What kind of horrible, dangerous places do these people live that hey have to go out armed?

I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.

do you do everything that your country and state say you have the right to do?
------------------------- Probably not but carry of gun is a RIGHT or Legal ability in most places so might as well carry if a guy likes GGator .

i agree, if someone like to carry, then they should do so and it should be the right to do so in every state. I have no problems with private entities not allowing weapons in their places of business though.
----------------------------------- advertise that these business are anti gun and its cool with me GGator

Yes it is. I think every private business should be able to make that choice. I get that you think they should all bow down and kiss your gun, but I leave that sort of dumb shit up to people like you that equate their gun with their manhood.
Here is the problem with your statement.

I conceal carry for reasons I don't have to explain to anyone. I don't always, but when I do, I don't bother to check which businesses have a 'no weapons' policy. I just go about My business and I don't think twice about it. If I violate their rule, oh well. I'm not setting out to intentionally hurt them, violate their rule, or otherwise make a statement on how stupid they are.

I'm just to busy to give them that much thought. I am there to conduct business and then be on My way.

What they don't know won't kill them, and if the Lord forbid, it turns out that I have to pull My weapon in defense of Myself or them, then they can thank Me later an I'll be on My merry.
I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.

I have the legal right to go topless in public, but I don't do that either. I have the legal right to get an abortion, but I've never done that either. There are all kinds of legal rights that I have, but I have chosen not to exercise. Why do you feel the need to exercise this right?

Going topless in public will get you arrested and having an abortion is murder. On the other hand, my carrying a firearm will not get me arrested nor will it amount to murder.

I feel the need to exercise my right because there isn't a single thing you can do about it, among other reasons.

If you do that hip roll I see so many do then that will get you arrested. You will have someone like me in your face calling you on your intimidation while dialing 911. I know you better than you know yourself. And I am not afraid of a fashion statement hip roll. Many people will avoid you because they see you as intimidating. If that is the case then you are breaking the law. I suggest you check out the gun laws a bit closer. You get a big kick out of the reaction of others around you. One of these days, you are going to be confronted by someone that isn't easily intimidated by your hip roll and sees it as intimidation which gets you arrested and in front of a judge. I suggest you go CCW and stop with that stupid, childish and dangerous intimidation of people around you.

Yeah. Great city . Lots of fun.

Sure it has bad neighborhoods and a bad gang problem . If you are out there then I’d understand the gun thing . But to carry everywhere ?

Great city and lots of fun, but you can "understand" carrying a weapon there?


Open carry is just a fashion statement. A very dangerous fashion statement. If a bad guy is going to shoot people, YOU are going to be the first one taken down. You are assuming the shooter has zero training and experience. That is a very fatal flaw in logic. CCW is what I support. Make the bad guy wonder who is and who is not armed. No prior warning, no fashion statement and no stupid hiproll intimidation.

I already said that I rarely carry open, only in the Summer sometimes. This is out in the country, I see lots of people open-carrying, so it no big deal here.

I like to open carry at the range. And that is it. All other times, it's CCW. My fashion statement is closer to either an Auto Mechanic or a Homeless person so I don't get into impressing people. But when I see that tell tale hip roll that is prevalent in almost all open carry persons then it's not a fashion statement, it's an intimidation statement and that really pisses me off and will almost always come to a confrontation which is not going to end well for them since it will involve camera to record the action and a cop and a judge. Open Carry has been involved in some not so nice shootings while there has been only ONE recorded CCW not so nice shooting in the history of the Civilian CCW history. If you haven't received the training to CCW carry then go get it. Chances are, even if it's the short course, you will never open carry ever again since you will now know the repercussions of pulling that weapon.

I think you're full of shit. When I'm in Lake Havasu I never wear a shirt, I open carry in my board-shorts and sandals. I've had a few dumbass pussies get cocky and say my gun "intimidates" them...I say don't look at it pussy and it stops right there. As long as it stays holstered there isn't shit a whiny pussy can do...He can call the law all his pussy ass wants, the cops will laugh at his scared ass.

