

1. When it comes to taxation, it doesn't matter how rich people take. It only matter how much they have gotten.

2. That wasn't the question.

  1. If it doesn't matter how rich people took the money they got why is Bernie Madoff in prison?
  2. It is the answer.
You can blather all day long, taxation is theft under threat of violence.

Unsurprisingly, this is ridiculous nonsense.

The whole argument that taxation is theft is mostly pointless. It's like arguing whether a cop or a soldier killing someone is murder. By some definition, I suppose it is. But we've agreed that it solves a larger problem so we roll with it. The thing we ought to be concerned about is whether the power to tax granted by the Constitution is being used appropriately or not. I don't think it was ever intended as a tool for social engineering, and that's the game both parties want to play. We need to tell them to go get fucked.

The assholes that want to defend killing licensed by the state as not being murder are perfectly justified in saying that murder, by definition, is unlawful killing. That doesn't really address the issue of whether a violation of non-aggression principle, but they can pretend they have a point. Theft, however, is not defined as non legal stealing, it is defined by the act itself. If you take something without the permission of the owner, it is theft, even if you call it taxes. If we go back to that principle, and limit government to only the taxes that are justified even though we are stealing, we won't have a government that uses the tax code as a way to socially engineer its subjects.
You can blather all day long, taxation is theft under threat of violence.

Unsurprisingly, this is ridiculous nonsense.

Unsurprisingly, you cannot defend your position without telling me I agreed to something simply because it supports your view.

You fools sure love to drive down the highways and enjoy the advanced weather warning you get.

Enjoy knocking the government, caveman!
Unsurprisingly, this is ridiculous nonsense.

The whole argument that taxation is theft is mostly pointless. It's like arguing whether a cop or a soldier killing someone is murder. By some definition, I suppose it is. But we've agreed that it solves a larger problem so we roll with it. The thing we ought to be concerned about is whether the power to tax granted by the Constitution is being used appropriately or not. I don't think it was ever intended as a tool for social engineering, and that's the game both parties want to play. We need to tell them to go get fucked.

As a registered Independent, I don't really care what either party wants, but I don't like to stand by and watch the country sinking, because there isn't enough money to deal with the problems, while taxes are far below the normal rate as established over the past 95 years.

Tax revenues have always been right around 25% of GDP no matter what the historical tax rate is.
And you can blather all day long that taxation is theft, when actually it is the fixing of what was theft, or something akin to it, in the first place.

Actually, it's robbery. Robbery is theft by force. Far worse than just theft.

Besides which, I fail to see how making money by providing people with goods and services they want and need is theft.

People didn't become rich by stealing from you when you gave it to them voluntarily.

1. Taxation is a normal process of govt, not robbery, not theft.

2. Companies steal from workers the difference between what they should pay (in accordance with work performed), and what they do pay. Simple as that.

3. Workers don't voluntarily accept underpayment. I've answered that already.

  1. Theft is a normal function of government, whether you call it taxation or asset forfeiture.
  2. If you have evidence that companies are stealing from workers, present it. By the way, the current economic problem is because companies have been paying workers more than they should, not less.
  3. I can prove they do.
You can blather all day long, taxation is theft under threat of violence.

And you can blather all day long that taxation is theft, when actually it is the fixing of what was theft, or something akin to it, in the first place.

I suggest you call an ambulance immediately, you have obviously been afflicted with a brain tumor of some type.

Sure sign of a debate loser. Succumbing to insults (with nothing else left to say) Come back when you got some substance.
Right and wrong is not open to debate.

What an IDIOTIC thing to say. Of course right and wrong is open to debate. It's the basis of 95% of all lawmaking. All policing. And just about everything govt does. It is what is constantly being discussed in every branch of govt (executive, legislative, judicial), on every level (local, state, federal). Posts in this thread are getting wackier and wackier, by the day.

The basis of 100% of all lawmaking is force and violence.

More ridiculous NONSENSE. You seem to be good at that.
  1. Unlike the government, most rich people aren't taking by force.
  2. All branches of the government are coercive.

1. When it comes to taxation, it doesn't matter how rich people take. It only matter how much they have gotten.

2. That wasn't the question.

  1. If it doesn't matter how rich people took the money they got why is Bernie Madoff in prison?
  2. It is the answer.

1. He's in prison because he broke the law. You changed the subject. We were talking about taxation, not what is or isn't legal.

2. NO, it's not the answer, because it's unrelated o the question.

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