What Kind of Person is Supporting Trump?

What if your employer is making all the profits and stops giving you raises every year for 30 years?

In a good economy you could go somewhere else but the competition arguments don't cut it when we have the market flooded with workers.

I went to lunch with my pharmaceutical rep buddy yesterday. He is just happy he survived all the cuts after the bush recession. This isn't the kind of economy where you can just go to another pharma company. Then you'll have to move. Long story short is in this post 90s economy, people are stuck where they are and just glad to be working. No one has leverage to ask for a raise.

This is why trumps popular. He admits you sent too many jobs overseas

I didn't send jobs anywhere. The government doesn't send jobs anywhere. Companies send jobs elsewhere.

The thing is to get into a career where there is a lot of demand. If we could stop foreigners from entering this country to work, our wages would increase and you could find a better paying job.

Not everyone can get into a career where their is a "lot of demand".

Do we ignore their interests? Do we feel a need to "punish" them with malignant neglect?

No, but we can't create jobs that people love. I wish I loved my job. I hate going to work every morning, but I have to keep a roof over my head so I do it.

Doesn't mean we can't consider policy to make them better, or at least pay better.

I don't understand. What policy can do that?

Better Trade Policy to bring manufacturing jobs back and immigration policies to reduce the labor pool.

You have a situation where employers have to worry more about finding and keeping employees and the jobs and wages will improve.
My dad was a cook at Ford 1975-1995 and was able to raise two kids.

Do Republicans want to return to those days?
The way you turned out? Fuck no.
Ten months my home paid off I'm 45. Live on a lake, living the dream. I just understand Ford paid well because a union made them. And non union companies paid better for fear of unionization and competition with union wages.

As unions have disappeared wages have declined. No coincidence
Wages have declined because the economy has declined. No coincidence. Businesses are flocking out of the US, explain how increasing their costs will motivate them to stay or come back.
Reagan showed the country how long ago. I served businesses and there were new ones popping up every day. Sometimes the best way to get a pay raise it to start your own business.

I have a good friend who married a guy with a good job at a factory.

Shortly there after he lost that job.

THis guy is not a bad guy but he is not the guy to go out start his own business.

He now has a crappy job.

This has really fucked up the lives of these two people.

Yes. Some of it reflects their personal shortcomings. THat's true.

That does not mean that they are not American citizens and their their interests should not be considered in making economic policy.
My dad was a cook at Ford 1975-1995 and was able to raise two kids.

Do Republicans want to return to those days?

I do.

And so do Trump supporters.
Then they shouldn't have been voting Republican all these years or not show up to midterms.

Will Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell go along? If we are voting out Republican establishment candidates, let's do it in the Senate and house too.

If Democrats fight trump they will pay. Republicans won't pay for obstructing because their conservative constituents want them to.

Id be more open to trump if the dems took back the senate

THe Dems have and still support the Trade and Immigration policies that have been driving Middle Class stagnation, so that's not a reason to support dems.
Agree. Hopefully Bernie and trump will move the politicians to stop.

Remember politicians aren't leaders. They do whatever voters tell them what to do, until the lobbyists tell them to do otherwise.

For example we wanted healthcare reform but instead they let the insurance giants write the law mandating everyone has to buy their expensive product.

I'm just glad America is trying to fix these problems I've been complaining about for years. Remember us liberals have been complaining about illegals bringing down wages for years. Unions warned about NAFTA.

Glad America is moving left
What if your employer is making all the profits and stops giving you raises every year for 30 years?

In a good economy you could go somewhere else but the competition arguments don't cut it when we have the market flooded with workers.

I went to lunch with my pharmaceutical rep buddy yesterday. He is just happy he survived all the cuts after the bush recession. This isn't the kind of economy where you can just go to another pharma company. Then you'll have to move. Long story short is in this post 90s economy, people are stuck where they are and just glad to be working. No one has leverage to ask for a raise.

This is why trumps popular. He admits you sent too many jobs overseas
Employers make all the profits because that's why they have the business. Your pay comes from the profits. How does that confuse you? Off shore work is done because of the high costs here. What I don't get is why someone with little to no knowledge shares the misinformation so freely, it's like a self flagulation or something.

