What % Of Blacks Will Vote in 2018?

What % of blacks will show up to vote in 2 years?

  • Less than 50%

    Votes: 17 65.4%
  • More than 50%

    Votes: 9 34.6%

  • Total voters
As I said before, KatSteve is an idiot.

Denying a reality that is literally decades old to keep his pathetic superiority complex alive.

Please, feel free to produce one post where I remotely even suggested that I have a superiority complex.

Believing that I am more normal than some white nationalist, alt right loon is not proclaiming superiority.
My views are far more grounded in reality than yours(or anyone on this forum for that matter) are.

That is why a millennial with an upper middle class upbringing and a Catholic background came to understand how right white nationalists are.

It doesn’t matter what the anti-white system does to us, we will obtain absolute control of white communities around the globe, just as black supremacists control black culture and Asians supremacists control theirs, etc.
As I said before, KatSteve is an idiot.

Denying a reality that is literally decades old to keep his pathetic superiority complex alive.

Please, feel free to produce one post where I remotely even suggested that I have a superiority complex.

Believing that I am more normal than some white nationalist, alt right loon is not proclaiming superiority.
My views are far more grounded in reality than yours(or anyone on this forum for that matter) are.

That is why a millennial with an upper middle class upbringing and a Catholic background came to understand how right white nationalists are.

It doesn’t matter what the anti-white system does to us, we will obtain absolute control of white communities around the globe, just as black supremacists control black culture and Asians supremacists control theirs, etc.

Your views are warped and further from reality than most average people who have not grown up as a white upper middle class Catholic American millenial.

You apparantley have had a privileged upbringing that has given you s sense of entitlement.

The very notion that one falls into the category of a "supremacist" because they have pride in the culture is ridiculous. America is a multicultural society and the most successful individuals are able to work across varying cultures.
"Trump captured more of the non college educated white vote than any candidate since the 1980 election. Look it up, clown.
And Hillary won the high school dropouts that Democrats ALWAYS win....
When President Obama took office, white Americans with a high school diploma or less education identified about equally as Democratic or Democratic-leaning and Republican and Republican-leaning. But since then, the share of people that identify as Republican or leaning Republican has jumped by 14 percentage points since 2008, from 45 to 59 percent. In comparison, the share of people who have some college or are college grads has grown by 9 points and 1 point, respectively."


Subdivide that even further, and white men without a college degree have swung particularly dramatically. In 1992, they identified as Democratic or Democratic-leaning by 7 points. Today, the gap is 38 points, in favor of Republicans. That's a 45-point swing over 24 years.

fast-growing death rates via suicide, drugs and alcohol, the decline in "blue-collar" jobs, and the perception that they are unfairly disadvantaged via policies like affirmative action.

(This isn't necessarily limited to men, of course; less-educated women are likely moving parties for similar reasons.)

One thing that's clear from these data is that white men's (and to a lesser extent women's) flight from the Democratic Party began before Trump was a national political figure. Many reports from the campaign trail have suggested that he is tapping into those voters' greatest concerns and fears.

However, one important caveat: It's not necessarily clear that Trump will do all that much better among these voters than Mitt Romney did. In recent polls, Trump's and Romney's support among white non-college voters has looked pretty similar, as NPR's Domenico Montanaro wrote recently. A recent CNN poll put Trump at 66 percent with white non-college grads. As Montanaro reported, Romney won 61 percent.

Democrats do well among fast-growing groups

Some of the fastest-growing groups — Hispanics and college-educated Americans — tend to be Democratic. As we said above, the Democratic Party is growing more and more educated, with college-age voters taking up a bigger and bigger slice of that party.

Meanwhile, the Republican Party is slowly but surely getting older. In 1992, 19 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning registered voters were 65 and older. Today, it's 25 percent. Meanwhile, voters 18-29 fell from 21 to 13 percent. And voters under 50 altogether fell from 61 percent to 42 percent. Here's what those changes have looked like over 24 years.

This decades-long sorting into different parties — more-educated people into the Democratic Party and less-educated people into the GOP, for example — may reflect that American voters have changed how often they vote across party lines.

"One might speculate that people are aligning their party ID with their vote more so than they were before," says Ruy Teixeira, senior fellow at the left-leaning Center for American Progress, who has studied the white working-class vote closely.

This is also happening alongside growing polarization. It's possible that what's driving this is the "Big Sort" — the idea that Americans are living increasingly among people like them, which helps further entrench them in their worldviews and keeps them from other viewpoints.

So while Democrats may have a demographic advantage in fast-growing voter groups, the Big Sort could make governing all the harder. For that reason, Teixeira said, Hillary Clinton needs to still try to win over white, non-college voters right now — even if they are clearly in Trump's camp. Likewise, there is pressure on Trump to win over more nonwhite, college-educated, and women voters.

"It's not just about winning the election; it's about finding a way to govern," Teixeira added.

Update: This post was updated on Sept. 13 at 5:39 p.m. with new margin-of-error information.

