What make Newt believe blacks are "Satisfied" with Food Stamps?

His arrogance and ignorance?

If Gingrich were serious about jobs for black people, he would suggest a program where poor city blacks are taught how to install and maintain solar panels, which would be subsidized by tax breaks for companies that hire workers.

THAT'S how you break the cycle of poverty, give them the TOOLS to escape it, instead of simply insisting they pull themselves up by their bootstraps, like mere MERIT is all that is required in today's work environs.
See when you look at the quote he says that blacks are satisfied with Food Stamps instead of paychecks. Surprisingly the "satisifed" part was left out in headlines and some posters here.

Does he want blacks to actually invite him to hear his ideas or is he playing to that part of the base?
This is my opinion only. But, people weather black,white, yellow, brown are on food stamps for years and years. They must be satisfied with them or they would try to change it. Work 2 or 3 jobs or whatever it takes to get off of them. I know some people who have been on them their whole adult life ( My sister being one of them) and to them that is part of their income so they do not even try to better themselves to get off of them. People on the left feel they are entitled to this just for breathing. Sorry your not entitled to it. You should work for it. I believe that food stamps or welfare should be a stepping stool not a way of life.

Gingrich, during an appearance in Plymouth, New Hampshire, spoke about remarks he would theoretically make if invited to speak to the NAACP.

"I'm prepared, if the NAACP invites me, I'll go to their convention and talk about why the African American community should demand paychecks and not be satisfied with food stamps," Gingrich said.

Gingrich singles out blacks in food stamp remark - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Thanks for that. Would be a lot easier if OPs would link to their ranting.

It appears that what Newts said was pretty stupid... I get what he means but he worded it very badly.
His arrogance and ignorance?

If Gingrich were serious about jobs for black people, he would suggest a program where poor city blacks are taught how to install and maintain solar panels, which would be subsidized by tax breaks for companies that hire workers.

THAT'S how you break the cycle of poverty, give them the TOOLS to escape it, instead of simply insisting they pull themselves up by their bootstraps, like mere MERIT is all that is required in today's work environs.

You of course are aware that the 53% of us who actually pay income taxes fund 47 different federal jobs training programs, correct? Do you think a 48th program is what will make the difference? :cuckoo:

We've had a war on poverty since 1965 and all the entitlements have done is settle people into that lifestyle instead of break the cycle.

Government Waste By The Numbers: Report Identifies Dozens Of Overlapping Programs | Fox News

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This is my opinion only. But, people weather black,white, yellow, brown are on food stamps for years and years. They must be satisfied with them or they would try to change it. Work 2 or 3 jobs or whatever it takes to get off of them. I know some people who have been on them their whole adult life ( My sister being one of them) and to them that is part of their income so they do not even try to better themselves to get off of them. People on the left feel they are entitled to this just for breathing. Sorry your not entitled to it. You should work for it. I believe that food stamps or welfare should be a stepping stool not a way of life.

Agreed. One hunnert percent!

I don't know what Newt sounds like inside his own head, especially these days with his anti-capitalist rants, but his NAACP remark sounds pretty racist.

While you are correct that there are some people who settle for food stamps and don't make an effort to get off them, those people are as you say. Black, white, yellow, whatever.

By singling out blacks, Newt is saying it is they and they alone who are not making the effort.
This is my opinion only. But, people weather black,white, yellow, brown are on food stamps for years and years. They must be satisfied with them or they would try to change it. Work 2 or 3 jobs or whatever it takes to get off of them. I know some people who have been on them their whole adult life ( My sister being one of them) and to them that is part of their income so they do not even try to better themselves to get off of them. People on the left feel they are entitled to this just for breathing. Sorry your not entitled to it. You should work for it. I believe that food stamps or welfare should be a stepping stool not a way of life.

you ignore that he singled out black people. Why?
He's just banking on the voter ID laws so he doesn't have to pay consequences at the polls for his idiocy.
This is my opinion only. But, people weather black,white, yellow, brown are on food stamps for years and years. They must be satisfied with them or they would try to change it. Work 2 or 3 jobs or whatever it takes to get off of them. I know some people who have been on them their whole adult life ( My sister being one of them) and to them that is part of their income so they do not even try to better themselves to get off of them. People on the left feel they are entitled to this just for breathing. Sorry your not entitled to it. You should work for it. I believe that food stamps or welfare should be a stepping stool not a way of life.

