What kind of horrible, dangerous places do these people live that hey have to go out armed?

I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.

Sorry, but if you think you need to be armed at a little girl's soft ball game, you're nuts.

Not at the game, but to prevent a lunatic who wants to harm little girls, absolutely. Whenever my daughter is at a sporting event i am carrying. It ain't because of the little girls, it's because of the assholes who want to hurt those little girls.

Relax. Your daughter will be fine, Rambo. Nobody is going to harm her at her game.
Sorry, but if you think you need to be armed at a little girl's soft ball game, you're nuts.

You never know...

Two Dads Get In a Bloody Brawl Over Daughter's Softball Game
Yep. A gun would have come in real handy there.

It's a shame nobody got shot and sent to the morgue that day.

A simple brawl doesn't necessitate a shooting. That's why I carry pepper spray and a boot knife. If those don't get the point across, then out comes the pistol.
Wow! You're just a walking --- or should I say, juat a talking --- lethal weapon, aren't you?

No. Actually I'm a very nice guy, in person. But I wouldn't hesitate to deaden some shithead without a speck or remorse, should I feel my life or the lives of my loved ones were in jeopardy.

I wouldn't even bother to provide CPR for the shithead because I don't want his AIDS or Hep-C infected blood on me.

This man is a real life fantasy super hero vigilante!
The anti gun left wants a world where every citizen needs to be prepared at all times to "throw down" with whatever random crazy person who decides he doesn't like your face no matter if you're disabled, a woman or an 81 year old man. You don't get to have an equalizer, learn to take a punch like a MAN.

Actually libs really don't care about the guns. What bothers them is our ability to defend ourselves without the Democrat party.

They are not stupid either, they only appear to be. They know damn well if they could ever regulate guns out of our society, the only people that would have them would be the criminals and the cops. That makes the rest of us victims. And as we all know, Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.

The two biggest Democrat support groups are government dependents and victims. The more of those two groups, the greater strength they have. So it makes sense to disarm America to create more victims.
You need to really learn what is desired by those who would regulate firearms in society. You are so off base it is crazy. I am a gun owner and want regulations on them.

I know the Democrat party all too well. They constantly try to make it look like they are trying to do good when it's all a smoke screen for power.

The Democrat party relies on helpless people. Therefore it only serves their ultimate goal to make everybody helpless. The more helpless you are, the more you need big government.
It seems you want something and can't have it so you want to make other people suffer with death so you can be a PROUD gun carrying jerk.

If I'm forced to shoot some shithead trust me, he won't be "suffering" very long. I don't shoot to wound, I shoot to stop the threat. That means as many rounds as I can put dead center mass, until the threat is stopped. Death would occur within 30 seconds or so.

So long, have a nice afterlife.

Such. A. Bad. Ass.
No where in the usa is it safe. Not even in your grandma's back yard. Walking home eating a bag of M&Ms and a can of Arizona tea. Not even rural Nevada where 4 elderly people were killed in their homes by an illegal aliens. Not even a policeman in the police station. They all thought they were safe. "Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall."
Yeah, have you?

Yeah. Great city . Lots of fun.

Sure it has bad neighborhoods and a bad gang problem . If you are out there then I’d understand the gun thing . But to carry everywhere ?

Great city and lots of fun, but you can "understand" carrying a weapon there?


Open carry is just a fashion statement. A very dangerous fashion statement. If a bad guy is going to shoot people, YOU are going to be the first one taken down. You are assuming the shooter has zero training and experience. That is a very fatal flaw in logic. CCW is what I support. Make the bad guy wonder who is and who is not armed. No prior warning, no fashion statement and no stupid hiproll intimidation.

I already said that I rarely carry open, only in the Summer sometimes. This is out in the country, I see lots of people open-carrying, so it no big deal here.

I like to open carry at the range. And that is it. All other times, it's CCW. My fashion statement is closer to either an Auto Mechanic or a Homeless person so I don't get into impressing people. But when I see that tell tale hip roll that is prevalent in almost all open carry persons then it's not a fashion statement, it's an intimidation statement and that really pisses me off and will almost always come to a confrontation which is not going to end well for them since it will involve camera to record the action and a cop and a judge. Open Carry has been involved in some not so nice shootings while there has been only ONE recorded CCW not so nice shooting in the history of the Civilian CCW history. If you haven't received the training to CCW carry then go get it. Chances are, even if it's the short course, you will never open carry ever again since you will now know the repercussions of pulling that weapon.

