What objection can there be to solving simple poverty in a market friendly manner?

We could have an epidemic and destroy a bunch of small businesses with government restrictions.
Then we can make federal loans for new small businesses and pick the winners and losers.
Then we can have nit-wits explain why that is the best exercise of Capitalism.

Would you rather have people dying in the streets? Our hospitals are already being stressed at capacity and our morgues are overflowing to the point some are renting refrigerated trucks to keep the bodies. It seems like you are claiming it is the profit not the people that counts.
Poverty can be caused by many reasons. It is up to the individual to do what is needed to get out of it. Bad choices can lead to poverty. There are many mechanisms provided by the State and Federal Governments to help them get out. . However, you can not make people take advantage of them. High School Dropouts, mental illness, personalty disorders, alcoholism, drug addiction, and many more human conditions get in the way.. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.
The point is we should have no homeless problem in our first world economy. Solving simple poverty in a market friendly manner means more capital circulating in our economy and fewer problems. Who would not benefit by that form of full employment of capital resources under our form of Capitalism?

For example, people with drug addictions or mental illness would be able to afford rehabilitation to help them be more productive in our economy. And, people with an income would be more market friendly and better able to afford housing to stay off the street. They would benefit, landlords would benefit, and the general public would benefit by not having a homeless problem in their neighborhood.

Homelessness is on a downward trend.

  • 39.8% of homeless persons are African-Americans.
  • 61% of homeless persons are men and boys.
  • 20% of homeless persons are kids.
  • 42% of street children identify as LGBT.
  • New York City has one-fifth of all US sheltered homeless.
  • The homeless problem is on a downward trend.
  • Permanent housing interventions have grown by 450% in 5 years.
The point is, we have a first world economy or should have, and we should have no homeless problem. There is a market friendly solution that merely requires enough morals to faithfully execute our own laws.

There will always be some homeless people.

no matter what the economy is like.
I agree to disagree. Simply camping out for fun is not the same as being homeless due to an inefficiency in public policies that enables it.

Many homeless people are mentally ill and will not ever submit to forced housing
Would you rather have people dying in the streets? Our hospitals are already being stressed at capacity and our morgues are overflowing to the point some are renting refrigerated trucks to keep the bodies. It seems like you are claiming it is the profit not the people that counts.

I would rather we live in a free country absent fascist authoritarians supported by frightened sheep ... :thup:

We could have an epidemic and destroy a bunch of small businesses with government restrictions.
Then we can make federal loans for new small businesses and pick the winners and losers.
Then we can have nit-wits explain why that is the best exercise of Capitalism.

Would you rather have people dying in the streets? Our hospitals are already being stressed at capacity and our morgues are overflowing to the point some are renting refrigerated trucks to keep the bodies. It seems like you are claiming it is the profit not the people that counts.
That's COVID and not the norm
Looking to improve your lot in life by having others support you, are you Daniel?
I am looking for reason why it would be Bad and promote the general malfare instead of Good and promote the general welfare. The legal and physical infrastructure is already in place in our Republic, it merely needs to be put to use.

Solving for actual economic phenomena is more market friendly than any policies based on political considerations. Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment in our at-will employment States. Solving for that economic phenomena via existing legal and physical infrastructure would solve simple poverty and better ensure full employment of capital resources under our form of Capitalism.

Anyone have anything that you believe would make something that simple, not work or be Bad for our economy? I am looking for economic considerations and debate.
You've already had this debate with me, many times, and I've given you the reasons why what you are advocating won't work. Why didn't you listen and learn?
All you had was fallacy not any valid arguments but still want to be Right. Only right wingers do that. Besides, I already know it will work simply because y'all have no arguments to the contrary. Fallacy is not a valid argument for rebuttal, just You wanting to be Right. You must be on the right wing.
On the contrary, I laid out very clearly where and why you were wrong and how you were using words the wrong way. You had to pretend my arguments were fallacy because you had no evidence to rebut any of them.
DaniePalos,I greatly doubt if there’s a single congressional act that could remedy poverty. But poverty in the USA can be incrementally reduced. To the extent of its purchasing power, our federal minimum wage rate reduces incidences and extent of poverty among our nation’s working-poor. That’s its purpose and justification.

