What movie can you watch over and over?

Off the top of my head, because I am a total movie junkie, the ones I can (and do) watch over and over:

My Cousin Vinny
The Wedding Date
Dante's Peak
The Day the Dam Broke
Tornado Warning
Day of Destruction
A Few Good Men
Apollo 13
Down Periscope
Open Range
She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
Big Country
Sister Act
The Sound of Music
St. Helens
The Rain Maker

I'm sure there are at least two dozen more that should go on the list

Thats off the top of you're head????
Any of the matrix movies and every clint Eastwood western.

I can watch the first Matrix over....but the second and third were just terrible. :tongue:


You've got it backwards! Liking the second and third movies is the blasphemy. It's akin to saying you are a fan of the original Star Wars trilogy and then saying you enjoy the recent movies. :eek:

The first Matrix movie was excellent. The second and third movies, despite claims otherwise by the makers, were clearly made to cash in on the success the first movie enjoyed. There were things in them that worked, but in general, they were huge disappointments.
I can watch the first Matrix over....but the second and third were just terrible. :tongue:


You've got it backwards! Liking the second and third movies is the blasphemy. It's akin to saying you are a fan of the original Star Wars trilogy and then saying you enjoy the recent movies. :eek:

The first Matrix movie was excellent. The second and third movies, despite claims otherwise by the makers, were clearly made to cash in on the success the first movie enjoyed. There were things in them that worked, but in general, they were huge disappointments.

At this point ive had far too many to debate but the highway scene was the shit. Morpheous slicing the caddy. ....epic
Awesome movie. ...

Give me a good car chase and a girl in tight black leather and we're done
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Did you know they built there own set for the freeway scene? California denied them the permit to film on public roads.

Must have cost a fortune...

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Off the top of my head, because I am a total movie junkie, the ones I can (and do) watch over and over:

My Cousin Vinny
The Wedding Date
Dante's Peak
The Day the Dam Broke
Tornado Warning
Day of Destruction
A Few Good Men
Apollo 13
Down Periscope
Open Range
She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
Big Country
Sister Act
The Sound of Music
St. Helens
The Rain Maker

I'm sure there are at least two dozen more that should go on the list

Thats off the top of you're head????

Yes, and I left out:
Iron Eagle
An Officer and a Gentleman
The Mask of Zorro
The Matrix
A Knight's Tale
The Devil Wore Prada
All of the Airport Movies
Crocodile Dundee I & II
Star Wars Trilogy
Most of the Star Trek movies
Guarding Tess
War Games
Shall We Dance
Final Countdown
Where Eagles Dare

And I'm sure others will come to me.

Some of these have had sequels that, with the exception of the Crocodile Dundee II and the Airport movies, were not as good as the original.

There are many great movies in my collection or that I would like to have in my collection that are great movies, but don't make the 'watch over and over' category because of too much gratuitous graphic violence or because they are downers for me or just because I don't get caught up in the plot and imagery of the movie.

The watch over and over movies have heroes and villains with the good guys winning every time or are 'man against nature' kinds of things or problems to solve or like say "Final Countdown" are just simply fascinating concepts or just plain fun with intelligent comedy with satisfying outcomes.
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The scariest child monster of all time. Because they made it "plausible".
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The scariest child monster of all time. Because they made it "plausible".

Corny acting but a good movie

I watch Demon Seed any time it is on

It was before the ultra realism of the 70's hit the scene. The mother, the daughter and the mother of the murdered boy all received Oscar nods. Leroy should have.

I loved the part where Leroy tells her they have a little electric chair just for kids
It drives my wife crazy when I watch movies she and I have already seen. I guess it's a personality quirk. In the modern venue I like "Man on Fire" with Denzel Washington. The hand held camera technique really works and the acting and setting is superb. I confess I like old Bogie movies and the "Maltese Falcon" still works for me as well as "To have and have not" where Bogie first acts with Bacall. "You know how to whistle don't you?" "Just put your lips together and blow". What a line.
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Matrix trilogy
Flags Of Our Fathers
Stand By Me
Schindler's List
A River Runs Through It
Dances With Wolves
Doctor Zhivago
Lawrence of Arabia.

Interestly enough, there are no female leads in this movie. They only appear in background shots.
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Matrix trilogy
Flags Of Our Fathers
Stand By Me
Schindler's List
A River Runs Through It
Dances With Wolves
Doctor Zhivago

You have some great movies here, but for me, too many are downers to be the kind of movie to just lose yourself and enjoy. "Schindler's List", "Dances With Wolves", "Doctor Zhivago", "The Green Mile", are all in my collection for instance, and I occasionally enjoy them with others who haven't seen them or just want to see them again, but they aren't 'fun or 'cheering at the end' kinds of movies and all have depressing aspects that are not resolved. So they didn't make my 'watch over and over' list.

I should have added "Twister" to my watch over and over list though. Completely unrealistic and fraught with unresolvable technical issues, but a really fun movie that you can just sit back and enjoy. Also "Ghost" and "Dirty Dancing", classics that belong in everybody's movie library and are fun to watch again and again.
I've got about 600 dvd's and blue rays but I just don't have much interest in watching them anymore. When the kids were around we watched them alot.
I can watch over and over and over .... anything that came out of the French New Wave, late 1950s -very early 1960s! black and white preferably! :D

A scene from the film "Band of Outsiders" 1964 ....set to contemporary music.


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