What level of prepper are you?

Today prepping is sort of like the guy riding a moped. A stigma attached to it of a little bit crazy... odd... or a drunk.
Due to television shows representing preppers as a bunch of whacked out conspiracy theorist red necks... many people won't be prepared... because they don't want to be one of those nuts.
In reality... virtually everyone preps. You have band-aids in your medicine cabinet? Tylenols...anti-acid tablets... you are prepping. Albeit a very low level.
I was watching this video (on tv not here...so I can't link) that talked about this, and defined "levels" of prepping.
It went something like this...

LEVEL 1 - People who prepare for the common mishaps that happen on a regular basis. Like above, band-aids... some rubbing alcohol, maybe a couple packages of toilet paper somewhere.
LEVEL 2 - People who prepare for the less common. But, things that ultimately happens to everyone at some point in their lives. Instead of just band aides, they have heavy gauze, tape, scissors, ace bandages etc. You may have a generator. You have a cupboard with more canned foods, dried beans... some extra rice than you can possibly eat under normal circumstances. Maybe you have a simple survival kit in your vehicles, should you get stuck somewhere. You most likely have one or two guns in the house. With some ammo near by. If a battery runs out in your remote - you always have another. You are prepared for most "normal" circumstances that might happen to you or a member of your family.
LEVEL 3 - People who prepare for the unlikely, but possible. You don't just have guns. You have a collection of them. Ammo? You don't have 100... you have 1000's.
You don't have a cupboard or some stored canned foods/beans/rice.... you have enough to last for months. You don't have a survival knife... you have a dozen. You may have invested in solar panels should the grid go down. You have put real thought into the items you have collected. Done real research, hours of it... making sure you have the right amount of items, and the right items. You may believe a catastrophe is coming soon. You don't obsess about it. But you feel the need to prepare for it nevertheless.
LEVEL 4 - People who obsess about being prepared for anything they think could possibly happen... and are usually convinced it will. You likely don't have 1000's of rounds of ammo. You have 10,000s. And numerous knives, a collection of hand to hand combat weapons. You may have body armor. You don't have a few months of food storage. You have years. Depending on your finances, you spend nearly any available cash on some form of prepping, defensive capability. You have a bug out bag for every member of the family. You have multiple AHA! moments when you watch the news. Always looking out for when the shit hits the fan.

What level are you?

We have prepared multiple evacuation routes in many directions and leading to many "safe" havens. Along those routes we have identified empty homes, farms and industrial buildings fit for use as waystations or layover holdouts along the way. We keep ready bags—frame backpacks—close at hand at all times. They contain everything needed not just for several days of survival in the worst possible conditions, but also means to acquire more supplies and achieve long term survival on the road, if need be. We've also made modifications to our primary vehicle, which was already 4x4 with several settings for snow/mud, etc. Among them are a second fuel tank to extend range, a snorkel, and winch. We keep a waterproof ready bag in the Jeep. In it is a surgical capable first aid kit, rappelling and climbing gear and many other vital implements and vehicle spare parts.

We also have many firearms, and I have cross-trained my wife to use them all proficiently. If need be we can create our own smoke house on the hoof and cure meat and we can forge our own metals, given a few days and create leather for custom clothing. If it comes down to it we can go caveman primitive and then work our way back to semi-modern tech.

We're not believers in holding up in one place too long if the shit truly ever does hit the fan on a national or global level. What we'll do is choose a direction and destination, move and keep moving, and we will never stop to fight or make a stand—until we've reached long term sanctuary. There we'll start out living wild, day to day survival our only goal, and then eventually carve out a comfortable life together.

Millions of preppers and everyone else will perish during SHTF because they will panic and lose their heads and make stupid mistakes. Survival is a frame of mind . . . that's it. Lose that centered, balanced focus and it is all over—unless someone comes along to save you; who want's to depend on that, gamble their loved ones lives on the temperament of strangers?
Today prepping is sort of like the guy riding a moped. A stigma attached to it of a little bit crazy... odd... or a drunk.
Due to television shows representing preppers as a bunch of whacked out conspiracy theorist red necks... many people won't be prepared... because they don't want to be one of those nuts.
In reality... virtually everyone preps. You have band-aids in your medicine cabinet? Tylenols...anti-acid tablets... you are prepping. Albeit a very low level.
I was watching this video (on tv not here...so I can't link) that talked about this, and defined "levels" of prepping.
It went something like this...