A bill targeting the federal minimum’s rate’s purchasing power at no less than 125% of the minimum
‘s Febuary-1968 value, annually increasing rate by uniform increments until it achieves its targeted value, and thereafter annually monitored and adjusted to retain that purchasing power, would improve USA’s economy.
Respectfully, Supposn
I agree to disagree. We could have solved simple poverty, yesterday but for the right wing having a problem with helping the Poor but not the Rich. It could be done by simple executive order regarding faithful execution of our at-will employment laws for unemployment compensation.

The two largest transfers of wealth occurred under a Democratic President and a Democratic Congress and a Republican President and a split Congress. Republican or Democrat, they are owned by the rich. Time to rid America of the two party and the crooks that operate them.
I am looking for reason why it would be Bad and promote the general malfare instead of Good and promote the general welfare. The legal and physical infrastructure is already in place in our Republic, it merely needs to be put to use.
I have great difficulty responding seriously, your first sentence being such a mess. I'll say this for now. We've had this experimental Republic, yes. It now needs to be made far more transparent and accountable. More democratic. Run more directly by the people. There's no longer any excuse for having shitty, highly corruptible "representatives", further distanced through some stuffy "Electoral College" nonsense, in this age of working and "meeting" from home. Yes, we can take care of all those in need much, much better, and those who need for nothing should just stfu and count their lucky stars.
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I am looking for reason why it would be Bad and promote the general malfare instead of Good and promote the general welfare. The legal and physical infrastructure is already in place in our Republic, it merely needs to be put to use.

Solving for actual economic phenomena is more market friendly than any policies based on political considerations. Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment in our at-will employment States. Solving for that economic phenomena via existing legal and physical infrastructure would solve simple poverty and better ensure full employment of capital resources under our form of Capitalism.

Anyone have anything that you believe would make something that simple, not work or be Bad for our economy? I am looking for economic considerations and debate.
You've already had this debate with me, many times, and I've given you the reasons why what you are advocating won't work. Why didn't you listen and learn?
All you had was fallacy not any valid arguments but still want to be Right. Only right wingers do that. Besides, I already know it will work simply because y'all have no arguments to the contrary. Fallacy is not a valid argument for rebuttal, just You wanting to be Right. You must be on the right wing.

It has been tried and a couple of countries and it failed. So, far your idea is a fallacy. You want to be right is just stupidity and has nothing to do with left or right, it has to do with economics.
You think it's cheaper to eat junk food than it is to make your own meals
How about some statistics. Ad hominems are worthless.
Pointing out that someone has lied about your position is not ad hominem. But indeed, the first one asserting such a claim should be expected to provide "some statistics" to back it up! One waiting three pages to put their foot down won't cut the mustard.
We could have an epidemic and destroy a bunch of small businesses with government restrictions.
Then we can make federal loans for new small businesses and pick the winners and losers.
Then we can have nit-wits explain why that is the best exercise of Capitalism.

Would you rather have people dying in the streets? Our hospitals are already being stressed at capacity and our morgues are overflowing to the point some are renting refrigerated trucks to keep the bodies. It seems like you are claiming it is the profit not the people that counts.

Currently the hospitals are not near capacity, you might want more recent information. The time when we were closing in on hospital capacity was the beginning to middle of December. We started to see numbers rising quickly in October but failed to do any restrictions because of the upcoming elections. A week after the elections the governors then imposed their restrictions however the numbers would grow and present an issue with hospitals. More of the party over country decisions.
Would you rather have people dying in the streets? Our hospitals are already being stressed at capacity and our morgues are overflowing to the point some are renting refrigerated trucks to keep the bodies. It seems like you are claiming it is the profit not the people that counts.

