What kind of horrible, dangerous places do these people live that hey have to go out armed?

I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.

I carry because my neighborhood turned black; especially during the housing bubble when they were coming from the projects to live here. One year I had three murders all within a mile of my home.

That's when I decided to get my license to carry.
I have lived in black ghettos and never had any problem. If you walk and can't look a man in his eye then you will get popped.
I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.

I carry because my neighborhood turned black; especially during the housing bubble when they were coming from the projects to live here. One year I had three murders all within a mile of my home.

That's when I decided to get my license to carry.

"turned black"?
What the fuck does that mean Raymond? How dare you not play stupid...how dare you acknowledge odds and statistics...ain't that right Golfing Gator ?
yeah , you own guns and other toys but you aren't a pro second amendment supporter. You are probably a FUD eh Taxman ??
The second amendment is only about militias which are no longer valid.
mandatory training other than perhaps a couple hour Conceal Carry Class is just a way for the anti gunners to barge in with rules , restrictions and more laws . From what i have Heard Vermont has or had it correct . Just buy a gun and put it in your pocket and a Vermonter is good to go .

I'm all for the training, especially when it comes to the laws and perhaps some real life stories in the past. After all, using a gun is only as good as the laws that protect you. I have no problem using a gun in my state, but I would never want to carry in a state like NY or CA. Those God forbidden places are for criminals and against the victims.
California is only against republicans. They are the criminals after all! The victims are the regular citizens the republicans screw out of money and home. Now as for guns they are cool but you must know there are people like me who want to take out cc people as they are the problem.

WETBACKS, degenerate lowlifes, criminals, white guilt pussies, men in dresses, pole puffers, rug munchers and Feminazi's are against Republicans....Yeah, so most of Mexifonia.
When are YOU leaving the state? We need less republican fags in it. Seems most are republicans.

Fags are Republicans?
I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.
Walking target@!!!!!

Everyone is a "walking target." I just prefer to shoot back.
Only the carriers are targets of choice. You would be lucky to even know you were dead.

That's goofy. How would a potential shooter even know that I'm carrying, if my weapon is concealed? Not like I'm really worried or anything. Most shithead street thugs aren't really gun people. They've had no training and don't even have a fucking clue what the sights are for on their crappy little pistols.

They don't practice, they have no idea about the proper maintenance and care of a firearm, and don't know anything about the proper ammunition needed to stop someone dead in their tracks. Most of the time they're using whatever shit ammo that came with the gun when they bought it from some drug dealer or stole it from someone.
I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.

I carry because my neighborhood turned black; especially during the housing bubble when they were coming from the projects to live here. One year I had three murders all within a mile of my home.

That's when I decided to get my license to carry.
I have lived in black ghettos and never had any problem. If you walk and can't look a man in his eye then you will get popped.
-------------------------------- and who wants to get popped Big Boy . Yeah , best to always be Armed Taxman .
Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid
Seems like people that depend on police are the afraid ones. Scared to even defend themselves.
Shit can happen anywhere at anytime.
Isnt that what the gun nuts are always preaching?
The anti gun left wants a world where every citizen needs to be prepared at all times to "throw down" with whatever random crazy person who decides he doesn't like your face no matter if you're disabled, a woman or an 81 year old man. You don't get to have an equalizer, learn to take a punch like a MAN.

Actually libs really don't care about the guns. What bothers them is our ability to defend ourselves without the Democrat party.

They are not stupid either, they only appear to be. They know damn well if they could ever regulate guns out of our society, the only people that would have them would be the criminals and the cops. That makes the rest of us victims. And as we all know, Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.

The two biggest Democrat support groups are government dependents and victims. The more of those two groups, the greater strength they have. So it makes sense to disarm America to create more victims.
You need to really learn what is desired by those who would regulate firearms in society. You are so off base it is crazy. I am a gun owner and want regulations on them.

I know the Democrat party all too well. They constantly try to make it look like they are trying to do good when it's all a smoke screen for power.

The Democrat party relies on helpless people. Therefore it only serves their ultimate goal to make everybody helpless. The more helpless you are, the more you need big government.
It seems you want something and can't have it so you want to make other people suffer with death so you can be a PROUD gun carrying jerk.
mandatory training other than perhaps a couple hour Conceal Carry Class is just a way for the anti gunners to barge in with rules , restrictions and more laws . From what i have Heard Vermont has or had it correct . Just buy a gun and put it in your pocket and a Vermonter is good to go .