Your the one who’s afraid to go out without packing and THEY are the pussies ?
I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.

I have the legal right to go topless in public, but I don't do that either. I have the legal right to get an abortion, but I've never done that either. There are all kinds of legal rights that I have, but I have chosen not to exercise. Why do you feel the need to exercise this right?

There are many stories around about people saving the day because they were armed. They either stopped an attacker on them, or stopped an attack on somebody else. They are local stores, but if you know how to manipulate your Google search, there are all kinds of them.

And there are many that end in tragedy.

Like that guy killed by the cops at that Alabama mall.

I'm not familiar with that story, but it sounds like an anomaly in comparison to people with guns that saved lives. One of the more recent ones was a CCW holder who saved the life of a police officer after he was ambushed. Good thing he was there to stop the attacker after the officer went down.

It was national news . Shooting at mall, everyone freaking out . Marine pulls his gun out . Cops show up and immediately gun him down thinking he was the bad guy .

That is a sad story. I mean I heard it before, but it's hard to remember all gun stories or locations.

Nothing is perfect, but in any given situation or policy, you have to weigh the good against the bad, and everything has good and bad in it.

It's just like all people licensed are not angels, but most are. You will always find somebody that abused the privilege or really didn't understand the law, or outright knowingly broke a law. But what those people did is no reason to stop the program or for me not to carry when I feel the need to.
I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.

I have the legal right to go topless in public, but I don't do that either. I have the legal right to get an abortion, but I've never done that either. There are all kinds of legal rights that I have, but I have chosen not to exercise. Why do you feel the need to exercise this right?

Going topless in public will get you arrested and having an abortion is murder. On the other hand, my carrying a firearm will not get me arrested nor will it amount to murder.

I feel the need to exercise my right because there isn't a single thing you can do about it, among other reasons.

If you do that hip roll I see so many do then that will get you arrested. You will have someone like me in your face calling you on your intimidation while dialing 911. I know you better than you know yourself. And I am not afraid of a fashion statement hip roll. Many people will avoid you because they see you as intimidating. If that is the case then you are breaking the law. I suggest you check out the gun laws a bit closer. You get a big kick out of the reaction of others around you. One of these days, you are going to be confronted by someone that isn't easily intimidated by your hip roll and sees it as intimidation which gets you arrested and in front of a judge. I suggest you go CCW and stop with that stupid, childish and dangerous intimidation of people around you.

Yeah. Great city . Lots of fun.

Sure it has bad neighborhoods and a bad gang problem . If you are out there then I’d understand the gun thing . But to carry everywhere ?

Great city and lots of fun, but you can "understand" carrying a weapon there?


Open carry is just a fashion statement. A very dangerous fashion statement. If a bad guy is going to shoot people, YOU are going to be the first one taken down. You are assuming the shooter has zero training and experience. That is a very fatal flaw in logic. CCW is what I support. Make the bad guy wonder who is and who is not armed. No prior warning, no fashion statement and no stupid hiproll intimidation.

I already said that I rarely carry open, only in the Summer sometimes. This is out in the country, I see lots of people open-carrying, so it no big deal here.

I like to open carry at the range. And that is it. All other times, it's CCW. My fashion statement is closer to either an Auto Mechanic or a Homeless person so I don't get into impressing people. But when I see that tell tale hip roll that is prevalent in almost all open carry persons then it's not a fashion statement, it's an intimidation statement and that really pisses me off and will almost always come to a confrontation which is not going to end well for them since it will involve camera to record the action and a cop and a judge. Open Carry has been involved in some not so nice shootings while there has been only ONE recorded CCW not so nice shooting in the history of the Civilian CCW history. If you haven't received the training to CCW carry then go get it. Chances are, even if it's the short course, you will never open carry ever again since you will now know the repercussions of pulling that weapon.

