What liberals failed to learn in 2016


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
People are not tired of investigations into Clinton's corruption. We never got answers to questions regarding Benghazi, the Haiti relief scam, or other scandals surrounding Hillary and Bill for years. We were expected to let things go instead of getting to the bottom of things and the left thought people were okay with being left hanging.

People are tried of identity grift, which is being hastily labelled when someone utters an opposing opinion that the left dislikes. People are sick of being instantly accused of racism or bigotry for merely expressing a view about subjects that have nothing to do with race or ethnicity. People are sick of the left trying to make everything about race. It's the left that is obsessed with race and they twist everything to fit into their narrow scope. No one likes being dismissed just because it's not popular with the left to talk about certain things. Terrorism is quite real. Why are we being asked to ignore the mindset behind all the attacks and instead focus on gun control, even when guns weren't used to carry out mass murders? And talking about the violence in inner cities, like Detroit and Chicago, is not racist. Ignoring the problem and allowing so many victims to die is not being kind. Pull your heads out of your asses and look critically at the problem. It is not a cop problem. It is a gang problem. It's a thug problem. It's parents not doing their job. It's people not being taught to respect life. And the problem grows because the left won't address the root problem. That is mean.

People want transparency, not being spoonfed news and told to accept it without question. The media, on both sides, have a habit of telling us what they want us to hear and denying everything else ever happened. Politicians act completely shocked when a reporter dares to act like a real reporter and pose a tough question. Those reporters who did that found themselves in a tough spot. Some were threatened. Some were fired. These days, you either play ball according to their rules or you face the consequences. And the media and politicians are so foolish that they don't think the people are noticing all this. Maybe a few minions are too busy loving their Obama phones or government housing to question anything, but those who make their own way are still independent thinkers. I know the left hates that. Too many people didn't undergo the indoctrination process by liberal professors and the left sees them as big problems.

People want national security. We all understand that sometimes that means not being told about certain things and respecting classified information. Of course, people were appalled to learn that Hillary has such little regard for the safety of information entrusted to her. A homebrew server run out of some guy's bathroom sounded like something a criminal would do. Well, I guess it is just that. We must be able to trust those who lead us. And those people must answer to us when they fail so miserably at their job.

People want border control. No one likes the thought of anyone being able to enter the country and then move about as they please under the radar. There are many criminals, dangerous ones, who are difficult to catch because no one knows for sure who they are or where they are. Yet, the current lack of security at the border allows virtually anyone to enter and commit crimes with impunity. When some are caught, we usually find out that they are here illegally and often have been deported numerous times. Deportation has become a small inconvenience for many of them because they return dozens of times to commit more crimes. If deportation is to be effective, we have to stop them from re-entering.

Jobs are important to many. The Obama administration focused more on increasing welfare rolls than creating regulations condusive to job creation. Government does not create jobs. They can increase the size and power of government, at great expense to the people, but they do not create wealth. They consume wealth at a rapid pace but they don't generate it. And they must stop strangling the private sector because the tax burden increases for those who work when more and more do not work. Many jobs are being taken by foreigners and the citizens have often been made to train their foreign replacements before being shown the door. This shouldn't even be allowed. The program exists for companies to look outside the country when position cannot be filled by citizens. Now it means that any citizen can be replaced.

Transgenders in bathrooms was never an issue. Transgenders have always used the bathroom that fits them. Most people were completely unaware that they were sharing a bathroom with transgenders. That is because transgenders fit in. The left decided to offer solutions when there was no problem. All they managed to do was bring negative attention to people who didn't need or want it. And they created a more dangerous environment because the actual preverts started taking advantage of the new rules. No one was helped. It caused more people to become uncomfortable.

People want politicians held to the same standards that we are. We don't want them to have the luxury of not having to follow laws they impose on us and having a higher standard for being charged with crimes. Everything from insider trading to reckless regard for classified information is a serious crime for the average person but allowed for politicians. We want equality and that means politicians not being above any law they make. No special treatment.

While abortion will always be an issue, even people who believe abortions should be legal aren't willing to pay for them. And it's wrong to allow Planned Parenthood to break laws regarding non-profit organizations. They may not endorse or make campaign contributions, but it seems PP was given a pass. And despite the fact that the see millions in profits each year, we still fund them. Without those millions from tax payers, PP would still see a profit. They wouldn't, however, be able to spend millions to elect liberals. That is wrong and needs to stop. The left also needs to stop pretending that late term abortions are to save the mother's life. It is NEVER necessary to kill the late term baby to save the mother. Ending the pregnancy by C-Section or induced labor is NOT abortion.