I would rather we live in a free country absent fascist authoritarians supported by frightened sheep ... :thup:

Translation: Pandemic? What pandemic?
Poverty can be caused by many reasons. It is up to the individual to do what is needed to get out of it. Bad choices can lead to poverty. There are many mechanisms provided by the State and Federal Governments to help them get out. . However, you can not make people take advantage of them. High School Dropouts, mental illness, personalty disorders, alcoholism, drug addiction, and many more human conditions get in the way.. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.
The point is we should have no homeless problem in our first world economy. Solving simple poverty in a market friendly manner means more capital circulating in our economy and fewer problems. Who would not benefit by that form of full employment of capital resources under our form of Capitalism?

For example, people with drug addictions or mental illness would be able to afford rehabilitation to help them be more productive in our economy. And, people with an income would be more market friendly and better able to afford housing to stay off the street. They would benefit, landlords would benefit, and the general public would benefit by not having a homeless problem in their neighborhood.

Homelessness is on a downward trend.

  • 39.8% of homeless persons are African-Americans.
  • 61% of homeless persons are men and boys.
  • 20% of homeless persons are kids.
  • 42% of street children identify as LGBT.
  • New York City has one-fifth of all US sheltered homeless.
  • The homeless problem is on a downward trend.
  • Permanent housing interventions have grown by 450% in 5 years.
The point is, we have a first world economy or should have, and we should have no homeless problem. There is a market friendly solution that merely requires enough morals to faithfully execute our own laws.

There will always be some homeless people.

no matter what the economy is like.
I agree to disagree. Simply camping out for fun is not the same as being homeless due to an inefficiency in public policies that enables it.

Many homeless people are mentally ill and will not ever submit to forced housing
Who said anything about forced housing with persons who have an income. Most would Want to get off the street on their own simply by having an income. And, those with mental health issues would be able to look into rehab with their income. Seems more like a form of free market capitalism than what we have now under our current regime.
Would you rather have people dying in the streets? Our hospitals are already being stressed at capacity and our morgues are overflowing to the point some are renting refrigerated trucks to keep the bodies. It seems like you are claiming it is the profit not the people that counts.

I would rather we live in a free country absent fascist authoritarians supported by frightened sheep ... :thup:

You say that, but when was the last time you advocating for abolishing our fascist, authoritarian and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror? Those public policies have less to do with free market Capitalism than solving for simple poverty through equal protection of the laws.
We could have an epidemic and destroy a bunch of small businesses with government restrictions.
Then we can make federal loans for new small businesses and pick the winners and losers.
Then we can have nit-wits explain why that is the best exercise of Capitalism.

Would you rather have people dying in the streets? Our hospitals are already being stressed at capacity and our morgues are overflowing to the point some are renting refrigerated trucks to keep the bodies. It seems like you are claiming it is the profit not the people that counts.
That's COVID and not the norm
I agree with you, but corporate welfare has been alive and well for longer than the current pandemic.
Looking to improve your lot in life by having others support you, are you Daniel?
Through non-Corporate welfare that has doesn't pay multimillion dollar bonuses? Right wingers seem like just plain cronies for the Rich and "hate on the Poor".
I am looking for reason why it would be Bad and promote the general malfare instead of Good and promote the general welfare. The legal and physical infrastructure is already in place in our Republic, it merely needs to be put to use.

Solving for actual economic phenomena is more market friendly than any policies based on political considerations. Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment in our at-will employment States. Solving for that economic phenomena via existing legal and physical infrastructure would solve simple poverty and better ensure full employment of capital resources under our form of Capitalism.