I think you're full of shit. When I'm in Lake Havasu I never wear a shirt, I open carry in my board-shorts and sandals. I've had a few dumbass pussies get cocky and say my gun "intimidates" them...I say don't look at it pussy and it stops right there. As long as it stays holstered there isn't shit a whiny pussy can do...He can call the law all his pussy ass wants, the cops will laugh at his scared ass.

You have the hip roll. That is exactly what you have just told me. And that will be filmed and in Intimidation. You Gunnutters sure do like to scare others. Well, doesn't work on me. The sooner we get you gunnutters off the streets the better and safer the streets will be.
I guess I just don't understand why the left has to assign some 'phobia' to people who exercise their Constitutional right.

Do they assign some kind of phobia to those who vote? Voting has actually managed to get more people killed than any amount of gun violence.

*chuckling* That should get a rise.
There are many stories around about people saving the day because they were armed. They either stopped an attacker on them, or stopped an attack on somebody else. They are local stores, but if you know how to manipulate your Google search, there are all kinds of them.

And there are many that end in tragedy.

Like that guy killed by the cops at that Alabama mall.

I'm not familiar with that story, but it sounds like an anomaly in comparison to people with guns that saved lives. One of the more recent ones was a CCW holder who saved the life of a police officer after he was ambushed. Good thing he was there to stop the attacker after the officer went down.

It was national news . Shooting at mall, everyone freaking out . Marine pulls his gun out . Cops show up and immediately gun him down thinking he was the bad guy .

Nothing can stop an idiot with a gun as fast as a cop who can't tell who the bad guy. is.

"Oh, I'm so scared of guns. I"m scared that the mean old bad guy might shoot me but I'm also scared that the police might shoot me...wahhh"

You might as well just stay locked up in your apartment, just to be safe.

You're the coward. That decision is for you to make.
do you do everything that your country and state say you have the right to do?
------------------------- Probably not but carry of gun is a RIGHT or Legal ability in most places so might as well carry if a guy likes GGator .

i agree, if someone like to carry, then they should do so and it should be the right to do so in every state. I have no problems with private entities not allowing weapons in their places of business though.
----------------------------------- advertise that these business are anti gun and its cool with me GGator

Yes it is. I think every private business should be able to make that choice. I get that you think they should all bow down and kiss your gun, but I leave that sort of dumb shit up to people like you that equate their gun with their manhood.
Here is the problem with your statement.

I conceal carry for reasons I don't have to explain to anyone. I don't always, but when I do, I don't bother to check which businesses have a 'no weapons' policy. I just go about My business and I don't think twice about it. If I violate their rule, oh well. I'm not setting out to intentionally hurt them, violate their rule, or otherwise make a statement on how stupid they are.

I'm just to busy to give them that much thought. I am there to conduct business and then be on My way.

What they don't know won't kill them, and if the Lord forbid, it turns out that I have to pull My weapon in defense of Myself or them, then they can thank Me later an I'll be on My merry.

Same here. Getting caught carrying concealed in a place that's posted "No Weapons" in my state is merely a trespassing charge. And that's only if you refuse to leave and they have to call the cops.

I usually don't carry in the post office though, that's a federal thing. Or on school grounds.
No where in the usa is it safe. Not even in your grandma's back yard. Walking home eating a bag of M&Ms and a can of Arizona tea. Not even rural Nevada where 4 elderly people were killed in their homes by an illegal aliens. Not even a policeman in the police station. They all thought they were safe. "Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall."

There are good ways to go about it and bad ways to go about it.
You need to really learn what is desired by those who would regulate firearms in society. You are so off base it is crazy. I am a gun owner and want regulations on them.

I know the Democrat party all too well. They constantly try to make it look like they are trying to do good when it's all a smoke screen for power.