LEVEL 1 - People who prepare for the common mishaps that happen on a regular basis. Like above, band-aids... some rubbing alcohol, maybe a couple packages of toilet paper somewhere.
LEVEL 2 - People who prepare for the less common. But, things that ultimately happens to everyone at some point in their lives. Instead of just band aides, they have heavy gauze, tape, scissors, ace bandages etc. You may have a generator. You have a cupboard with more canned foods, dried beans... some extra rice than you can possibly eat under normal circumstances. Maybe you have a simple survival kit in your vehicles, should you get stuck somewhere. You most likely have one or two guns in the house. With some ammo near by. If a battery runs out in your remote - you always have another. You are prepared for most "normal" circumstances that might happen to you or a member of your family.
LEVEL 3 - People who prepare for the unlikely, but possible. You don't just have guns. You have a collection of them. Ammo? You don't have 100... you have 1000's.
You don't have a cupboard or some stored canned foods/beans/rice.... you have enough to last for months. You don't have a survival knife... you have a dozen. You may have invested in solar panels should the grid go down. You have put real thought into the items you have collected. Done real research, hours of it... making sure you have the right amount of items, and the right items. You may believe a catastrophe is coming soon. You don't obsess about it. But you feel the need to prepare for it nevertheless.
LEVEL 4 - People who obsess about being prepared for anything they think could possibly happen... and are usually convinced it will. You likely don't have 1000's of rounds of ammo. You have 10,000s. And numerous knives, a collection of hand to hand combat weapons. You may have body armor. You don't have a few months of food storage. You have years. Depending on your finances, you spend nearly any available cash on some form of prepping, defensive capability. You have a bug out bag for every member of the family. You have multiple AHA! moments when you watch the news. Always looking out for when the shit hits the fan.

What level are you?

We have prepared multiple evacuation routes in many directions and leading to many "safe" havens. Along those routes we have identified empty homes, farms and industrial buildings fit for use as waystations or layover holdouts along the way. We keep ready bags—frame backpacks—close at hand at all times. They contain everything needed not just for several days of survival in the worst possible conditions, but also means to acquire more supplies and achieve long term survival on the road, if need be. We've also made modifications to our primary vehicle, which was already 4x4 with several settings for snow/mud, etc. Among them are a second fuel tank to extend range, a snorkel, and winch. We keep a waterproof ready bag in the Jeep. In it is a surgical capable first aid kit, rappelling and climbing gear and many other vital implements and vehicle spare parts.

We also have many firearms, and I have cross-trained my wife to use them all proficiently. If need be we can create our own smoke house on the hoof and cure meat and we can forge our own metals, given a few days and create leather for custom clothing. If it comes down to it we can go caveman primitive and then work our way back to semi-modern tech.

We're not believers in holding up in one place too long if the shit truly ever does hit the fan on a national or global level. What we'll do is choose a direction and destination, move and keep moving, and we will never stop to fight or make a stand—until we've reached long term sanctuary. There we'll start out living wild, day to day survival our only goal, and then eventually carve out a comfortable life together.

Millions of preppers and everyone else will perish during SHTF because they will panic and lose their heads and make stupid mistakes. Survival is a frame of mind . . . that's it. Lose that centered, balanced focus and it is all over—unless someone comes along to save you; who want's to depend on that, gamble their loved ones lives on the temperament of strangers?
I grew up in Hurricane country. In Florida you never know what the weather will do. And keeping emergency equipment in a vehicle is common sense. Commercial vehicles are required too. My family has been isolated with out phone or utilities for close to a month.
Ate turtles. catfish and swamp cabbage, from the woods and creek behind our property. So I put my self at 2.5 on the scale.
My interest in getting " prepped" was upped when I delivered 4 skids of survival food to a farmer. Each skid was a yrs supply for a family of 4. Tried talking to him on what was behind this but he wouldn't open up. If the freezers are both full, with the Mountain House I could maybe go 9-12 months. .

We're armed to the teeth. Our vehicles never have less than a half a tank of gas for too long. Every time we go shopping, we buy a little something for "the box".
"The box"?

We have large Tupperware storage boxes (we're talkin' BIG) in the garage. Collectively, we refer to them as "the box".

Being in Florida, the threat of violent weather is always very real. If we were to be ground zero for a category 5 hurricane, we could conceivably be without power, water, etc, for weeks, if not longer. There's no reason not to be prepared...
It's irresponsible to not be prepared.

I can provide for myself. If need be, I can help others but, if it comes down to to them or me, fuck them. Many friends are as prepared as I.

I have generators, non-perishable foods, guns, ammo, a lot of cash, gasoline; just about everything I would need to survive for two to three months...
One would think you're be happier.

It seems as though the angriest people on the planet are doomsday preppers. Shouldn't they be the most content?
It's irresponsible to not be prepared.

I can provide for myself. If need be, I can help others but, if it comes down to to them or me, fuck them. Many friends are as prepared as I.

I have generators, non-perishable foods, guns, ammo, a lot of cash, gasoline; just about everything I would need to survive for two to three months...
One would think you're be happier.

It seems as though the angriest people on the planet are doomsday preppers. Shouldn't they be the most content?

