What Nationalities Can You Talk About in America?


Having those people choose to issue "consequences" is a relatively recent development, though.

I would never think to trying to harm you if you said something I didn't like.

It's a shame you wouldn't return the courtesy.


There has always been consequences. The phrase "actions have consequences" has been around for a while. Ever heard of it?

If I called your mother the C word you mean you would pat me on the back? Of course you wouldnt, but in your mind you'd rationalize why reacting or harming someone is justified.

But when they talk about minorities you jump to the other side. Why? Because it doesnt offend you personally
So in your mind, "harming" you is the same as not "patting you on the back". Wow.

You're smarter than this. Or maybe not.

And thank you for illustrating my point.

What does it feel like to be "offended", by the way?


I'm sure you know, so someone calls your mother names and you (because you dont want to harm) will either smile, congratulate, be silent or let bygones be bygones?

Thats a lie, and thats why you skipped it. Of course your actions will be "justified" while you pretend everyone elses is not. Thats how excuses work
What, precisely, would you have me do if someone called my mom a nasty name?

I had a conversation about this yesterday with my 17 year old daughter. When someone says something mean or nasty, I think more about the person who said it and their own issues than what they actually said.

My daughter understood. You don't. What a shock.

Would you continue to do business with; to pay money to someone who said nasty things to your 17 year old daughter?
I would not do business with them.

Nor would I try to issue "consequences".

Do you understand that distinction?

Are there protected classes/nationalities? If so, why?

I mean, it Trump says something about the Germans/Germany, would he have gotten fired from NBC and get pulled from Macy's etc. as is happening now?

Would the German Americans go bonkers and protest?
You'll have to ask the PC Police, they're in charge of that stuff.

I keep asking for a website we can check every morning so that we can avoid "offending" anyone and having them try to destroy us, but no luck so far.

Watch what you say, and definitely watch to whom you say it, or else.

After all, this is America.

You would need a website to tell you that it would be offensive to falsely claim that all 11 million illegals are drug dealers and/or rapists?
Oooh, nice straw man.

So that's the only word or phrase that "offends"?

Try again.

That is what is being discussed; Trump being fired by NBC because they did not want to be associated with his racist and false views.
As I have already said, businesses are terrified of the PC Police and now react preemptively before they're the next target.

Can't blame them.

Is people reacting to an opinion a new thing for you?

Having those people choose to issue "consequences" is a relatively recent development, though.

I would never think to trying to harm you if you said something I didn't like.

It's a shame you wouldn't return the courtesy.


There has always been consequences. The phrase "actions have consequences" has been around for a while. Ever heard of it?

If I called your mother the C word you mean you would pat me on the back? Of course you wouldnt, but in your mind you'd rationalize why reacting or harming someone is justified.

But when they talk about minorities you jump to the other side. Why? Because it doesnt offend you personally
So in your mind, "harming" you is the same as not "patting you on the back". Wow.

You're smarter than this. Or maybe not.

And thank you for illustrating my point.

What does it feel like to be "offended", by the way?


I'm sure you know, so someone calls your mother names and you (because you dont want to harm) will either smile, congratulate, be silent or let bygones be bygones?

Thats a lie, and thats why you skipped it. Of course your actions will be "justified" while you pretend everyone elses is not. Thats how excuses work
What, precisely, would you have me do if someone called my mom a nasty name?

This isnt about me I'm wondering what you would do if someone called your mother nasty names in order to not "harm" the other person. You cant answer and avoided answering twice now.

I had a conversation about this yesterday with my 17 year old daughter. When someone says something mean or nasty, I think more about the person who said it and their own issues than what they actually said.

My daughter understood. You don't. What a shock.

Yeah, except we arent talking about thinkging about the person who said it. I simply asked what do you do if someone calls you, your daughter or your mother names to not "harm" them with your objection.

You avoided it again, because its stupid to believe that someone reacting to someone else is a bad thing. Thats reality...maybe you're saying reality is bad
There has always been consequences. The phrase "actions have consequences" has been around for a while. Ever heard of it?

If I called your mother the C word you mean you would pat me on the back? Of course you wouldnt, but in your mind you'd rationalize why reacting or harming someone is justified.

