What % Of Blacks Will Vote in 2018?

What % of blacks will show up to vote in 2 years?

  • Less than 50%

    Votes: 17 65.4%
  • More than 50%

    Votes: 9 34.6%

  • Total voters
2018 should be interesting

Consider it a referendum on Trumps America

Black and Hispanic turnout will be key in many congressional districts as well as key Senate races in Arizona and Nevada

Getting millenials off their asses will also be key

The older white vote is lost

Hence the need for constant race and panic mongering.

RW, can you imagine a world were you libs would be about issues instead of propaganda?

It is called politics
You get out the vote among those who are most likely to support you

With 90 percent of blacks refusing to vote Republican, there is no need to create panic

They know the score

Interesting rationalizations for your behavior.

What do we on the Right do, that you pretend to yourself is equivalent to your side's constant panic and race mongering?
It's a combination of what Republicans do and what they refuse to do

They oppose affirmative action,

Actually they don't.

Some radical conservatives have noticed the Affirmative Action has become pro-black discrimination, and now are against it.

But the GOP is still living in the past on that issue, and still supports such programs nor have they taken any serious steps to end them.

healthcare for poor children,

No we do not.

enforce strict drug laws,

Those drug laws are the law of the land. Are you saying the democrats don't enforce the law when they are in power?

I mean, I know that, I'm just surprised that you would be honest about it.

Anytime you want to discuss drug legalization, you start that conversation.

Make sure to include the part where you assume that blacks want it.

Because lots do not. They know damn well how drugs are not a victimless crime.

voter suppression,


unemployment benefits,

Crazy talk.

social programs.

The US federal budget is primarily social programs now. If Republicans are against one now and again, it is not significant.

While Democrats support business incentives for impoverished communities..

Yeah, how has that worked out?

....Republicans support moving business out

Republicans don't do that. Business owners do that, and you know well why. Don't play stupid.

Republicans also embrace alt right which exists to extend racist policies

And back to race baiting, you asshole.
2018 should be interesting

Consider it a referendum on Trumps America

Black and Hispanic turnout will be key in many congressional districts as well as key Senate races in Arizona and Nevada

Getting millenials off their asses will also be key

The older white vote is lost

Hence the need for constant race and panic mongering.

RW, can you imagine a world were you libs would be about issues instead of propaganda?

It is called politics
You get out the vote among those who are most likely to support you

With 90 percent of blacks refusing to vote Republican, there is no need to create panic

They know the score

Interesting rationalizations for your behavior.

What do we on the Right do, that you pretend to yourself is equivalent to your side's constant panic and race mongering?
It's a combination of what Republicans do and what they refuse to do

They oppose affirmative action,

Actually they don't.

Some radical conservatives have noticed the Affirmative Action has become pro-black discrimination, and now are against it.

But the GOP is still living in the past on that issue, and still supports such programs nor have they taken any serious steps to end them.

healthcare for poor children,

No we do not.

enforce strict drug laws,

Those drug laws are the law of the land. Are you saying the democrats don't enforce the law when they are in power?

I mean, I know that, I'm just surprised that you would be honest about it.

Anytime you want to discuss drug legalization, you start that conversation.

Make sure to include the part where you assume that blacks want it.

Because lots do not. They know damn well how drugs are not a victimless crime.

voter suppression,


unemployment benefits,

Crazy talk.

social programs.

The US federal budget is primarily social programs now. If Republicans are against one now and again, it is not significant.

While Democrats support business incentives for impoverished communities..

Yeah, how has that worked out?

....Republicans support moving business out

Republicans don't do that. Business owners do that, and you know well why. Don't play stupid.

Republicans also embrace alt right which exists to extend racist policies

And back to race baiting, you asshole.

Nice try, but a miserable fail on your part

Trying to deny GOP policy while the GOP has a documented budget is ridiculous
Stop it! The economy was already doing well. So far only ones who are going to benefit from trumps nomination is the rich.

Companies should be so hurting for good help wages should be through the roof. But we see “the economy” or do you mean companies and corporations are doing well? Sure. What about blue collar? Wages are not going up! These are the people you need to deliver them something or you’ll lose re election.

Do you think this tax bill will be enough? Plus getting rid of the aca mandate? You may win

I agree I have not seen wages going up like they should.

I suspect managers and ceos have gotten lazy and stupid and can't think outsider of "pay less, charge more".

But, hopefully soon, it will start.

ANd if the media actually reports that, that should help the republcians.
I would like a reduction in costs.
Obama spent most of his presidency trying to jack up the costs of energy and raising taxes at the same time he was spending us into bankruptcy.
You can’t relate you make enough to be gop. Explain why is poor folk should be?

You just admitted you’re part of the investor class not the working class. We see no benefit to your ways. Once we are rich too we will see it. I’m starting to.

Idiot leftists keep trying to push their class warfare bullshit despite being called on their hypocrisy by the electorate only just recently. They don't learn because they can't.
Class warfare is billionaire Trump against working Americans

Trump was the only candidate with policies designed to help working Americans.
Not true at all. In fact educated white collar men didn't vote for Roy Moore or Donald Trump.

You mean racists are leaving the Democratic party? Yes the GOP are using the Southern Strategy again only it's not reserved for just the south. White racists all over America want to take back their country.

All we have to do is get out the vote. We did in 2008 but not the midterms. And so we bash the people who don't show up to vote but then cry that things aren't going their way. The reason the rich and the GOP still control America is because the masses don't vote every 2 years. I don't even mind if they vote wrong because eventually they'll change their vote when they realize they've been duped. What I don't like is when people think it doesn't matter and they don't show up to vote.

Which is what Republicans hope for. Either they con you into voting for them or they hope to discourage you from voting.
The educated white vote went to Trump, moron.

The anti-intellectual and retarded vote went almost exclusively to Hillary, as it did to Obama and Bill before her.

Racism is all Democrats have anymore. Anti-white racism that is.

You’re wrong look it up. Trump did not get the educated voters. He did better than McCain and Romney but Hillary got the educated vote. Fact

The educated WHITE vote, dipshit.

That may actually be true. I talked to lots of trump supporters and a lot of them had degrees. Doesn’t surprise me. They probably always vote republican. They make good money and are comfortable enough to be conservatives. They have the conservative gene or daddy raised them that way.

My brother said something like,”I’m sick of feeling guilty for my success and privilege I worked hard to get”. Trump tapped into that feeling. He’s a con man

Actually Clinton fared better than Trump did in counties with higher average educational levels.

