What kind of horrible, dangerous places do these people live that hey have to go out armed?

How many kids at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida would be alive right now if just one or two of the teachers who were near the shooter had been carrying a gun?

Nowadays you never know where you might encounter an armed criminal.
i agree, if someone like to carry, then they should do so and it should be the right to do so in every state. I have no problems with private entities not allowing weapons in their places of business though.
----------------------------------- advertise that these business are anti gun and its cool with me GGator

Yes it is. I think every private business should be able to make that choice. I get that you think they should all bow down and kiss your gun, but I leave that sort of dumb shit up to people like you that equate their gun with their manhood.

I go to businesses with signs like this.
View attachment 248912

Who has signs like that !?

I've seen that same sign posted on gun shop windows.

After open carry was passed in Texas, signs like this went up everywhere....fucking EVERYWHERE.
So if guns are such a good thing, why were they banned...everywhere?????

and isn't it great to see the longevity of firearms that are usually cared for in very casual manner . That 1965 Colt will still be around and functioning perfectly in 2165 .
I never leave home without my ninja throwing star belt buckle !

And you're a big fan of the Village People, Broadway musicals, Vegan eating, and bath houses.

If I was , I’d still wouldn’t be as big a puss as you gun toating paranoid freaks.
I dare you to go to the local pub in Wallace Idaho and call one of those miners a gun toting paranoid puss. :auiqs.jpg:
I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.

I carry because my neighborhood turned black; especially during the housing bubble when they were coming from the projects to live here. One year I had three murders all within a mile of my home.

That's when I decided to get my license to carry.
I have lived in black ghettos and never had any problem. If you walk and can't look a man in his eye then you will get popped.

Proving that you are lying. Looking a gangbanger in the eye is an invitation for him to shoot you. ANYONE who has lived in the ghetto KNOWS this.
How many kids at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida would be alive right now if just one or two of the teachers who were near the shooter had been carrying a gun?

Nowadays you never know where you might encounter an armed criminal.

I'm so sick of this argument.
Teachers sign up to get a degree to teach.
Not be the fastest gun in classroom shoot out.

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----------------------------------- advertise that these business are anti gun and its cool with me GGator

Yes it is. I think every private business should be able to make that choice. I get that you think they should all bow down and kiss your gun, but I leave that sort of dumb shit up to people like you that equate their gun with their manhood.

I go to businesses with signs like this.
View attachment 248912

Who has signs like that !?

I've seen that same sign posted on gun shop windows.

After open carry was passed in Texas, signs like this went up everywhere....fucking EVERYWHERE.
So if guns are such a good thing, why were they banned...everywhere?????

-------------------------------- because the store owners are wusses , I say , spend NO money in those store '2020' .
----------------------------------- advertise that these business are anti gun and its cool with me GGator

Yes it is. I think every private business should be able to make that choice. I get that you think they should all bow down and kiss your gun, but I leave that sort of dumb shit up to people like you that equate their gun with their manhood.

I go to businesses with signs like this.
View attachment 248912

Who has signs like that !?

I've seen that same sign posted on gun shop windows.

After open carry was passed in Texas, signs like this went up everywhere....fucking EVERYWHERE.
So if guns are such a good thing, why were they banned...everywhere?????


They're not dumb ass. My congressman doesn't even have one of those stupid signs at his office.

I never leave home without my ninja throwing star belt buckle !

I guess that's the only thing felons and prohibited persons are eligible to possess.


Not to worry, he probably can't throw a basketball through a hoop at five feet.

No one can. Everyone shoots 3s .

What do you do in the summer time ? Even carrying my phone is a hassle . Never mind a gun .

Caring a gun is a hassle, but it beats the alternative if you really need it. I use a back holster.

In the spring, fall and winter when I'm wearing secondary clothing, I usually use my shoulder holster.

That is is. I've been carrying a Glock 19 with two spare mags for the last 5 years and it tends to be a little heavy and hard on the hip. I've started carrying a 1965 Colt Cobra .38 Spl. with a 2" barrel and one speed loader sometimes, and the weight difference is quite a lot. The gun has an allow frame so I can't use +P ammo, but the hollowpoint ammo I have has the highest velocity the manufacturer could produce without going to a high-pressure load.

That's the exact same pistol Jack Ruby used to shoot Oswald, and it only took one round to put him down.

And people like you rant that gays are mentally ill.
How many kids at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida would be alive right now if just one or two of the teachers who were near the shooter had been carrying a gun?

Nowadays you never know where you might encounter an armed criminal.

I'm so sick of this argument.
Teachers sign up to get a degree to teach.
Not be the fastest gun in a shoot out in class.


I used to teach, and I carry, so you are wrong. As usual.
I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.

do you do everything that your country and state say you have the right to do?

Sure, why not? People died for my Second Amendment right so out of respect, I will take full advantage of that right. Plus I've been a member of the "gun culture" all my life.

So it's a fashion statement. Good for you.

That too. Sometimes I carry open in the Summer. The looks on the liberal gun scaredy cats faces is priceless, and they tend to walk around me in wide circles.


And I can bet you have an uncontrolable hip roll like many fashion statement open carry do. This is a form of intimidation. If you do that around me, you WILL get confronted as I will not allow you to intimidate others. Luckily, that fashion statement has almost completely ceased these days as the FAD has passed.
----------------------------------- advertise that these business are anti gun and its cool with me GGator

Yes it is. I think every private business should be able to make that choice. I get that you think they should all bow down and kiss your gun, but I leave that sort of dumb shit up to people like you that equate their gun with their manhood.

I go to businesses with signs like this.
View attachment 248912

Who has signs like that !?

I've seen that same sign posted on gun shop windows.

After open carry was passed in Texas, signs like this went up everywhere....fucking EVERYWHERE.
So if guns are such a good thing, why were they banned...everywhere?????


Show us some pictures of them in actual use. We have open carry here in Nevada and I see no signs prohibiting the practice ANYWHERE.
I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.

Sorry, but if you think you need to be armed at a little girl's soft ball game, you're nuts.

You never know...

Two Dads Get In a Bloody Brawl Over Daughter's Softball Game
Yep. A gun would have come in real handy there.

It's a shame nobody got shot and sent to the morgue that day.

A simple brawl doesn't necessitate a shooting. That's why I carry pepper spray and a boot knife. If those don't get the point across, then out comes the pistol.
Wow! You're just a walking --- or should I say, just a talking --- lethal weapon, aren't you?
I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.

do you do everything that your country and state say you have the right to do?

Sure, why not? People died for my Second Amendment right so out of respect, I will take full advantage of that right. Plus I've been a member of the "gun culture" all my life.

Just think of the possibilities if you had the capacity to think on your own, instead of being born into something as a reason.

I carry because I have the capacity to think for myself. You are opposed to my carrying a firearm because you don't have the capacity to think for yourself, and you allow the collective to make your own decisions.

I am independent and self-reliant, while you either cannot make a decision without the approval of others, or your decisions are based entirely upon whether or not you can get the approval of others.

In other words, I really don't need your approval to carry a firearm and in the same respect, don't really care if you disapprove.

Now how's that for the "capacity to think for myself"?
What kind of horrible, dangerous places do these people live that hey have to go out armed?
A "Gun Free" zone like Chicago?

Have you ever been to Chicago ?

Yeah, have you?

Yeah. Great city . Lots of fun.

Sure it has bad neighborhoods and a bad gang problem . If you are out there then I’d understand the gun thing . But to carry everywhere ?

Guess how many KNOWN gangbangers there are in Chicago....

Here's a clue for you....it's over 100,000!

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