The Democrat party relies on helpless people. Therefore it only serves their ultimate goal to make everybody helpless. The more helpless you are, the more you need big government.
It seems you want something and can't have it so you want to make other people suffer with death so you can be a PROUD gun carrying jerk.

If I'm forced to shoot some shithead trust me, he won't be "suffering" very long. I don't shoot to wound, I shoot to stop the threat. That means as many rounds as I can put dead center mass, until the threat is stopped. Death would occur within 30 seconds or so.

So long, have a nice afterlife.

Such. A. Bad. Ass.

And your point is?

What's your end-game? Maybe you're hoping that I'll have some kind of a "Kumbaya" moment, sell off all my firearms, and join you floppers in your imaginary land of unicorns and fairies for a big liberal circle jerk?

Dude, you're more ignorant than you sound. Ain't gonna happen.

You. Are. Afraid. Of. Your. Own. Shadow. And. You. Live. In. A. Fantasy. Land. Where. You. Think. You. Will. Save. People. With. Your. Gun.
I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.

do you do everything that your country and state say you have the right to do?

Sure, why not? People died for my Second Amendment right so out of respect, I will take full advantage of that right. Plus I've been a member of the "gun culture" all my life.

So it's a fashion statement. Good for you.

That too. Sometimes I carry open in the Summer. The looks on the liberal gun scaredy cats faces is priceless, and they tend to walk around me in wide circles.


I much prefer open carry
Open carry, concealed carry The only business that is of.... the individual.
------------------------- Probably not but carry of gun is a RIGHT or Legal ability in most places so might as well carry if a guy likes GGator .

i agree, if someone like to carry, then they should do so and it should be the right to do so in every state. I have no problems with private entities not allowing weapons in their places of business though.
----------------------------------- advertise that these business are anti gun and its cool with me GGator

Yes it is. I think every private business should be able to make that choice. I get that you think they should all bow down and kiss your gun, but I leave that sort of dumb shit up to people like you that equate their gun with their manhood.
Here is the problem with your statement.

I conceal carry for reasons I don't have to explain to anyone. I don't always, but when I do, I don't bother to check which businesses have a 'no weapons' policy. I just go about My business and I don't think twice about it. If I violate their rule, oh well. I'm not setting out to intentionally hurt them, violate their rule, or otherwise make a statement on how stupid they are.

I'm just to busy to give them that much thought. I am there to conduct business and then be on My way.

What they don't know won't kill them, and if the Lord forbid, it turns out that I have to pull My weapon in defense of Myself or them, then they can thank Me later an I'll be on My merry.

Same here. Getting caught carrying concealed in a place that's posted "No Weapons" in my state is merely a trespassing charge. And that's only if you refuse to leave and they have to call the cops.

I usually don't carry in the post office though, that's a federal thing. Or on school grounds.
Of course. If you enter a State or Federal building, you best not be carrying. Open or concealed. Same with an Airport.

There are laws that we all must be aware of. But the everyday business that is open to everyone, is just that. Open to everyone.

Now, if they find I am healed and they don't like it, they are free to refuse to do business with Me and yet again, I'll be on My merry.

There are other places that will do business with Me.
I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.

I have the legal right to go topless in public, but I don't do that either. I have the legal right to get an abortion, but I've never done that either. There are all kinds of legal rights that I have, but I have chosen not to exercise. Why do you feel the need to exercise this right?

Going topless in public will get you arrested and having an abortion is murder. On the other hand, my carrying a firearm will not get me arrested nor will it amount to murder.

I feel the need to exercise my right because there isn't a single thing you can do about it, among other reasons.

If you do that hip roll I see so many do then that will get you arrested. You will have someone like me in your face calling you on your intimidation while dialing 911. I know you better than you know yourself. And I am not afraid of a fashion statement hip roll. Many people will avoid you because they see you as intimidating. If that is the case then you are breaking the law. I suggest you check out the gun laws a bit closer. You get a big kick out of the reaction of others around you. One of these days, you are going to be confronted by someone that isn't easily intimidated by your hip roll and sees it as intimidation which gets you arrested and in front of a judge. I suggest you go CCW and stop with that stupid, childish and dangerous intimidation of people around you.