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Trump captured more of the non college educated white vote than any candidate since the 1980 election. Look it up, clown.
And Hillary won the high school dropouts that Democrats ALWAYS win....

CHARTS: White Voters Without College Degrees Are Fleeing The Democratic Party
Maybe because the Democrats hate white people and have literally told working class white people to go fuck themselves several times?

What about the massive number of non-white voters without college degrees that vote exclusively Democrat and drag the education level of the party down every year?

Now you're backpedaling. First you imply that the educated "white vote" carried Trumps campaign. Then you flat out state that democrats are a party of high school dropouts. Then when given evidence otherwise you change your whinefest into a tantrum about non white voters and how the Democrats hate white people?

You're delusional
I never implied that at all, dipshit. I simply said that Trump won the white college educated vote, and you were saying I was wrong when you obviously were wrong yourself.

There is no “evidence otherwise”, moron. Every single site with statistics on the election will tell you that high school dropouts(people who vote but didn’t graduate high school, not people who didn’t graduate from college or go to one)voted overwhelmingly for the Democrats, just as they always do.

Non-white uneducated voters are 100% Democrat, and they continue to grow substantially as a percentage of the voting population. Eventually educated Democrats won’t be a blip on the radar compared to the uneducated ones.

Then I guess they are following the same trend as uneducated white voters flocking to the Republican party?
And Hillary won the high school dropouts that Democrats ALWAYS win....
When President Obama took office, white Americans with a high school diploma or less education identified about equally as Democratic or Democratic-leaning and Republican and Republican-leaning. But since then, the share of people that identify as Republican or leaning Republican has jumped by 14 percentage points since 2008, from 45 to 59 percent. In comparison, the share of people who have some college or are college grads has grown by 9 points and 1 point, respectively."


Subdivide that even further, and white men without a college degree have swung particularly dramatically. In 1992, they identified as Democratic or Democratic-leaning by 7 points. Today, the gap is 38 points, in favor of Republicans. That's a 45-point swing over 24 years.

fast-growing death rates via suicide, drugs and alcohol, the decline in "blue-collar" jobs, and the perception that they are unfairly disadvantaged via policies like affirmative action.

(This isn't necessarily limited to men, of course; less-educated women are likely moving parties for similar reasons.)

One thing that's clear from these data is that white men's (and to a lesser extent women's) flight from the Democratic Party began before Trump was a national political figure. Many reports from the campaign trail have suggested that he is tapping into those voters' greatest concerns and fears.

However, one important caveat: It's not necessarily clear that Trump will do all that much better among these voters than Mitt Romney did. In recent polls, Trump's and Romney's support among white non-college voters has looked pretty similar, as NPR's Domenico Montanaro wrote recently. A recent CNN poll put Trump at 66 percent with white non-college grads. As Montanaro reported, Romney won 61 percent.

Democrats do well among fast-growing groups

Some of the fastest-growing groups — Hispanics and college-educated Americans — tend to be Democratic. As we said above, the Democratic Party is growing more and more educated, with college-age voters taking up a bigger and bigger slice of that party.

Meanwhile, the Republican Party is slowly but surely getting older. In 1992, 19 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning registered voters were 65 and older. Today, it's 25 percent. Meanwhile, voters 18-29 fell from 21 to 13 percent. And voters under 50 altogether fell from 61 percent to 42 percent. Here's what those changes have looked like over 24 years.

This decades-long sorting into different parties — more-educated people into the Democratic Party and less-educated people into the GOP, for example — may reflect that American voters have changed how often they vote across party lines.

"One might speculate that people are aligning their party ID with their vote more so than they were before," says Ruy Teixeira, senior fellow at the left-leaning Center for American Progress, who has studied the white working-class vote closely.

This is also happening alongside growing polarization. It's possible that what's driving this is the "Big Sort" — the idea that Americans are living increasingly among people like them, which helps further entrench them in their worldviews and keeps them from other viewpoints.

So while Democrats may have a demographic advantage in fast-growing voter groups, the Big Sort could make governing all the harder. For that reason, Teixeira said, Hillary Clinton needs to still try to win over white, non-college voters right now — even if they are clearly in Trump's camp. Likewise, there is pressure on Trump to win over more nonwhite, college-educated, and women voters.

"It's not just about winning the election; it's about finding a way to govern," Teixeira added.

Update: This post was updated on Sept. 13 at 5:39 p.m. with new margin-of-error information.

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And Hillary won the high school dropouts that Democrats ALWAYS win....

CHARTS: White Voters Without College Degrees Are Fleeing The Democratic Party
Maybe because the Democrats hate white people and have literally told working class white people to go fuck themselves several times?

What about the massive number of non-white voters without college degrees that vote exclusively Democrat and drag the education level of the party down every year?

Now you're backpedaling. First you imply that the educated "white vote" carried Trumps campaign. Then you flat out state that democrats are a party of high school dropouts. Then when given evidence otherwise you change your whinefest into a tantrum about non white voters and how the Democrats hate white people?

You're delusional
I never implied that at all, dipshit. I simply said that Trump won the white college educated vote, and you were saying I was wrong when you obviously were wrong yourself.