I still don't have any idea what you're trying to say. Like I said, I rarely open carry but even if I do, my state laws have no regulations against the way I carry, or where I carry unless the place is posted.
Actually libs really don't care about the guns. What bothers them is our ability to defend ourselves without the Democrat party.

They are not stupid either, they only appear to be. They know damn well if they could ever regulate guns out of our society, the only people that would have them would be the criminals and the cops. That makes the rest of us victims. And as we all know, Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.

The two biggest Democrat support groups are government dependents and victims. The more of those two groups, the greater strength they have. So it makes sense to disarm America to create more victims.
You need to really learn what is desired by those who would regulate firearms in society. You are so off base it is crazy. I am a gun owner and want regulations on them.

I know the Democrat party all too well. They constantly try to make it look like they are trying to do good when it's all a smoke screen for power.

The Democrat party relies on helpless people. Therefore it only serves their ultimate goal to make everybody helpless. The more helpless you are, the more you need big government.
It seems you want something and can't have it so you want to make other people suffer with death so you can be a PROUD gun carrying jerk.

If I'm forced to shoot some shithead trust me, he won't be "suffering" very long. I don't shoot to wound, I shoot to stop the threat. That means as many rounds as I can put dead center mass, until the threat is stopped. Death would occur within 30 seconds or so.

So long, have a nice afterlife.

I can't lie...I dream of pumping a full extended mag into some piece of shit with my Desert Eagle 50...I'd like to see whats left.

And that’s why you shouldn’t have the right. You’re a fucking bloodthirsty shit.
Yeah, have you?

Yeah. Great city . Lots of fun.

Sure it has bad neighborhoods and a bad gang problem . If you are out there then I’d understand the gun thing . But to carry everywhere ?

Great city and lots of fun, but you can "understand" carrying a weapon there?


Open carry is just a fashion statement. A very dangerous fashion statement. If a bad guy is going to shoot people, YOU are going to be the first one taken down. You are assuming the shooter has zero training and experience. That is a very fatal flaw in logic. CCW is what I support. Make the bad guy wonder who is and who is not armed. No prior warning, no fashion statement and no stupid hiproll intimidation.

I already said that I rarely carry open, only in the Summer sometimes. This is out in the country, I see lots of people open-carrying, so it no big deal here.

I like to open carry at the range. And that is it. All other times, it's CCW. My fashion statement is closer to either an Auto Mechanic or a Homeless person so I don't get into impressing people. But when I see that tell tale hip roll that is prevalent in almost all open carry persons then it's not a fashion statement, it's an intimidation statement and that really pisses me off and will almost always come to a confrontation which is not going to end well for them since it will involve camera to record the action and a cop and a judge. Open Carry has been involved in some not so nice shootings while there has been only ONE recorded CCW not so nice shooting in the history of the Civilian CCW history. If you haven't received the training to CCW carry then go get it. Chances are, even if it's the short course, you will never open carry ever again since you will now know the repercussions of pulling that weapon.

I don't think it's a fashion statement at all. Years ago when we first adopted our CCW program, somebody went into a Wendy's restaurant open carry. People freaked out and called the cops. The cops surrounded the place and got the guy outside.

It turns out he was just a visitor from Arizona. He said he checked our laws on the internet and found that we too were an open carry state. He said where he's from, most people open carry and it's not a big deal. Otherwise he said, he would have never done it here had he known it would cause a problem.
No where in the usa is it safe. Not even in your grandma's back yard. Walking home eating a bag of M&Ms and a can of Arizona tea. Not even rural Nevada where 4 elderly people were killed in their homes by an illegal aliens. Not even a policeman in the police station. They all thought they were safe. "Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall."

The police man didn’t have a gun ?!
You can get robbed any place raped car jacked any place criminal dont just do it i their ow hood you go where the meat is
Yeah. Great city . Lots of fun.

Sure it has bad neighborhoods and a bad gang problem . If you are out there then I’d understand the gun thing . But to carry everywhere ?