I'm all for the training, especially when it comes to the laws and perhaps some real life stories in the past. After all, using a gun is only as good as the laws that protect you. I have no problem using a gun in my state, but I would never want to carry in a state like NY or CA. Those God forbidden places are for criminals and against the victims.
California is only against republicans. They are the criminals after all! The victims are the regular citizens the republicans screw out of money and home. Now as for guns they are cool but you must know there are people like me who want to take out cc people as they are the problem.

Wow, dude. You really are a nutcase. That's all I have.
mandatory training other than perhaps a couple hour Conceal Carry Class is just a way for the anti gunners to barge in with rules , restrictions and more laws . From what i have Heard Vermont has or had it correct . Just buy a gun and put it in your pocket and a Vermonter is good to go .

I'm all for the training, especially when it comes to the laws and perhaps some real life stories in the past. After all, using a gun is only as good as the laws that protect you. I have no problem using a gun in my state, but I would never want to carry in a state like NY or CA. Those God forbidden places are for criminals and against the victims.
California is only against republicans. They are the criminals after all! The victims are the regular citizens the republicans screw out of money and home. Now as for guns they are cool but you must know there are people like me who want to take out cc people as they are the problem.

WETBACKS, degenerate lowlifes, criminals, white guilt pussies, men in dresses, pole puffers, rug munchers and Feminazi's are against Republicans....Yeah, so most of Mexifonia.
When are YOU leaving the state? We need less republican fags in it. Seems most are republicans.

Fags are Republicans?
Use a mirror. See for yourself.
mandatory training other than perhaps a couple hour Conceal Carry Class is just a way for the anti gunners to barge in with rules , restrictions and more laws . From what i have Heard Vermont has or had it correct . Just buy a gun and put it in your pocket and a Vermonter is good to go .

I'm all for the training, especially when it comes to the laws and perhaps some real life stories in the past. After all, using a gun is only as good as the laws that protect you. I have no problem using a gun in my state, but I would never want to carry in a state like NY or CA. Those God forbidden places are for criminals and against the victims.
California is only against republicans. They are the criminals after all! The victims are the regular citizens the republicans screw out of money and home. Now as for guns they are cool but you must know there are people like me who want to take out cc people as they are the problem.

Nope, wrong as usual. Licensed carriers end up with less criminal charges against them than our police themselves. In most states, a thorough background check is required. I thought you leftists love background checks, and now you think they are no good?
I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.

Sorry, but if you think you need to be armed at a little girl's soft ball game, you're nuts.

Not at the game, but to prevent a lunatic who wants to harm little girls, absolutely. Whenever my daughter is at a sporting event i am carrying. It ain't because of the little girls, it's because of the assholes who want to hurt those little girls.
The anti gun left wants a world where every citizen needs to be prepared at all times to "throw down" with whatever random crazy person who decides he doesn't like your face no matter if you're disabled, a woman or an 81 year old man. You don't get to have an equalizer, learn to take a punch like a MAN.

Actually libs really don't care about the guns. What bothers them is our ability to defend ourselves without the Democrat party.

They are not stupid either, they only appear to be. They know damn well if they could ever regulate guns out of our society, the only people that would have them would be the criminals and the cops. That makes the rest of us victims. And as we all know, Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.

The two biggest Democrat support groups are government dependents and victims. The more of those two groups, the greater strength they have. So it makes sense to disarm America to create more victims.
You need to really learn what is desired by those who would regulate firearms in society. You are so off base it is crazy. I am a gun owner and want regulations on them.

I know the Democrat party all too well. They constantly try to make it look like they are trying to do good when it's all a smoke screen for power.

The Democrat party relies on helpless people. Therefore it only serves their ultimate goal to make everybody helpless. The more helpless you are, the more you need big government.
It seems you want something and can't have it so you want to make other people suffer with death so you can be a PROUD gun carrying jerk.

That reply made absolutely no sense. What is it I want that I can't have? And who is suffering?
I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.

Sorry, but if you think you need to be armed at a little girl's soft ball game, you're nuts.

You never know...

Two Dads Get In a Bloody Brawl Over Daughter's Softball Game
Yep. A gun would have come in real handy there.

It's a shame nobody got shot and sent to the morgue that day.