There is no “evidence otherwise”, moron. Every single site with statistics on the election will tell you that high school dropouts(people who vote but didn’t graduate high school, not people who didn’t graduate from college or go to one)voted overwhelmingly for the Democrats, just as they always do.

Non-white uneducated voters are 100% Democrat, and they continue to grow substantially as a percentage of the voting population. Eventually educated Democrats won’t be a blip on the radar compared to the uneducated ones.

Then I guess they are following the same trend as uneducated white voters flocking to the Republican party?
There are plenty of uneducated white Democrats still....
Like you?
I deliberate hold back so this society doesn’t benefit from my works. It should be obvious by the way I easily crush you idiots with little more than my Catholic high school education(which was actually better than most college educations, but I digress).

I literally laugh every time you show yourself on here btw.

You have no idea how ignorant and stupid you are, and I find that absolutely hilarious. Even idiots like Katsteve run circles around you. LOL

Delusions of grandeur. You need professional help, little boy. You are well on your way to becoming a mass shooter.
Sorry, but I have never been a drone. Only awakened drones become mass shooters.

Only those who weren’t originally intelligent enough to reject the zeitgeist in first place become so angry as to ultimately end their lives by attacking and killing largely ignorant and innocent people after they find out the truth.

I have known the truth pretty much my whole life, while most supposedly intelligent people never will.

Most people who are off of the rails believe the voices in their head that tell them the path they are on is "right".

You are no exception. You begin as a persecuted victim and your anger exacerbates to the point of imploding.

Your story is reminiscent of countless others like you.
My anger is at its maximum right now.

My anger has been at its maximum since 2008.

You obviously don’t know shit about what you are saying.
Like you?
I deliberate hold back so this society doesn’t benefit from my works. It should be obvious by the way I easily crush you idiots with little more than my Catholic high school education(which was actually better than most college educations, but I digress).

I literally laugh every time you show yourself on here btw.

You have no idea how ignorant and stupid you are, and I find that absolutely hilarious. Even idiots like Katsteve run circles around you. LOL

Delusions of grandeur. You need professional help, little boy. You are well on your way to becoming a mass shooter.
Sorry, but I have never been a drone. Only awakened drones become mass shooters.

Only those who weren’t originally intelligent enough to reject the zeitgeist in first place become so angry as to ultimately end their lives by attacking and killing largely ignorant and innocent people after they find out the truth.

I have known the truth pretty much my whole life, while most supposedly intelligent people never will.

Most people who are off of the rails believe the voices in their head that tell them the path they are on is "right".

You are no exception. You begin as a persecuted victim and your anger exacerbates to the point of imploding.

Your story is reminiscent of countless others like you.
My anger is at its maximum right now.

My anger has been at its maximum since 2008.

You obviously don’t know shit about what you are saying.

Please. How many angry people do you think I have known over 63 years? Here is a hint....the majority are dead or insane.

You are well on your way to the latter.
Sorry, but I have never been a drone. Only awakened drones become mass shooters.

Only those who weren’t originally intelligent enough to reject the zeitgeist in first place become so angry as to ultimately end their lives by attacking and killing largely ignorant and innocent people after they find out the truth.

I have known the truth pretty much my whole life, while most supposedly intelligent people never will.

Most people who are off of the rails believe the voices in their head that tell them the path they are on is "right".

You are no exception. You begin as a persecuted victim and your anger exacerbates to the point of imploding.

Your story is reminiscent of countless others like you.
My anger is at its maximum right now......

I doubt you would have the guts to come to Louisville and risk getting your face smashed in.

I would do it without any hesitation, and you know it too.

Internet Badass Alert!

Your obliviousness to reality is far more funny to me than what you think you know about me.

I am aware of the overwhelming numbers that wish to do me and my family and my entire race harm, therefore I am strong enough to fight back against all of that because I literally have to be.

Just because 90% of you idiot cucks are pathetic fat losers, that doesn’t mean the rest of the embattled white minority is anything like this.
Most people who are off of the rails believe the voices in their head that tell them the path they are on is "right".

You are no exception. You begin as a persecuted victim and your anger exacerbates to the point of imploding.

Your story is reminiscent of countless others like you.
My anger is at its maximum right now......

I doubt you would have the guts to come to Louisville and risk getting your face smashed in.

I would do it without any hesitation, and you know it too.

Internet Badass Alert!

Your obliviousness to reality is far more funny to me than what you think you know about me.

I am aware of the overwhelming numbers that wish to do me and my family and my entire race harm, therefore I am strong enough to fight back against all of that because I literally have to be.

Just because 90% of you idiot cucks are pathetic fat losers, that doesn’t mean the rest of the embattled white minority is anything like this.

WRONG. You have an overactive imagination junior, and that appears to be the catalyst of your misplaced anger.. I dont even know you, or your fucking family. I wish no harm on you or anyone else. The majority of the alt right wackos like you who are here are nothing but cheap entertainment to me.
Delusions of grandeur. You need professional help, little boy. You are well on your way to becoming a mass shooter.
Sorry, but I have never been a drone. Only awakened drones become mass shooters.