Great city and lots of fun, but you can "understand" carrying a weapon there?


Open carry is just a fashion statement. A very dangerous fashion statement. If a bad guy is going to shoot people, YOU are going to be the first one taken down. You are assuming the shooter has zero training and experience. That is a very fatal flaw in logic. CCW is what I support. Make the bad guy wonder who is and who is not armed. No prior warning, no fashion statement and no stupid hiproll intimidation.

I already said that I rarely carry open, only in the Summer sometimes. This is out in the country, I see lots of people open-carrying, so it no big deal here.

I like to open carry at the range. And that is it. All other times, it's CCW. My fashion statement is closer to either an Auto Mechanic or a Homeless person so I don't get into impressing people. But when I see that tell tale hip roll that is prevalent in almost all open carry persons then it's not a fashion statement, it's an intimidation statement and that really pisses me off and will almost always come to a confrontation which is not going to end well for them since it will involve camera to record the action and a cop and a judge. Open Carry has been involved in some not so nice shootings while there has been only ONE recorded CCW not so nice shooting in the history of the Civilian CCW history. If you haven't received the training to CCW carry then go get it. Chances are, even if it's the short course, you will never open carry ever again since you will now know the repercussions of pulling that weapon.

I still don't have any idea what you're trying to say. Like I said, I rarely open carry but even if I do, my state laws have no regulations against the way I carry, or where I carry unless the place is posted.

Glad to not be living in your state. I like the laws here where we are taught to think before we act. BTW, we also have no training for Open Carry as well but need training for CCW. And we are very aware of the dangers of the Open Carry. This is one of the reasons that the CCW has drastically increased while the open carry has dropped to almost zero.

Plus I don't always carry. The question you have to ask yourself, am I armed or not? Is the person standing next to me armed or not? Bad guys have to ask themselves that question and usually choose not to pull their own weapon in the first place.
Actually libs really don't care about the guns. What bothers them is our ability to defend ourselves without the Democrat party.

They are not stupid either, they only appear to be. They know damn well if they could ever regulate guns out of our society, the only people that would have them would be the criminals and the cops. That makes the rest of us victims. And as we all know, Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.

The two biggest Democrat support groups are government dependents and victims. The more of those two groups, the greater strength they have. So it makes sense to disarm America to create more victims.
You need to really learn what is desired by those who would regulate firearms in society. You are so off base it is crazy. I am a gun owner and want regulations on them.

I know the Democrat party all too well. They constantly try to make it look like they are trying to do good when it's all a smoke screen for power.

The Democrat party relies on helpless people. Therefore it only serves their ultimate goal to make everybody helpless. The more helpless you are, the more you need big government.
It seems you want something and can't have it so you want to make other people suffer with death so you can be a PROUD gun carrying jerk.

If I'm forced to shoot some shithead trust me, he won't be "suffering" very long. I don't shoot to wound, I shoot to stop the threat. That means as many rounds as I can put dead center mass, until the threat is stopped. Death would occur within 30 seconds or so.

So long, have a nice afterlife.

Such. A. Bad. Ass.

And your point is?

What's your end-game? Maybe you're hoping that I'll have some kind of a "Kumbaya" moment, sell off all my firearms, and join you floppers in your imaginary land of unicorns and fairies for a big liberal circle jerk?

Dude, you're more ignorant than you sound. Ain't gonna happen.
Yep. A gun would have come in real handy there.

It's a shame nobody got shot and sent to the morgue that day.

A simple brawl doesn't necessitate a shooting. That's why I carry pepper spray and a boot knife. If those don't get the point across, then out comes the pistol.
Wow! You're just a walking --- or should I say, juat a talking --- lethal weapon, aren't you?

No. Actually I'm a very nice guy, in person. But I wouldn't hesitate to deaden some shithead without a speck or remorse, should I feel my life or the lives of my loved ones were in jeopardy.

I wouldn't even bother to provide CPR for the shithead because I don't want his AIDS or Hep-C infected blood on me.

This man is a real life fantasy super hero vigilante!

A cross between Rambo and Yosemite Sam
I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.

I have the legal right to go topless in public, but I don't do that either. I have the legal right to get an abortion, but I've never done that either. There are all kinds of legal rights that I have, but I have chosen not to exercise. Why do you feel the need to exercise this right?