What on earth makes you think I'm not happy?

I'm happy as fuck...
What level are you?
The Federal Govenment carefully keeps tracks the people’s level of preparedness for disaster versus the level of control the Government itself can exert on the people to suppress an uprising or insurrection. Level II as you have described is the highest level of preparedness permitted under Federal Law for a private subject who is not a military veteran or a retired or active police officer in the United States.

If your level of preparedness is any higher than that, or involves guns or knives or any dangerous weapons, you are officially deemed a Terrorist threat, and/or a danger to yourself or others because of your delusions of paranoia and wild conspiracy theories, and you are subject to Civil Commitment and Involuntary Hospitalization for the danger or threat you present to yourself or others or society at large, or even the government, by reason of your Violent and Uncontrolled Mental Illness.
And if that isn't enough, there are Red Flag Laws in various states as well as Extreme Risk Protection Orders against violent, deranged, phsychotic individuals.

Wake up sheeple! Do you still think they aren't trying to arrest you on a bogus gun charge just because they can?
Today prepping is sort of like the guy riding a moped. A stigma attached to it of a little bit crazy... odd... or a drunk.
Due to television shows representing preppers as a bunch of whacked out conspiracy theorist red necks... many people won't be prepared... because they don't want to be one of those nuts.
In reality... virtually everyone preps. You have band-aids in your medicine cabinet? Tylenols...anti-acid tablets... you are prepping. Albeit a very low level.
I was watching this video (on tv not here...so I can't link) that talked about this, and defined "levels" of prepping.
It went something like this...

LEVEL 1 - People who prepare for the common mishaps that happen on a regular basis. Like above, band-aids... some rubbing alcohol, maybe a couple packages of toilet paper somewhere.
LEVEL 2 - People who prepare for the less common. But, things that ultimately happens to everyone at some point in their lives. Instead of just band aides, they have heavy gauze, tape, scissors, ace bandages etc. You may have a generator. You have a cupboard with more canned foods, dried beans... some extra rice than you can possibly eat under normal circumstances. Maybe you have a simple survival kit in your vehicles, should you get stuck somewhere. You most likely have one or two guns in the house. With some ammo near by. If a battery runs out in your remote - you always have another. You are prepared for most "normal" circumstances that might happen to you or a member of your family.
LEVEL 3 - People who prepare for the unlikely, but possible. You don't just have guns. You have a collection of them. Ammo? You don't have 100... you have 1000's.
You don't have a cupboard or some stored canned foods/beans/rice.... you have enough to last for months. You don't have a survival knife... you have a dozen. You may have invested in solar panels should the grid go down. You have put real thought into the items you have collected. Done real research, hours of it... making sure you have the right amount of items, and the right items. You may believe a catastrophe is coming soon. You don't obsess about it. But you feel the need to prepare for it nevertheless.
LEVEL 4 - People who obsess about being prepared for anything they think could possibly happen... and are usually convinced it will. You likely don't have 1000's of rounds of ammo. You have 10,000s. And numerous knives, a collection of hand to hand combat weapons. You may have body armor. You don't have a few months of food storage. You have years. Depending on your finances, you spend nearly any available cash on some form of prepping, defensive capability. You have a bug out bag for every member of the family. You have multiple AHA! moments when you watch the news. Always looking out for when the shit hits the fan.

What level are you?

4.5. But that's because I live in earthquake country. If we have a bad one we will be on our own for at least a month. And for months after that supply will be difficult.
Level 11 ...

Today prepping is sort of like the guy riding a moped. A stigma attached to it of a little bit crazy... odd... or a drunk.
Due to television shows representing preppers as a bunch of whacked out conspiracy theorist red necks... many people won't be prepared... because they don't want to be one of those nuts.
In reality... virtually everyone preps. You have band-aids in your medicine cabinet? Tylenols...anti-acid tablets... you are prepping. Albeit a very low level.
I was watching this video (on tv not here...so I can't link) that talked about this, and defined "levels" of prepping.
It went something like this...