Only those who weren’t originally intelligent enough to reject the zeitgeist in first place become so angry as to ultimately end their lives by attacking and killing largely ignorant and innocent people after they find out the truth.

I have known the truth pretty much my whole life, while most supposedly intelligent people never will.

Most people who are off of the rails believe the voices in their head that tell them the path they are on is "right".

You are no exception. You begin as a persecuted victim and your anger exacerbates to the point of imploding.

Your story is reminiscent of countless others like you.
My anger is at its maximum right now.

My anger has been at its maximum since 2008.

You obviously don’t know shit about what you are saying.
Delusions of grandeur. You need professional help, little boy. You are well on your way to becoming a mass shooter.
Sorry, but I have never been a drone. Only awakened drones become mass shooters.

Only those who weren’t originally intelligent enough to reject the zeitgeist in first place become so angry as to ultimately end their lives by attacking and killing largely ignorant and innocent people after they find out the truth.

I have known the truth pretty much my whole life, while most supposedly intelligent people never will.

Most people who are off of the rails believe the voices in their head that tell them the path they are on is "right".

You are no exception. You begin as a persecuted victim and your anger exacerbates to the point of imploding.

Your story is reminiscent of countless others like you.
My anger is at its maximum right now.

My anger has been at its maximum since 2008.

You obviously don’t know shit about what you are saying.

Please. How many angry people do you think I have known over 63 years? Here is a hint....the majority are dead or insane.

You are well on your way to the latter.
You don’t know shit old man.

The anger that a racially aware white millennial(or any younger person) feels is nothing like the anger that a spoiled brat boomer feels when their life doesn’t go exactly to plan.

I know a lot more than you, spolied little dumbfuck. I've seen far angrier white people than you in my lifetime, you know , the kind who bombed black churches and burned crosses I front of the homes of minorities who were minding their own business and were restricted by law from fighting back.

Your "anger" will do you in far more quickly than any of the non whites that you are obsessed with.

You are funny if nothing else.
I doubt you would have the guts to come to Louisville and risk getting your face smashed in.

I would do it without any hesitation, and you know it too.

Internet Badass Alert!

Your obliviousness to reality is far more funny to me than what you think you know about me.

I am aware of the overwhelming numbers that wish to do me and my family and my entire race harm, therefore I am strong enough to fight back against all of that because I literally have to be.

Just because 90% of you idiot cucks are pathetic fat losers, that doesn’t mean the rest of the embattled white minority is anything like this.

WRONG. You have an overactive imagination junior, and that appears to be the catalyst of your misplaced anger.. I dont even know you, or your fucking family. I wish no harm on you or anyone else. The majority of the alt right wackos like you who are here are nothing but cheap entertainment to me.

Please don't harbor the misconception that insecure little gasbag pussies like him represent 'the right.' They only represent a failure of the psychological profession. The internet was invented to keep them safe from the real world.
People like me are the reason why Trump won and why the Republican Party is starting to grow some balls.

People like you are the reason why Republicans tried to defeat the prospect of the “1st black president” with a decrepit and senile pussy who betrayed the country.

You are a wuss who is walked over by everyone who ever comes in contact with you, while I am respected by the few people who I give the time of day because I push back against everything.
I doubt you would have the guts to come to Louisville and risk getting your face smashed in.

I would do it without any hesitation, and you know it too.

Internet Badass Alert!

Your obliviousness to reality is far more funny to me than what you think you know about me.

I am aware of the overwhelming numbers that wish to do me and my family and my entire race harm, therefore I am strong enough to fight back against all of that because I literally have to be.

Just because 90% of you idiot cucks are pathetic fat losers, that doesn’t mean the rest of the embattled white minority is anything like this.

WRONG. You have an overactive imagination junior, and that appears to be the catalyst of your misplaced anger.. I dont even know you, or your fucking family. I wish no harm on you or anyone else. The majority of the alt right wackos like you who are here are nothing but cheap entertainment to me.
You have reading comprehension problems, dipshit.

You will likely be dead when everything goes to hell, so obviously I wasn’t including you as some kind of threat to anyone.

Have fun continuing to deny reality as your grandchildren increasingly fear for their lives.

I have far greater clarity about reality than you do, junior. I saw enough of the era when YOUR predecessors had the lawful right to oppress people who look like me.

But unlike you, I didn't get angry, I watched and I learned and I waited.

As far as my grand children go, don't you worry your pointy little empty head.

Because of the work that I have done, they are and will be just fine....for years after I am gone.

And after you are the top story on the 11 pm news for being the latest in a long list of nutcases who started their journey into madness in a forum just like this one.
I doubt you would have the guts to come to Louisville and risk getting your face smashed in.

I would do it without any hesitation, and you know it too.

Internet Badass Alert!

Your obliviousness to reality is far more funny to me than what you think you know about me.

I am aware of the overwhelming numbers that wish to do me and my family and my entire race harm, therefore I am strong enough to fight back against all of that because I literally have to be.