Trump ran a campaign that was short on political acumen and driven on emotion (the so called "Wall", his tendency to wage personal attacks on who he ran against, even his crass, non presidential presence appealed to a segment of those who wish they had the stones to say all the inflammatory shit that Trump says without repercussions.

Trump was the "Anti Obama" choice.
Not the choice of the more educated segment of the population.

  • "Trump’s approach to the campaign — relying on emotional appeals while glossing over policy details — may have resonated more among people with lower education levels as compared with Clinton’s wonkier and more cerebral approach."

Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump

Trump won the WHITE college educated vote, idiot. Your source is counting the non-white college educated vote that tipped the overall scales.

#I’mwithher is not “cerebral” or “wonky” btw.
I agree I have not seen wages going up like they should.

I suspect managers and ceos have gotten lazy and stupid and can't think outsider of "pay less, charge more".

But, hopefully soon, it will start.

ANd if the media actually reports that, that should help the republcians.
I would like a reduction in costs.
Obama spent most of his presidency trying to jack up the costs of energy and raising taxes at the same time he was spending us into bankruptcy.
You can’t relate you make enough to be gop. Explain why is poor folk should be?

You just admitted you’re part of the investor class not the working class. We see no benefit to your ways. Once we are rich too we will see it. I’m starting to.

Idiot leftists keep trying to push their class warfare bullshit despite being called on their hypocrisy by the electorate only just recently. They don't learn because they can't.
Class warfare is billionaire Trump against working Americans

Trump was the only candidate with policies designed to help working Americans.


Still waiting for that "Trickle Down"
I would like a reduction in costs.
Obama spent most of his presidency trying to jack up the costs of energy and raising taxes at the same time he was spending us into bankruptcy.
You can’t relate you make enough to be gop. Explain why is poor folk should be?

You just admitted you’re part of the investor class not the working class. We see no benefit to your ways. Once we are rich too we will see it. I’m starting to.

Idiot leftists keep trying to push their class warfare bullshit despite being called on their hypocrisy by the electorate only just recently. They don't learn because they can't.
Class warfare is billionaire Trump against working Americans

Trump was the only candidate with policies designed to help working Americans.


Still waiting for that "Trickle Down"

Seriously, what are you talking about?

Cause, if is his tax package, that won't kick in for a year, sooo, what are you talking about?

If not that, then really, wtf, are you talking about?
You can’t relate you make enough to be gop. Explain why is poor folk should be?

You just admitted you’re part of the investor class not the working class. We see no benefit to your ways. Once we are rich too we will see it. I’m starting to.

Idiot leftists keep trying to push their class warfare bullshit despite being called on their hypocrisy by the electorate only just recently. They don't learn because they can't.
Class warfare is billionaire Trump against working Americans

Trump was the only candidate with policies designed to help working Americans.


Still waiting for that "Trickle Down"

Seriously, what are you talking about?

Cause, if is his tax package, that won't kick in for a year, sooo, what are you talking about?

If not that, then really, wtf, are you talking about?
You're a liar.
The primary reason they're voting for it before the end of the year is to make it retroactive for this tax year.
So it takes effect on your 2017 tax return.
The educated white vote went to Trump, moron.

The anti-intellectual and retarded vote went almost exclusively to Hillary, as it did to Obama and Bill before her.

Racism is all Democrats have anymore. Anti-white racism that is.

You’re wrong look it up. Trump did not get the educated voters. He did better than McCain and Romney but Hillary got the educated vote. Fact

The educated WHITE vote, dipshit.

That may actually be true. I talked to lots of trump supporters and a lot of them had degrees. Doesn’t surprise me. They probably always vote republican. They make good money and are comfortable enough to be conservatives. They have the conservative gene or daddy raised them that way.

My brother said something like,”I’m sick of feeling guilty for my success and privilege I worked hard to get”. Trump tapped into that feeling. He’s a con man

Actually Clinton fared better than Trump did in counties with higher average educational levels.

Trump ran a campaign that was short on political acumen and driven on emotion (the so called "Wall", his tendency to wage personal attacks on who he ran against, even his crass, non presidential presence appealed to a segment of those who wish they had the stones to say all the inflammatory shit that Trump says without repercussions.

Trump was the "Anti Obama" choice.
Not the choice of the more educated segment of the population.

  • "Trump’s approach to the campaign — relying on emotional appeals while glossing over policy details — may have resonated more among people with lower education levels as compared with Clinton’s wonkier and more cerebral approach."

Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump

Trump won the WHITE college educated vote, idiot. Your source is counting the non-white college educated vote that tipped the overall scales.

#I’mwithher is not “cerebral” or “wonky” btw.

He barely won the white educated vote.

College graduates backed Clinton by a 9-point margin (52%-43%), while those without a college degree backed Trump 52%-44%. This is by far the widest gap in support among college graduates and non-college graduates in exit polls dating back to 1980. For example, in 2012, there was hardly any difference between the two groups: College graduates backed Obama over Romney by 50%-48%, and those without a college degree also supported Obama 51%-47%.

Among whites, Trump won an overwhelming share of those without a college degree; and among white college graduates – a group that many identified as key for a potential Clinton victory – Trump outperformed Clinton by a narrow 4-point margin.

Trump’s margin among whites without a college degree is the largest among any candidate in exit polls since 1980. Two-thirds (67%) of non-college whites backed Trump, compared with just 28% who supported Clinton, resulting in a 39-point advantage for Trump among this group. In 2012 and 2008, non-college whites also preferred the Republican over the Democratic candidate but by less one-sided margins (61%-36% and 58%-40%, respectively).

Trump won whites with a college degree 49% to 45%. In 2012, Romney won college whites by a somewhat wider margin in 2012 (56%-42%). Trump’s advantage among this group is the same as John McCain’s margin in 2008 (51%-47%).
The educated white vote went to Trump, moron.

The anti-intellectual and retarded vote went almost exclusively to Hillary, as it did to Obama and Bill before her.

Racism is all Democrats have anymore. Anti-white racism that is.

You’re wrong look it up. Trump did not get the educated voters. He did better than McCain and Romney but Hillary got the educated vote. Fact

The educated WHITE vote, dipshit.

That may actually be true. I talked to lots of trump supporters and a lot of them had degrees. Doesn’t surprise me. They probably always vote republican. They make good money and are comfortable enough to be conservatives. They have the conservative gene or daddy raised them that way.

My brother said something like,”I’m sick of feeling guilty for my success and privilege I worked hard to get”. Trump tapped into that feeling. He’s a con man

Actually Clinton fared better than Trump did in counties with higher average educational levels.

