What is your favorite Trump Quote

"i'm getting fucking bushwhacked by the Justice Department"

"Comey's a fucking liar"

both from Woodward's book
"so when you get old and sick we're supposed to forget that you were an asshole??" - Trump on McCain in the Woodward book
"i dont need money anyway. people just give me things. it's true. i never carry cash any more. i just point at things at the store and people there just give them to me"

"retirement is not in my vocab. i know me. i got too much energy to sit around and wonder if i'm gonna go fishing today, like my son Don Jr does"
"I have a great relationship with the blacks." Not my favorite, but notable for this thread.

“Not only am I the law and order candidate, but I am also the candidate of compassion, believe it. The candidate of compassion.”
"I have a great relationship with the blacks." Not my favorite, but notable for this thread.

President Donald Trump said on Monday that he “spent a lot of time” at Ground Zero in the wake of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, resurfacing an old claim he has touted repeatedly without evidence to back it up.

“Many of those affected were firefighters, police officers and other first responders,” he said. “And I was down there also. But I am not considering myself a first responder. But I was down there. I spent a lot of time down there with you.”

Fucking liar.

Trump’s statement ― a suggestion that he deserves some measure of credit for showing up at the site ― echoes previous remarks he’s made about Sept. 11, including at an April 2016 campaign stop in Buffalo, New York, where he told his supporters that he assisted with recovery efforts.

“Everyone who helped clear the rubble ― and I was there, and I watched, and I helped a little bit ― but I want to tell you: Those people were amazing,” he said. “Clearing the rubble. Trying to find additional lives. You didn’t know what was going to come down on all of us ― and they handled it.”

The vague implication that he was lending a hand, even placing himself in harm’s way, remains completely unsubstantiated.
"I have a great relationship with the blacks." Not my favorite, but notable for this thread.

President Donald Trump said on Monday that he “spent a lot of time” at Ground Zero in the wake of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, resurfacing an old claim he has touted repeatedly without evidence to back it up.

“Many of those affected were firefighters, police officers and other first responders,” he said. “And I was down there also. But I am not considering myself a first responder. But I was down there. I spent a lot of time down there with you.”

Fucking liar.

Trump’s statement ― a suggestion that he deserves some measure of credit for showing up at the site ― echoes previous remarks he’s made about Sept. 11, including at an April 2016 campaign stop in Buffalo, New York, where he told his supporters that he assisted with recovery efforts.

“Everyone who helped clear the rubble ― and I was there, and I watched, and I helped a little bit ― but I want to tell you: Those people were amazing,” he said. “Clearing the rubble. Trying to find additional lives. You didn’t know what was going to come down on all of us ― and they handled it.”

The vague implication that he was lending a hand, even placing himself in harm’s way, remains completely unsubstantiated.
/—-/ Maybe Chelsea saw him as she was jogging through Ground Zero.
"I wrote this out, and it's very close to my heart. Because I was down there and I watched our police and our firemen down at 7/11, down at the World Trade Center right after it came down. And I saw the greatest people I've ever seen in action."
I have a new favorite trump quote.

"I like American wines better than French wine. I don't drink wine, but it just looks better."
How many thousands of hours of video did all you neurotic, Trump obsessed, douchebags go through to find that? Everybody makes gaffs when they speak off the cuff.

Top 10 Joe Biden Gaffes
"I have a great relationship with the blacks." Not my favorite, but notable for this thread.

President Donald Trump said on Monday that he “spent a lot of time” at Ground Zero in the wake of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, resurfacing an old claim he has touted repeatedly without evidence to back it up.

“Many of those affected were firefighters, police officers and other first responders,” he said. “And I was down there also. But I am not considering myself a first responder. But I was down there. I spent a lot of time down there with you.”

Fucking liar.

Trump’s statement ― a suggestion that he deserves some measure of credit for showing up at the site ― echoes previous remarks he’s made about Sept. 11, including at an April 2016 campaign stop in Buffalo, New York, where he told his supporters that he assisted with recovery efforts.

“Everyone who helped clear the rubble ― and I was there, and I watched, and I helped a little bit ― but I want to tell you: Those people were amazing,” he said. “Clearing the rubble. Trying to find additional lives. You didn’t know what was going to come down on all of us ― and they handled it.”

The vague implication that he was lending a hand, even placing himself in harm’s way, remains completely unsubstantiated.
Do roaches do anything but cry? Grow up.
"I wrote this out, and it's very close to my heart. Because I was down there and I watched our police and our firemen down at 7/11, down at the World Trade Center right after it came down. And I saw the greatest people I've ever seen in action."

Trump has a LOT of imaginary friends. I used to date a woman who had a 7 year old daughter who had them, too.
"I have a great relationship with the blacks." Not my favorite, but notable for this thread.

President Donald Trump said on Monday that he “spent a lot of time” at Ground Zero in the wake of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, resurfacing an old claim he has touted repeatedly without evidence to back it up.

“Many of those affected were firefighters, police officers and other first responders,” he said. “And I was down there also. But I am not considering myself a first responder. But I was down there. I spent a lot of time down there with you.”

Fucking liar.

Trump’s statement ― a suggestion that he deserves some measure of credit for showing up at the site ― echoes previous remarks he’s made about Sept. 11, including at an April 2016 campaign stop in Buffalo, New York, where he told his supporters that he assisted with recovery efforts.

“Everyone who helped clear the rubble ― and I was there, and I watched, and I helped a little bit ― but I want to tell you: Those people were amazing,” he said. “Clearing the rubble. Trying to find additional lives. You didn’t know what was going to come down on all of us ― and they handled it.”

The vague implication that he was lending a hand, even placing himself in harm’s way, remains completely unsubstantiated.
Do roaches do anything but cry? Grow up.

See you in 2020 bitch.

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