How do we get an economy where the worker can leave to go get a better wage elsewhere?
Reagan showed the country how long ago. I served businesses and there were new ones popping up every day. Sometimes the best way to get a pay raise it to start your own business.

I have a good friend who married a guy with a good job at a factory.

Shortly there after he lost that job.

THis guy is not a bad guy but he is not the guy to go out start his own business.

He now has a crappy job.

This has really fucked up the lives of these two people.

Yes. Some of it reflects their personal shortcomings. THat's true.

That does not mean that they are not American citizens and their their interests should not be considered in making economic policy.
Who said they were bad or not American? Their station in life will not improve until the economy improves and employers will pay more for good help and pay to keep them, and will have more money to do it. The economy won't improve until government gets off the backs of business, especially small business.

If we agree that they are good fellow American citizens, then we agree that we want to see them do well.

Getting off the backs of business is a good thing.

But Trade and Immigration are huge parts of the problem that needs to be fixed.
I have a good friend who married a guy with a good job at a factory.

Shortly there after he lost that job.

THis guy is not a bad guy but he is not the guy to go out start his own business.

He now has a crappy job.

This has really fucked up the lives of these two people.

Yes. Some of it reflects their personal shortcomings. THat's true.

That does not mean that they are not American citizens and their their interests should not be considered in making economic policy.
My dad was a cook at Ford 1975-1995 and was able to raise two kids.

Do Republicans want to return to those days?

I do.

And so do Trump supporters.
Then they shouldn't have been voting Republican all these years or not show up to midterms.

Will Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell go along? If we are voting out Republican establishment candidates, let's do it in the Senate and house too.

If Democrats fight trump they will pay. Republicans won't pay for obstructing because their conservative constituents want them to.

Id be more open to trump if the dems took back the senate

THe Dems have and still support the Trade and Immigration policies that have been driving Middle Class stagnation, so that's not a reason to support dems.
Agree. Hopefully Bernie and trump will move the politicians to stop.

Remember politicians aren't leaders. They do whatever voters tell them what to do, until the lobbyists tell them to do otherwise.

For example we wanted healthcare reform but instead they let the insurance giants write the law mandating everyone has to buy their expensive product.

I'm just glad America is trying to fix these problems I've been complaining about for years. Remember us liberals have been complaining about illegals bringing down wages for years. Unions warned about NAFTA.

Glad America is moving left

REally? Other than you all the libs I talk to say illegals DON'T bring down wages.
My dad was a cook at Ford 1975-1995 and was able to raise two kids.

Do Republicans want to return to those days?
The way you turned out? Fuck no.
Ten months my home paid off I'm 45. Live on a lake, living the dream. I just understand Ford paid well because a union made them. And non union companies paid better for fear of unionization and competition with union wages.

As unions have disappeared wages have declined. No coincidence
Wages have declined because the economy has declined. No coincidence. Businesses are flocking out of the US, explain how increasing their costs will motivate them to stay or come back.
Tariff them if they don't come back and pay your fair share like you used to.

In the greatest country you got to pay your fair share. How much taxes should haloburton pay? How much should Romney trump buffett and Soros pay on their investments? More than they do now
My dad was a cook at Ford 1975-1995 and was able to raise two kids.

Do Republicans want to return to those days?

I do.

And so do Trump supporters.
Then they shouldn't have been voting Republican all these years or not show up to midterms.

Will Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell go along? If we are voting out Republican establishment candidates, let's do it in the Senate and house too.

If Democrats fight trump they will pay. Republicans won't pay for obstructing because their conservative constituents want them to.

Id be more open to trump if the dems took back the senate

THe Dems have and still support the Trade and Immigration policies that have been driving Middle Class stagnation, so that's not a reason to support dems.
Agree. Hopefully Bernie and trump will move the politicians to stop.

Remember politicians aren't leaders. They do whatever voters tell them what to do, until the lobbyists tell them to do otherwise.

