what makes Obama WORTHY of the job?

According to the Constitution it does
Excellent response.

So, George W. Bush was worthy of being the President of the United States.

Thanks for playing.

According to the Constitution....Yes he was

Was he a GOOD President? No he wasn't
Better than Obama.

Bush had 6 years of growth, followed by 2 years of obstructionism by Democrats. Both were responsible for our economic crash.

Obama has had zero years of growth....

Obama said he could fix it. Bush did fix it.
Obama said that his way was better. Clearly, it hasn't been.

Obama has been the worst president since Wilson.

Bush just sucked, but was a better president than Obama.

That is just how it went down.

Excellent response.

So, George W. Bush was worthy of being the President of the United States.

Thanks for playing.

According to the Constitution....Yes he was

Was he a GOOD President? No he wasn't

Wow...he got you there. You had to admit that the president was the legitimate president. How will you recover?

You should read it.....wait can you tell me why Bammy buried so much about Student Loans in it?

Your inexperience in life makes you say silly things....tell me honey.....how many levels of coverage can the State Exchanges offer?
Excellent response.

So, George W. Bush was worthy of being the President of the United States.

Thanks for playing.

According to the Constitution....Yes he was

Was he a GOOD President? No he wasn't
Better than Obama.

Bush had 6 years of growth, followed by 2 years of obstructionism by Democrats. Both were responsible for our economic crash.

Obama has had zero years of growth....

Obama said he could fix it. Bush did fix it.
Obama said that his way was better. Clearly, it hasn't been.

Obama has been the worst president since Wilson.

Bush just sucked, but was a better president than Obama.

That is just how it went down.


Bush allowed the worst terrorist attack in history
Botched two wars
Engaged in torture
Allowed the worst economic collapse in 75 years

WORST President in modern times
Took out Bin Laden
Kept the country from a depression
Health care for millions more Americans
Tax cuts for the middle class
Took out Qaddafi without the loss of a single American life
signed the Lilly Ledbetter act
ended DADT
stopped major combat in Iraq
Took out most of al Queada
Helped millions of college students with grant money that used to go to banks (6 billion a year)
got 20 billion from BP (for which Republicans apologized)
would have investigated BP but Republicans blocked his investigation
added sexual orientation to hate crime laws
helped finance private sector spaceflight (private craft recently docked and took supplies to the space station)
Appointed nation's first Chief Technology Officer
Establishing a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Signed financial reform law
Signed law prohibiting banks from engaging in proprietary trading
Signed law allowing shareholders of publicly traded companies to vote on executive pay
Cut prescription drug cost for medicare recipients by 50%
Extended Benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees
The American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009
Created more private sector jobs in 2010 than during entire Bush years
Voluntary disclosure of White House visitors for the first time in US history (no more Jeff Gannon)
Appointed first Latina to the US Supreme Court
Creation of serve.gov, a national database of volunteer opportunities
Allowed US aid to go to organizations regardless of whether they provide abortions
Gave the FDA the authority to regulate the manufacturing, marketing, and sale of tobacco
Signed New START Treaty
First president to endorse same-sex marriage equality
Provided travel expenses to families of fallen soldiers
Reversed the policy of barring media coverage during the return of fallen soldiers (GOP didn't want America to see what they've done)
Recovery.gov to track spending and allowing the public to report fraud, waste, or abuse
$1.4 billion to improve services to America's Veterans
Children's Health Insurance Reauthorization Act
Repeal Bush era restrictions on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research
Ended Bush administration's CIA program of 'enhanced interrogation
Increased minority access to capital
Prevent credit card companies from imposing arbitrary rate increases on customers
Health Care Reform Bill
Allowing children to remain covered by their parents' insurance until the age of 26
Tax cuts for up to 3.5 million small businesses to help pay for employee health care coverage
Tax credits for up to 29 million individuals to help pay for health insurance
Require health insurance plans to disclose how much of the premium actually goes to patient care
Increased funding for the Violence Against Women Act
Lifted restrictions granting Cuban Americans unrestricted rights to visit family
Increased funding for national parks and forests by 10%
Expanded gun rights in National Parks

I'm tired. I could go on and I didn't even mention what he did while in the Senate. He was one of the most active Senators ever.

Let me know if you need links to anything. Might be better to put out instructions on how to use "Google".
According to the Constitution....Yes he was

Was he a GOOD President? No he wasn't
Better than Obama.

Bush had 6 years of growth, followed by 2 years of obstructionism by Democrats. Both were responsible for our economic crash.