But when they talk about minorities you jump to the other side. Why? Because it doesnt offend you personally
So in your mind, "harming" you is the same as not "patting you on the back". Wow.

You're smarter than this. Or maybe not.

And thank you for illustrating my point.

What does it feel like to be "offended", by the way?


I'm sure you know, so someone calls your mother names and you (because you dont want to harm) will either smile, congratulate, be silent or let bygones be bygones?

Thats a lie, and thats why you skipped it. Of course your actions will be "justified" while you pretend everyone elses is not. Thats how excuses work
What, precisely, would you have me do if someone called my mom a nasty name?

I had a conversation about this yesterday with my 17 year old daughter. When someone says something mean or nasty, I think more about the person who said it and their own issues than what they actually said.

My daughter understood. You don't. What a shock.

Would you continue to do business with; to pay money to someone who said nasty things to your 17 year old daughter?
I would not do business with them.

Nor would I try to issue "consequences".

Do you understand that distinction?


The consequences is the lost of your business dumbass. How could you choose to harm them by not giving them your money?
There has always been consequences. The phrase "actions have consequences" has been around for a while. Ever heard of it?

If I called your mother the C word you mean you would pat me on the back? Of course you wouldnt, but in your mind you'd rationalize why reacting or harming someone is justified.

But when they talk about minorities you jump to the other side. Why? Because it doesnt offend you personally
So in your mind, "harming" you is the same as not "patting you on the back". Wow.

You're smarter than this. Or maybe not.

And thank you for illustrating my point.

What does it feel like to be "offended", by the way?


I'm sure you know, so someone calls your mother names and you (because you dont want to harm) will either smile, congratulate, be silent or let bygones be bygones?

Thats a lie, and thats why you skipped it. Of course your actions will be "justified" while you pretend everyone elses is not. Thats how excuses work
What, precisely, would you have me do if someone called my mom a nasty name?

I had a conversation about this yesterday with my 17 year old daughter. When someone says something mean or nasty, I think more about the person who said it and their own issues than what they actually said.

My daughter understood. You don't. What a shock.

Would you continue to do business with; to pay money to someone who said nasty things to your 17 year old daughter?
I would not do business with them.

Nor would I try to issue "consequences".

Do you understand that distinction?


No, dummy.

The question assumes that you are already doing business with the person. Lets leave your family out and say it this way:

Lets say you own Mac's Investment House. You have a salesman who goes on a local cable show to discuss your company. During the interview, he says "Mac's Investment House is eager to handle your investments....especially if you are white"

Would you fire the guy?
So in your mind, "harming" you is the same as not "patting you on the back". Wow.

You're smarter than this. Or maybe not.

And thank you for illustrating my point.

What does it feel like to be "offended", by the way?


I'm sure you know, so someone calls your mother names and you (because you dont want to harm) will either smile, congratulate, be silent or let bygones be bygones?

Thats a lie, and thats why you skipped it. Of course your actions will be "justified" while you pretend everyone elses is not. Thats how excuses work
What, precisely, would you have me do if someone called my mom a nasty name?

I had a conversation about this yesterday with my 17 year old daughter. When someone says something mean or nasty, I think more about the person who said it and their own issues than what they actually said.

My daughter understood. You don't. What a shock.

Would you continue to do business with; to pay money to someone who said nasty things to your 17 year old daughter?
I would not do business with them.

Nor would I try to issue "consequences".

Do you understand that distinction?


No, dummy.

The question assumes that you are already doing business with the person. Lets leave your family out and say it this way:

Lets say you own Mac's Investment House. You have a salesman who goes on a local cable show to discuss your company. During the interview, he says "Mac's Investment House is eager to handle your investments....especially if you are white"

Would you fire the guy?

There has always been consequences. The phrase "actions have consequences" has been around for a while. Ever heard of it?

If I called your mother the C word you mean you would pat me on the back? Of course you wouldnt, but in your mind you'd rationalize why reacting or harming someone is justified.

But when they talk about minorities you jump to the other side. Why? Because it doesnt offend you personally
So in your mind, "harming" you is the same as not "patting you on the back". Wow.

You're smarter than this. Or maybe not.

And thank you for illustrating my point.