For example we wanted healthcare reform but instead they let the insurance giants write the law mandating everyone has to buy their expensive product.

I'm just glad America is trying to fix these problems I've been complaining about for years. Remember us liberals have been complaining about illegals bringing down wages for years. Unions warned about NAFTA.

Glad America is moving left

REally? Other than you all the libs I talk to say illegals DON'T bring down wages.
For the record, I'm completely OK with manufacturing jobs coming home and moving to the States that offer the lowest taxes and minimum wage. But corporations have to pay federal taxes. We do have a military that defends them abroad so the French can drink Coca-Cola. Their trucks tear up our roads. They use our court system the most. Etc
I have a good friend who married a guy with a good job at a factory.

Shortly there after he lost that job.

THis guy is not a bad guy but he is not the guy to go out start his own business.

He now has a crappy job.

This has really fucked up the lives of these two people.

Yes. Some of it reflects their personal shortcomings. THat's true.

That does not mean that they are not American citizens and their their interests should not be considered in making economic policy.
My dad was a cook at Ford 1975-1995 and was able to raise two kids.

Do Republicans want to return to those days?

I do.

And so do Trump supporters.
Then they shouldn't have been voting Republican all these years or not show up to midterms.

Will Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell go along? If we are voting out Republican establishment candidates, let's do it in the Senate and house too.

If Democrats fight trump they will pay. Republicans won't pay for obstructing because their conservative constituents want them to.

Id be more open to trump if the dems took back the senate

THe Dems have and still support the Trade and Immigration policies that have been driving Middle Class stagnation, so that's not a reason to support dems.
Agree. Hopefully Bernie and trump will move the politicians to stop.

Remember politicians aren't leaders. They do whatever voters tell them what to do, until the lobbyists tell them to do otherwise.

For example we wanted healthcare reform but instead they let the insurance giants write the law mandating everyone has to buy their expensive product.

I'm just glad America is trying to fix these problems I've been complaining about for years. Remember us liberals have been complaining about illegals bringing down wages for years. Unions warned about NAFTA.

Glad America is moving left
Bernie ain't gonna move nothing. Hillary is bitch-slapping him wherever he goes.
And after 7 years of doubling the debt and crippling the economy, you might have noticed that the republicans have taken over the house, the senate, and soon, the white house. Hardly moving left dumass.
Employers make all the profits because that's why they have the business. Your pay comes from the profits. How does that confuse you? Off shore work is done because of the high costs here. What I don't get is why someone with little to no knowledge shares the misinformation so freely, it's like a self flagulation or something.

How do we get an economy where the worker can leave to go get a better wage elsewhere?
Reagan showed the country how long ago. I served businesses and there were new ones popping up every day. Sometimes the best way to get a pay raise it to start your own business.

I have a good friend who married a guy with a good job at a factory.

Shortly there after he lost that job.

THis guy is not a bad guy but he is not the guy to go out start his own business.

He now has a crappy job.

This has really fucked up the lives of these two people.

Yes. Some of it reflects their personal shortcomings. THat's true.

That does not mean that they are not American citizens and their their interests should not be considered in making economic policy.
Who said they were bad or not American? Their station in life will not improve until the economy improves and employers will pay more for good help and pay to keep them, and will have more money to do it. The economy won't improve until government gets off the backs of business, especially small business.

If we agree that they are good fellow American citizens, then we agree that we want to see them do well.

Getting off the backs of business is a good thing.

But Trade and Immigration are huge parts of the problem that needs to be fixed.
Immigration needs to be enforced. We have sanctuary cities and government not cracking down on it. Trade, we need smarter people at the helm, no question. But if your job can be replaced by someone barely speaking the language I'm somewhat unsympathetic.
What is even more bizarre is the circumstances.

I mean, if you were to have a field of Jack Kemp, Bob Dole, Pierre Dupont, Steve Forbes, John McCain, Al Haig, or even Phil Gramm and toss Donald Trump into the mix, I could understand the appeal. These other guys represent the old GOP in many ways are out of touch.