Obama has had zero years of growth....

Obama said he could fix it. Bush did fix it.
Obama said that his way was better. Clearly, it hasn't been.

Obama has been the worst president since Wilson.

Bush just sucked, but was a better president than Obama.

That is just how it went down.


Bush allowed the worst terrorist attack in history
Botched two wars
Engaged in torture
Allowed the worst economic collapse in 75 years

WORST President in modern times
Bush allowed nothing. That is like saying that FDR was responsible for Pearl Harbor..

The wars were botched by Democratic politicalization of the war....when you do everything in your power to ensure that your President fails, then it looks bad on both you and your President.

No torture was enacted. Total failure.

Allowed nothing, and was prevented from taking action to stop it two years prior.

Better than Obama.

Bush had 6 years of growth, followed by 2 years of obstructionism by Democrats. Both were responsible for our economic crash.

Obama has had zero years of growth....

Obama said he could fix it. Bush did fix it.
Obama said that his way was better. Clearly, it hasn't been.

Obama has been the worst president since Wilson.

Bush just sucked, but was a better president than Obama.

That is just how it went down.


Bush allowed the worst terrorist attack in history
Botched two wars
Engaged in torture
Allowed the worst economic collapse in 75 years

WORST President in modern times
Bush allowed nothing. That is like saying that FDR was responsible for Pearl Harbor..

The wars were botched by Democratic politicalization of the war....when you do everything in your power to ensure that your President fails, then it looks bad on both you and your President.

No torture was enacted. Total failure.

Allowed nothing, and was prevented from taking action to stop it two years prior.


Bush was totally unprepared for the attacks

Just like he was totally unprepared for Katrina and totally unprepared for the economic collapse

WORST President in modern times
seriously. he is the President of the United States. give us some good reasons.. (if you can) :eusa_shhh:

Well now he is a former community organiser, so that must be it. :D Of course, I am a community organiser as well, so maybe I will throw my hat in the ring someday. LOL
Bush allowed the worst terrorist attack in history
Botched two wars
Engaged in torture
Allowed the worst economic collapse in 75 years

WORST President in modern times
Bush allowed nothing. That is like saying that FDR was responsible for Pearl Harbor..

The wars were botched by Democratic politicalization of the war....when you do everything in your power to ensure that your President fails, then it looks bad on both you and your President.

No torture was enacted. Total failure.

Allowed nothing, and was prevented from taking action to stop it two years prior.


Bush was totally unprepared for the attacks

Just like he was totally unprepared for Katrina and totally unprepared for the economic collapse

WORST President in modern times

Seriously, you gotta be kidding, was unprepared for 9-11, I don't think anyone anticipated those attacks and Clinton had 3 chances to take Osama out and did not do it. Katrina???? The Democrat governor and the mayor were incompetent, Bush called the Governor several times telling her to declare a state of emergency because without that he could not release Fema, the mayor had all those bus's sitting in the parking lot and not one of them was fired up to evacuate people.

BTW Obama is the worst president in history, 23 million unemployed, shuts down the keystone pipeline which would have created thousands of jobs, $4,000 decline in median personal income, prices doubled at the gas pumps creating higher prices on EVERYTHING!! 16 TRILLION dollars in debt and climbing by the second, Obama will beat out Carter as the worst President in history.
Bush allowed the worst terrorist attack in history
Botched two wars
Engaged in torture
Allowed the worst economic collapse in 75 years

WORST President in modern times
Bush allowed nothing. That is like saying that FDR was responsible for Pearl Harbor..

The wars were botched by Democratic politicalization of the war....when you do everything in your power to ensure that your President fails, then it looks bad on both you and your President.

No torture was enacted. Total failure.

Allowed nothing, and was prevented from taking action to stop it two years prior.


Bush was totally unprepared for the attacks

Just like he was totally unprepared for Katrina and totally unprepared for the economic collapse

WORST President in modern times

I don't think you can blame Bush totally for 9/11. You can blame him for everything else though.
Bush allowed nothing. That is like saying that FDR was responsible for Pearl Harbor..

The wars were botched by Democratic politicalization of the war....when you do everything in your power to ensure that your President fails, then it looks bad on both you and your President.

No torture was enacted. Total failure.

Allowed nothing, and was prevented from taking action to stop it two years prior.