Just because 90% of you idiot cucks are pathetic fat losers, that doesn’t mean the rest of the embattled white minority is anything like this.

WRONG. You have an overactive imagination junior, and that appears to be the catalyst of your misplaced anger.. I dont even know you, or your fucking family. I wish no harm on you or anyone else. The majority of the alt right wackos like you who are here are nothing but cheap entertainment to me.

Please don't harbor the misconception that insecure little gasbag pussies like him represent 'the right.' They only represent a failure of the psychological profession. The internet was invented to keep them safe from the real world.
People like me are the reason why Trump won and why the Republican Party is starting to grow some balls.

People like you are the reason why Republicans tried to defeat the prospect of the “1st black president” with a decrepit and senile pussy who betrayed the country.

You are a wuss who is walked over by everyone who ever comes in contact with you, while I am respected by the few people who I give the time of day because I push back against everything.

Yes. "People like you".

Uneducated and angry because this is not your grandparents America like it was in 1950.

So you have "respect" in a microcosmic setting of Neo Nazis and Stormfront nutcases?

The same ones who are having their Twitter accounts suspended these days?

Internet badasses like you?

Some real "influential" people.....

Sorry, but I have never been a drone. Only awakened drones become mass shooters.

Only those who weren’t originally intelligent enough to reject the zeitgeist in first place become so angry as to ultimately end their lives by attacking and killing largely ignorant and innocent people after they find out the truth.

I have known the truth pretty much my whole life, while most supposedly intelligent people never will.

Most people who are off of the rails believe the voices in their head that tell them the path they are on is "right".

You are no exception. You begin as a persecuted victim and your anger exacerbates to the point of imploding.

Your story is reminiscent of countless others like you.
My anger is at its maximum right now.

My anger has been at its maximum since 2008.

You obviously don’t know shit about what you are saying.
Sorry, but I have never been a drone. Only awakened drones become mass shooters.

Only those who weren’t originally intelligent enough to reject the zeitgeist in first place become so angry as to ultimately end their lives by attacking and killing largely ignorant and innocent people after they find out the truth.

I have known the truth pretty much my whole life, while most supposedly intelligent people never will.

Most people who are off of the rails believe the voices in their head that tell them the path they are on is "right".

You are no exception. You begin as a persecuted victim and your anger exacerbates to the point of imploding.

Your story is reminiscent of countless others like you.
My anger is at its maximum right now.

My anger has been at its maximum since 2008.

You obviously don’t know shit about what you are saying.

Please. How many angry people do you think I have known over 63 years? Here is a hint....the majority are dead or insane.

You are well on your way to the latter.
You don’t know shit old man.

The anger that a racially aware white millennial(or any younger person) feels is nothing like the anger that a spoiled brat boomer feels when their life doesn’t go exactly to plan.

you know , the kind who bombed black churches and burned crosses I front of the homes of minorities who were minding their own business and were restricted by law from fighting back.

I am more angry than the blacks who lived through those events, much less the whites who caused them.

If I lived in Europe instead of here for instance, I would have already killed dozens of Antifa shitstains and I would have already formulated my plan to assasinate various EU parliament members to literally kill off every left winger in power there that I could.

In Europe you are a 3rd class citizen if you are white, despite white people being indigenous to Europe. If your sister is raped by her Muslim classmate after she refuses his advances, then in European countries if you go to the police they will tell you that you need sensitivity training. If a Muslim goes to the police and makes up shit about your politics, then YOU are called “far right” and “extremist” no matter how mainstream you thought you were and you lose your livelihood.

Other than South Africa and the never ending oppression against whites there, what is happening in Europe right now is easily the most tragic event in human history.
Internet Badass Alert!

Your obliviousness to reality is far more funny to me than what you think you know about me.

I am aware of the overwhelming numbers that wish to do me and my family and my entire race harm, therefore I am strong enough to fight back against all of that because I literally have to be.

Just because 90% of you idiot cucks are pathetic fat losers, that doesn’t mean the rest of the embattled white minority is anything like this.

WRONG. You have an overactive imagination junior, and that appears to be the catalyst of your misplaced anger.. I dont even know you, or your fucking family. I wish no harm on you or anyone else. The majority of the alt right wackos like you who are here are nothing but cheap entertainment to me.

Please don't harbor the misconception that insecure little gasbag pussies like him represent 'the right.' They only represent a failure of the psychological profession. The internet was invented to keep them safe from the real world.
People like me are the reason why Trump won and why the Republican Party is starting to grow some balls.

People like you are the reason why Republicans tried to defeat the prospect of the “1st black president” with a decrepit and senile pussy who betrayed the country.

You are a wuss who is walked over by everyone who ever comes in contact with you, while I am respected by the few people who I give the time of day because I push back against everything.

Yes. "People like you".

Uneducated and angry because this is not your grandparents America like it was in 1950.

So you have "respect" in a microcosmic setting of Neo Nazis and Stormfront nutcases?

The same ones who are having their Twitter accounts suspended these days?

Internet badasses like you?