There are many stories around about people saving the day because they were armed. They either stopped an attacker on them, or stopped an attack on somebody else. They are local stores, but if you know how to manipulate your Google search, there are all kinds of them.

And there are many that end in tragedy.

Like that guy killed by the cops at that Alabama mall.

I'm not familiar with that story, but it sounds like an anomaly in comparison to people with guns that saved lives. One of the more recent ones was a CCW holder who saved the life of a police officer after he was ambushed. Good thing he was there to stop the attacker after the officer went down.

It was national news . Shooting at mall, everyone freaking out . Marine pulls his gun out . Cops show up and immediately gun him down thinking he was the bad guy .
Great city and lots of fun, but you can "understand" carrying a weapon there?


Open carry is just a fashion statement. A very dangerous fashion statement. If a bad guy is going to shoot people, YOU are going to be the first one taken down. You are assuming the shooter has zero training and experience. That is a very fatal flaw in logic. CCW is what I support. Make the bad guy wonder who is and who is not armed. No prior warning, no fashion statement and no stupid hiproll intimidation.

I already said that I rarely carry open, only in the Summer sometimes. This is out in the country, I see lots of people open-carrying, so it no big deal here.

I like to open carry at the range. And that is it. All other times, it's CCW. My fashion statement is closer to either an Auto Mechanic or a Homeless person so I don't get into impressing people. But when I see that tell tale hip roll that is prevalent in almost all open carry persons then it's not a fashion statement, it's an intimidation statement and that really pisses me off and will almost always come to a confrontation which is not going to end well for them since it will involve camera to record the action and a cop and a judge. Open Carry has been involved in some not so nice shootings while there has been only ONE recorded CCW not so nice shooting in the history of the Civilian CCW history. If you haven't received the training to CCW carry then go get it. Chances are, even if it's the short course, you will never open carry ever again since you will now know the repercussions of pulling that weapon.

I still don't have any idea what you're trying to say. Like I said, I rarely open carry but even if I do, my state laws have no regulations against the way I carry, or where I carry unless the place is posted.

Glad to not be living in your state. I like the laws here where we are taught to think before we act. BTW, we also have no training for Open Carry as well but need training for CCW. And we are very aware of the dangers of the Open Carry. This is one of the reasons that the CCW has drastically increased while the open carry has dropped to almost zero.

Plus I don't always carry. The question you have to ask yourself, am I armed or not? Is the person standing next to me armed or not? Bad guys have to ask themselves that question and usually choose not to pull their own weapon in the first place.

Geez, man. You probably live in one of those retarded states where you could lose your permit if someone can see the outline of your pistol on your shirt. That's called "printing."

I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.

I have the legal right to go topless in public, but I don't do that either. I have the legal right to get an abortion, but I've never done that either. There are all kinds of legal rights that I have, but I have chosen not to exercise. Why do you feel the need to exercise this right?

There are many stories around about people saving the day because they were armed. They either stopped an attacker on them, or stopped an attack on somebody else. They are local stores, but if you know how to manipulate your Google search, there are all kinds of them.

And there are many that end in tragedy.

Like that guy killed by the cops at that Alabama mall.

I'm not familiar with that story, but it sounds like an anomaly in comparison to people with guns that saved lives. One of the more recent ones was a CCW holder who saved the life of a police officer after he was ambushed. Good thing he was there to stop the attacker after the officer went down.

It was national news . Shooting at mall, everyone freaking out . Marine pulls his gun out . Cops show up and immediately gun him down thinking he was the bad guy .

Nothing can stop an idiot with a gun as fast as a cop who can't tell who the bad guy. is.
I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.

I have the legal right to go topless in public, but I don't do that either. I have the legal right to get an abortion, but I've never done that either. There are all kinds of legal rights that I have, but I have chosen not to exercise. Why do you feel the need to exercise this right?

Going topless in public will get you arrested and having an abortion is murder. On the other hand, my carrying a firearm will not get me arrested nor will it amount to murder.

I feel the need to exercise my right because there isn't a single thing you can do about it, among other reasons.