Great city and lots of fun, but you can "understand" carrying a weapon there?


Open carry is just a fashion statement. A very dangerous fashion statement. If a bad guy is going to shoot people, YOU are going to be the first one taken down. You are assuming the shooter has zero training and experience. That is a very fatal flaw in logic. CCW is what I support. Make the bad guy wonder who is and who is not armed. No prior warning, no fashion statement and no stupid hiproll intimidation.

I already said that I rarely carry open, only in the Summer sometimes. This is out in the country, I see lots of people open-carrying, so it no big deal here.

I like to open carry at the range. And that is it. All other times, it's CCW. My fashion statement is closer to either an Auto Mechanic or a Homeless person so I don't get into impressing people. But when I see that tell tale hip roll that is prevalent in almost all open carry persons then it's not a fashion statement, it's an intimidation statement and that really pisses me off and will almost always come to a confrontation which is not going to end well for them since it will involve camera to record the action and a cop and a judge. Open Carry has been involved in some not so nice shootings while there has been only ONE recorded CCW not so nice shooting in the history of the Civilian CCW history. If you haven't received the training to CCW carry then go get it. Chances are, even if it's the short course, you will never open carry ever again since you will now know the repercussions of pulling that weapon.

I think you're full of shit. When I'm in Lake Havasu I never wear a shirt, I open carry in my board-shorts and sandals. I've had a few dumbass pussies get cocky and say my gun "intimidates" them...I say don't look at it pussy and it stops right there. As long as it stays holstered there isn't shit a whiny pussy can do...He can call the law all his pussy ass wants, the cops will laugh at his scared ass.

You have the hip roll. That is exactly what you have just told me. And that will be filmed and in Intimidation. You Gunnutters sure do like to scare others. Well, doesn't work on me. The sooner we get you gunnutters off the streets the better and safer the streets will be.

"filmed and in Intimidation"...WTF does that even mean?
Nobody I tend to be around seems like an intimated, scared pussy...It's the Mexifornian filth and the like who always try to be scared, intimidated and offended. Locals in Havasu love to see guns out in public.
I guess I just don't understand why the left has to assign some 'phobia' to people who exercise their Constitutional right.

Do they assign some kind of phobia to those who vote? Voting has actually managed to get more people killed than any amount of gun violence.

*chuckling* That should get a rise.

It's simply the mentally of both sides.

Outside of abortion, when Republicans don't care for something, they simply don't get involved with it. When a liberal doesn't like something, nobody should like it either.

A liberal doesn't go green to help the environment for their own peace of mind, they want to force everybody to go green. If a liberal sees a father and his three kids are eating Happy Meals at McDonald's, the liberal doesn't just choose not to eat there, they petition their representatives to force McDonald's to stop serving Happy Meals. If kids are eating desirable food in school, a person like Mother Obama wants to stop those kids from eating that kind of food even though those kids are not her own.

It's just the way the liberal mind works is all.
And there are many that end in tragedy.

Like that guy killed by the cops at that Alabama mall.

I'm not familiar with that story, but it sounds like an anomaly in comparison to people with guns that saved lives. One of the more recent ones was a CCW holder who saved the life of a police officer after he was ambushed. Good thing he was there to stop the attacker after the officer went down.

It was national news . Shooting at mall, everyone freaking out . Marine pulls his gun out . Cops show up and immediately gun him down thinking he was the bad guy .

Nothing can stop an idiot with a gun as fast as a cop who can't tell who the bad guy. is.

"Oh, I'm so scared of guns. I"m scared that the mean old bad guy might shoot me but I'm also scared that the police might shoot me...wahhh"

You might as well just stay locked up in your apartment, just to be safe.

You're the coward. That decision is for you to make.

