What level of prepper are you?


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Today prepping is sort of like the guy riding a moped. A stigma attached to it of a little bit crazy... odd... or a drunk.
Due to television shows representing preppers as a bunch of whacked out conspiracy theorist red necks... many people won't be prepared... because they don't want to be one of those nuts.
In reality... virtually everyone preps. You have band-aids in your medicine cabinet? Tylenols...anti-acid tablets... you are prepping. Albeit a very low level.
I was watching this video (on tv not here...so I can't link) that talked about this, and defined "levels" of prepping.
It went something like this...

LEVEL 1 - People who prepare for the common mishaps that happen on a regular basis. Like above, band-aids... some rubbing alcohol, maybe a couple packages of toilet paper somewhere.
LEVEL 2 - People who prepare for the less common. But, things that ultimately happens to everyone at some point in their lives. Instead of just band aides, they have heavy gauze, tape, scissors, ace bandages etc. You may have a generator. You have a cupboard with more canned foods, dried beans... some extra rice than you can possibly eat under normal circumstances. Maybe you have a simple survival kit in your vehicles, should you get stuck somewhere. You most likely have one or two guns in the house. With some ammo near by. If a battery runs out in your remote - you always have another. You are prepared for most "normal" circumstances that might happen to you or a member of your family.
LEVEL 3 - People who prepare for the unlikely, but possible. You don't just have guns. You have a collection of them. Ammo? You don't have 100... you have 1000's.
You don't have a cupboard or some stored canned foods/beans/rice.... you have enough to last for months. You don't have a survival knife... you have a dozen. You may have invested in solar panels should the grid go down. You have put real thought into the items you have collected. Done real research, hours of it... making sure you have the right amount of items, and the right items. You may believe a catastrophe is coming soon. You don't obsess about it. But you feel the need to prepare for it nevertheless.
LEVEL 4 - People who obsess about being prepared for anything they think could possibly happen... and are usually convinced it will. You likely don't have 1000's of rounds of ammo. You have 10,000s. And numerous knives, a collection of hand to hand combat weapons. You may have body armor. You don't have a few months of food storage. You have years. Depending on your finances, you spend nearly any available cash on some form of prepping, defensive capability. You have a bug out bag for every member of the family. You have multiple AHA! moments when you watch the news. Always looking out for when the shit hits the fan.

What level are you?
For those on the gulf coast preparing for disaster is a must. During hurricane season I keep a month's worth of supplies on hand. When we got a direct hit from Micheal two years ago it sucked but we were good on food, smokes, booze, cash and fuel.
For those on the gulf coast preparing for disaster is a must. During hurricane season I keep a month's worth of supplies on hand. When we got a direct hit from Micheal two years ago it sucked but we were good on food, smokes, booze, cash and fuel.
I would think that puts you maybe level 2.5ish
Weather channel propaganda will turn anyone into a high level prepper. Every weather forecast turns into a lecture on safety and a prediction of catastrophic events courtesy of global warming. The ironic thing is that modern global warming theorists make the old doomsday rednecks look like amateurs.
Weather channel propaganda will turn anyone into a high level prepper. Every weather forecast turns into a lecture on safety and a prediction of catastrophic events courtesy of global warming. The ironic thing is that modern global warming theorists make the old doomsday rednecks look like amateurs.
It's irresponsible to not be prepared.

I can provide for myself. If need be, I can help others but, if it comes down to to them or me, fuck them. Many friends are as prepared as I.

I have generators, non-perishable foods, guns, ammo, a lot of cash, gasoline; just about everything I would need to survive for two to three months...
It's irresponsible to not be prepared.

I can provide for myself. If need be, I can help others but, if it comes down to to them or me, fuck them. Many friends are as prepared as I.

I have generators, non-perishable foods, guns, ammo, a lot of cash, gasoline; just about everything I would need to survive for two to three months...
So you're 3...
Today prepping is sort of like the guy riding a moped. A stigma attached to it of a little bit crazy... odd... or a drunk.
Due to television shows representing preppers as a bunch of whacked out conspiracy theorist red necks... many people won't be prepared... because they don't want to be one of those nuts.
In reality... virtually everyone preps. You have band-aids in your medicine cabinet? Tylenols...anti-acid tablets... you are prepping. Albeit a very low level.
I was watching this video (on tv not here...so I can't link) that talked about this, and defined "levels" of prepping.
It went something like this...