People are tired of political correctness. Nothing is more frustrating that noticing that the emporer is wearing no clothes and having someone tell you it's not okay to point that out. You're supposed to play along and pretend that things are another way and you keep that up until you lose your free will and simply do as you're told. If that feels wrong to you and you fight it, you are treated like the problem.

The left likes to think that people are basically stupid and they talk down to them. When people take offense, they are insulted even more. They claim they are about choice but the truth is, that only applies to abortion. It goes along with their population control so they approve of it when people help them with that. Other than that, they would prefer to tell you where to live, what to eat, what to drive, what to pay employees, how to run your business, what insurance you have to buy, how to speak and where your kids go to school. And the left is scratching their heads wondering why people aren't buying their freedom of choice bullshit.

When I see the same rhetoric from the left continuing, Pelosi being elected minority leader and Obama fanning the flames of racism and betraying Israel, it's clear that the Dems have learned nothing from their monumental defeat in November.

The elitists libs think the people are stupid but it's really the other way around. They still haven't figured it out. They think the reason so many Dems lost in November is because they weren't extreme enough so they'll stepped it up a notch. Fucking clueless!!!!

No, Obama, you would not have won again. While people might consider you to be a nice guy, this election was an outright rejection of your policies. You took us too far left and people found that unacceptable. You stated before November that the election was about your policies. That was one thing you got right.
LOL I didn't bother to read that. I doubt that anyone else did.

However, what we did learn in this election is that one must first pay attention to the electoral numbers above that of the popular vote. And that there are many Americans that will accept the interference of a hostile foreign power in their election, if that interference helps them. Winning the popular vote by almost 3 million votes does not win an election. So, for the second time in less than two decades, the loser of the popular vote becomes President.
People are not tired of investigations into Clinton's corruption. We never got answers to questions regarding Benghazi, the Haiti relief scam, or other scandals surrounding Hillary and Bill for years. We were expected to let things go instead of getting to the bottom of things and the left thought people were okay with being left hanging.

People are tried of identity grift, which is being hastily labelled when someone utters an opposing opinion that the left dislikes. People are sick of being instantly accused of racism or bigotry for merely expressing a view about subjects that have nothing to do with race or ethnicity. People are sick of the left trying to make everything about race. It's the left that is obsessed with race and they twist everything to fit into their narrow scope. No one likes being dismissed just because it's not popular with the left to talk about certain things. Terrorism is quite real. Why are we being asked to ignore the mindset behind all the attacks and instead focus on gun control, even when guns weren't used to carry out mass murders? And talking about the violence in inner cities, like Detroit and Chicago, is not racist. Ignoring the problem and allowing so many victims to die is not being kind. Pull your heads out of your asses and look critically at the problem. It is not a cop problem. It is a gang problem. It's a thug problem. It's parents not doing their job. It's people not being taught to respect life. And the problem grows because the left won't address the root problem. That is mean.

People want transparency, not being spoonfed news and told to accept it without question. The media, on both sides, have a habit of telling us what they want us to hear and denying everything else ever happened. Politicians act completely shocked when a reporter dares to act like a real reporter and pose a tough question. Those reporters who did that found themselves in a tough spot. Some were threatened. Some were fired. These days, you either play ball according to their rules or you face the consequences. And the media and politicians are so foolish that they don't think the people are noticing all this. Maybe a few minions are too busy loving their Obama phones or government housing to question anything, but those who make their own way are still independent thinkers. I know the left hates that. Too many people didn't undergo the indoctrination process by liberal professors and the left sees them as big problems.

People want national security. We all understand that sometimes that means not being told about certain things and respecting classified information. Of course, people were appalled to learn that Hillary has such little regard for the safety of information entrusted to her. A homebrew server run out of some guy's bathroom sounded like something a criminal would do. Well, I guess it is just that. We must be able to trust those who lead us. And those people must answer to us when they fail so miserably at their job.