Anyone have anything that you believe would make something that simple, not work or be Bad for our economy? I am looking for economic considerations and debate.
You've already had this debate with me, many times, and I've given you the reasons why what you are advocating won't work. Why didn't you listen and learn?
All you had was fallacy not any valid arguments but still want to be Right. Only right wingers do that. Besides, I already know it will work simply because y'all have no arguments to the contrary. Fallacy is not a valid argument for rebuttal, just You wanting to be Right. You must be on the right wing.
On the contrary, I laid out very clearly where and why you were wrong and how you were using words the wrong way. You had to pretend my arguments were fallacy because you had no evidence to rebut any of them.
I can just as easily claim the opposite and not provide any valid arguments to support my opinion. Are you on the right wing and simply want to be Right?
Poverty can be caused by many reasons. It is up to the individual to do what is needed to get out of it. Bad choices can lead to poverty. There are many mechanisms provided by the State and Federal Governments to help them get out. . However, you can not make people take advantage of them. High School Dropouts, mental illness, personalty disorders, alcoholism, drug addiction, and many more human conditions get in the way.. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.
The point is we should have no homeless problem in our first world economy. Solving simple poverty in a market friendly manner means more capital circulating in our economy and fewer problems. Who would not benefit by that form of full employment of capital resources under our form of Capitalism?

For example, people with drug addictions or mental illness would be able to afford rehabilitation to help them be more productive in our economy. And, people with an income would be more market friendly and better able to afford housing to stay off the street. They would benefit, landlords would benefit, and the general public would benefit by not having a homeless problem in their neighborhood.

Homelessness is on a downward trend.

  • 39.8% of homeless persons are African-Americans.
  • 61% of homeless persons are men and boys.
  • 20% of homeless persons are kids.
  • 42% of street children identify as LGBT.
  • New York City has one-fifth of all US sheltered homeless.
  • The homeless problem is on a downward trend.
  • Permanent housing interventions have grown by 450% in 5 years.
The point is, we have a first world economy or should have, and we should have no homeless problem. There is a market friendly solution that merely requires enough morals to faithfully execute our own laws.

There will always be some homeless people.

no matter what the economy is like.
I agree to disagree. Simply camping out for fun is not the same as being homeless due to an inefficiency in public policies that enables it.

Many homeless people are mentally ill and will not ever submit to forced housing
Who said anything about forced housing with persons who have an income. Most would Want to get off the street on their own simply by having an income. And, those with mental health issues would be able to look into rehab with their income. Seems more like a form of free market capitalism than what we have now under our current regime.

So all mental health issues should be dealt with by sending people to rehab? The ignorance of our poverty, mental health and drug dependence issues is stunning. Not sure a person with no understanding of a basic issue in America is qualified to show us a way out.
Many in poverty are there by choice.

I have one friend and several family members that are living in poverty and they wont listen to a damn thing I say. I've even offered to pay for trade school for several neices and nephews...only one has taken me up on it.

And guess what...after all that expense and school work, then 2 years of working in the trade...he is no longer working as an auto mechanic and is back living in poverty.

At this point I've learned that hunger is a great motivator for the lazy!!!
I grew up in poverty and homelessness. Poverty in this country does not hurt enough. We make poverty comfortable. Starve them until their bellies swell. Close the shelters until frozen bodies line the streets. When it really hurts the people may make a different decision.
DaniePalos,I greatly doubt if there’s a single congressional act that could remedy poverty. But poverty in the USA can be incrementally reduced. To the extent of its purchasing power, our federal minimum wage rate reduces incidences and extent of poverty among our nation’s working-poor. That’s its purpose and justification.

A bill targeting the federal minimum’s rate’s purchasing power at no less than 125% of the minimum
‘s Febuary-1968 value, annually increasing rate by uniform increments until it achieves its targeted value, and thereafter annually monitored and adjusted to retain that purchasing power, would improve USA’s economy.
Respectfully, Supposn
I agree to disagree. We could have solved simple poverty, yesterday but for the right wing having a problem with helping the Poor but not the Rich. It could be done by simple executive order regarding faithful execution of our at-will employment laws for unemployment compensation.

The two largest transfers of wealth occurred under a Democratic President and a Democratic Congress and a Republican President and a split Congress. Republican or Democrat, they are owned by the rich. Time to rid America of the two party and the crooks that operate them.
I would agree with you, but for right wingers being willing to insurrect against the Union. Equal protection of the laws seems more straight forward and is actually enumerated in our federal and State Constitutions.

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