What does it feel like to be "offended", by the way?


I'm sure you know, so someone calls your mother names and you (because you dont want to harm) will either smile, congratulate, be silent or let bygones be bygones?

Thats a lie, and thats why you skipped it. Of course your actions will be "justified" while you pretend everyone elses is not. Thats how excuses work
What, precisely, would you have me do if someone called my mom a nasty name?

I had a conversation about this yesterday with my 17 year old daughter. When someone says something mean or nasty, I think more about the person who said it and their own issues than what they actually said.

My daughter understood. You don't. What a shock.

Would you continue to do business with; to pay money to someone who said nasty things to your 17 year old daughter?
I would not do business with them.

Nor would I try to issue "consequences".

Do you understand that distinction?

And that is precisely what NBC did; what Univision did in response to Trump's racist and false comments. It is not about taking offense; it is about exercising the freedom to not do business with a particular person because of something that person did.

Having those people choose to issue "consequences" is a relatively recent development, though.

I would never think to trying to harm you if you said something I didn't like.

It's a shame you wouldn't return the courtesy.


There has always been consequences. The phrase "actions have consequences" has been around for a while. Ever heard of it?

If I called your mother the C word you mean you would pat me on the back? Of course you wouldnt, but in your mind you'd rationalize why reacting or harming someone is justified.

But when they talk about minorities you jump to the other side. Why? Because it doesnt offend you personally
So in your mind, "harming" you is the same as not "patting you on the back". Wow.

You're smarter than this. Or maybe not.

And thank you for illustrating my point.

What does it feel like to be "offended", by the way?


I'm sure you know, so someone calls your mother names and you (because you dont want to harm) will either smile, congratulate, be silent or let bygones be bygones?

Thats a lie, and thats why you skipped it. Of course your actions will be "justified" while you pretend everyone elses is not. Thats how excuses work
What, precisely, would you have me do if someone called my mom a nasty name?

This isnt about me I'm wondering what you would do if someone called your mother nasty names in order to not "harm" the other person. You cant answer and avoided answering twice now.

I had a conversation about this yesterday with my 17 year old daughter. When someone says something mean or nasty, I think more about the person who said it and their own issues than what they actually said.

My daughter understood. You don't. What a shock.

Yeah, except we arent talking about thinkging about the person who said it. I simply asked what do you do if someone calls you, your daughter or your mother names to not "harm" them with your objection.

You avoided it again, because its stupid to believe that someone reacting to someone else is a bad thing. Thats reality...maybe you're saying reality is bad
I'll make this as clear as I possibly can: If someone called my mother a name, it's highly unlikely I would do anything. I would probably say something to her, but not to the person who said it. I would wonder about the psychological reasons behind such childish behavior. I suspect that's it. I'm sorry if that disappoints you, perhaps you'd try to ruin their career or hurt them physically. I would not.

See, I think bigots are already suffering in their own juices, their own anger, their own hatred. Nothing I do or say will change them, so I'll just let them suffer. In fact, my not getting back at them is a better statement, anyway. I'm above it. They're miserable.

Again, I make that as clear to you as I can.

And, of course, that goes for bigots on both ends of the political spectrum.

Is there anything I can possibly say to make that more clear for you?

So in your mind, "harming" you is the same as not "patting you on the back". Wow.

You're smarter than this. Or maybe not.

And thank you for illustrating my point.

What does it feel like to be "offended", by the way?


I'm sure you know, so someone calls your mother names and you (because you dont want to harm) will either smile, congratulate, be silent or let bygones be bygones?

Thats a lie, and thats why you skipped it. Of course your actions will be "justified" while you pretend everyone elses is not. Thats how excuses work
What, precisely, would you have me do if someone called my mom a nasty name?

I had a conversation about this yesterday with my 17 year old daughter. When someone says something mean or nasty, I think more about the person who said it and their own issues than what they actually said.

My daughter understood. You don't. What a shock.

Would you continue to do business with; to pay money to someone who said nasty things to your 17 year old daughter?
I would not do business with them.

Nor would I try to issue "consequences".

Do you understand that distinction?


The consequences is the lost of your business dumbass. How could you choose to harm them by not giving them your money?
Yes, to the name-calling, I know how you folks are.