Some real "influential" people.....

I have respect from everyone I meet, ghetto thugs and white Democrat metrosexuals included.

You are just a cuck that black people use and abuse as they see fit because you are actually stupid enough to think you have some kind of power over them if you wanted to use it. In reality you are as powerless when it comes to your rights compared to a non-white’s rights as the alt-right twitter accounts are compared to Twitter’s anti-white ideology.

BTW I dare you to show your grandkids the reactions to the “Its okay to be white” 4chan stunt.
I doubt they will believe your “white privilege” bullshit after they realize how the average Democrat and non-white feels about white people simply existing.
Most people who are off of the rails believe the voices in their head that tell them the path they are on is "right".

You are no exception. You begin as a persecuted victim and your anger exacerbates to the point of imploding.

Your story is reminiscent of countless others like you.
My anger is at its maximum right now.

My anger has been at its maximum since 2008.

You obviously don’t know shit about what you are saying.
Most people who are off of the rails believe the voices in their head that tell them the path they are on is "right".

You are no exception. You begin as a persecuted victim and your anger exacerbates to the point of imploding.

Your story is reminiscent of countless others like you.
My anger is at its maximum right now.

My anger has been at its maximum since 2008.

You obviously don’t know shit about what you are saying.

Please. How many angry people do you think I have known over 63 years? Here is a hint....the majority are dead or insane.

You are well on your way to the latter.
You don’t know shit old man.

The anger that a racially aware white millennial(or any younger person) feels is nothing like the anger that a spoiled brat boomer feels when their life doesn’t go exactly to plan.

you know , the kind who bombed black churches and burned crosses I front of the homes of minorities who were minding their own business and were restricted by law from fighting back.

I am more angry than the blacks who lived through those events, much less the whites who caused them.

If I lived in Europe instead of here for instance, I would have already killed dozens of Antifa shitstains and I would have already formulated my plan to assasinate various EU parliament members to literally kill off every left winger in power there that I could.

In Europe you are a 3rd class citizen if you are white, despite white people being indigenous to Europe. If your sister is raped by her Muslim classmate after she refuses his advances, then in European countries if you go to the police they will tell you that you need sensitivity training. If a Muslim goes to the police and makes up shit about your politics, then YOU are called “far right” and “extremist” no matter how mainstream you thought you were and you lose your livelihood.

Other than South Africa and the never ending oppression against whites there, what is happening in Europe right now is easily the most tragic event in human history.

"If you lived in Europe"? Have you ever heard the saying "The difference between a movement and a moment is sacrifice"?

What have YOU sacrificed to fight the so called "oppression" that your people are besieged by?

If all that you're doing is "threatening" to kill people on the Internet, what does that make you, besides a deeply disturbed individual?

Furthermore, you were not even around during the 60's let alone the peak if the Jim Crow era.

You don't have a fucking clue how "angry" the Black people were who endured the oppression set forth by YOUR ancestors. But one thing is for certain is that THoSE people did not have the luxury of sitting behind the safety of a computer screen and fighting their battle. They had to get out and fight the beast face to face.

I think that you are just a petulant child who spends days and nights surfing the Internet and getting angry over what you read.....not what you have experienced first hand.

Why don't you move to Europe and make a difference, instead of playing Rambo in an anonymous forum in the internet?
Your obliviousness to reality is far more funny to me than what you think you know about me.

I am aware of the overwhelming numbers that wish to do me and my family and my entire race harm, therefore I am strong enough to fight back against all of that because I literally have to be.

Just because 90% of you idiot cucks are pathetic fat losers, that doesn’t mean the rest of the embattled white minority is anything like this.

WRONG. You have an overactive imagination junior, and that appears to be the catalyst of your misplaced anger.. I dont even know you, or your fucking family. I wish no harm on you or anyone else. The majority of the alt right wackos like you who are here are nothing but cheap entertainment to me.

Please don't harbor the misconception that insecure little gasbag pussies like him represent 'the right.' They only represent a failure of the psychological profession. The internet was invented to keep them safe from the real world.
People like me are the reason why Trump won and why the Republican Party is starting to grow some balls.

People like you are the reason why Republicans tried to defeat the prospect of the “1st black president” with a decrepit and senile pussy who betrayed the country.

You are a wuss who is walked over by everyone who ever comes in contact with you, while I am respected by the few people who I give the time of day because I push back against everything.

Yes. "People like you".

Uneducated and angry because this is not your grandparents America like it was in 1950.

So you have "respect" in a microcosmic setting of Neo Nazis and Stormfront nutcases?

The same ones who are having their Twitter accounts suspended these days?

Internet badasses like you?

Some real "influential" people.....

I have respect from everyone I meet, ghetto thugs and white Democrat metrosexuals included.

You are just a cuck that black people use and abuse as they see fit because you are actually stupid enough to think you have some kind of power over them if you wanted to use it. In reality you are as powerless when it comes to your rights compared to a non-white’s rights as the alt-right twitter accounts are compared to Twitter’s anti-white ideology.