But in the 2016 election (if you believed the rhetoric from 2008 and 2012) they had a dyed-in-the-wool conservative in Ted Cruz who apparently is to the Constitution what Billy Graham is the Bible insofar as thinking we should be living by centuries old edicts. He is a moron from my standpoint as a liberal but from the Conservative standpoint he is exactly what every moron here said they wanted.

And once they got the chance to vote for one in a national election....they vote for someone else and the most liberal person running for the nomination of the GOP....

I usually dismiss conspiracy theories but this one really sounds as if there may be some traction to it; why else would the party of conservatives reject the man who is not on the most conservative but one who had a real chance at the nomination.

The way I see it it's not a liberal/ conservative thing. It's more about a political correctness thing.

Give the Republicans some credit. They are trying to change the party unlike the Democrats who simply march in lockstep and drifting further and further left.

Tea Party or Establishment, they all have promised us things and not delivered. That's because for the most part, they are professional politicians and their lives depend on staying in politics.

The message here is that we are sick of professional politicians. Say this and do that. Their only concern after getting elected is their reelection, and they are willing to sell their first born to get that reelection.

One of the attractions of Trump is that he doesn't care. If we elect him President, fine, he'll take the job. If we don't elect him President, fine, he's got plenty of other things to do. His life doesn't depend on politics or money. Therefore he means what he says. He doesn't back down from anybody including the politically correct leftist media.

So, we can expect all 24 GOP candidates to lose their Senate re-election campaigns then right? I mean, you said:

"Tea Party or Establishment, they all have promised us things and not delivered. That's because for the most part, they are professional politicians and their lives depend on staying in politics. "

We should be hearing about Senators like Ayotte, Portman and Rubio to get primaried then...right?

If they stand for re-election in the fall, it simply means that the GOP is no more (or less) angry at their members of congress than the Democrats.

Well when it comes to voting, most of us don't vote a candidate in because we love them so much, we are more concerned with keeping the worst candidate out.

Much like past elections, I won't be voting for Trump, Rubio, Cruz or even Kasich if he makes it. I'll be voting to keep Hillary out of the White House.

Maybe at a later date, you can let us know how it feels to have no spine or conviction. Not today. I'm proudly voting for HRC because she is the best qualified person to seek the office since Bush 41. That is a fact. It's great to not have to "settle" for one of her larger supporters.

She's also a criminal that hasn't been caught yet, and you're criticizing my voting criteria?

You may not admit it, but the only reason you'll vote for Hillary is to keep whoever the Republican nominee is out of office. She's under FBI investigation, she's loaded with baggage, she has conversations with dead people, she's up in the years and even has some medical problems to be concerned with, she thinks people are shooting at her when she gets off of planes, and this is somebody you really want to have access to the red button?

Of course not, nobody would. You (and all the other liberals) will vote for her to keep the Republican out.

Mr Trump is older than she is and has serious legal trouble of his own.
I do.

And so do Trump supporters.
Then they shouldn't have been voting Republican all these years or not show up to midterms.

Will Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell go along? If we are voting out Republican establishment candidates, let's do it in the Senate and house too.

If Democrats fight trump they will pay. Republicans won't pay for obstructing because their conservative constituents want them to.

Id be more open to trump if the dems took back the senate

THe Dems have and still support the Trade and Immigration policies that have been driving Middle Class stagnation, so that's not a reason to support dems.
Agree. Hopefully Bernie and trump will move the politicians to stop.

Remember politicians aren't leaders. They do whatever voters tell them what to do, until the lobbyists tell them to do otherwise.

For example we wanted healthcare reform but instead they let the insurance giants write the law mandating everyone has to buy their expensive product.

I'm just glad America is trying to fix these problems I've been complaining about for years. Remember us liberals have been complaining about illegals bringing down wages for years. Unions warned about NAFTA.

Glad America is moving left

REally? Other than you all the libs I talk to say illegals DON'T bring down wages.
For the record, I'm completely OK with manufacturing jobs coming home and moving to the States that offer the lowest taxes and minimum wage. But corporations have to pay federal taxes. We do have a military that defends them abroad so the French can drink Coca-Cola. Their trucks tear up our roads. They use our court system the most. Etc

bringing them home supplies other jobs as well

often other firms (trucking) pick up and deliver those goods
I do.