LEVEL 1 - People who prepare for the common mishaps that happen on a regular basis. Like above, band-aids... some rubbing alcohol, maybe a couple packages of toilet paper somewhere.
LEVEL 2 - People who prepare for the less common. But, things that ultimately happens to everyone at some point in their lives. Instead of just band aides, they have heavy gauze, tape, scissors, ace bandages etc. You may have a generator. You have a cupboard with more canned foods, dried beans... some extra rice than you can possibly eat under normal circumstances. Maybe you have a simple survival kit in your vehicles, should you get stuck somewhere. You most likely have one or two guns in the house. With some ammo near by. If a battery runs out in your remote - you always have another. You are prepared for most "normal" circumstances that might happen to you or a member of your family.
LEVEL 3 - People who prepare for the unlikely, but possible. You don't just have guns. You have a collection of them. Ammo? You don't have 100... you have 1000's.
You don't have a cupboard or some stored canned foods/beans/rice.... you have enough to last for months. You don't have a survival knife... you have a dozen. You may have invested in solar panels should the grid go down. You have put real thought into the items you have collected. Done real research, hours of it... making sure you have the right amount of items, and the right items. You may believe a catastrophe is coming soon. You don't obsess about it. But you feel the need to prepare for it nevertheless.
LEVEL 4 - People who obsess about being prepared for anything they think could possibly happen... and are usually convinced it will. You likely don't have 1000's of rounds of ammo. You have 10,000s. And numerous knives, a collection of hand to hand combat weapons. You may have body armor. You don't have a few months of food storage. You have years. Depending on your finances, you spend nearly any available cash on some form of prepping, defensive capability. You have a bug out bag for every member of the family. You have multiple AHA! moments when you watch the news. Always looking out for when the shit hits the fan.

What level are you?

Somewhere between II and III I suppose. I have tons of food, much but not most in cans, stored water in case power goes out, which is not unusual here in the sticks, obviously everyday supplies but not ridiculous amounts, ways to make fire and/or cook in case of power failure, UPS backup to keep me operating for the same reason.

Don't have any guns, never have never will. Pointless.

Wait, let me correct that. I have several guns. Couple of staple guns, a caulking gun and a soldering gun. Constructive stuff rather than destructive. In times of peril purveying more destruction is kind of silly.
It's irresponsible to not be prepared.

I can provide for myself. If need be, I can help others but, if it comes down to to them or me, fuck them. Many friends are as prepared as I.

I have generators, non-perishable foods, guns, ammo, a lot of cash, gasoline; just about everything I would need to survive for two to three months...
So you're 3...


We're armed to the teeth. Our vehicles never have less than a half a tank of gas for too long. Every time we go shopping, we buy a little something for "the box".

If need be, we also have tents, camp stoves (four 6-burner jobbers) and pallets of water which we rotate out every so often...
Weather channel propaganda will turn anyone into a high level prepper. Every weather forecast turns into a lecture on safety and a prediction of catastrophic events courtesy of global warming. The ironic thing is that modern global warming theorists make the old doomsday rednecks look like amateurs.

Of course. Because fear and loathing $ell$. This is what I keep saying about Television. That's what its only purpose IS. A telescreen to sell shit to the masses that they don't need.
It's irresponsible to not be prepared.

I can provide for myself. If need be, I can help others but, if it comes down to to them or me, fuck them. Many friends are as prepared as I.

I have generators, non-perishable foods, guns, ammo, a lot of cash, gasoline; just about everything I would need to survive for two to three months...
So you're 3...


We're armed to the teeth. Our vehicles never have less than a half a tank of gas for too long. Every time we go shopping, we buy a little something for "the box".

If need be, we also have tents, camp stoves (four 6-burner jobbers) and pallets of water which we rotate out every so often...
One of the bene's I have is I have been a home brewer for several decades. Therefore, my water storage is enormous. And my water filtration, and knowledge of water, is extensive. Not to mention, at any given time I have the capability/capacity to brew well over 100 gallons. And I have the equipment/knowledge to brew beer from grains that grow around here. I also have a lot of knowledge on fermentation. And I know how to cultivate and store yeast. Yeast is REALLY important for a lot of things.
I also know how to make mead and wine.

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