BTW I dare you to show your grandkids the reactions to the “Its okay to be white” 4chan stunt.
I doubt they will believe your “white privilege” bullshit after they realize how the average Democrat and non-white feels about white people simply existing.

Actually I do have power and influence over my own circle of influence..namely my family. I have no responsibility for anyone else.

As far as me wasting my time showing my grandkids whatever you're rambling about I have invested my time and money in more cerebral ventures for them, like learning how to become multilingual, which will increase their competitive edge in the workplace after they graduate from college.

I would not expose their young minds to the crap that you speak of. I and thise before me did the work to allow them to enjoy the benefits of being exposed to the best that life has to offer.

They will be well prepared to handle the encounters that they may have with nuts like you in the future.
Your obliviousness to reality is far more funny to me than what you think you know about me.

I am aware of the overwhelming numbers that wish to do me and my family and my entire race harm, therefore I am strong enough to fight back against all of that because I literally have to be.

Just because 90% of you idiot cucks are pathetic fat losers, that doesn’t mean the rest of the embattled white minority is anything like this.

WRONG. You have an overactive imagination junior, and that appears to be the catalyst of your misplaced anger.. I dont even know you, or your fucking family. I wish no harm on you or anyone else. The majority of the alt right wackos like you who are here are nothing but cheap entertainment to me.

Please don't harbor the misconception that insecure little gasbag pussies like him represent 'the right.' They only represent a failure of the psychological profession. The internet was invented to keep them safe from the real world.
People like me are the reason why Trump won and why the Republican Party is starting to grow some balls.

People like you are the reason why Republicans tried to defeat the prospect of the “1st black president” with a decrepit and senile pussy who betrayed the country.

You are a wuss who is walked over by everyone who ever comes in contact with you, while I am respected by the few people who I give the time of day because I push back against everything.

Yes. "People like you".

Uneducated and angry because this is not your grandparents America like it was in 1950.

So you have "respect" in a microcosmic setting of Neo Nazis and Stormfront nutcases?

The same ones who are having their Twitter accounts suspended these days?

Internet badasses like you?

Some real "influential" people.....

I have respect from everyone I meet, ghetto thugs and white Democrat metrosexuals included.

You are just a cuck that black people use and abuse as they see fit because you are actually stupid enough to think you have some kind of power over them if you wanted to use it. In reality you are as powerless when it comes to your rights compared to a non-white’s rights as the alt-right twitter accounts are compared to Twitter’s anti-white ideology.

BTW I dare you to show your grandkids the reactions to the “Its okay to be white” 4chan stunt.
I doubt they will believe your “white privilege” bullshit after they realize how the average Democrat and non-white feels about white people simply existing.

Why Angry White Men Love Calling People "Cucks"
Black people complain that no one is listening to them. They don't realize the only thing politicians listen to are money and voters. Since blacks don't have any money, they need to get out and vote. Don't protest, don't boycott, don't riot, don't kill cops. VOTE! And not just when a black man is running for president. The rich whites that don't give a shit about you keep control via midterms. So don't show up and vote this November because of the cops, or because Republican governors give you lead poisoning. Show up every election! Then you will have some power in this country.

How many blacks will show up in 2018? More or less than 50%? If the number is less than 50%, they can forget about mattering. If you don't vote you don't matter.
Politicians dont listen to people whos vote they know will be cast in their favor if they actually do vote. If the Dems see a mass exodus of Black people registered as Independents then the inaction of the Dems to address their part in this racist system will suddenly become action.
I think AKIP is a black man who isn’t blaming whites for black peoples woes. I think. Let’s let him confirm.

He says most blacks don’t blame whites like you and im2
WRONG. You have an overactive imagination junior, and that appears to be the catalyst of your misplaced anger.. I dont even know you, or your fucking family. I wish no harm on you or anyone else. The majority of the alt right wackos like you who are here are nothing but cheap entertainment to me.

Please don't harbor the misconception that insecure little gasbag pussies like him represent 'the right.' They only represent a failure of the psychological profession. The internet was invented to keep them safe from the real world.
People like me are the reason why Trump won and why the Republican Party is starting to grow some balls.

People like you are the reason why Republicans tried to defeat the prospect of the “1st black president” with a decrepit and senile pussy who betrayed the country.

You are a wuss who is walked over by everyone who ever comes in contact with you, while I am respected by the few people who I give the time of day because I push back against everything.

Yes. "People like you".

Uneducated and angry because this is not your grandparents America like it was in 1950.

So you have "respect" in a microcosmic setting of Neo Nazis and Stormfront nutcases?

The same ones who are having their Twitter accounts suspended these days?

Internet badasses like you?

Some real "influential" people.....

I have respect from everyone I meet, ghetto thugs and white Democrat metrosexuals included.

You are just a cuck that black people use and abuse as they see fit because you are actually stupid enough to think you have some kind of power over them if you wanted to use it. In reality you are as powerless when it comes to your rights compared to a non-white’s rights as the alt-right twitter accounts are compared to Twitter’s anti-white ideology.