And so do Trump supporters.
Then they shouldn't have been voting Republican all these years or not show up to midterms.

Will Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell go along? If we are voting out Republican establishment candidates, let's do it in the Senate and house too.

If Democrats fight trump they will pay. Republicans won't pay for obstructing because their conservative constituents want them to.

Id be more open to trump if the dems took back the senate

THe Dems have and still support the Trade and Immigration policies that have been driving Middle Class stagnation, so that's not a reason to support dems.
Agree. Hopefully Bernie and trump will move the politicians to stop.

Remember politicians aren't leaders. They do whatever voters tell them what to do, until the lobbyists tell them to do otherwise.

For example we wanted healthcare reform but instead they let the insurance giants write the law mandating everyone has to buy their expensive product.

I'm just glad America is trying to fix these problems I've been complaining about for years. Remember us liberals have been complaining about illegals bringing down wages for years. Unions warned about NAFTA.

Glad America is moving left

REally? Other than you all the libs I talk to say illegals DON'T bring down wages.
For the record, I'm completely OK with manufacturing jobs coming home and moving to the States that offer the lowest taxes and minimum wage. But corporations have to pay federal taxes. We do have a military that defends them abroad so the French can drink Coca-Cola. Their trucks tear up our roads. They use our court system the most. Etc
Where do you get your information beyond the cartoon shows? Corporations use most of the court time? When you order something online or buy it at a store, how do you suppose it got there? The roads didn't benefit you?
Spare us. Do you actually expect people to believe the swill you're dispensing?
Huh? Have you actually listened to any of Trumps speeches or whatever he calls them. Just listen to the man himself. Oh because I use his own words about him, he might try to sue me. You must not like the constitution because every speech he has goes against the founding documents of this country. This is the ultimate popularity contest for him. Lol. And you are buying him hook line and sinker. And the sheep follow.
The religious right are supporting trump now because he stands a chance of winning. They don't seem to care if he's a racist. They only care about electability. No sense in endorsing huckabee if he can't win.

And Christie backs trump. Does this confirm the GOP is the racist party?

Only if you can prove Trump is racist somehow, and I don't mean your fragile leftist definition of racism meaning you can't say the least negative thing about somebody that happens to be of a certain race.

And this is extra amusing because Seely gets accused of racism by that standard himself.

We should be used to it by now. Every Presidential election, it's the same thing: Republicans are dumb,racist, sexist, homophobes.

Yeah, why don't you guys quit that?
My dad was a cook at Ford 1975-1995 and was able to raise two kids.

Do Republicans want to return to those days?

I do.

And so do Trump supporters.
Then they shouldn't have been voting Republican all these years or not show up to midterms.

Will Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell go along? If we are voting out Republican establishment candidates, let's do it in the Senate and house too.

If Democrats fight trump they will pay. Republicans won't pay for obstructing because their conservative constituents want them to.

Id be more open to trump if the dems took back the senate

THe Dems have and still support the Trade and Immigration policies that have been driving Middle Class stagnation, so that's not a reason to support dems.
Agree. Hopefully Bernie and trump will move the politicians to stop.

Remember politicians aren't leaders. They do whatever voters tell them what to do, until the lobbyists tell them to do otherwise.

For example we wanted healthcare reform but instead they let the insurance giants write the law mandating everyone has to buy their expensive product.

I'm just glad America is trying to fix these problems I've been complaining about for years. Remember us liberals have been complaining about illegals bringing down wages for years. Unions warned about NAFTA.

Glad America is moving left

REally? Other than you all the libs I talk to say illegals DON'T bring down wages.
I doubt that. Make a thread poll. Maybe our most liberal will argue anything like the GOP nutters but I doubt no liberals you know understand how illegals bring wages down.

Conservatives don't get who it is that benefits from illegals. It's illegal employers. Corporations.

