What Legislation Do We Need to get Work Refusniks off the Couch?


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
The answer is NOT increasing the minimum wage, as I see signs all over the place offering $17 and $18 an hour to run a cash register or restock clothes on shelves. The answer is to stop giving taxpayer money away to people able to work and who simply feel jobs are beneath them.

1. Any adult not working a full-time job and living with a parent in a six-figure household should be exempt welfare-type benefits:

a) I know a young mother, now divorced, who moved in with her mother (a GS 14), who not only gets child support for her two children, as she should, she also gets food stamps, Medicaid for her kids, and a host of other benefits. She works one day a week, as a fill-in receptionist for a vet.

b) I also know a woman in her 50s, who lives with her parents, both of whom are retired government professionals with a six-figure pension. She too gets food stamps, and works two afternoons a week at the library.

2. Any parent in a two-parent household, where neither is working, should get no welfare. I know a couple (with kids) where both refuse to get a job, saying what’s available is beneath them, and they are getting rent relief, food stamps, Medicaid, and so forth.
You think they have a right to stick their hands in your pocket?

No different than student loans, new ships, PPP loans, and a billion other things in the budget. My taxes are the same regardless of where they spend the money. You aren't going to carrot or stick many of the perpetually unemployed into employment though. They have issues, are taking care of someone, or who don't feel as if they are capable of employment. Some of them also have informal or casual work to get them extra cash when they can get it.
The answer is NOT increasing the minimum wage, as I see signs all over the place offering $17 and $18 an hour to run a cash register or restock clothes on shelves. The answer is to stop giving taxpayer money away to people able to work and who simply feel jobs are beneath them.

1. Any adult not working a full-time job and living with a parent in a six-figure household should be exempt welfare-type benefits:

a) I know a young mother, now divorced, who moved in with her mother (a GS 14), who not only gets child support for her two children, as she should, she also gets food stamps, Medicaid for her kids, and a host of other benefits. She works one day a week, as a fill-in receptionist for a vet.

b) I also know a woman in her 50s, who lives with her parents, both of whom are retired government professionals with a six-figure pension. She too gets food stamps, and works two afternoons a week at the library.

2. Any parent in a two-parent household, where neither is working, should get no welfare. I know a couple (with kids) where both refuse to get a job, saying what’s available is beneath them, and they are getting rent relief, food stamps, Medicaid, and so forth.

Raising interest rates and reducing the Fed's balance sheet oughtta do the trick.
Don't care if they work or not. Their lives to do with as they please. Doesn't affect me in any meaningful way.
Would you want your kids emulating them?

Bear in mind that it's that generation that will be passing on their lack of a work ethic to the next one.

Of course I guess a .gov dependent society is what the leftists want.....And it looks as if they are getting it.
$18 an hour for a job that a high school kid could do is pretty damn good. Just how much do you want prices to go up to cover overpaying people?
1. Are you arguing jobs should pay depending on the age of the person doing it because I'm not sure what someone being 18 has to do with the cost of the labor.

2. Inflation is caused by more money entering the system chasing the same number of goods. You can offset that by taxing the wealthy.
Raising interest rates and reducing the Fed's balance sheet oughtta do the trick.
You think that will get the lazies or entitled off the couch? No, we need to cut off government freebies from adults living in six-figure households.
After a generation of abusing their workforce, I enjoy watching business grovel trying to get workers to accept their low wages and horrible working conditions

A part of me does as well, but we've gone about it the wrong way. We had a fed-fueled economic run of 10 years, which is good but all good things come to an end, and this is going to be a hard crash landing. You heard Powell at Jackson Hole yesterday. He wasn't fucking around: he's going to raise interest rates until labor markets cool and until the meme stocks die.
Would you want your kids emulating them?

Bear in mind that it's that generation that will be passing on their lack of a work ethic to the next one.

Of course I guess a .gov dependent society is what the leftists want.....And it looks as if they are getting it.

No but that is neither here nor there. Those dead beat selling their blood to get by save lives. Blood constitutes about 2.5% of US exports. Why blood makes up over 2.5% of all U.S. exports
No different than student loans, new ships, PPP loans, and a billion other things in the budget. My taxes are the same regardless of where they spend the money. You aren't going to carrot or stick many of the perpetually unemployed into employment though. They have issues, are taking care of someone, or who don't feel as if they are capable of employment. Some of them also have informal or casual work to get them extra cash when they can get it.
You’re making excusing for adults who refuse to take jobs - and instead get taxpayers to provide benefits for them. If they don’t want to work because they feel the jobs are beneath them, fine. We just shouldn’t be forced to support them.

And, your taxes are NOT the same whether or not they hand out free money to work refusniks. You liberals have no understanding of money.
The answer is NOT increasing the minimum wage, as I see signs all over the place offering $17 and $18 an hour to run a cash register or restock clothes on shelves. The answer is to stop giving taxpayer money away to people able to work and who simply feel jobs are beneath them.
The last time minimum wage was raised was in 2009, 13 years ago. It hasn’t kept up with the cost of living by any means. Walmart wage rates, for example, run from $10/hour for cashier/sticker to $18.49/contact center engineer in WV. A Walmart optician earns 14.95/hr in Front Royal, VA. Average Walmart sales associate earns 13.30 an hour. Walmart is a good example of retail entry level jobs. $17 or $18 is probably in an area with a very high cost of living.

1. Any adult not working a full-time job and living with a parent in a six-figure household should be exempt welfare-type benefits:

a) I know a young mother, now divorced, who moved in with her mother (a GS 14), who not only gets child support for her two children, as she should, she also gets food stamps, Medicaid for her kids, and a host of other benefits. She works one day a week, as a fill-in receptionist for a vet.
ThT is an excellent example of what is really the problem here in my opinion: lack of affordable child care or in some cases, any child care. Child support is only as good as the salary of the other parent by the way. Childcare is so expensive that welfare benefits offer a better choice for single parents when you factor in the costs of working: childcare, a vehicle or transportation etc.

We need some genuine pro-family policies.

b) I also know a woman in her 50s, who lives with her parents, both of whom are retired government professionals with a six-figure pension. She too gets food stamps, and works two afternoons a week at the library.

Everyone has a story, some people are freeloaders but some have hidden disabilities.

2. Any parent in a two-parent household, where neither is working, should get no welfare. I know a couple (with kids) where both refuse to get a job, saying what’s available is beneath them, and they are getting rent relief, food stamps, Medicaid, and so forth.
For every family like that, there is a family where there are genuine reasons for need: one parent is at home caring for children the other working one or mor low wage jobs and living in a high cost of living area.
You think that will get the lazies or entitled off the couch? No, we need to cut off government freebies from adults living in six-figure households.

A few months from now it'll be a different story. Labor markets are going to cool off in a big way, because the Fed still has people smart enough to understand the consequences of letting inflation get out of hand. Had we elected the Orange Skinned Dipshit to another term, we would have had a clown car Fed and we'd be on our way to an economic depression instead of a moderate to hard recession.

On its own, ceteris paribus, we're probably looking at a mild recession late 22 or early 23. But that assumes other black swan events don't happen, and the danger here is that we're living in black swan times with several black swan events on the horizon - anything from the collapse of the European Union to a Chinese invasion of Taiwan, to ecological collapse of China and further disruption of the supply chain, to ecological collapse here in the US and disruption of global food supply.

We're entering the abyss. There's going to be some tough love dished out, but at least we have people with IQs over room temperature at the helm making the important decisions. January 2025? Could be a completely different story.

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