Bush was totally unprepared for the attacks

Just like he was totally unprepared for Katrina and totally unprepared for the economic collapse

WORST President in modern times

Seriously, you gotta be kidding, was unprepared for 9-11, I don't think anyone anticipated those attacks and Clinton had 3 chances to take Osama out and did not do it. Katrina???? The Democrat governor and the mayor were incompetent, Bush called the Governor several times telling her to declare a state of emergency because without that he could not release Fema, the mayor had all those bus's sitting in the parking lot and not one of them was fired up to evacuate people.
That part isn't true. FEMA can be activated without States requesting it. Granted it would take something off the books to do it--nuke attack or something like that--but FEMA is able to be on the ground without state/local/tribal approval.

Bush complimented the FEMA director during the response eventhough it was clear it was bogged down.
BTW Obama is the worst president in history, 23 million unemployed, shuts down the keystone pipeline which would have created thousands of jobs, $4,000 decline in median personal income, prices doubled at the gas pumps creating higher prices on EVERYTHING!! 16 TRILLION dollars in debt and climbing by the second, Obama will beat out Carter as the worst President in history.

You're totally delusional about Bush being anything close to good as a President.
Bush allowed nothing. That is like saying that FDR was responsible for Pearl Harbor..

The wars were botched by Democratic politicalization of the war....when you do everything in your power to ensure that your President fails, then it looks bad on both you and your President.

No torture was enacted. Total failure.

Allowed nothing, and was prevented from taking action to stop it two years prior.


Bush was totally unprepared for the attacks

Just like he was totally unprepared for Katrina and totally unprepared for the economic collapse

WORST President in modern times

I don't think you can blame Bush totally for 9/11. You can blame him for everything else though.
Oh, good. Then you can blame Obama for everything since 2009.....

It works both ways..

WORST PRESIDENT in modern times.
Bush allowed nothing. That is like saying that FDR was responsible for Pearl Harbor..

The wars were botched by Democratic politicalization of the war....when you do everything in your power to ensure that your President fails, then it looks bad on both you and your President.

No torture was enacted. Total failure.

Allowed nothing, and was prevented from taking action to stop it two years prior.


Bush was totally unprepared for the attacks

Just like he was totally unprepared for Katrina and totally unprepared for the economic collapse

WORST President in modern times

Seriously, you gotta be kidding, was unprepared for 9-11, I don't think anyone anticipated those attacks and Clinton had 3 chances to take Osama out and did not do it. Katrina???? The Democrat governor and the mayor were incompetent, Bush called the Governor several times telling her to declare a state of emergency because without that he could not release Fema, the mayor had all those bus's sitting in the parking lot and not one of them was fired up to evacuate people.

BTW Obama is the worst president in history, 23 million unemployed, shuts down the keystone pipeline which would have created thousands of jobs, $4,000 decline in median personal income, prices doubled at the gas pumps creating higher prices on EVERYTHING!! 16 TRILLION dollars in debt and climbing by the second, Obama will beat out Carter as the worst President in history.

Bush....bottom 10
Obama .....top 15

Historical rankings of Presidents of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bush was totally unprepared for the attacks

Just like he was totally unprepared for Katrina and totally unprepared for the economic collapse

WORST President in modern times

Seriously, you gotta be kidding, was unprepared for 9-11, I don't think anyone anticipated those attacks and Clinton had 3 chances to take Osama out and did not do it. Katrina???? The Democrat governor and the mayor were incompetent, Bush called the Governor several times telling her to declare a state of emergency because without that he could not release Fema, the mayor had all those bus's sitting in the parking lot and not one of them was fired up to evacuate people.
That part isn't true. FEMA can be activated without States requesting it. Granted it would take something off the books to do it--nuke attack or something like that--but FEMA is able to be on the ground without state/local/tribal approval.

Bush complimented the FEMA director during the response eventhough it was clear it was bogged down.
BTW Obama is the worst president in history, 23 million unemployed, shuts down the keystone pipeline which would have created thousands of jobs, $4,000 decline in median personal income, prices doubled at the gas pumps creating higher prices on EVERYTHING!! 16 TRILLION dollars in debt and climbing by the second, Obama will beat out Carter as the worst President in history.

You're totally delusional about Bush being anything close to good as a President.
Well, you need to be committed to an institution if you think Obama is anything close to being a good President at all. Ever.

In fact, I question your entire ability to accurately relate your current surroundings.

So, seek help, for your own sake.

Have a nice night.
Took out Bin Laden

Obama did not take out Bin Laden

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsrSAqRrCc0]Why does President Obama take so much credit for killing Bin Laden? - YouTube[/ame]

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