A simple brawl doesn't necessitate a shooting. That's why I carry pepper spray and a boot knife. If those don't get the point across, then out comes the pistol.
Wow! You're just a walking --- or should I say, juat a talking --- lethal weapon, aren't you?

No. Actually I'm a very nice guy, in person. But I wouldn't hesitate to deaden some shithead without a speck or remorse, should I feel my life or the lives of my loved ones were in jeopardy.

I wouldn't even bother to provide CPR for the shithead because I don't want his AIDS or Hep-C infected blood on me.
The anti gun left wants a world where every citizen needs to be prepared at all times to "throw down" with whatever random crazy person who decides he doesn't like your face no matter if you're disabled, a woman or an 81 year old man. You don't get to have an equalizer, learn to take a punch like a MAN.

Actually libs really don't care about the guns. What bothers them is our ability to defend ourselves without the Democrat party.

They are not stupid either, they only appear to be. They know damn well if they could ever regulate guns out of our society, the only people that would have them would be the criminals and the cops. That makes the rest of us victims. And as we all know, Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.

The two biggest Democrat support groups are government dependents and victims. The more of those two groups, the greater strength they have. So it makes sense to disarm America to create more victims.
You need to really learn what is desired by those who would regulate firearms in society. You are so off base it is crazy. I am a gun owner and want regulations on them.

I know the Democrat party all too well. They constantly try to make it look like they are trying to do good when it's all a smoke screen for power.

The Democrat party relies on helpless people. Therefore it only serves their ultimate goal to make everybody helpless. The more helpless you are, the more you need big government.
It seems you want something and can't have it so you want to make other people suffer with death so you can be a PROUD gun carrying jerk.

As soon as you can PROVE that ALL the Toads and Wetbacks have turned their guns in...We'll exchange dialogue on this matter. Get to work Toad.
yeah , you own guns and other toys but you aren't a pro second amendment supporter. You are probably a FUD eh Taxman ??
The second amendment is only about militias which are no longer valid.

Where have you been the last couple years? Home-grown militias are making a comeback, dontcha know?

Isn't that what the SPLC is crying about?
I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.
Walking target@!!!!!

Everyone is a "walking target." I just prefer to shoot back.
Only the carriers are targets of choice. You would be lucky to even know you were dead.

That's goofy. How would a potential shooter even know that I'm carrying, if my weapon is concealed? Not like I'm really worried or anything. Most shithead street thugs aren't really gun people. They've had no training and don't even have a fucking clue what the sights are for on their crappy little pistols.

They don't practice, they have no idea about the proper maintenance and care of a firearm, and don't know anything about the proper ammunition needed to stop someone dead in their tracks. Most of the time they're using whatever shit ammo that came with the gun when they bought it from some drug dealer or stole it from someone.

Absolutely. You don't see many street thugs paying 20 bucks an hour for a booth at the shooting range. They often shoot sideways because that's what they seen in a movie. It's also why they shoot at people and end up missing, but hitting somebody behind them because they had no training about downrange.
I never leave home without my ninja throwing star belt buckle !
The anti gun left wants a world where every citizen needs to be prepared at all times to "throw down" with whatever random crazy person who decides he doesn't like your face no matter if you're disabled, a woman or an 81 year old man. You don't get to have an equalizer, learn to take a punch like a MAN.

Actually libs really don't care about the guns. What bothers them is our ability to defend ourselves without the Democrat party.

They are not stupid either, they only appear to be. They know damn well if they could ever regulate guns out of our society, the only people that would have them would be the criminals and the cops. That makes the rest of us victims. And as we all know, Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.

The two biggest Democrat support groups are government dependents and victims. The more of those two groups, the greater strength they have. So it makes sense to disarm America to create more victims.
You need to really learn what is desired by those who would regulate firearms in society. You are so off base it is crazy. I am a gun owner and want regulations on them.

I know the Democrat party all too well. They constantly try to make it look like they are trying to do good when it's all a smoke screen for power.

The Democrat party relies on helpless people. Therefore it only serves their ultimate goal to make everybody helpless. The more helpless you are, the more you need big government.
It seems you want something and can't have it so you want to make other people suffer with death so you can be a PROUD gun carrying jerk.

If I'm forced to shoot some shithead trust me, he won't be "suffering" very long. I don't shoot to wound, I shoot to stop the threat. That means as many rounds as I can put dead center mass, until the threat is stopped. Death would occur within 30 seconds or so.

So long, have a nice afterlife.

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