In fact I remember 2007 usmb members said consumers benefit from it. They didn't realize illegals weren't just doing jobs Americans wouldn't do.

My buddy tried opening his own pool cleaning business in az. Good luck when illegals do it cheaper
Well don't take it from me, let trump speak for himself. He is just a brand. He claims it is his genuis but never says what that means. You are being led by your nose. He did house the homeless at one point in the 80's but that was only to have the middle class tenants leave the buildings so he could make his buildings and cater to the upper class. So yes screwing people over is trumps brand and he sells it well. Trump university was a joke. But hey he is your guy so you will love him no matter what. Lmao. if elected he will trample the constitution, probably worse then bush and obama after him did with the patriot act BS. But he will not last long because of his ego and thin skin he will quit.

Do you take a breath in between your sleazy talking points?

Not my talking points, everything is from trumps own mouth.

Spare us. Do you actually expect people to believe the swill you're dispensing?

Huh? Have you actually listened to any of Trumps speeches or whatever he calls them. Just listen to the man himself. Oh because I use his own words about him, he might try to sue me. You must not like the constitution because every speech he has goes against the founding documents of this country. This is the ultimate popularity contest for him. Lol. And you are buying him hook line and sinker. And the sheep follow.

The religious right are supporting trump now because he stands a chance of winning. They don't seem to care if he's a racist. They only care about electability. No sense in endorsing huckabee if he can't win.

And Christie backs trump. Does this confirm the GOP is the racist party?

There isn't a shred of evidence that Trump is a racist. That's a meme that Democrats have pulled out in every election.
What Kind of Person is Supporting Trump?

This kind of person:

"The ultimate goal is white genocide. Plus any white "woman" that would lower themselves to the level of beastiality is better off ending the blood line they are ending...because something OBVIOUSLY got messed up in their genetics. My ex sister is a disgusting race mixing whore with 2 UGLY nigglets with their shit colored skin and kinky hair it must be depressing waking up every day to 2 kids that look NOTHING like you.I wouldn't know I married within my own race and have 4 awesome white children that have features of me and their mother."

Odium is a socialist, a liberal, in other words. He supports Obama as well.
My dad was a cook at Ford 1975-1995 and was able to raise two kids.

Do Republicans want to return to those days?

I do.

And so do Trump supporters.
Then they shouldn't have been voting Republican all these years or not show up to midterms.

Will Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell go along? If we are voting out Republican establishment candidates, let's do it in the Senate and house too.

If Democrats fight trump they will pay. Republicans won't pay for obstructing because their conservative constituents want them to.

Id be more open to trump if the dems took back the senate

THe Dems have and still support the Trade and Immigration policies that have been driving Middle Class stagnation, so that's not a reason to support dems.
Agree. Hopefully Bernie and trump will move the politicians to stop.

Remember politicians aren't leaders. They do whatever voters tell them what to do, until the lobbyists tell them to do otherwise.

For example we wanted healthcare reform but instead they let the insurance giants write the law mandating everyone has to buy their expensive product.

I'm just glad America is trying to fix these problems I've been complaining about for years. Remember us liberals have been complaining about illegals bringing down wages for years. Unions warned about NAFTA.

Glad America is moving left
Bernie ain't gonna move nothing. Hillary is bitch-slapping him wherever he goes.
And after 7 years of doubling the debt and crippling the economy, you might have noticed that the republicans have taken over the house, the senate, and soon, the white house. Hardly moving left dumass.
You'll see.
My dad was a cook at Ford 1975-1995 and was able to raise two kids.

Do Republicans want to return to those days?
The way you turned out? Fuck no.
Ten months my home paid off I'm 45. Live on a lake, living the dream. I just understand Ford paid well because a union made them. And non union companies paid better for fear of unionization and competition with union wages.

As unions have disappeared wages have declined. No coincidence
Wages have declined because the economy has declined. No coincidence. Businesses are flocking out of the US, explain how increasing their costs will motivate them to stay or come back.
Why did the economy decline? Too many jobs went overseas. No coincidence. Apparently American workers want too much.

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