BTW I dare you to show your grandkids the reactions to the “Its okay to be white” 4chan stunt.
I doubt they will believe your “white privilege” bullshit after they realize how the average Democrat and non-white feels about white people simply existing.

Why Angry White Men Love Calling People "Cucks"

Do black people see the difference between Republicans and Democrats yet?

Trump Judicial Nominee Refuses To Say If She Agrees With Desegregated Schools
President Donald Trump nominated Wendy Vitter to be a federal judge in the Eastern District of Louisiana.

Trump Judicial Nominee Refuses To Say If She Agrees With Desegregated Schools | HuffPost

The Democrats wouldn't have let you down this much.

. A staunch opponent of abortion, Vitter also evaded Blumenthal’s questions about comments she’d made about Planned Parenthood killing more than 150,000 women a year.

Vitter’s federal judgeship nomination is for a lifetime appointment.

That's A LIFETIME!!! Now do you people see what you had to lose?
Please don't harbor the misconception that insecure little gasbag pussies like him represent 'the right.' They only represent a failure of the psychological profession. The internet was invented to keep them safe from the real world.
People like me are the reason why Trump won and why the Republican Party is starting to grow some balls.

People like you are the reason why Republicans tried to defeat the prospect of the “1st black president” with a decrepit and senile pussy who betrayed the country.

You are a wuss who is walked over by everyone who ever comes in contact with you, while I am respected by the few people who I give the time of day because I push back against everything.

Yes. "People like you".

Uneducated and angry because this is not your grandparents America like it was in 1950.

So you have "respect" in a microcosmic setting of Neo Nazis and Stormfront nutcases?

The same ones who are having their Twitter accounts suspended these days?

Internet badasses like you?

Some real "influential" people.....

I have respect from everyone I meet, ghetto thugs and white Democrat metrosexuals included.

You are just a cuck that black people use and abuse as they see fit because you are actually stupid enough to think you have some kind of power over them if you wanted to use it. In reality you are as powerless when it comes to your rights compared to a non-white’s rights as the alt-right twitter accounts are compared to Twitter’s anti-white ideology.

BTW I dare you to show your grandkids the reactions to the “Its okay to be white” 4chan stunt.
I doubt they will believe your “white privilege” bullshit after they realize how the average Democrat and non-white feels about white people simply existing.

Why Angry White Men Love Calling People "Cucks"

Do black people see the difference between Republicans and Democrats yet?

Trump Judicial Nominee Refuses To Say If She Agrees With Desegregated Schools
President Donald Trump nominated Wendy Vitter to be a federal judge in the Eastern District of Louisiana.

Trump Judicial Nominee Refuses To Say If She Agrees With Desegregated Schools | HuffPost

The Democrats wouldn't have let you down this much.

. A staunch opponent of abortion, Vitter also evaded Blumenthal’s questions about comments she’d made about Planned Parenthood killing more than 150,000 women a year.

Vitter’s federal judgeship nomination is for a lifetime appointment.

That's A LIFETIME!!! Now do you people see what you had to lose?
Like Ginsberg?
People like me are the reason why Trump won and why the Republican Party is starting to grow some balls.

People like you are the reason why Republicans tried to defeat the prospect of the “1st black president” with a decrepit and senile pussy who betrayed the country.

You are a wuss who is walked over by everyone who ever comes in contact with you, while I am respected by the few people who I give the time of day because I push back against everything.

Yes. "People like you".

Uneducated and angry because this is not your grandparents America like it was in 1950.

So you have "respect" in a microcosmic setting of Neo Nazis and Stormfront nutcases?

The same ones who are having their Twitter accounts suspended these days?

Internet badasses like you?

Some real "influential" people.....

I have respect from everyone I meet, ghetto thugs and white Democrat metrosexuals included.

You are just a cuck that black people use and abuse as they see fit because you are actually stupid enough to think you have some kind of power over them if you wanted to use it. In reality you are as powerless when it comes to your rights compared to a non-white’s rights as the alt-right twitter accounts are compared to Twitter’s anti-white ideology.

BTW I dare you to show your grandkids the reactions to the “Its okay to be white” 4chan stunt.
I doubt they will believe your “white privilege” bullshit after they realize how the average Democrat and non-white feels about white people simply existing.

Why Angry White Men Love Calling People "Cucks"

Do black people see the difference between Republicans and Democrats yet?

Trump Judicial Nominee Refuses To Say If She Agrees With Desegregated Schools
President Donald Trump nominated Wendy Vitter to be a federal judge in the Eastern District of Louisiana.

Trump Judicial Nominee Refuses To Say If She Agrees With Desegregated Schools | HuffPost

The Democrats wouldn't have let you down this much.

. A staunch opponent of abortion, Vitter also evaded Blumenthal’s questions about comments she’d made about Planned Parenthood killing more than 150,000 women a year.

Vitter’s federal judgeship nomination is for a lifetime appointment.

That's A LIFETIME!!! Now do you people see what you had to lose?
Like Ginsberg?

Yea but only worse because she doesn't believe in desegregation or abortion rights.

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