You don't see the distinction between my not giving them business and organizing a boycott, trying to get them fired, humiliating them publicly, intimidating them, trying to hurt them in some other way, legally or financially. All the same to you.

Well, wow.

Okay. I believe you. There's nothing I can do about your perceptions.

So in your mind, "harming" you is the same as not "patting you on the back". Wow.

You're smarter than this. Or maybe not.

And thank you for illustrating my point.

What does it feel like to be "offended", by the way?


I'm sure you know, so someone calls your mother names and you (because you dont want to harm) will either smile, congratulate, be silent or let bygones be bygones?

Thats a lie, and thats why you skipped it. Of course your actions will be "justified" while you pretend everyone elses is not. Thats how excuses work
What, precisely, would you have me do if someone called my mom a nasty name?

I had a conversation about this yesterday with my 17 year old daughter. When someone says something mean or nasty, I think more about the person who said it and their own issues than what they actually said.

My daughter understood. You don't. What a shock.

Would you continue to do business with; to pay money to someone who said nasty things to your 17 year old daughter?
I would not do business with them.

Nor would I try to issue "consequences".

Do you understand that distinction?

And that is precisely what NBC did; what Univision did in response to Trump's racist and false comments. It is not about taking offense; it is about exercising the freedom to not do business with a particular person because of something that person did.
That's correct. I am merely taking it one step deeper, and looking at their obvious motivations.

You don't have to.

You're smarter than this. Or maybe not.

I'm sure you know, so someone calls your mother names and you (because you dont want to harm) will either smile, congratulate, be silent or let bygones be bygones?

Thats a lie, and thats why you skipped it. Of course your actions will be "justified" while you pretend everyone elses is not. Thats how excuses work
What, precisely, would you have me do if someone called my mom a nasty name?

I had a conversation about this yesterday with my 17 year old daughter. When someone says something mean or nasty, I think more about the person who said it and their own issues than what they actually said.

My daughter understood. You don't. What a shock.

Would you continue to do business with; to pay money to someone who said nasty things to your 17 year old daughter?
I would not do business with them.

Nor would I try to issue "consequences".

Do you understand that distinction?

And that is precisely what NBC did; what Univision did in response to Trump's racist and false comments. It is not about taking offense; it is about exercising the freedom to not do business with a particular person because of something that person did.
That's correct. I am merely taking it one step deeper, and looking at their obvious motivations.

You don't have to.


So NBC did the same thing you would do but NBC is the "PC police"?
What, precisely, would you have me do if someone called my mom a nasty name?

I had a conversation about this yesterday with my 17 year old daughter. When someone says something mean or nasty, I think more about the person who said it and their own issues than what they actually said.

My daughter understood. You don't. What a shock.

Would you continue to do business with; to pay money to someone who said nasty things to your 17 year old daughter?
I would not do business with them.

Nor would I try to issue "consequences".

Do you understand that distinction?

And that is precisely what NBC did; what Univision did in response to Trump's racist and false comments. It is not about taking offense; it is about exercising the freedom to not do business with a particular person because of something that person did.
That's correct. I am merely taking it one step deeper, and looking at their obvious motivations.

You don't have to.


So NBC did the same thing you would do but NBC is the "PC police"?
As I've said several times now:

They reacted preemptively because they know that if they didn't, they would be a target of the PC Police. They, like individuals and businesses from coast to coast, are both intimidated by and terrified of the PC Police.

I'm getting tired of your obtuseness. You're not stupid, so that means you're just being obtuse and dishonest. Please play your games with someone else.

Trump's comments about illegal Mexicans was spot on. The only good ones are the children who have no choice. The rest of them are bad to the extent that they are willfully breaking into this country. That is criminal.
Would you continue to do business with; to pay money to someone who said nasty things to your 17 year old daughter?
I would not do business with them.

Nor would I try to issue "consequences".

Do you understand that distinction?

And that is precisely what NBC did; what Univision did in response to Trump's racist and false comments. It is not about taking offense; it is about exercising the freedom to not do business with a particular person because of something that person did.
That's correct. I am merely taking it one step deeper, and looking at their obvious motivations.

You don't have to.