Trump ran a campaign that was short on political acumen and driven on emotion (the so called "Wall", his tendency to wage personal attacks on who he ran against, even his crass, non presidential presence appealed to a segment of those who wish they had the stones to say all the inflammatory shit that Trump says without repercussions.

Trump was the "Anti Obama" choice.
Not the choice of the more educated segment of the population.

  • "Trump’s approach to the campaign — relying on emotional appeals while glossing over policy details — may have resonated more among people with lower education levels as compared with Clinton’s wonkier and more cerebral approach."

Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump

Trump won the WHITE college educated vote, idiot. Your source is counting the non-white college educated vote that tipped the overall scales.

#I’mwithher is not “cerebral” or “wonky” btw.

I wonder why Republicans always win the non educated white vote.
You’re wrong look it up. Trump did not get the educated voters. He did better than McCain and Romney but Hillary got the educated vote. Fact
The educated WHITE vote, dipshit.

That may actually be true. I talked to lots of trump supporters and a lot of them had degrees. Doesn’t surprise me. They probably always vote republican. They make good money and are comfortable enough to be conservatives. They have the conservative gene or daddy raised them that way.

My brother said something like,”I’m sick of feeling guilty for my success and privilege I worked hard to get”. Trump tapped into that feeling. He’s a con man

Actually Clinton fared better than Trump did in counties with higher average educational levels.

Trump ran a campaign that was short on political acumen and driven on emotion (the so called "Wall", his tendency to wage personal attacks on who he ran against, even his crass, non presidential presence appealed to a segment of those who wish they had the stones to say all the inflammatory shit that Trump says without repercussions.

Trump was the "Anti Obama" choice.
Not the choice of the more educated segment of the population.

  • "Trump’s approach to the campaign — relying on emotional appeals while glossing over policy details — may have resonated more among people with lower education levels as compared with Clinton’s wonkier and more cerebral approach."

Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump
Trump won the WHITE college educated vote, idiot. Your source is counting the non-white college educated vote that tipped the overall scales.

#I’mwithher is not “cerebral” or “wonky” btw.

I wonder why Republicans always win the non educated white vote.
They don’t usually.

Trump was the first Republican to win non-college educated white women since Reagan.
The educated WHITE vote, dipshit.

That may actually be true. I talked to lots of trump supporters and a lot of them had degrees. Doesn’t surprise me. They probably always vote republican. They make good money and are comfortable enough to be conservatives. They have the conservative gene or daddy raised them that way.

My brother said something like,”I’m sick of feeling guilty for my success and privilege I worked hard to get”. Trump tapped into that feeling. He’s a con man

Actually Clinton fared better than Trump did in counties with higher average educational levels.

Trump ran a campaign that was short on political acumen and driven on emotion (the so called "Wall", his tendency to wage personal attacks on who he ran against, even his crass, non presidential presence appealed to a segment of those who wish they had the stones to say all the inflammatory shit that Trump says without repercussions.

Trump was the "Anti Obama" choice.
Not the choice of the more educated segment of the population.

  • "Trump’s approach to the campaign — relying on emotional appeals while glossing over policy details — may have resonated more among people with lower education levels as compared with Clinton’s wonkier and more cerebral approach."

Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump
Trump won the WHITE college educated vote, idiot. Your source is counting the non-white college educated vote that tipped the overall scales.

#I’mwithher is not “cerebral” or “wonky” btw.

I wonder why Republicans always win the non educated white vote.
They don’t usually.

Trump was the first Republican to win non-college educated white women since Reagan.
They watch the apprentice.

And btw Reagan was the beginning of the end for the middle class. You guys like to blame frank Dodd carter Clinton or pelosi but it was Reagan and then GWB who screwed us royal. Republicans have not been good to the middle class. Let’s hope that’s changing
That may actually be true. I talked to lots of trump supporters and a lot of them had degrees. Doesn’t surprise me. They probably always vote republican. They make good money and are comfortable enough to be conservatives. They have the conservative gene or daddy raised them that way.

My brother said something like,”I’m sick of feeling guilty for my success and privilege I worked hard to get”. Trump tapped into that feeling. He’s a con man

Actually Clinton fared better than Trump did in counties with higher average educational levels.

Trump ran a campaign that was short on political acumen and driven on emotion (the so called "Wall", his tendency to wage personal attacks on who he ran against, even his crass, non presidential presence appealed to a segment of those who wish they had the stones to say all the inflammatory shit that Trump says without repercussions.

Trump was the "Anti Obama" choice.
Not the choice of the more educated segment of the population.

  • "Trump’s approach to the campaign — relying on emotional appeals while glossing over policy details — may have resonated more among people with lower education levels as compared with Clinton’s wonkier and more cerebral approach."

Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump
Trump won the WHITE college educated vote, idiot. Your source is counting the non-white college educated vote that tipped the overall scales.

#I’mwithher is not “cerebral” or “wonky” btw.

I wonder why Republicans always win the non educated white vote.
They don’t usually.

Trump was the first Republican to win non-college educated white women since Reagan.
They watch the apprentice.

And btw Reagan was the beginning of the end for the middle class. You guys like to blame frank Dodd carter Clinton or pelosi but it was Reagan and then GWB who screwed us royal. Republicans have not been good to the middle class. Let’s hope that’s changing
The audience for that show was actually mostly middle class Democrats....
The educated white vote went to Trump, moron.

The anti-intellectual and retarded vote went almost exclusively to Hillary, as it did to Obama and Bill before her.

Racism is all Democrats have anymore. Anti-white racism that is.

You’re wrong look it up. Trump did not get the educated voters. He did better than McCain and Romney but Hillary got the educated vote. Fact

The educated WHITE vote, dipshit.

That may actually be true. I talked to lots of trump supporters and a lot of them had degrees. Doesn’t surprise me. They probably always vote republican. They make good money and are comfortable enough to be conservatives. They have the conservative gene or daddy raised them that way.

My brother said something like,”I’m sick of feeling guilty for my success and privilege I worked hard to get”. Trump tapped into that feeling. He’s a con man

Actually Clinton fared better than Trump did in counties with higher average educational levels.

Trump ran a campaign that was short on political acumen and driven on emotion (the so called "Wall", his tendency to wage personal attacks on who he ran against, even his crass, non presidential presence appealed to a segment of those who wish they had the stones to say all the inflammatory shit that Trump says without repercussions.

Trump was the "Anti Obama" choice.
Not the choice of the more educated segment of the population.

  • "Trump’s approach to the campaign — relying on emotional appeals while glossing over policy details — may have resonated more among people with lower education levels as compared with Clinton’s wonkier and more cerebral approach."

Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump

Trump won the WHITE college educated vote, idiot. Your source is counting the non-white college educated vote that tipped the overall scales.

#I’mwithher is not “cerebral” or “wonky” btw.

Trump captured more of the non college educated white vote than any candidate since the 1980 election. Look it up, clown.
The educated WHITE vote, dipshit.

That may actually be true. I talked to lots of trump supporters and a lot of them had degrees. Doesn’t surprise me. They probably always vote republican. They make good money and are comfortable enough to be conservatives. They have the conservative gene or daddy raised them that way.

My brother said something like,”I’m sick of feeling guilty for my success and privilege I worked hard to get”. Trump tapped into that feeling. He’s a con man

Actually Clinton fared better than Trump did in counties with higher average educational levels.

Trump ran a campaign that was short on political acumen and driven on emotion (the so called "Wall", his tendency to wage personal attacks on who he ran against, even his crass, non presidential presence appealed to a segment of those who wish they had the stones to say all the inflammatory shit that Trump says without repercussions.

Trump was the "Anti Obama" choice.
Not the choice of the more educated segment of the population.

  • "Trump’s approach to the campaign — relying on emotional appeals while glossing over policy details — may have resonated more among people with lower education levels as compared with Clinton’s wonkier and more cerebral approach."

Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump
Trump won the WHITE college educated vote, idiot. Your source is counting the non-white college educated vote that tipped the overall scales.

#I’mwithher is not “cerebral” or “wonky” btw.

He barely won the white educated vote.

College graduates backed Clinton by a 9-point margin (52%-43%), while those without a college degree backed Trump 52%-44%. This is by far the widest gap in support among college graduates and non-college graduates in exit polls dating back to 1980. For example, in 2012, there was hardly any difference between the two groups: College graduates backed Obama over Romney by 50%-48%, and those without a college degree also supported Obama 51%-47%.

Among whites, Trump won an overwhelming share of those without a college degree; and among white college graduates – a group that many identified as key for a potential Clinton victory – Trump outperformed Clinton by a narrow 4-point margin.

Trump’s margin among whites without a college degree is the largest among any candidate in exit polls since 1980. Two-thirds (67%) of non-college whites backed Trump, compared with just 28% who supported Clinton, resulting in a 39-point advantage for Trump among this group. In 2012 and 2008, non-college whites also preferred the Republican over the Democratic candidate but by less one-sided margins (61%-36% and 58%-40%, respectively).

Trump won whites with a college degree 49% to 45%. In 2012, Romney won college whites by a somewhat wider margin in 2012 (56%-42%). Trump’s advantage among this group is the same as John McCain’s margin in 2008 (51%-47%).
So, KatSteve is an idiot.

What else is new?
The educated WHITE vote, dipshit.

That may actually be true. I talked to lots of trump supporters and a lot of them had degrees. Doesn’t surprise me. They probably always vote republican. They make good money and are comfortable enough to be conservatives. They have the conservative gene or daddy raised them that way.

My brother said something like,”I’m sick of feeling guilty for my success and privilege I worked hard to get”. Trump tapped into that feeling. He’s a con man

Actually Clinton fared better than Trump did in counties with higher average educational levels.

Trump ran a campaign that was short on political acumen and driven on emotion (the so called "Wall", his tendency to wage personal attacks on who he ran against, even his crass, non presidential presence appealed to a segment of those who wish they had the stones to say all the inflammatory shit that Trump says without repercussions.

Trump was the "Anti Obama" choice.
Not the choice of the more educated segment of the population.

  • "Trump’s approach to the campaign — relying on emotional appeals while glossing over policy details — may have resonated more among people with lower education levels as compared with Clinton’s wonkier and more cerebral approach."

Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump
Trump won the WHITE college educated vote, idiot. Your source is counting the non-white college educated vote that tipped the overall scales.

#I’mwithher is not “cerebral” or “wonky” btw.

He barely won the white educated vote.

College graduates backed Clinton by a 9-point margin (52%-43%), while those without a college degree backed Trump 52%-44%. This is by far the widest gap in support among college graduates and non-college graduates in exit polls dating back to 1980. For example, in 2012, there was hardly any difference between the two groups: College graduates backed Obama over Romney by 50%-48%, and those without a college degree also supported Obama 51%-47%.

Among whites, Trump won an overwhelming share of those without a college degree; and among white college graduates – a group that many identified as key for a potential Clinton victory – Trump outperformed Clinton by a narrow 4-point margin.

Trump’s margin among whites without a college degree is the largest among any candidate in exit polls since 1980. Two-thirds (67%) of non-college whites backed Trump, compared with just 28% who supported Clinton, resulting in a 39-point advantage for Trump among this group. In 2012 and 2008, non-college whites also preferred the Republican over the Democratic candidate but by less one-sided margins (61%-36% and 58%-40%, respectively).

Trump won whites with a college degree 49% to 45%. In 2012, Romney won college whites by a somewhat wider margin in 2012 (56%-42%). Trump’s advantage among this group is the same as John McCain’s margin in 2008 (51%-47%).
So, KatSteve is an idiot.

The educated WHITE vote, dipshit.

That may actually be true. I talked to lots of trump supporters and a lot of them had degrees. Doesn’t surprise me. They probably always vote republican. They make good money and are comfortable enough to be conservatives. They have the conservative gene or daddy raised them that way.

My brother said something like,”I’m sick of feeling guilty for my success and privilege I worked hard to get”. Trump tapped into that feeling. He’s a con man

Actually Clinton fared better than Trump did in counties with higher average educational levels.

Trump ran a campaign that was short on political acumen and driven on emotion (the so called "Wall", his tendency to wage personal attacks on who he ran against, even his crass, non presidential presence appealed to a segment of those who wish they had the stones to say all the inflammatory shit that Trump says without repercussions.

Trump was the "Anti Obama" choice.
Not the choice of the more educated segment of the population.

  • "Trump’s approach to the campaign — relying on emotional appeals while glossing over policy details — may have resonated more among people with lower education levels as compared with Clinton’s wonkier and more cerebral approach."

Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump
Trump won the WHITE college educated vote, idiot. Your source is counting the non-white college educated vote that tipped the overall scales.

#I’mwithher is not “cerebral” or “wonky” btw.

He barely won the white educated vote.

College graduates backed Clinton by a 9-point margin (52%-43%), while those without a college degree backed Trump 52%-44%. This is by far the widest gap in support among college graduates and non-college graduates in exit polls dating back to 1980. For example, in 2012, there was hardly any difference between the two groups: College graduates backed Obama over Romney by 50%-48%, and those without a college degree also supported Obama 51%-47%.