People want border control. No one likes the thought of anyone being able to enter the country and then move about as they please under the radar. There are many criminals, dangerous ones, who are difficult to catch because no one knows for sure who they are or where they are. Yet, the current lack of security at the border allows virtually anyone to enter and commit crimes with impunity. When some are caught, we usually find out that they are here illegally and often have been deported numerous times. Deportation has become a small inconvenience for many of them because they return dozens of times to commit more crimes. If deportation is to be effective, we have to stop them from re-entering.

Jobs are important to many. The Obama administration focused more on increasing welfare rolls than creating regulations condusive to job creation. Government does not create jobs. They can increase the size and power of government, at great expense to the people, but they do not create wealth. They consume wealth at a rapid pace but they don't generate it. And they must stop strangling the private sector because the tax burden increases for those who work when more and more do not work. Many jobs are being taken by foreigners and the citizens have often been made to train their foreign replacements before being shown the door. This shouldn't even be allowed. The program exists for companies to look outside the country when position cannot be filled by citizens. Now it means that any citizen can be replaced.

Transgenders in bathrooms was never an issue. Transgenders have always used the bathroom that fits them. Most people were completely unaware that they were sharing a bathroom with transgenders. That is because transgenders fit in. The left decided to offer solutions when there was no problem. All they managed to do was bring negative attention to people who didn't need or want it. And they created a more dangerous environment because the actual preverts started taking advantage of the new rules. No one was helped. It caused more people to become uncomfortable.

People want politicians held to the same standards that we are. We don't want them to have the luxury of not having to follow laws they impose on us and having a higher standard for being charged with crimes. Everything from insider trading to reckless regard for classified information is a serious crime for the average person but allowed for politicians. We want equality and that means politicians not being above any law they make. No special treatment.

While abortion will always be an issue, even people who believe abortions should be legal aren't willing to pay for them. And it's wrong to allow Planned Parenthood to break laws regarding non-profit organizations. They may not endorse or make campaign contributions, but it seems PP was given a pass. And despite the fact that the see millions in profits each year, we still fund them. Without those millions from tax payers, PP would still see a profit. They wouldn't, however, be able to spend millions to elect liberals. That is wrong and needs to stop. The left also needs to stop pretending that late term abortions are to save the mother's life. It is NEVER necessary to kill the late term baby to save the mother. Ending the pregnancy by C-Section or induced labor is NOT abortion.

People are tired of political correctness. Nothing is more frustrating that noticing that the emporer is wearing no clothes and having someone tell you it's not okay to point that out. You're supposed to play along and pretend that things are another way and you keep that up until you lose your free will and simply do as you're told. If that feels wrong to you and you fight it, you are treated like the problem.

The left likes to think that people are basically stupid and they talk down to them. When people take offense, they are insulted even more. They claim they are about choice but the truth is, that only applies to abortion. It goes along with their population control so they approve of it when people help them with that. Other than that, they would prefer to tell you where to live, what to eat, what to drive, what to pay employees, how to run your business, what insurance you have to buy, how to speak and where your kids go to school. And the left is scratching their heads wondering why people aren't buying their freedom of choice bullshit.

When I see the same rhetoric from the left continuing, Pelosi being elected minority leader and Obama fanning the flames of racism and betraying Israel, it's clear that the Dems have learned nothing from their monumental defeat in November.

The elitists libs think the people are stupid but it's really the other way around. They still haven't figured it out. They think the reason so many Dems lost in November is because they weren't extreme enough so they'll stepped it up a notch. Fucking clueless!!!!

No, Obama, you would not have won again. While people might consider you to be a nice guy, this election was an outright rejection of your policies. You took us too far left and people found that unacceptable. You stated before November that the election was about your policies. That was one thing you got right.

Okay........very long and informative. But has conservative Trump voters not seen what Trump and his cabinet picks thus far has en-stored over the next 4 years????

I'm wondering what the Trump voters think what Trump and his cabinet picks have planned?

1. Are the Trump voters ready to bomb and invade.....possible occupy Iran??? Is conservative America ready for military coffins on the television every night?????

2. Will Trump come to the nation and tell America we gotta put boots on the ground in the M.E. to defeat ISIS???

3. Will Trump's Admin. create a global trading war with China and our current trading partners???

4. Will Trumps current Wall Street/Goldman Sachs cabinet selections further enrich the current 1 percent of the wealthiest Americans thus further exasperating the wealth inequality?

5. Will Trumps plan rebuilding-expenditures on military weaponry, fighting wars, borrowing money further increasing the debt and deficit????