So NBC did the same thing you would do but NBC is the "PC police"?
As I've said several times now:

They reacted preemptively because they know that if they didn't, they would be a target of the PC Police. They, like individuals and businesses from coast to coast, are both intimidated by and terrified of the PC Police.

OH I see what you're doing.

In your example its fine to boycott a business because someone offended you first. In NBC's case you're assuming that no one was offended and they reacted to pressure not there.

Thats the way you justify your actions to be different than NBC's. By assuming
Would you continue to do business with; to pay money to someone who said nasty things to your 17 year old daughter?
I would not do business with them.

Nor would I try to issue "consequences".

Do you understand that distinction?

And that is precisely what NBC did; what Univision did in response to Trump's racist and false comments. It is not about taking offense; it is about exercising the freedom to not do business with a particular person because of something that person did.
That's correct. I am merely taking it one step deeper, and looking at their obvious motivations.

You don't have to.


So NBC did the same thing you would do but NBC is the "PC police"?
As I've said several times now:

They reacted preemptively because they know that if they didn't, they would be a target of the PC Police. They, like individuals and businesses from coast to coast, are both intimidated by and terrified of the PC Police.

I'm getting tired of your obtuseness. You're not stupid, so that means you're just being obtuse and dishonest. Please play your games with someone else.


Dot forget Mac....the next step is imprisonment....followed by religious genocide....but only for the non-protected religions.

Would you continue to do business with; to pay money to someone who said nasty things to your 17 year old daughter?
I would not do business with them.

Nor would I try to issue "consequences".

Do you understand that distinction?

And that is precisely what NBC did; what Univision did in response to Trump's racist and false comments. It is not about taking offense; it is about exercising the freedom to not do business with a particular person because of something that person did.
That's correct. I am merely taking it one step deeper, and looking at their obvious motivations.

You don't have to.


So NBC did the same thing you would do but NBC is the "PC police"?
As I've said several times now:

They reacted preemptively because they know that if they didn't, they would be a target of the PC Police. They, like individuals and businesses from coast to coast, are both intimidated by and terrified of the PC Police.

I'm getting tired of your obtuseness. You're not stupid, so that means you're just being obtuse and dishonest. Please play your games with someone else.

You tired of being proven wrong again and again. Univision, the Spanish language network did not cut ties because they were afraid of anything; they cut ties because they did not want to be associated with someone who made a racist remark about the majority of their viewers. NBC cut ties because they did not want to be associated with a racist. Why is it so hard for you to understand that some people have principles?
Trump's comments about illegal Mexicans was spot on. The only good ones are the children who have no choice. The rest of them are bad to the extent that they are willfully breaking into this country. That is criminal.
Thanks for tossing in the dumbass bigot comment.
I would not do business with them.

Nor would I try to issue "consequences".

Do you understand that distinction?

And that is precisely what NBC did; what Univision did in response to Trump's racist and false comments. It is not about taking offense; it is about exercising the freedom to not do business with a particular person because of something that person did.
That's correct. I am merely taking it one step deeper, and looking at their obvious motivations.

You don't have to.


So NBC did the same thing you would do but NBC is the "PC police"?
As I've said several times now:

They reacted preemptively because they know that if they didn't, they would be a target of the PC Police. They, like individuals and businesses from coast to coast, are both intimidated by and terrified of the PC Police.

I'm getting tired of your obtuseness. You're not stupid, so that means you're just being obtuse and dishonest. Please play your games with someone else.

You tired of being proven wrong again and again. Univision, the Spanish language network did not cut ties because they were afraid of anything; they cut ties because they did not want to be associated with someone who made a racist remark about the majority of their viewers. NBC cut ties because they did not want to be associated with a racist. Why is it so hard for you to understand that some people have principles?
Looks like we disagree, huh?

Trump's comments about illegal Mexicans was spot on. The only good ones are the children who have no choice. The rest of them are bad to the extent that they are willfully breaking into this country. That is criminal.
Thanks for tossing in the dumbass bigot comment.
Speak for yourself. Try challenging the points I made.
It's not necessarily about Trump "per se" but it seems like there are protected classes that you "dare not" say anything about - I'm wondering why....
I'm sure any race would object to being labelled as rapists, drug dealers, murderers..

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