Among whites, Trump won an overwhelming share of those without a college degree; and among white college graduates – a group that many identified as key for a potential Clinton victory – Trump outperformed Clinton by a narrow 4-point margin.

Trump’s margin among whites without a college degree is the largest among any candidate in exit polls since 1980. Two-thirds (67%) of non-college whites backed Trump, compared with just 28% who supported Clinton, resulting in a 39-point advantage for Trump among this group. In 2012 and 2008, non-college whites also preferred the Republican over the Democratic candidate but by less one-sided margins (61%-36% and 58%-40%, respectively).

Trump won whites with a college degree 49% to 45%. In 2012, Romney won college whites by a somewhat wider margin in 2012 (56%-42%). Trump’s advantage among this group is the same as John McCain’s margin in 2008 (51%-47%).
So, KatSteve is an idiot.

What else is new?
What is not new is that white college educated voters accounted for a minimal part of Trumps victory. What is new is that more non college educated working class white voters turned out for Trump than they have since the 1980 election.

Read for a change.
You’re wrong look it up. Trump did not get the educated voters. He did better than McCain and Romney but Hillary got the educated vote. Fact
The educated WHITE vote, dipshit.

That may actually be true. I talked to lots of trump supporters and a lot of them had degrees. Doesn’t surprise me. They probably always vote republican. They make good money and are comfortable enough to be conservatives. They have the conservative gene or daddy raised them that way.

My brother said something like,”I’m sick of feeling guilty for my success and privilege I worked hard to get”. Trump tapped into that feeling. He’s a con man

Actually Clinton fared better than Trump did in counties with higher average educational levels.

Trump ran a campaign that was short on political acumen and driven on emotion (the so called "Wall", his tendency to wage personal attacks on who he ran against, even his crass, non presidential presence appealed to a segment of those who wish they had the stones to say all the inflammatory shit that Trump says without repercussions.

Trump was the "Anti Obama" choice.
Not the choice of the more educated segment of the population.

  • "Trump’s approach to the campaign — relying on emotional appeals while glossing over policy details — may have resonated more among people with lower education levels as compared with Clinton’s wonkier and more cerebral approach."

Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump
Trump won the WHITE college educated vote, idiot. Your source is counting the non-white college educated vote that tipped the overall scales.

#I’mwithher is not “cerebral” or “wonky” btw.

Trump captured more of the non college educated white vote than any candidate since the 1980 election. Look it up, clown.
And Hillary won the high school dropouts that Democrats ALWAYS win....
The educated WHITE vote, dipshit.

That may actually be true. I talked to lots of trump supporters and a lot of them had degrees. Doesn’t surprise me. They probably always vote republican. They make good money and are comfortable enough to be conservatives. They have the conservative gene or daddy raised them that way.

My brother said something like,”I’m sick of feeling guilty for my success and privilege I worked hard to get”. Trump tapped into that feeling. He’s a con man

Actually Clinton fared better than Trump did in counties with higher average educational levels.

Trump ran a campaign that was short on political acumen and driven on emotion (the so called "Wall", his tendency to wage personal attacks on who he ran against, even his crass, non presidential presence appealed to a segment of those who wish they had the stones to say all the inflammatory shit that Trump says without repercussions.

Trump was the "Anti Obama" choice.
Not the choice of the more educated segment of the population.

  • "Trump’s approach to the campaign — relying on emotional appeals while glossing over policy details — may have resonated more among people with lower education levels as compared with Clinton’s wonkier and more cerebral approach."

Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump
Trump won the WHITE college educated vote, idiot. Your source is counting the non-white college educated vote that tipped the overall scales.

#I’mwithher is not “cerebral” or “wonky” btw.

"Trump captured more of the non college educated white vote than any candidate since the 1980 election. Look it up, clown.
And Hillary won the high school dropouts that Democrats ALWAYS win....
When President Obama took office, white Americans with a high school diploma or less education identified about equally as Democratic or Democratic-leaning and Republican and Republican-leaning. But since then, the share of people that identify as Republican or leaning Republican has jumped by 14 percentage points since 2008, from 45 to 59 percent. In comparison, the share of people who have some college or are college grads has grown by 9 points and 1 point, respectively."


Subdivide that even further, and white men without a college degree have swung particularly dramatically. In 1992, they identified as Democratic or Democratic-leaning by 7 points. Today, the gap is 38 points, in favor of Republicans. That's a 45-point swing over 24 years.

fast-growing death rates via suicide, drugs and alcohol, the decline in "blue-collar" jobs, and the perception that they are unfairly disadvantaged via policies like affirmative action.

(This isn't necessarily limited to men, of course; less-educated women are likely moving parties for similar reasons.)

One thing that's clear from these data is that white men's (and to a lesser extent women's) flight from the Democratic Party began before Trump was a national political figure. Many reports from the campaign trail have suggested that he is tapping into those voters' greatest concerns and fears.

However, one important caveat: It's not necessarily clear that Trump will do all that much better among these voters than Mitt Romney did. In recent polls, Trump's and Romney's support among white non-college voters has looked pretty similar, as NPR's Domenico Montanaro wrote recently. A recent CNN poll put Trump at 66 percent with white non-college grads. As Montanaro reported, Romney won 61 percent.

Democrats do well among fast-growing groups

Some of the fastest-growing groups — Hispanics and college-educated Americans — tend to be Democratic. As we said above, the Democratic Party is growing more and more educated, with college-age voters taking up a bigger and bigger slice of that party.

Meanwhile, the Republican Party is slowly but surely getting older. In 1992, 19 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning registered voters were 65 and older. Today, it's 25 percent. Meanwhile, voters 18-29 fell from 21 to 13 percent. And voters under 50 altogether fell from 61 percent to 42 percent. Here's what those changes have looked like over 24 years.

This decades-long sorting into different parties — more-educated people into the Democratic Party and less-educated people into the GOP, for example — may reflect that American voters have changed how often they vote across party lines.

"One might speculate that people are aligning their party ID with their vote more so than they were before," says Ruy Teixeira, senior fellow at the left-leaning Center for American Progress, who has studied the white working-class vote closely.

This is also happening alongside growing polarization. It's possible that what's driving this is the "Big Sort" — the idea that Americans are living increasingly among people like them, which helps further entrench them in their worldviews and keeps them from other viewpoints.

So while Democrats may have a demographic advantage in fast-growing voter groups, the Big Sort could make governing all the harder. For that reason, Teixeira said, Hillary Clinton needs to still try to win over white, non-college voters right now — even if they are clearly in Trump's camp. Likewise, there is pressure on Trump to win over more nonwhite, college-educated, and women voters.

