What is your favorite Trump Quote

My favorite quote is " I will repeal and replace Obamacare on DAY ONE and replace it with something better."

Is it day one yet?
Sums up his whole presidency.
His biggest promise was a big fat lie.
“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.” - Donald Trump, Jr.

This is why Trump won't take action against Putin. He doesn't want his assets in Russia seized.

This is also why Trump won't release his tax returns. He does not want the American people to see just how hostage to Putin he is.
Trump doesn't have any assets in Russia, dumbass.
Mine so far is

LESLEY STAHL: You're not known to be a humble man. But I wonder --

DONALD TRUMP: I think I am, actually humble. I think I'm much more humble than you would understand.

6 Bizarro Moments from Trump's '60 Minutes' Interview

One of mine is "I have the temperament of a winner".........While it doesn't meet the definition, I now get his point. Donald Trump is in fact winner.

How about his most recent lie?

"We have signed more legislation than anybody," Trump said.

He hasn't. In sheer numbers of bills signed into law during a president's first year in office (Jan. 20-Dec. 31), Trump is behind his six most recent predecessors.

Trump Signed 96 Laws In 2017. Here Is What They Do And How They Measure Up

So why again did the Republicans bash hillary for her sniper fire lie but they let Trump lie every day?
Mine so far is

LESLEY STAHL: You're not known to be a humble man. But I wonder --

DONALD TRUMP: I think I am, actually humble. I think I'm much more humble than you would understand.

6 Bizarro Moments from Trump's '60 Minutes' Interview
"You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her wherever." –Donald Trump, insulting Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly over questions she asked during the first Republican primary debate
I have a new favorite. “I’m the least racist person you’ve ever met
I’m going to repeal and replace Obamacare on day one, everyone will be covered and it will be affordable.
Just yesterday: “ You should thank me for giving you the privilege of voting for me.”

Yes he’s soooooo insecure he’s still talking about the election.
Just yesterday: “ You should thank me for giving you the privilege of voting for me.”

Yes he’s soooooo insecure he’s still talking about the election.
Did you say he has a point? Did you say, “Well, those countries are shitholes, aren’t they?”

Did you forget how people once described immigrants from Italy and Ireland? Did you forget the words on a plaque in the Statue of Liberty?
Your response to Trump’s racist ‘shithole’ comment will be remembered
Just yesterday: “ You should thank me for giving you the privilege of voting for me.”

Yes he’s soooooo insecure he’s still talking about the election.
Did you say he has a point? Did you say, “Well, those countries are shitholes, aren’t they?”

Did you forget how people once described immigrants from Italy and Ireland? Did you forget the words on a plaque in the Statue of Liberty?
Your response to Trump’s racist ‘shithole’ comment will be remembered

The words used to describe Irish and Italian immigrants were accurate. I'm Irish, so that statement isn't racist. The Irish were alcoholic brawlers. They caused trouble wherever they went. The Italians started organized crime.

Trump's description of Haiti is accurate. It is a shithole. That's because it's populated with Haitians. When you evaluate whether you want to allow specific nationalities to immigrate to this country, all you need to do is look at where they came from to make a determination.
“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.” - Donald Trump, Jr.

This is why Trump won't take action against Putin. He doesn't want his assets in Russia seized.

This is also why Trump won't release his tax returns. He does not want the American people to see just how hostage to Putin he is.
Trump doesn't have any assets in Russia, dumbass.
How do you know?
You're hilarious you just make this shit up. Do you know who else is calling you a liar?
Don Jr, who has said," We get most of our money from Russia."
Now watch girlieman ask for a link.
Just yesterday: “ You should thank me for giving you the privilege of voting for me.”

Yes he’s soooooo insecure he’s still talking about the election.
Did you say he has a point? Did you say, “Well, those countries are shitholes, aren’t they?”

Did you forget how people once described immigrants from Italy and Ireland? Did you forget the words on a plaque in the Statue of Liberty?
Your response to Trump’s racist ‘shithole’ comment will be remembered
In the very near future Trump will be a total pariah in this country. The long list of reasons why will be well documented but one of the lowlights will be what he said today.
Not ONLY for using the word SHITHOLES as POTUS but for using it in referring to black countries and while wanting immigrants from white countries to come to America.
Of all the vile and despicable things he has done, he'll never live this one down. He'll take this one to his grave.

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