If you do that hip roll I see so many do then that will get you arrested. You will have someone like me in your face calling you on your intimidation while dialing 911. I know you better than you know yourself. And I am not afraid of a fashion statement hip roll. Many people will avoid you because they see you as intimidating. If that is the case then you are breaking the law. I suggest you check out the gun laws a bit closer. You get a big kick out of the reaction of others around you. One of these days, you are going to be confronted by someone that isn't easily intimidated by your hip roll and sees it as intimidation which gets you arrested and in front of a judge. I suggest you go CCW and stop with that stupid, childish and dangerous intimidation of people around you.

Yeah, have you?

Yeah. Great city . Lots of fun.

Sure it has bad neighborhoods and a bad gang problem . If you are out there then I’d understand the gun thing . But to carry everywhere ?

Great city and lots of fun, but you can "understand" carrying a weapon there?


Open carry is just a fashion statement. A very dangerous fashion statement. If a bad guy is going to shoot people, YOU are going to be the first one taken down. You are assuming the shooter has zero training and experience. That is a very fatal flaw in logic. CCW is what I support. Make the bad guy wonder who is and who is not armed. No prior warning, no fashion statement and no stupid hiproll intimidation.

I already said that I rarely carry open, only in the Summer sometimes. This is out in the country, I see lots of people open-carrying, so it no big deal here.

I like to open carry at the range. And that is it. All other times, it's CCW. My fashion statement is closer to either an Auto Mechanic or a Homeless person so I don't get into impressing people. But when I see that tell tale hip roll that is prevalent in almost all open carry persons then it's not a fashion statement, it's an intimidation statement and that really pisses me off and will almost always come to a confrontation which is not going to end well for them since it will involve camera to record the action and a cop and a judge. Open Carry has been involved in some not so nice shootings while there has been only ONE recorded CCW not so nice shooting in the history of the Civilian CCW history. If you haven't received the training to CCW carry then go get it. Chances are, even if it's the short course, you will never open carry ever again since you will now know the repercussions of pulling that weapon.

I think you're full of shit. When I'm in Lake Havasu I never wear a shirt, I open carry in my board-shorts and sandals. I've had a few dumbass pussies get cocky and say my gun "intimidates" them...I say "don't look at it pussy" and it stops right there. As long as it stays holstered there isn't shit a whiny pussy can do...He can call the law all his pussy ass wants, the cops will laugh at his scared ass.
I have the legal right to go topless in public, but I don't do that either. I have the legal right to get an abortion, but I've never done that either. There are all kinds of legal rights that I have, but I have chosen not to exercise. Why do you feel the need to exercise this right?

There are many stories around about people saving the day because they were armed. They either stopped an attacker on them, or stopped an attack on somebody else. They are local stores, but if you know how to manipulate your Google search, there are all kinds of them.

And there are many that end in tragedy.

Like that guy killed by the cops at that Alabama mall.

I'm not familiar with that story, but it sounds like an anomaly in comparison to people with guns that saved lives. One of the more recent ones was a CCW holder who saved the life of a police officer after he was ambushed. Good thing he was there to stop the attacker after the officer went down.

It was national news . Shooting at mall, everyone freaking out . Marine pulls his gun out . Cops show up and immediately gun him down thinking he was the bad guy .

Nothing can stop an idiot with a gun as fast as a cop who can't tell who the bad guy. is.

"Oh, I'm so scared of guns. I"m scared that the mean old bad guy might shoot me but I'm also scared that the police might shoot me...wahhh"

You might as well just stay locked up in your apartment, just to be safe.
I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.

I have the legal right to go topless in public, but I don't do that either. I have the legal right to get an abortion, but I've never done that either. There are all kinds of legal rights that I have, but I have chosen not to exercise. Why do you feel the need to exercise this right?

Because when the asshole is attacking you the cops are at least 5 minutes away. I am old, and i can no longer fight. I get broken, I stay broken. So, if a asshole tries to play the knockout game with me he gets a nice lead enema.

I have a different problem. I am old and can't put someone down gently anymore. If a person physically goes for it, I have to put them down hard. And I still get 6 months in the county lockup. It's more humane to just pull the weapon and tell them to stand down rather than cripple them if there is time to render the weapon. If it's more than one then I agree with your initial action.

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