"It's not just about winning the election; it's about finding a way to govern," Teixeira added.

Update: This post was updated on Sept. 13 at 5:39 p.m. with new margin-of-error information.

Trump Celebrates Legislative Win After Congress Passes $1.5 Trillion Tax Cut Bill

From 'Covfefe' To Slamming CNN: Trump's Year In Tweets
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'I Don't Know Where It's From': Former UFO Program Head On Navy Jet Footage

Is This The Saddest Christmas Tree In The World?
NPR Editors' Picks

Latino Identity Fades As Immigrant Ties Weaken, Study Finds

8 Americans Among The Dead In Yucatan Bus Crash
The educated WHITE vote, dipshit.

That may actually be true. I talked to lots of trump supporters and a lot of them had degrees. Doesn’t surprise me. They probably always vote republican. They make good money and are comfortable enough to be conservatives. They have the conservative gene or daddy raised them that way.

My brother said something like,”I’m sick of feeling guilty for my success and privilege I worked hard to get”. Trump tapped into that feeling. He’s a con man

Actually Clinton fared better than Trump did in counties with higher average educational levels.

Trump ran a campaign that was short on political acumen and driven on emotion (the so called "Wall", his tendency to wage personal attacks on who he ran against, even his crass, non presidential presence appealed to a segment of those who wish they had the stones to say all the inflammatory shit that Trump says without repercussions.

Trump was the "Anti Obama" choice.
Not the choice of the more educated segment of the population.

  • "Trump’s approach to the campaign — relying on emotional appeals while glossing over policy details — may have resonated more among people with lower education levels as compared with Clinton’s wonkier and more cerebral approach."

Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump
Trump won the WHITE college educated vote, idiot. Your source is counting the non-white college educated vote that tipped the overall scales.

#I’mwithher is not “cerebral” or “wonky” btw.

Trump captured more of the non college educated white vote than any candidate since the 1980 election. Look it up, clown.
And Hillary won the high school dropouts that Democrats ALWAYS win....

CHARTS: White Voters Without College Degrees Are Fleeing The Democratic Party
That may actually be true. I talked to lots of trump supporters and a lot of them had degrees. Doesn’t surprise me. They probably always vote republican. They make good money and are comfortable enough to be conservatives. They have the conservative gene or daddy raised them that way.

My brother said something like,”I’m sick of feeling guilty for my success and privilege I worked hard to get”. Trump tapped into that feeling. He’s a con man

Actually Clinton fared better than Trump did in counties with higher average educational levels.

Trump ran a campaign that was short on political acumen and driven on emotion (the so called "Wall", his tendency to wage personal attacks on who he ran against, even his crass, non presidential presence appealed to a segment of those who wish they had the stones to say all the inflammatory shit that Trump says without repercussions.

Trump was the "Anti Obama" choice.
Not the choice of the more educated segment of the population.

  • "Trump’s approach to the campaign — relying on emotional appeals while glossing over policy details — may have resonated more among people with lower education levels as compared with Clinton’s wonkier and more cerebral approach."

Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump
Trump won the WHITE college educated vote, idiot. Your source is counting the non-white college educated vote that tipped the overall scales.

#I’mwithher is not “cerebral” or “wonky” btw.

"Trump captured more of the non college educated white vote than any candidate since the 1980 election. Look it up, clown.
And Hillary won the high school dropouts that Democrats ALWAYS win....
When President Obama took office, white Americans with a high school diploma or less education identified about equally as Democratic or Democratic-leaning and Republican and Republican-leaning. But since then, the share of people that identify as Republican or leaning Republican has jumped by 14 percentage points since 2008, from 45 to 59 percent. In comparison, the share of people who have some college or are college grads has grown by 9 points and 1 point, respectively."


Subdivide that even further, and white men without a college degree have swung particularly dramatically. In 1992, they identified as Democratic or Democratic-leaning by 7 points. Today, the gap is 38 points, in favor of Republicans. That's a 45-point swing over 24 years.

fast-growing death rates via suicide, drugs and alcohol, the decline in "blue-collar" jobs, and the perception that they are unfairly disadvantaged via policies like affirmative action.

(This isn't necessarily limited to men, of course; less-educated women are likely moving parties for similar reasons.)

One thing that's clear from these data is that white men's (and to a lesser extent women's) flight from the Democratic Party began before Trump was a national political figure. Many reports from the campaign trail have suggested that he is tapping into those voters' greatest concerns and fears.

However, one important caveat: It's not necessarily clear that Trump will do all that much better among these voters than Mitt Romney did. In recent polls, Trump's and Romney's support among white non-college voters has looked pretty similar, as NPR's Domenico Montanaro wrote recently. A recent CNN poll put Trump at 66 percent with white non-college grads. As Montanaro reported, Romney won 61 percent.

Democrats do well among fast-growing groups

Some of the fastest-growing groups — Hispanics and college-educated Americans — tend to be Democratic. As we said above, the Democratic Party is growing more and more educated, with college-age voters taking up a bigger and bigger slice of that party.

Meanwhile, the Republican Party is slowly but surely getting older. In 1992, 19 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning registered voters were 65 and older. Today, it's 25 percent. Meanwhile, voters 18-29 fell from 21 to 13 percent. And voters under 50 altogether fell from 61 percent to 42 percent. Here's what those changes have looked like over 24 years.

This decades-long sorting into different parties — more-educated people into the Democratic Party and less-educated people into the GOP, for example — may reflect that American voters have changed how often they vote across party lines.

"One might speculate that people are aligning their party ID with their vote more so than they were before," says Ruy Teixeira, senior fellow at the left-leaning Center for American Progress, who has studied the white working-class vote closely.

This is also happening alongside growing polarization. It's possible that what's driving this is the "Big Sort" — the idea that Americans are living increasingly among people like them, which helps further entrench them in their worldviews and keeps them from other viewpoints.

So while Democrats may have a demographic advantage in fast-growing voter groups, the Big Sort could make governing all the harder. For that reason, Teixeira said, Hillary Clinton needs to still try to win over white, non-college voters right now — even if they are clearly in Trump's camp. Likewise, there is pressure on Trump to win over more nonwhite, college-educated, and women voters.

"It's not just about winning the election; it's about finding a way to govern," Teixeira added.

Update: This post was updated on Sept. 13 at 5:39 p.m. with new margin-of-error information.