Actually, no. It takes a certain amount of bravery for a man to take upon himself the responsibility for his own personal safety, and the safety of his loved ones.

A true "coward" would be those like yourself, who would rather become a murder victim than to protect themselves and their family members. History is full of cowards who had neither the tools nor the inclination to survive, and it's pretty obvious that you are of the same mindset.
A congressional baseball game is not the same as a little girl's softball game. You understand that don't you?
If a Democrat shot at Republicans at a girl's softball game you could manage to care? Was that your point?
I would expect that Law enforcement would investigate and if the shooting was criminal, then the Democrat (or Republican) would be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
I'm not familiar with that story, but it sounds like an anomaly in comparison to people with guns that saved lives. One of the more recent ones was a CCW holder who saved the life of a police officer after he was ambushed. Good thing he was there to stop the attacker after the officer went down.

It was national news . Shooting at mall, everyone freaking out . Marine pulls his gun out . Cops show up and immediately gun him down thinking he was the bad guy .

Nothing can stop an idiot with a gun as fast as a cop who can't tell who the bad guy. is.

"Oh, I'm so scared of guns. I"m scared that the mean old bad guy might shoot me but I'm also scared that the police might shoot me...wahhh"

You might as well just stay locked up in your apartment, just to be safe.

You're the coward. That decision is for you to make.

Actually, no. It takes a certain amount of bravery for a man to take upon himself the responsibility for his own personal safety, and the safety of his loved ones.

A true "coward" would be those like yourself, who would rather become a murder victim than to protect themselves and their family members. History is full of cowards who had neither the tools nor the inclination to survive, and it's pretty obvious that you are of the same mindset.

If you are afraid to face the world without being armed 24/7, you are a coward.
I know the Democrat party all too well. They constantly try to make it look like they are trying to do good when it's all a smoke screen for power.

The Democrat party relies on helpless people. Therefore it only serves their ultimate goal to make everybody helpless. The more helpless you are, the more you need big government.
It seems you want something and can't have it so you want to make other people suffer with death so you can be a PROUD gun carrying jerk.

If I'm forced to shoot some shithead trust me, he won't be "suffering" very long. I don't shoot to wound, I shoot to stop the threat. That means as many rounds as I can put dead center mass, until the threat is stopped. Death would occur within 30 seconds or so.

So long, have a nice afterlife.

Such. A. Bad. Ass.

And your point is?

What's your end-game? Maybe you're hoping that I'll have some kind of a "Kumbaya" moment, sell off all my firearms, and join you floppers in your imaginary land of unicorns and fairies for a big liberal circle jerk?

Dude, you're more ignorant than you sound. Ain't gonna happen.

You. Are. Afraid. Of. Your. Own. Shadow. And. You. Live. In. A. Fantasy. Land. Where. You. Think. You. Will. Save. People. With. Your. Gun.

You can't change the fact that I carry a weapon, so why even bother?

The hard truth is this: You can't really change anything.
It seems you want something and can't have it so you want to make other people suffer with death so you can be a PROUD gun carrying jerk.

If I'm forced to shoot some shithead trust me, he won't be "suffering" very long. I don't shoot to wound, I shoot to stop the threat. That means as many rounds as I can put dead center mass, until the threat is stopped. Death would occur within 30 seconds or so.

So long, have a nice afterlife.

Such. A. Bad. Ass.

And your point is?

What's your end-game? Maybe you're hoping that I'll have some kind of a "Kumbaya" moment, sell off all my firearms, and join you floppers in your imaginary land of unicorns and fairies for a big liberal circle jerk?

Dude, you're more ignorant than you sound. Ain't gonna happen.

You. Are. Afraid. Of. Your. Own. Shadow. And. You. Live. In. A. Fantasy. Land. Where. You. Think. You. Will. Save. People. With. Your. Gun.

You can't change the fact that I carry a weapon, so why even bother?

The hard truth is this: You can't really change anything.


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