LEVEL 1 - People who prepare for the common mishaps that happen on a regular basis. Like above, band-aids... some rubbing alcohol, maybe a couple packages of toilet paper somewhere.
LEVEL 2 - People who prepare for the less common. But, things that ultimately happens to everyone at some point in their lives. Instead of just band aides, they have heavy gauze, tape, scissors, ace bandages etc. You may have a generator. You have a cupboard with more canned foods, dried beans... some extra rice than you can possibly eat under normal circumstances. Maybe you have a simple survival kit in your vehicles, should you get stuck somewhere. You most likely have one or two guns in the house. With some ammo near by. If a battery runs out in your remote - you always have another. You are prepared for most "normal" circumstances that might happen to you or a member of your family.
LEVEL 3 - People who prepare for the unlikely, but possible. You don't just have guns. You have a collection of them. Ammo? You don't have 100... you have 1000's.
You don't have a cupboard or some stored canned foods/beans/rice.... you have enough to last for months. You don't have a survival knife... you have a dozen. You may have invested in solar panels should the grid go down. You have put real thought into the items you have collected. Done real research, hours of it... making sure you have the right amount of items, and the right items. You may believe a catastrophe is coming soon. You don't obsess about it. But you feel the need to prepare for it nevertheless.
LEVEL 4 - People who obsess about being prepared for anything they think could possibly happen... and are usually convinced it will. You likely don't have 1000's of rounds of ammo. You have 10,000s. And numerous knives, a collection of hand to hand combat weapons. You may have body armor. You don't have a few months of food storage. You have years. Depending on your finances, you spend nearly any available cash on some form of prepping, defensive capability. You have a bug out bag for every member of the family. You have multiple AHA! moments when you watch the news. Always looking out for when the shit hits the fan.

What level are you?

We have prepared multiple evacuation routes in many directions and leading to many "safe" havens. Along those routes we have identified empty homes, farms and industrial buildings fit for use as waystations or layover holdouts along the way.
Good luck with that plan.
To my way of thinking being prepared mentally is far more important than trying to store everything you might possibly need. One example is food. No matter how much you store it might not be enough and may well go bad over time and it takes room that might better be used for other things. Seems more important to know how to obtain food from most environments. Can you hunt, fish, trap, and snare as well as identify, obtain, prepare, and store both domestic and wild plants? Can you make your own hunting and fishing equipment from commonly available materials? If you depend on what you have stored you run the risk of being elsewhere when some massive emergency occurs. Better to know how to stop the bleeding than trying to store enough Band-Aids.
As pointed out above if you live on the Gulf Coast for any period of time you learn to keep several weeks supplies of food and necessities and enough cash to buy needed stuff when the power is out. Many people own firearms to deter looters.

A hurricane can ruin your entire month. A major hurricane can ruin your entire year. People who live in Mexico Beach and Panama City, Florida are still recovering from Hurricane Micheal that hit in 2018.
Today prepping is sort of like the guy riding a moped. A stigma attached to it of a little bit crazy... odd... or a drunk.
Due to television shows representing preppers as a bunch of whacked out conspiracy theorist red necks... many people won't be prepared... because they don't want to be one of those nuts.
In reality... virtually everyone preps. You have band-aids in your medicine cabinet? Tylenols...anti-acid tablets... you are prepping. Albeit a very low level.
I was watching this video (on tv not here...so I can't link) that talked about this, and defined "levels" of prepping.
It went something like this...

LEVEL 1 - People who prepare for the common mishaps that happen on a regular basis. Like above, band-aids... some rubbing alcohol, maybe a couple packages of toilet paper somewhere.
LEVEL 2 - People who prepare for the less common. But, things that ultimately happens to everyone at some point in their lives. Instead of just band aides, they have heavy gauze, tape, scissors, ace bandages etc. You may have a generator. You have a cupboard with more canned foods, dried beans... some extra rice than you can possibly eat under normal circumstances. Maybe you have a simple survival kit in your vehicles, should you get stuck somewhere. You most likely have one or two guns in the house. With some ammo near by. If a battery runs out in your remote - you always have another. You are prepared for most "normal" circumstances that might happen to you or a member of your family.
LEVEL 3 - People who prepare for the unlikely, but possible. You don't just have guns. You have a collection of them. Ammo? You don't have 100... you have 1000's.
You don't have a cupboard or some stored canned foods/beans/rice.... you have enough to last for months. You don't have a survival knife... you have a dozen. You may have invested in solar panels should the grid go down. You have put real thought into the items you have collected. Done real research, hours of it... making sure you have the right amount of items, and the right items. You may believe a catastrophe is coming soon. You don't obsess about it. But you feel the need to prepare for it nevertheless.
LEVEL 4 - People who obsess about being prepared for anything they think could possibly happen... and are usually convinced it will. You likely don't have 1000's of rounds of ammo. You have 10,000s. And numerous knives, a collection of hand to hand combat weapons. You may have body armor. You don't have a few months of food storage. You have years. Depending on your finances, you spend nearly any available cash on some form of prepping, defensive capability. You have a bug out bag for every member of the family. You have multiple AHA! moments when you watch the news. Always looking out for when the shit hits the fan.

What level are you?
I have my farm and animals. I'm armed and able enough to take out 6-8 guys of equal ability(because nobody knows your place in the jungle like you do). If 30 show up I'm a dead man.
Anyone anywhere who thinks different is tripping hard.
That said, 50 groups of 2-3 crackheads over a period of time will need to call daddy and tell him to clean his suit on the way over here

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