Trump Celebrates Legislative Win After Congress Passes $1.5 Trillion Tax Cut Bill

From 'Covfefe' To Slamming CNN: Trump's Year In Tweets
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'I Don't Know Where It's From': Former UFO Program Head On Navy Jet Footage

Is This The Saddest Christmas Tree In The World?
NPR Editors' Picks

Latino Identity Fades As Immigrant Ties Weaken, Study Finds

8 Americans Among The Dead In Yucatan Bus Crash
That may actually be true. I talked to lots of trump supporters and a lot of them had degrees. Doesn’t surprise me. They probably always vote republican. They make good money and are comfortable enough to be conservatives. They have the conservative gene or daddy raised them that way.

My brother said something like,”I’m sick of feeling guilty for my success and privilege I worked hard to get”. Trump tapped into that feeling. He’s a con man

Actually Clinton fared better than Trump did in counties with higher average educational levels.

Trump ran a campaign that was short on political acumen and driven on emotion (the so called "Wall", his tendency to wage personal attacks on who he ran against, even his crass, non presidential presence appealed to a segment of those who wish they had the stones to say all the inflammatory shit that Trump says without repercussions.

Trump was the "Anti Obama" choice.
Not the choice of the more educated segment of the population.

  • "Trump’s approach to the campaign — relying on emotional appeals while glossing over policy details — may have resonated more among people with lower education levels as compared with Clinton’s wonkier and more cerebral approach."

Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump
Trump won the WHITE college educated vote, idiot. Your source is counting the non-white college educated vote that tipped the overall scales.

#I’mwithher is not “cerebral” or “wonky” btw.

Trump captured more of the non college educated white vote than any candidate since the 1980 election. Look it up, clown.
And Hillary won the high school dropouts that Democrats ALWAYS win....

CHARTS: White Voters Without College Degrees Are Fleeing The Democratic Party
Maybe because the Democrats hate white people and have literally told working class white people to go fuck themselves several times?

What about the massive number of non-white voters without college degrees that vote exclusively Democrat and drag the education level of the party down every year?
Actually Clinton fared better than Trump did in counties with higher average educational levels.

Trump ran a campaign that was short on political acumen and driven on emotion (the so called "Wall", his tendency to wage personal attacks on who he ran against, even his crass, non presidential presence appealed to a segment of those who wish they had the stones to say all the inflammatory shit that Trump says without repercussions.

Trump was the "Anti Obama" choice.
Not the choice of the more educated segment of the population.

  • "Trump’s approach to the campaign — relying on emotional appeals while glossing over policy details — may have resonated more among people with lower education levels as compared with Clinton’s wonkier and more cerebral approach."

Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump
Trump won the WHITE college educated vote, idiot. Your source is counting the non-white college educated vote that tipped the overall scales.

#I’mwithher is not “cerebral” or “wonky” btw.

"Trump captured more of the non college educated white vote than any candidate since the 1980 election. Look it up, clown.
And Hillary won the high school dropouts that Democrats ALWAYS win....
When President Obama took office, white Americans with a high school diploma or less education identified about equally as Democratic or Democratic-leaning and Republican and Republican-leaning. But since then, the share of people that identify as Republican or leaning Republican has jumped by 14 percentage points since 2008, from 45 to 59 percent. In comparison, the share of people who have some college or are college grads has grown by 9 points and 1 point, respectively."


Subdivide that even further, and white men without a college degree have swung particularly dramatically. In 1992, they identified as Democratic or Democratic-leaning by 7 points. Today, the gap is 38 points, in favor of Republicans. That's a 45-point swing over 24 years.

fast-growing death rates via suicide, drugs and alcohol, the decline in "blue-collar" jobs, and the perception that they are unfairly disadvantaged via policies like affirmative action.

(This isn't necessarily limited to men, of course; less-educated women are likely moving parties for similar reasons.)

One thing that's clear from these data is that white men's (and to a lesser extent women's) flight from the Democratic Party began before Trump was a national political figure. Many reports from the campaign trail have suggested that he is tapping into those voters' greatest concerns and fears.

However, one important caveat: It's not necessarily clear that Trump will do all that much better among these voters than Mitt Romney did. In recent polls, Trump's and Romney's support among white non-college voters has looked pretty similar, as NPR's Domenico Montanaro wrote recently. A recent CNN poll put Trump at 66 percent with white non-college grads. As Montanaro reported, Romney won 61 percent.

Democrats do well among fast-growing groups

Some of the fastest-growing groups — Hispanics and college-educated Americans — tend to be Democratic. As we said above, the Democratic Party is growing more and more educated, with college-age voters taking up a bigger and bigger slice of that party.

Meanwhile, the Republican Party is slowly but surely getting older. In 1992, 19 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning registered voters were 65 and older. Today, it's 25 percent. Meanwhile, voters 18-29 fell from 21 to 13 percent. And voters under 50 altogether fell from 61 percent to 42 percent. Here's what those changes have looked like over 24 years.

This decades-long sorting into different parties — more-educated people into the Democratic Party and less-educated people into the GOP, for example — may reflect that American voters have changed how often they vote across party lines.

"One might speculate that people are aligning their party ID with their vote more so than they were before," says Ruy Teixeira, senior fellow at the left-leaning Center for American Progress, who has studied the white working-class vote closely.

This is also happening alongside growing polarization. It's possible that what's driving this is the "Big Sort" — the idea that Americans are living increasingly among people like them, which helps further entrench them in their worldviews and keeps them from other viewpoints.

So while Democrats may have a demographic advantage in fast-growing voter groups, the Big Sort could make governing all the harder. For that reason, Teixeira said, Hillary Clinton needs to still try to win over white, non-college voters right now — even if they are clearly in Trump's camp. Likewise, there is pressure on Trump to win over more nonwhite, college-educated, and women voters.

"It's not just about winning the election; it's about finding a way to govern," Teixeira added.

Update: This post was updated on Sept. 13 at 5:39 p.m. with new margin-of-error information.

Trump Celebrates Legislative Win After Congress Passes $1.5 Trillion Tax Cut Bill

From 'Covfefe' To Slamming CNN: Trump's Year In Tweets
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'I Don't Know Where It's From': Former UFO Program Head On Navy Jet Footage

Is This The Saddest Christmas Tree In The World?
NPR Editors' Picks

Latino Identity Fades As Immigrant Ties Weaken, Study Finds

8 Americans Among The Dead In Yucatan Bus Crash
Actually Clinton fared better than Trump did in counties with higher average educational levels.

Trump ran a campaign that was short on political acumen and driven on emotion (the so called "Wall", his tendency to wage personal attacks on who he ran against, even his crass, non presidential presence appealed to a segment of those who wish they had the stones to say all the inflammatory shit that Trump says without repercussions.

Trump was the "Anti Obama" choice.
Not the choice of the more educated segment of the population.