These are questions non-Trump voters will have over the next 4 years.
LOL I didn't bother to read that. I doubt that anyone else did.

However, what we did learn in this election is that one must first pay attention to the electoral numbers above that of the popular vote. And that there are many Americans that will accept the interference of a hostile foreign power in their election, if that interference helps them. Winning the popular vote by almost 3 million votes does not win an election. So, for the second time in less than two decades, the loser of the popular vote becomes President.

I'm sure you prefer to stick with brief daily talking points. Reading is too hard for some.

Most of Hillary votes came from California where there are high populations of illegal aliens. And Obama told them they could vote. We also had votes for Hillary being counted as many as six times each in some places. Learned that during Stein's recount till they called it off. So, I don't believe she won the popular by citizen's votes that were only counted once.

Point is that libs are not taking a hard look at themselves and making changes. Dems all across the country lost, not just Hillary. And instead of getting the message, they are continuing with the same tactics and same rhetoric that turned voters off in November. Electing Pelosi as minority leader is an example of how they just don't get it. They are not responding to the election by meeting people halfway, they are just putting the same failed ideas in overdrive and continuing on. Bad mistake.
People are not tired of investigations into Clinton's corruption. We never got answers to questions regarding Benghazi, the Haiti relief scam, or other scandals surrounding Hillary and Bill for years. We were expected to let things go instead of getting to the bottom of things and the left thought people were okay with being left hanging.

People are tried of identity grift, which is being hastily labelled when someone utters an opposing opinion that the left dislikes. People are sick of being instantly accused of racism or bigotry for merely expressing a view about subjects that have nothing to do with race or ethnicity. People are sick of the left trying to make everything about race. It's the left that is obsessed with race and they twist everything to fit into their narrow scope. No one likes being dismissed just because it's not popular with the left to talk about certain things. Terrorism is quite real. Why are we being asked to ignore the mindset behind all the attacks and instead focus on gun control, even when guns weren't used to carry out mass murders? And talking about the violence in inner cities, like Detroit and Chicago, is not racist. Ignoring the problem and allowing so many victims to die is not being kind. Pull your heads out of your asses and look critically at the problem. It is not a cop problem. It is a gang problem. It's a thug problem. It's parents not doing their job. It's people not being taught to respect life. And the problem grows because the left won't address the root problem. That is mean.

People want transparency, not being spoonfed news and told to accept it without question. The media, on both sides, have a habit of telling us what they want us to hear and denying everything else ever happened. Politicians act completely shocked when a reporter dares to act like a real reporter and pose a tough question. Those reporters who did that found themselves in a tough spot. Some were threatened. Some were fired. These days, you either play ball according to their rules or you face the consequences. And the media and politicians are so foolish that they don't think the people are noticing all this. Maybe a few minions are too busy loving their Obama phones or government housing to question anything, but those who make their own way are still independent thinkers. I know the left hates that. Too many people didn't undergo the indoctrination process by liberal professors and the left sees them as big problems.

People want national security. We all understand that sometimes that means not being told about certain things and respecting classified information. Of course, people were appalled to learn that Hillary has such little regard for the safety of information entrusted to her. A homebrew server run out of some guy's bathroom sounded like something a criminal would do. Well, I guess it is just that. We must be able to trust those who lead us. And those people must answer to us when they fail so miserably at their job.

People want border control. No one likes the thought of anyone being able to enter the country and then move about as they please under the radar. There are many criminals, dangerous ones, who are difficult to catch because no one knows for sure who they are or where they are. Yet, the current lack of security at the border allows virtually anyone to enter and commit crimes with impunity. When some are caught, we usually find out that they are here illegally and often have been deported numerous times. Deportation has become a small inconvenience for many of them because they return dozens of times to commit more crimes. If deportation is to be effective, we have to stop them from re-entering.

Jobs are important to many. The Obama administration focused more on increasing welfare rolls than creating regulations condusive to job creation. Government does not create jobs. They can increase the size and power of government, at great expense to the people, but they do not create wealth. They consume wealth at a rapid pace but they don't generate it. And they must stop strangling the private sector because the tax burden increases for those who work when more and more do not work. Many jobs are being taken by foreigners and the citizens have often been made to train their foreign replacements before being shown the door. This shouldn't even be allowed. The program exists for companies to look outside the country when position cannot be filled by citizens. Now it means that any citizen can be replaced.