You make it sound like getting 2 or 3 jobs is easy, I don't know about you but even getting a job at McDonalds or Burger King is harder than it used to be. You can't just roll out of bed, shower and shave and walk out there and get a job.
This is my opinion only. But, people weather black,white, yellow, brown are on food stamps for years and years. They must be satisfied with them or they would try to change it. Work 2 or 3 jobs or whatever it takes to get off of them. I know some people who have been on them their whole adult life ( My sister being one of them) and to them that is part of their income so they do not even try to better themselves to get off of them. People on the left feel they are entitled to this just for breathing. Sorry your not entitled to it. You should work for it. I believe that food stamps or welfare should be a stepping stool not a way of life.

you ignore that he singled out black people. Why?

They are the ones most need of help. They need motivation and don't have it.
Well, obviously their experience has taught them that no matter HOW HARD they try to better their situation, they cannot achieve anything better than food stamps.

I just LOVE how everyone ASSUMES it's a matter of a CHOICE to not be poor, without really taking any time to find out WHY.

Ask yourself this question, would YOU work an additional 20 hours a week if it didn't make your existence marginally better?

If you think welfare is expensive, try civilization WITHOUT it.
This is my opinion only. But, people weather black,white, yellow, brown are on food stamps for years and years. They must be satisfied with them or they would try to change it. Work 2 or 3 jobs or whatever it takes to get off of them. I know some people who have been on them their whole adult life ( My sister being one of them) and to them that is part of their income so they do not even try to better themselves to get off of them. People on the left feel they are entitled to this just for breathing. Sorry your not entitled to it. You should work for it. I believe that food stamps or welfare should be a stepping stool not a way of life.

you ignore that he singled out black people. Why?

They are the ones most need of help. They need motivation and don't have it.

See what you just did there?
This is my opinion only. But, people weather black,white, yellow, brown are on food stamps for years and years. They must be satisfied with them or they would try to change it. Work 2 or 3 jobs or whatever it takes to get off of them. I know some people who have been on them their whole adult life ( My sister being one of them) and to them that is part of their income so they do not even try to better themselves to get off of them. People on the left feel they are entitled to this just for breathing. Sorry your not entitled to it. You should work for it. I believe that food stamps or welfare should be a stepping stool not a way of life.

you ignore that he singled out black people. Why?

They are the ones most need of help. They need motivation and don't have it.

Thats just bullshit.:doubt:
This is my opinion only. But, people weather black,white, yellow, brown are on food stamps for years and years. They must be satisfied with them or they would try to change it. Work 2 or 3 jobs or whatever it takes to get off of them. I know some people who have been on them their whole adult life ( My sister being one of them) and to them that is part of their income so they do not even try to better themselves to get off of them. People on the left feel they are entitled to this just for breathing. Sorry your not entitled to it. You should work for it. I believe that food stamps or welfare should be a stepping stool not a way of life.

you ignore that he singled out black people. Why?

Pls correct me if i am wrong....but don't a higher percentage of blacks get food stamps than a percentage of whites.....?

Also the black community is always crying out for more help....Gingrich is only answering the call....he says poor blacks (and whites) need PAYCHECKS....not food stamps....

"I'm prepared, if the NAACP invites me, I'll go to their convention and talk about why the African American community should demand paychecks and not be satisfied with food stamps," Gingrich said.

The former House speaker has made a habit of calling President Obama the "food stamp president" -- a nickname he used on Thursday as well -- and has often painted the contrast between himself and Mr. Obama as a choice between paychecks and food stamps.

"The fact is, if I become your nominee we will make the key test very simple: Food stamps versus paychecks," Gingrich said. "Obama is the best food stamp president in American history. More people are on food stamps today because of Obama's policies than ever in history. I would like to be the best paycheck president in American history."

The use of food stamps in America has continued to climb in recent years, and hit an all-time high of nearly 45 million in 2011.
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