  • "Trump’s approach to the campaign — relying on emotional appeals while glossing over policy details — may have resonated more among people with lower education levels as compared with Clinton’s wonkier and more cerebral approach."

Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump
Trump won the WHITE college educated vote, idiot. Your source is counting the non-white college educated vote that tipped the overall scales.

#I’mwithher is not “cerebral” or “wonky” btw.

Trump captured more of the non college educated white vote than any candidate since the 1980 election. Look it up, clown.
And Hillary won the high school dropouts that Democrats ALWAYS win....

CHARTS: White Voters Without College Degrees Are Fleeing The Democratic Party
Maybe because the Democrats hate white people and have literally told working class white people to go fuck themselves several times?

What about the massive number of non-white voters without college degrees that vote exclusively Democrat and drag the education level of the party down every year?

Now you're backpedaling. First you imply that the educated "white vote" carried Trumps campaign. Then you flat out state that democrats are a party of high school dropouts. Then when given evidence otherwise you change your whinefest into a tantrum about non white voters and how the Democrats hate white people?

You're delusional
Trump won the WHITE college educated vote, idiot. Your source is counting the non-white college educated vote that tipped the overall scales.

#I’mwithher is not “cerebral” or “wonky” btw.

"Trump captured more of the non college educated white vote than any candidate since the 1980 election. Look it up, clown.
And Hillary won the high school dropouts that Democrats ALWAYS win....
When President Obama took office, white Americans with a high school diploma or less education identified about equally as Democratic or Democratic-leaning and Republican and Republican-leaning. But since then, the share of people that identify as Republican or leaning Republican has jumped by 14 percentage points since 2008, from 45 to 59 percent. In comparison, the share of people who have some college or are college grads has grown by 9 points and 1 point, respectively."


Subdivide that even further, and white men without a college degree have swung particularly dramatically. In 1992, they identified as Democratic or Democratic-leaning by 7 points. Today, the gap is 38 points, in favor of Republicans. That's a 45-point swing over 24 years.

fast-growing death rates via suicide, drugs and alcohol, the decline in "blue-collar" jobs, and the perception that they are unfairly disadvantaged via policies like affirmative action.

(This isn't necessarily limited to men, of course; less-educated women are likely moving parties for similar reasons.)

One thing that's clear from these data is that white men's (and to a lesser extent women's) flight from the Democratic Party began before Trump was a national political figure. Many reports from the campaign trail have suggested that he is tapping into those voters' greatest concerns and fears.

However, one important caveat: It's not necessarily clear that Trump will do all that much better among these voters than Mitt Romney did. In recent polls, Trump's and Romney's support among white non-college voters has looked pretty similar, as NPR's Domenico Montanaro wrote recently. A recent CNN poll put Trump at 66 percent with white non-college grads. As Montanaro reported, Romney won 61 percent.

Democrats do well among fast-growing groups

Some of the fastest-growing groups — Hispanics and college-educated Americans — tend to be Democratic. As we said above, the Democratic Party is growing more and more educated, with college-age voters taking up a bigger and bigger slice of that party.

Meanwhile, the Republican Party is slowly but surely getting older. In 1992, 19 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning registered voters were 65 and older. Today, it's 25 percent. Meanwhile, voters 18-29 fell from 21 to 13 percent. And voters under 50 altogether fell from 61 percent to 42 percent. Here's what those changes have looked like over 24 years.

This decades-long sorting into different parties — more-educated people into the Democratic Party and less-educated people into the GOP, for example — may reflect that American voters have changed how often they vote across party lines.

"One might speculate that people are aligning their party ID with their vote more so than they were before," says Ruy Teixeira, senior fellow at the left-leaning Center for American Progress, who has studied the white working-class vote closely.

This is also happening alongside growing polarization. It's possible that what's driving this is the "Big Sort" — the idea that Americans are living increasingly among people like them, which helps further entrench them in their worldviews and keeps them from other viewpoints.

So while Democrats may have a demographic advantage in fast-growing voter groups, the Big Sort could make governing all the harder. For that reason, Teixeira said, Hillary Clinton needs to still try to win over white, non-college voters right now — even if they are clearly in Trump's camp. Likewise, there is pressure on Trump to win over more nonwhite, college-educated, and women voters.

"It's not just about winning the election; it's about finding a way to govern," Teixeira added.

Update: This post was updated on Sept. 13 at 5:39 p.m. with new margin-of-error information.

Trump Celebrates Legislative Win After Congress Passes $1.5 Trillion Tax Cut Bill

From 'Covfefe' To Slamming CNN: Trump's Year In Tweets
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'I Don't Know Where It's From': Former UFO Program Head On Navy Jet Footage

Is This The Saddest Christmas Tree In The World?
NPR Editors' Picks

Latino Identity Fades As Immigrant Ties Weaken, Study Finds

8 Americans Among The Dead In Yucatan Bus Crash
Trump won the WHITE college educated vote, idiot. Your source is counting the non-white college educated vote that tipped the overall scales.

#I’mwithher is not “cerebral” or “wonky” btw.

Trump captured more of the non college educated white vote than any candidate since the 1980 election. Look it up, clown.
And Hillary won the high school dropouts that Democrats ALWAYS win....

CHARTS: White Voters Without College Degrees Are Fleeing The Democratic Party
Maybe because the Democrats hate white people and have literally told working class white people to go fuck themselves several times?

What about the massive number of non-white voters without college degrees that vote exclusively Democrat and drag the education level of the party down every year?

Now you're backpedaling. First you imply that the educated "white vote" carried Trumps campaign. Then you flat out state that democrats are a party of high school dropouts. Then when given evidence otherwise you change your whinefest into a tantrum about non white voters and how the Democrats hate white people?

You're delusional
I never implied that at all, dipshit. I simply said that Trump won the white college educated vote, and you were saying I was wrong when you obviously were wrong yourself.

There is no “evidence otherwise”, moron. Every single site with statistics on the election will tell you that high school dropouts(people who vote but didn’t graduate high school, not people who didn’t graduate from college or go to one)voted overwhelmingly for the Democrats, just as they always do.

Non-white uneducated voters are 100% Democrat, and they continue to grow substantially as a percentage of the voting population. Eventually educated Democrats won’t be a blip on the radar compared to the uneducated ones.
As I said before, KatSteve is an idiot.

Denying a reality that is literally decades old to keep his pathetic superiority complex alive.

Please, feel free to produce one post where I remotely even suggested that I have a superiority complex.

Believing that I am more normal than some white nationalist, alt right loon is not proclaiming superiority.

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