Transgenders in bathrooms was never an issue. Transgenders have always used the bathroom that fits them. Most people were completely unaware that they were sharing a bathroom with transgenders. That is because transgenders fit in. The left decided to offer solutions when there was no problem. All they managed to do was bring negative attention to people who didn't need or want it. And they created a more dangerous environment because the actual preverts started taking advantage of the new rules. No one was helped. It caused more people to become uncomfortable.

People want politicians held to the same standards that we are. We don't want them to have the luxury of not having to follow laws they impose on us and having a higher standard for being charged with crimes. Everything from insider trading to reckless regard for classified information is a serious crime for the average person but allowed for politicians. We want equality and that means politicians not being above any law they make. No special treatment.

While abortion will always be an issue, even people who believe abortions should be legal aren't willing to pay for them. And it's wrong to allow Planned Parenthood to break laws regarding non-profit organizations. They may not endorse or make campaign contributions, but it seems PP was given a pass. And despite the fact that the see millions in profits each year, we still fund them. Without those millions from tax payers, PP would still see a profit. They wouldn't, however, be able to spend millions to elect liberals. That is wrong and needs to stop. The left also needs to stop pretending that late term abortions are to save the mother's life. It is NEVER necessary to kill the late term baby to save the mother. Ending the pregnancy by C-Section or induced labor is NOT abortion.

People are tired of political correctness. Nothing is more frustrating that noticing that the emporer is wearing no clothes and having someone tell you it's not okay to point that out. You're supposed to play along and pretend that things are another way and you keep that up until you lose your free will and simply do as you're told. If that feels wrong to you and you fight it, you are treated like the problem.

The left likes to think that people are basically stupid and they talk down to them. When people take offense, they are insulted even more. They claim they are about choice but the truth is, that only applies to abortion. It goes along with their population control so they approve of it when people help them with that. Other than that, they would prefer to tell you where to live, what to eat, what to drive, what to pay employees, how to run your business, what insurance you have to buy, how to speak and where your kids go to school. And the left is scratching their heads wondering why people aren't buying their freedom of choice bullshit.

When I see the same rhetoric from the left continuing, Pelosi being elected minority leader and Obama fanning the flames of racism and betraying Israel, it's clear that the Dems have learned nothing from their monumental defeat in November.

The elitists libs think the people are stupid but it's really the other way around. They still haven't figured it out. They think the reason so many Dems lost in November is because they weren't extreme enough so they'll stepped it up a notch. Fucking clueless!!!!

No, Obama, you would not have won again. While people might consider you to be a nice guy, this election was an outright rejection of your policies. You took us too far left and people found that unacceptable. You stated before November that the election was about your policies. That was one thing you got right.

Okay........very long and informative. But has conservative Trump voters not seen what Trump and his cabinet picks thus far has en-stored over the next 4 years????

I'm wondering what the Trump voters think what Trump and his cabinet picks have planned?

1. Are the Trump voters ready to bomb and invade.....possible occupy Iran??? Is conservative America ready for military coffins on the television every night?????

2. Will Trump come to the nation and tell America we gotta put boots on the ground in the M.E. to defeat ISIS???

3. Will Trump's Admin. create a global trading war with China and our current trading partners???

4. Will Trumps current Wall Street/Goldman Sachs cabinet selections further enrich the current 1 percent of the wealthiest Americans thus further exasperating the wealth inequality?

5. Will Trumps plan rebuilding-expenditures on military weaponry, fighting wars, borrowing money further increasing the debt and deficit????

These are questions non-Trump voters will have over the next 4 years.
If you have a war with Iran it will be Obama and Iran's doing
Trump has stated multiple times he is not going to meddle overseas.....As for Isis when we quit funding it and training it it may be whole lot easier to do away with. Egypt and Jordan wanted to join the right and Obama shunned them.
Try listening to what he says instead of your daily talking points
LOL I didn't bother to read that. I doubt that anyone else did.

However, what we did learn in this election is that one must first pay attention to the electoral numbers above that of the popular vote. And that there are many Americans that will accept the interference of a hostile foreign power in their election, if that interference helps them. Winning the popular vote by almost 3 million votes does not win an election. So, for the second time in less than two decades, the loser of the popular vote becomes President.

In other words, you learned nothing. Not even to read yet...

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